Chapter One: Dangerous Beauty

Along that lonely road seven years ago, I don't remember anything except for the bitter cold, the pure white snow, and the dark feelings of depression. My parents and sister had died in a car crash about seven hours before, and I had run away to find help. I was covered in my sister Ai's blood, lost, defenseless, tired, and alone and couldn't do a single thing in regards to the deaths. My parents were killed instantly and my sister died saving me, and I was left out in the freezing night covered in blood, and nowhere to go.

"Are you lost miss?" a man asked, and he looked very respectable, dressed in suit pants, and a trench coat to keep warm.

I didn't reply, but I looked at him and he bent over to look into my eyes. His were an icy blue, and he wore rectangular glasses, his messy black hair blowing around in the chilling wind.

"Why are you covered in blood?" he asked softly and inhaled.

"My sister and parents just died today," I answered weakly, my ten year old body shivering.

"Mmm, that's too bad."

I looked back at the man and saw that his eyes had gone from an icy blue, to crimson. I felt fear possess my body as he placed his hand on my cheek and swiped some of the blood off me.

"Do you wish to see them again?" he asked and I started backwards.

"Leave me alone!"

"I can reunite you with your parents, miss," he said and grabbed a handful of my hair.

"NO! NO! HELP ME!" I cried desperately, the man's vampire fangs inches from my neck.

There was no way someone could hear me; I was out in the middle of only God knew where and not a soul in sight.

"It'll only hurt for a moment," the vampire whispered and I felt the fangs start to sink in when there was a sickening slicing sound.

"I believe she told you to leave her alone, you beast," a woman's voice said softly.

Realizing my eyes were closed, I opened them and saw a young woman about four years older than I was walk gracefully up behind the vampire, her own eyes glowing red.

"You're a disgrace," a young man about the same age as the girl said and yanked his hand out of the crippled body, "Naomi, please do the honors for me," he added kindly to the girl.

"With pleasure, Kaname-sama," Naomi said and lunged at the vampire, pulling him back into her arms, snapping his head back then sinking her fangs into his throat.

The vampire gasped and gurgled, blood splattering all across the pure white snow, and the boy named "Kaname" knelt down in front of me, his light crimson eyes kind.

"Are you alright?" he asked and I looked over his shoulder at Naomi who had the vampire by the neck, and he was motionless. She sensed my gaze and looked over at me, her eyes glowing crimson, and her waist long brown hair was soaking up the blood dripping from the vampire's chest and neck.

"It's okay," Kaname told me, "she won't hurt you."

"Who--who are you?" I asked, my eyes darting from Kaname to Naomi.

"My name is Kaname Kuran, and this is my twin sister, Naomi Kuran," Kaname said and Naomi made a sucking sound then threw the corpse to the ground, blood glistening down her chin.

"Kaname, we should get this girl to safety then leave," she said as the dead, bloody body in front of her turned to a dust.

"Alright, let's take her to Yuuki and Headmaster Cross. She can stay there," Kaname told her and Naomi turned her back to me.

"You take her..." she said softly.

"You're not going to do anything Naomi, you'll be fine," Kaname said to his sister lovingly and she looked back at me, her eyes shifiting from crimson to a beautiful blue-green.

"Naomi Kuran, Kaname Kuran," I breathed.

Both of them were beautiful, moon pale skin, tall, slender, both of their voices like silk and silver. Naomi had waist long hair that flowed around her when the faintest wind blew, her eyes were a stunning blue-green and they glistened like stars. She walked up behind Kaname with such grace, and I noticed her hair wasn't brown, it was a glossy, redish brown. Her body was perfectly shaped and toned, her lips stained crimson.

Kaname was just as beautiful. His messy, light brown hair danced in the wind and over his light crimson eyes. He was tall and thin like his sister, his teenage muscles perfectly porportioned. He took my shaking hand in his, and then carefully picked me up as if I were made of glass.

"You're going to be okay now," Kaname said to me, "we'll take you to a place where we can protect you from the bad vampires."

Naomi followed close behind, her red-brown hair flowing around her and her blue-green eyes kept darting from her brother to me. Kaname was holding me bridal style, and I kept my little arms around his neck, wondering what Naomi's dark expression was for. Kaname noticed my nervous expression towards Naomi, and he gave me a comfroting smile.

"Naomi won't hurt you, will you Naomi?" he said, practically reading my thoughts.

Naomi shook her head and looked away as I saw her eyes start to glow crimson again.

"Forgive me Kaname, but I'm going up ahead of you. Her scent is..." Naomi's eyes were shining red and yet, Kaname didn't seem angry like he had a few minutes ago with the other vampire.

"Go ahead Naomi. Ask Chairmen for some blood tablets and you'll be fine," he told her and she gave him a kiss on the cheek and me a brief nod before darting off ahead of us then disappearing in the shadows.

"I haven't asked you name yet, have I?" Kaname asked me once we were alone and I focused my eyes on his beautiful face.

"Nagasaki, Kyoko," I told him and he smiled.

"Kyoko-san, Naomi and I are pureblood vampires. Do you know what that means?" Kaname started and I tensed up.

"Yes I know waht that means," I whimpered and Kaname smiled kindly.

"Dont' worry, Naomi and I won't hurt you. Naomi used to be rather spoiled in regards to getting blood and when the war started, she wasn't able to get as much blood as she used to. Naomi only drinks the blood of Level E vampires though and she won't harm humans any longer."

"Level E?"

"Like the vampire that just attacked you, Kyoko-san. Naomi never drank the blood of innocent people, she'd only hunt people like murderers and bad people like that," Kaname told me.


"Because Naomi doesn't like hurting innocent and good people like you. She resists it, and even though she has a hard time stopping herself, Naomi won't harm you," Kaname assured me and I relaxed.

"You and Naomi-san are good vampires," I half told Kaname and half told myself, "you're good..."

It's been seven years since then, and that night was the first and last time I ever saw Naomi. Where she went, I was never sure because Kaname never told me. I remained with Yuuki and Chairmen Cross, and once I was old enough, I attened Cross Academy with her and Kaname. Rumor has it Naomi had run off to a different country to sort family issues out, but I never fully believed it because every time her name came up, Kaname would get a distant look on his face that could break anyone's heart.

Before Yuuki and I started at Cross Academy, Chairmen had taken in a third child named Zero Kiryuu. His parents had been attacked and killed by a pureblood vampire and had left Zero to die. Yuuki and I immediatly tried to make him feel like family, and Kaname had been there as well when Zero arrived. Looking back now, I realize how Kaname had suddenly departed and dashed upstairs as if there were someone waiting for him...possibly his sister. It had been ages since anyone last saw her, and according to Takuma, Ichijo, she only contacted Kaname. I never understood why Naomi was so secretive, it was like she was hiding something from everyone, even her brother. Never once did I see her since she and Kaname rescued me, but a few days after Zero's arrival, I had mentioned Naomi to him and he got the same, heartbreaking, distant look on his face like Kaname did.

Our school lives started at Cross Academy and I was able to become closer friends with the Night Class students, who were all vampires, and childhood friends of Kaname's. All of them knew Naomi, but none of them, except Kaname, knew of her whereabouts or if she was even alive. Kaname never spoke of her unless he wanted to tell of something from the past, but he never reveled information regarding where she was.

I was constantly being haunted by the memory of her, and every night before I drifted off to sleep, the memory of those crimson, blood-lusting eyes flashed into my mind. My dreams were full of the pure snow being stained by the scarlet blood, and the gurgling of the vampire having the remains of his life being drained out of him by the work of Naomi's fangs...but her eyes...crimson then the beautiful blue-green they changed to...those eyes will forever haunt me...bloodstains on the pale skin...her venomous fangs portruding from her mouth...over the red, red lips...but her full of bloodlust and secrets after she drained that vampire...menecing...haunting...terrifying even, but they were so sad at the same time...beautiful...majestic...calm...Naomi of the most beautiful, and one of the most dangerous vampires to ever live.