A/N: Hey! Thanks to those who reviewed! This is the last chapter, and I have to thank everyone who reviewed! (IluvToady, Kelseywazhere Miss Sparkey, Roxas XIII Pwns, Love-less Emo-Neko, CaCoPhOnY Of ScReAmS, XloneXwriter, Soomin, NatCat5, Zeldafreak17, Luckless-is-me, Finale Di Amore, PencilsLovePaper, MuffinPirate, XYukii, LiteraryMirage, Youngnozomi, Night's Mirth, SilverWhiteDragon and –JansenFriedh827-) I don't think I would have been able to continue this story without any of you, and so I hope that you all like this long final chapter! I dedicated a one-shot to you all! It's in my profile, and it's called 'Don't Say I Didn't Warn You'

Demyx leaped up from his bed in the guest bedroom, his eyes staring down in shock and horror at the naked blonde male in the bed who seemed just as shocked as he was. The blonde grabbed the white sheets and pulled them straight up to his chin, eyes wide as he stared at Demyx.

Myde, any idea who the fuck this is?

I- wait a minute...

The blonde in the bed slowly started to move, wrapping the sheets around him as he stood up. He wobbled and swayed, almost falling flat on his face. It seemed as if he hadn't walked in years, and he seemed to not realize how to move properly. The blonde looked up at him, his hand on the wall to hold him steady, and his knees buckling every few seconds.

"D-Demyx?" He asked, blonde hair falling in front of his face and framing his cheekbones. The blue eyes were looking up at Demyx's own, the shade familiar.

Myde... Who is it?

It's... It's... Holy shit, you can hear me still?

Why wouldn't I be able to- Holy crap!

Demyx jumped backwards from his place near the window, his fully clothed body sailing backwards and hitting the wardrobe with a loud thud. A mirror was conveniently placed on the furthest wall, and when Demyx saw his own reflection across the room instead of the blonde cocky one that he was so accustomed too, he screamed inwardly.

"Myde?!" Demyx allowed his mouth to drop open in shock, the action making him look like a goldfish. The other blonde nodded, his legs giving way and his body sliding down the wall, his eyes staring blankly ahead. Demyx rushed forward, kneeling down to Myde's height on the floor and staring at the blonde. His hands moved away the white sheet from his chest, Demyx's hand being placed over where the heart should be. A strong, detectable heartbeat was pulsing under the warm skin, and Myde's eyes continued to widen as he placed his own hand to Demyx's neck.

"Y-you still have a heart..." Myde stuttered, and Demyx grinned in realization. They both finally had hearts! Demyx smiled inwardly at how vulnerable Myde looked. He had always seemed cocky and confident in the way he spoke to Demyx in the mind, and in the dreams and memories that Demyx had of him. Now however, the other blonde seemed exactly how Demyx had seemed when he himself was created, vulnerable, shocked, amazed and frightened. Although in this scenario Myde happened to be naked. That fact alone would have made Demyx blush in total embarrassment, but the fact that he practically was Myde totally sealed all entrances for embarrassment. Demyx did have the courtesy to jump up from where he was kneeling, go over to the wardrobe and returned a few moments later with clothes and underwear for Myde.

It was then that Axel and Roxas burst through the door, Roxas looking disgruntled and Axel half-asleep, a chakrams in his hands.

"Where is 'e?" Axel muttered, eyes lidded as he took in the room. Roxas only rolled his eyes, realizing that Demyx hadn't screamed because an assassin was in his room, and put it down to Demyx seeing his reflection or something. Until he saw the naked blonde wrapped up in the sheets on the floor.

"Demyx, who is this? We're going to have to tell Zexion about this you know." Roxas muttered, yanking the chakrams from Axel's hands and hitting him lightly over the head with them. Axel groaned, laying down on the floor and curling up, attempting to go back to sleep.

"Roxas! It's not what it looks like! This is Myde, he's my somebody! You know the guy who normally shows up in the mirror!"

Great explanation, dumbass.

At this Demyx cast a glance over to Myde, who held a smirk unworthy of the Cheshire cat on his face. Myde merely shrugged when Demyx glared at him, before he stood up (sheets still wrapped around him) and moved past Roxas to the bathroom so he could get changed. Roxas stared after him with astonished eyes.

"He's your somebody! Him!?" Roxas choked out, eyes turning to the bathroom door when a loud 'obviously' was shouted out. Demyx stifled a giggle when Myde's voice ran through his head as his somebody was cursing something about toilet seats and carpets.

"But Ma'am, I'm a hundred percent certain I am supposed to be here." Myde stated, his eyes showing slight shock, astonishment, confusion and vulnerability. The lady at the desk sighed sadly, and Demyx could have sworn there were tears in her eyes as she regarded one of the blondes in front of her.

"Okay sweetie, don't worry. We'll sort this out. What's your name again?"

"Myde, Myde Miyona. Twin brother to Demyx Miyona. My parents certainly sent the form in at the end of the old term, and it says here that I'm supposed to start when the Easter holidays are over. Look." Myde held out a letter that held the schools logo in the top left corner, and seemed to be signed by the head of the university. The woman looked over it, sighing sympathetically.

"Hm, it seems you are supposed to start at the beginning of the new term. Something must be wrong with the computer. Perhaps it is because you are here in scholarship, whereas your brother is on paid education. Normally when there is no bank details, then there is always a problem." The woman shook her head, her fingers dancing swiftly across the keyboard of her computer. She finally looked up after a few minutes of typing.

"What's your last name again?"

"Miyona. Myde Miyona." Myde answered, brushing some of his hair from his face. His eyes were full of confusion and slight relief, and Demyx merely stared.

"Okay sweetie, I've got you here on the registers now. Here's a copy of your timetable, and I will see you when the new school term begins." The woman smiled sweetly and handed Myde a timetable, before waving them both off. Both of them walked out of the swivel doors to the school, Demyx only speaking when they were out of earshot.

"How the hell did you do that? She practically ate your bullshit!"

"Acting my dear Demyx, acting. All you need is a charming smile, innocent eyes and a pleading confused voice, and the cats in the bag." Myde snickered, a conniving smirk on his face as they walked out of the school grounds.

"She was almost crying because your name wasn't on that school list! You don't even know the woman, and you had her wrapped around your finger!"

"Oh please Demyx, no one can resist my charming good looks. Something that unfortunately wasn't passed on to you." Myde muttered the last part with a grin on his face, and Demyx reacted by smacking him up the back of the head.


"Oh remove the stick from your ass Dem, I was kidding!" Myde hissed, rubbing the back of his head. They got to the universities gates, and Demyx used his clearance card to get the metal gates open.

"You know, you are so cocky it's unbelievable. You would never guess that we were the same person."
"That's generally the point."

"What do you mean?" Demyx asked, his shoes scuffing the path loudly as he almost tripped up.

"Well that's what nobodies are. Most of the time they're the polar opposites of who they once were." Myde answered, folding up the timetable he had been given and placing into his hoodie pocket.


"Well, I am arrogant, cocky, and big headed, annoying, slightly selfish, curious and fearless. You are the exact opposite, apart from the fact that you too are annoying and curious. I suck at playing the Sitar, whereas the Sitar is your weapon and helps controls your nobody element. When I dated Ienzo, he was smart, funny, loved to get himself into fist fights with anyone who annoyed me, selfless, and cuddly. The Zexion you know is still smart, however he isn't cuddly, hates to get his hands dirty, the only form of funny from him is sarcasm and he's far from selfless. Complete opposites of the original. Do you know Ienzo had no sense of smell? One could spray cologne up his nose and he'd never smell it."

"That explains why Zexion has a good sense of smell." Demyx nodded as he said this, understanding why he was so different from Myde, and why Roxas was so different to Sora. Myde nodded as he heard Demyx's thoughts. That was another trick the two had realized. The fact that they were the same person, and the fact that they had been forced into one body for a while had meant that Myde could still hear Demyx's thoughts, and Demyx could hear Myde's, no matter how far away they were from each other.

They both finally reached Roxas's house, and Demyx struggled to get his keys from his jean pockets. He was about to put the key into the door (Roxas had given him one) when Myde's hand gripped his wrist quickly, stopping him from opening the door. Demyx looked up at him, but Myde was only staring at him in shock.

"Ienzo is in there." At this Demyx let go of the keys, letting them dangle in the lock whilst his eyes widened.

"Actually there physically, or only mentally?" Demyx asked. Myde shook his head.


"Then that means Zexion is back!" At this Demyx ran straight through the unlocked door, unable to give Myde a chance to stop him before he entered the place. Myde instead ran after him, attempting to grab him before he reached Zexion. He only just managed to grab the blonde's wrist again, but Demyx had already ran into the front room, his body coming to a halt and causing Myde to run straight into him.

"Demyx don't-"

Whatever you do, do not scream...

Z-Zexion? Myde what's happened to him?!

Demyx allowed his eyes to widen at the sight in front of him. Axel and Roxas were both sat on the floor to the left of Zexion, and the slate haired male was laid down in the middle of Roxas's laminated floor, his hand clutched to his abdomen where a massive blood patch was formed on his shirt. He was breathing heavily, his body convulsing every few moments. The keys dropped from Demyx's hands, clattering to the floor loudly and causing Roxas and Axel to both look up. Roxas stood up from his place on the floor, slowly making his way over to Demyx.

"He just stumbled in here about half an hour ago, covered in blood and muttering something about a director and his mother. I'm amazed he's still alive... With those wounds he should have been dead about twenty minutes ago." Demyx nodded at Roxas' words, and practically launched himself across the room towards Zexion. He collapsed to his knees next to the convulsing male, brushing his hair from his face and staring down at the midnight eyes that seemed relieved to see him.

"Come on Zexion, don't die on me!"

"The only reason he's still alive is because Ienzo is inside him..." Myde murmured, lingering by the doorway with Roxas. Roxas looked up at him in confusion, his cobalt eyes darting towards a convulsing Zexion and a crying Demyx and then back up to Myde's face.

"How? Just because a soul is inside you, doesn't make you invincible..."

"Not invincible, but it does give you a sort of extra life."
"What do you mean?"

"At the end of the day, when you fuse with your somebody, you will never realize it yourself. Others may, but you will not. In order to reawaken the soul inside you need to 'die.' It shocks the soul into protecting the only shell it has, and therefore you will survive death once. When that happens, the person will be able to hear the soul inside them, talk to it, and see it in the mirror. After a while the soul will have to leave." Myde explained to Roxas, and the other blonde merely nodded as he took in the facts.

"So when will we be able to remember then? Assuming that Zexion is our missing member."

"When Zexion recovers and Ienzo forces him to wake up. That doesn't seem to be possible yet, however." Myde answered, crossing his arms as Demyx's thoughts of dread filled his own head.

"Why not?"

"Zexion needs to fall asleep for him to truly wake up. And with him coughing up blood and convulsing, I don't think that will be possible."

"But you said he can't die-"

"I said he will survive death once. I meant the initial blow. Had Demyx been shot twice when Zexion was ordered to do so, neither of us would be here. Zexion seems to have survived the first hit; any other death-related injuries could have him dead in seconds." Myde forced his head to think of images of Zexion getting better, the images repeating in Demyx's head and comforting the hysterical blonde.

Demyx, turn him over. You don't want him choking on his own blood and spit now, do you?

The other blonde did as instructed, Axel helping him turn Zexion over so that he was face down on the laminate floor. Roxas looked over at Demyx, his head cocked to the side slightly.

"Myde... You know you are no longer inside Demyx, right?"


"Does that mean he'll be able to control his powers now?"

"Possibly... But I think Demyx has bigger things to worry about than controlling his powers." Myde answered, his eyes trained on the blood covered, still convulsing Zexion.

"No, it's not like that... I can vaguely remember the member of our organization who could control water, and he always had amazing healing powers... Something about a water cocoon or something... I think that member is Demyx... Could he control water?" Roxas asked, and the idea created memories in Myde's mind, which immediately sent them to Demyx's. Demyx's head snapped up, his eyes lighting up in remembrance and his mouth cursing himself for not remembering sooner.

Demyx summoned his sitar (Something he had been able to do anyway), and kept his focus on Zexion, whilst his fingers plucked at the strings of the large blue instrument. After a few moments of frustrated playing, jets of water started to gush from the end of the sitar, soaking the entire room as Demyx tried to control the element he hadn't used for nineteen years. Eventually, after soaking everyone in the room with sharp jets of water, Demyx managed to control the water and allow it to flow over Zexion's body.

The water twisted and turned around him, creating a strange form of oval shell, the water lifting him up a few inches off the ground so that the water could create a larger shell. The oval barriers of water formed, the inside slowly started to fill with water, tucking into every part of Zexion and soaking him to the core, yet glowing a strange green colour over the wounds on his body. Finally the water oval was filled, a small pocket of air visible above Zexions nose and mouth in the form of a clear bubble. Demyx slowly placed his hand into the water, brushing away the floating bits of hair from Zexion's face.

"Come on Zex, you can pull through this..." His voice shook as he withdrew his hand, the skin dry and lacking the drops of water that usually accompanied wet hands.

"So now what do we do?" Axel asked, his hand moving to touch the hovering oval of water. Demyx slapped his hand away with a look of warning on his face.

"We wait until he's healed. It should take a day or two. And don't touch the bubble. You touch it, you burst it."

"Then why could you put your hand in?"

"I made the bubble; I can put my hand in. And theres also the fact that you control fire... Your skin will evaporate the water it comes into contact with. I learned my lesson my third week into the organization. You probably can't remember, but you caused the water sculptures to burst by prodding them." Demyx answered, a small smirk on his face that crossed with a frown.

"I vaguely remember that... Larxene got pissed because her hair went all frizzy" Roxas mused, and Demyx only nodded.

"She went around zapping anyone who looked anywhere above her eyebrows."

The three continued laughing at the vague memory, but Demyx's eyes were still trained on Zexion even as he laughed.

Okay, wake up Shorty. Oi! Okay this is getting ridiculous. Zexion, unpark your ass from its slumber and wake the fuck up!

Zexion's eyes flew open at the familiar voice inside his head, but the flow of something irritating in his eyes made him clasp them shut in annoyance. He moved his arms from his side to rub his eyes, and then a loud 'pop' resonated through the room and Zexion found himself falling a short a few feet to the floor, covered in water.

Demyx came darting into the room moments later, his body having felt the magic that was holding the bubble up collapse. He ran towards the spluttering Zexion, who was rubbing his eyes with the back of his hand. The slate haired male didn't know what hit him when his mind focused and he found himself soaking wet in a sobbing Demyx's arms.

"Okay, I'm not even going to ask why I'm wet... And why are you sobbing? I haven't seen you cry this much since you watched 'Nights in Rodanthe.'" Zexion muttered, trying to wriggle his way out of Demyx's arms. He managed to do so as Demyx froze in place, looking down at Zexion with a look that was caught between shock and happiness.

"Y-You remember?!"

"Why wouldn't I remember that we watched Nights in Rodanthe in The Castle that Never-"Zexion trailed off towards the end, eyebrows furrowed as he thought about the memory that Demyx had tried to erase from his own mind. Demyx had once managed to persuade an annoyed Zexion to watch Nights in Rodanthe with him in the castle lounge, and the result had been disastrous. Zexion, who had the half heart and the feelings, didn't shed a single tear. Demyx however, without a heart or any feelings, had a massive echo of emotions, and the ending had caused him to burst into uncontrollable sobs, his mouth muttering words like 'why?' and 'he wasn't supposed to die!'

So to Demyx, the fact that Zexion remembered something from their past life caused a massive grin to spread across his face, and Demyx hugged him more tightly.

Then it was Zexion's turn to freeze in shock. His mind somewhat registered memories that were his and weren't his, memories that had him in it that didn't belong to him, and memories of someone completely different with a guy that looked a lot like Demyx.

"Ienzo!" The word was out of Zexion's mouth before he could stop it, and Demyx pulled back slightly, eyebrow cocked. Another blonde ran into the room from the kitchen, his hair framing his face and panting heavily. Zexion recognized him as the one from the memories.

Zexion... Is that Myde? He got out of the chasms safely! But why is he separated from Demyx?

Zexion wanted to ask the same question, but another question popped into his head. Who the hell was in his brain?

It's me, you idiot, Ienzo. I thought you were supposed to be smarter than me? Can you remember our last conversation?

Zexion thought for a moment, racking the overload of memories for one that included him actually talking to the purple haired apprentice. Finally images of a place filled with darkness corrupted his vision, and he could practically see Ienzo nod in acknowledgment.

Yes, that's right Zexion. You promised me that if you could find a way to get me out, you would do it. Despite that, you still spent nineteen years of this life without a friggen clue as to who you once were. You always seem to make empty promises, don't you?

At this Zexion clasped his hands to his head, attempting to block out Ienzo before he could continue, but his efforts were empty. Myde seemed to snap his head up at the last sentence, and Zexion had the strange feeling that Myde could hear Ienzo. Images of a large metal door being slammed shut filled his mind, followed by shouting and screams.

Yes, you're on the right track. Empty promises. You promised Myde that you would protect him, even when you were a nobody, but look at him now. He even has a snivelling nobody who is just like you.

At this Zexion almost screamed, cursing Ienzo for ever being allowed to leave the chasms when Zexion himself had put up more barriers around them.

I didn't make that promise to Myde. You did.

And as I am you, then you too made the same promise.

Myde kept looking at Zexion strangely, but Demyx seemed to notice his angst as he started to rub circles on the lower part of Zexion's back. When Zexion managed to block out Ienzo, and Demyx had sensed that his boyfriend wasn't as pissed, Demyx spoke up.

"So Zexion, mind telling me how the hell you managed to show up here covered in blood and wounds, as well as what the hell happened?"

"They said that the deal was my protection and all of yours. They never included my mother in the deal, and therefore shot her. I shot their director in retaliation, got the shit kicked out of me and then was thrown out a car outside this house and crawled my way through. I can't remember much after that." Zexion muttered, his hands closed tightly around a hot cup of coffee.

His eyes were red and puffy, a clear sign that he was about to cry. Demyx merely assumed it was because he had lost his mother, but Myde had a strange inkling that it was because of the torment that Zexion's somebody would most likely be putting him through. Ienzo was... slightly sadistic in that way, and would undoubtedly be pissed if he realized that Zexion never knew who he was before he was beaten up.

Roxas sighed heavily from his place at the counter, looking down at Zexion and then over to Demyx and Myde. He scratched the back of his neck for a moment, before looking back at everyone.

"So what do we do now? Wait for Ienzo to split with Zexion and then just skip off back to the Castle that Never Was?" Roxas asked everyone in the room, not noticing a small petal fall next to him. Axel merely shrugged, Zexion stared blankly off into space, Demyx looked at Myde who shrugged along with Axel, and Roxas was given a heart attack after Marluxia appeared right next to him, the petal on the floor gone.

"Hey everyone."

"Jesus Marluxia, you scared the shit out of me!" Roxas hissed, holding his hand to his heart. Marluxia merely shrugged.

"I gave you a warning sign... The petal fell; you had ten seconds to prepare for me. At least I give a warning, unlike her." Marluxia drawled out, and the inhabitants of the room only raised their eyebrows.

"Yeah, I mean just think about it. He could be like me, appearing with a 'pop!'" Larxene spoke up, her shrill voice accompanying her smirk as she leaned against Axel's chair. The redhead jumped a mile in the air when she spoke, cursing when the sadistic blonde cackled and patted his head. Myde stared over at the blonde; Demyx was stuck between watching the two of them or watching Zexion, and Roxas merely shook his head. Zexion remained unresponsive.

"Jesus Larxene, don't do that!"

"Ah get over it pyro. Besides, as to Roxas's little question, that is exactly what you do. Once Ienzo is separated from emo boy over there, you all go skipping back to the castle quickly, or you shall all have no reason to call yourself men." Larxene smacked Axel upside the back of the head as she cackled.

"A word of warning too, Axel, I'd be careful when you enter the castle again." Marluxia informed him, twirling a rose in his hand absent mindedly.


"Oh yeah, the superiors pretty pissed at you." Larxene put emphasis on the word 'pretty', pronouncing the 't' very clearly. Axel's head snapped up at this, his green eyes piercing the air and glaring towards Larxene.


"Apparently he thinks you were stupid if it took you eight months to realize that all you needed to do to restore these idiot's memories was to hit them hard over the head." Larxene answered, her glare matching his in ferocity.

"He'll probably only make you do kitchen duty or something." Marluxia muttered, earning a glare from Larxene.

"You have to ruin my fun, don't you?" Marluxia only shrugged, making his way over to Zexion.

"What's wrong with Zexion, Demyx?" He asked, gently prodding the other in the head. Demyx looked up at him in surprise.

"You remember us now?"

"Obviously. Now that Zexion has remembered everything, so has everyone else in the organization. In fact, I can remember the time when he rigged my TV to show Saix and the Superior going at it in the gray area." Marluxia visibly shuddered at this, and Demyx decided not to think too hard on the subject. Myde almost laughed at this, cast a look over at Zexion and then spoke up.

"Put that memory aside, we have another problem. I think I may have been able to separate from Demyx because we were both willing to separate. But with Zexion, I don't think Ienzo wants to let him go yet."

"What do you mean?" Demyx asked, grasping Zexions hand in his own, the slate/gray haired male flinching at the contact before relaxing and sending a half smile towards Demyx.

"Ienzo is in there, but it looks like he's giving Zexion mental torture."

"Zexion's just lost his mother! And you told me Ienzo was nice."

"Oh please, Zexion spent so many years hating his mother, I don't think her death would have this much of an impact on him. The way he keeps flinching suggests that he's arguing with himself, or in this case, with Ienzo. And Ienzo could be sadistic, evil, horrible and he held the worst grudges."

"Then why did you tell me he was so kind? And what kind of grudge would he have against Zexion?" Demyx hissed, his hold on Zexion's hand tightening and causing the other to flinch in pain.

"I promised him I would get him out of the chasms when I moved into my next life. He hates the fact that I forgot the promise, and thinks I should have jumped off a building or something years ago." Zexion muttered, his voice coarse as he hadn't spoken in a few days.

"He can't hold a grudge against you for that!"

"He can. It's Ienzo. He'd go from happy to angry, to pissed off to a ray of sunshine." Myde murmured, casting his eyes up to Marluxia, who was leaning on Zexion's chair.

"Can't you force him out?" Demyx asked, but Myde shook his head.

"It depends on the mood he is in when you try to coerce him out. But removing him by force will only be disastrous." Myde started to doodle idly on a piece of paper, ignoring the spray of water that was cast his way by Demyx.

"He is useless to us if the somebody stays in his mind." Marluxia butted in, blue eyes sending a glare towards Zexion. Zexion's eyes clouded over, allowing Myde to know that Ienzo was now in the conversation.

"Why am I?" Zexion/Ienzo hissed, hard eyes shooting daggers at Marluxia.

"Should the somebody stay inside you, then you will be unable to awaken your powers. Xemnas does not want a powerless nobody in the organization, apparently." Larxene cackled, tugging at parts of Zexion's hair as she left the conversation with Axel and cut into theirs. Demyx looked up at her, eyebrow raised.

"If that's the case, I'm staying here."

"Try telling that to the superior Dum Dums. He'll drag you home by your hair if he has to."

Their parting was, to say the least, uneventful. Well, as uneventful as saying goodbye to yourself could be. Ienzo had finally been coerced into leaving Zexion's body, and the blue haired male was stood next to Myde, looking different to Zexion as he could only ever remember himself as Ienzo wearing a white lab coat 24/7. Myde had his arm wrapped around Ienzo, the latter looking somewhat caught between annoyance and comfort.

Zexion was stood opposite the bluenette, awkwardly saying goodbye with his hands clasped together and his eyes shifting all over the room. Demyx was cheerfully saying goodbye to Myde, speaking quickly and keeping eye contact with his somebody.

"So if you ever need me, you know how to contact me!" Demyx finished, smiling widely. Myde smirked, tugging the bluenette in his arms closer.

"That could get annoying."

"It's not like I'll be doing a lot that is interesting to you."

"I know I will be doing a lot." Myde smirked wider as he slowly ran his hand down Ienzo's arm, the blue haired male blushing darkly and seeming to sink into himself. Zexion smirked at this, leaning onto Demyx.

"Oh we will too." At this it was Demyx's turn to blush, and he suddenly wished he had hair like Zexion's to hide behind.

Axel was stood with Roxas, who was raising an eyebrow at a sobbing Sora.

"I can't believe that after nineteen years of living life as outcasts together, you're leaving!"

"Look Sora, I can't stay here! So please stop crying!" Roxas protested, but the brunette was having none of it. He wiped at his eyes with his sleeve.

"You'll forget about me eventually, and then we'll never see each other again!" Roxas rolled his eyes, slapping the brown haired male across the face.

"Get a grip! Jesus Sora, how the hell can I forget you? After nineteen years of being a bloodsucker with you, it's hard to erase those memories!" Roxas hissed, and Sora merely stood there in shock, rubbing his cheek. Riku snickered, and Axel merely stared at Roxas the same way Sora was.

"Whoa, I don't remember you being this violent!"

"Can you blame me?" Roxas muttered, motioning towards the now snivelling Sora. Axel chuckled, walking off through the portal that had opened. Roxas gave Sora hug, muttering in his ear that he wouldn't forget him, and that he should hurry up and get home, as Riku was getting very frustrated. Sora slapped him on the arm for that, laughing through his tears before pushing Roxas through the dark portal.

"Well, no hard feelings, right?" Ienzo asked Zexion, who merely shook his head with a smile.

"I can't say no to that, as you can still speak to me in my head, remember?"

"Ah yes, that should prove entertaining in the years to come."

"That it shall." Zexion shook his head again, waiting next to the portal for Demyx to hurry up, walking through with him into the portal and ending up in the meeting room.

"Nice of you four to finally join us. I must say, when the portal appeared, we expected you to walk straight through it, not spend half an hour saying petty goodbyes." Xemnas hissed at them from his throne like chair. Xigbar had, at some point, portaled down next to them, and was now hugging the life out of Demyx. Demyx was only grinning, ignoring the disapproving looks from Xemnas and instead started to giggle.

"Superior, I do not see why you called us all into the meeting room merely to announce that our old members were back." Vexen droned, and Larxene jolted him to shut him up. She cackled when Vexen nearly fell out of his chair, even more so when he sent a death glare towards him.

"Now now Vexen, it is not considered polite to freeze hell over."

"I do not care! I simply want to get back to my experiments-"

"And people in hell want ice water. That doesn't mean they are going to get it." Larxene winked as she said this, only irking Vexen further.

Axel, Zexion, Demyx and Roxas all cast a look at each other, shaking their heads and walking through portals of their own, all going to their respective bedrooms.

Some things would never change.