Patrick's POV

I had never felt more rested.

The light breeze coming through the open window and the sun's rays warming my skin were a big change from my usual morning wake up. My room's small window faced a brick wall, so I never really saw the sun until I went outside. One of the reasons I loved my motorcycle so much. Open air and the sun shining were great aspects of any day. But no day had ever started as well as this one.

The small, curvy body lying in front of me was the true cause for such a great wake up call. Her head laid on one of my arms and a small sliver of her skin was touching my other hand, where I held her to me by her stomach. Her haired smelled like lavender and coconut, a surprisingly delicious combination. She shifted slightly and mumbled, "Morning". I tightened my hold, since I knew for certain that she was awake. My arm bent slightly, allowing my hand to pass through her soft hair in a soothing motion for us both.

"Hello, my beautiful Katharina."

She turned around to face me and looked up at me. I could see a slight blush spreading on her cheeks. She looked adorable shy, something that she rarely felt, I knew.

"There's no need to blush, babe. How are you feeling?"

"Like I just experienced the best night of my life. You?"

"Same. Happy One Year Anniversary."

I leaned down to give her a good morning kiss. I tried to keep it soft and slow, but eventually I couldn't control myself and let our passion take control for a bit. She pulled away when she needed oxygen and laid her head on my chest. She fit so perfectly against me. I couldn't believe could fast the year had gone by.

Kat and I had started out on shaky ground. At first, bickering with her had been a fun past-time during dreaded school days, but soon I realized that she was different from all the others I have had any interest in during the past few years. Eventually, I decided to set the record straight and tell Kat we were dating. I knew that I would get nowhere asking her, so telling her seemed the best course of action. Of course, nothing could be so easy with Kat. She made me prove that I wanted more than just some quick fun with her. Meeting her dad sounded like a trip to Hell, but the guy was surprisingly chill about me dating her daughter. I didn't mention our private conversation slash threat to castrate me, to Kat. I understood why he was so protective. He had strict rules about when and where I could see her (he even went to so far as to take down her bedroom door), but we got into the swing of things without too much trouble. But of course, she was Kat Stratford and I was Patrick Verona, so something majorly volatile had to happen. I almost lost her that day, but I was lucky and she gave me another chance.

My shop class friends were hounding me. Kat and I had just recently come out as a couple, and it ended up making headline news in the Padua High rumor mill. The guys had wanted some details about how far I had gotten with her. I had never been shy about giving away a couple details, but I didn't want anyone else to know such intimate details about Kat. Only I had a right to that information. They decided my lack of details meant I hadn't gotten anywhere with her, that I had "lost my touch". I knew they had no clue what went on between us, but it still hit a nerve. I hadn't gotten that far with her, and I was beginning to wonder if she was using me for her reputation, like the others. I had explained to her afterwards why it affected me so much, but it was too late to prevent me from hurting her.

That night Kat and I were together in her room, since only her sister was in the house. We had been making out on the bed, when I put my hand under the back of her shirt and headed towards the bra clip. I had never done that before, but I was feeling hurt and decided to push a bit. She had told me that clothes had to stay on, but I decided to see if they had to stay in place. Before I could reach the clip, she pulled away from me.


"Lighten up and have some fun. Come on Kitty."

I had never called her that, preferring to use her full name or "babe". She shoved me away from her and stood with her back against the far wall of her room, keeping her eyes on the floor.

"Get out. I don't want you here."



"You're overreacting, Kat."

"I am not overreacting! You know nothing! Go away, find someone easy to get your fix, because it's not going to happen with me."

She was crying at this point, holding her arms protectively around herself. I had realized something was very wrong, especially when she started having problems breathing.

"Kat, you need to breathe. I'm not going to hurt you, but I'm not leaving until you calm down."

Eventually she let me hold her and her breathing went back to normal. I kept apologizing over and over again with my lips against her ear. I couldn't believe I had let the guys affect me so much that I hurt one of the few people I cared about in this world. I needed to make it up to her, so I let her see how uncertain I was about whether or not she truly wanted to be with me, or just Padua's bad boy. She assured me that it was me she truly wanted, then told me about her past.

She told me about this guy she used to date, Michael. How he had pushed her for more than what she was willing to give, and forced her into some actions when she kept saying no. I had never thought I could feel such rage as I did in that moment. Though my rep was pretty scary, I knew I wasn't the violent kind. Now I wasn't so sure. She had looked worried after telling me, and I realized she must see the hatred in my eyes. I told her all of it was directed at this guy, that she had done nothing wrong.

We had shared a lot to each other that night, and I made sure she believed me when I told her I wouldn't push her again. And I didn't. Over time our physical relationship has gotten more intimate, and now I was in her bed, one year after it all started. We hadn't had sex; she wasn't ready for that yet, though I could feel her getting more and more comfortable as time passed. I had asked for the whole day with her as my anniversary gift, and Kat being Kat, understood my hidden meaning. She thought it was the perfect gift to share with each other, so I arrived at her house five minutes before midnight last night and had her in my arms the very moment the day began.

Holding her in my arms all night and making her feel safe and loved was my gift to her.

Trusting me to be in her bed and not try to push for more than what we already did was her gift to me.

It was the perfect way to start our anniversary. I couldn't wait for the day ahead.

AN: Sorry it took so long. Hope you enjoyed it. Please review.