This is my first SessxInu fic, so be kind.

It'll probably be a two shot, in Inuyasha POV. I guess there's a plot here, but I don't know if it'll continue. Depends on reviews.

Warning: Lots of smut in the second and third chapter. Not intended for those under 18, but, who really cares about warnings?

I am here for your enjoyment and entertainment.

Chapter 1: Bastard

Oh, I hate him. I hate him with every fiber of my being. I know I do.

But then…

Why do I do everything he says? Why do I obey his every command? Why is he so important to me?

Why do I ride him, every night, just like he likes it? Why do I bend over his desk for him, at any time, even if there are guests waiting to be seen? Why do I moan and beg for him to give me more when he insists on teasing me?

Night after night…day after day…I didn't care about the nice clothes or jewelry. I didn't care about the flowers or gardens. Sure, it flattered me. How could it not?

Even what I was wearing now had been a gift. A long kimono robe and pants all white with beautiful pink flowers lining the back and arms along with the inside of the pant legs. But, that wasn't the answer to all of my questions.

It can't be because I am his mate. I know I still have control over myself and my actions. It can't be because I am pregnant. The only thing that gets me is emotional and makes me hurl every few minutes.

So…why do I do it? Why am I still here? Why don't I just run away? Would he kill me if I ran away? Would he hurt me if I didn't listen?


And there he is. Walking into our bedroom, looking as if he was thrown off of a cloud and his wings torn off. What do I say to him? What does he want me to say to him? Why do I even care what he wants?!

"What the hell do you want, you bastard?" I said, my voice cold.

He looks away and smiles softly, as if what I said was a joke. Just another thing I hate about him. He never takes me seriously. Never. He always thinks that what I say doesn't matter, that what I say has no effect to him.

Oh, but I knew it did. Everything I said hurt him. Everything I did hurt him. And he told me everyday why it did.

…Because he loved me.

"Jenriojin wants to see you. He wants to check on the pup."

Jenriojin. The healer of the castle that houses the Lord of the Western Lands and his mate. He always has to check this stupid child. As if I wanted it. As if I needed it. I stood from the small desk and looked at him.

"Fine. Where is he, then?"

Those golden eyes stared at mine, the long white hair framing his beautiful face. He wore his usual clothing today, white kimono donned with red. I continued to look at him, my mouth suddenly beginning to water, my cock starting to get hard. He looked away again, out the window this time.

"The northern wing. In the room next to the dining room."

I walked to the door of the room, but didn't feel him behind me. He always came with me to see if the pup was alright. What was he doing now?

He was leaning over the windowsill, looking outside at the pretty sakura trees and flowers in the garden. When he noticed I was looking at him, he turned and let his head tilt to the side.

"What are you waiting for?"

I looked away from him then, my face getting hot. "I…I thought you were coming too."

I looked up to see him shake his head. "No, I'll just ask Jenriojin tomorrow how it went. I'm going to go in the garden for a bit."

Something was wrong with him. But then again, something was always wrong with him. So why should I really care?


I opened the door and slammed it shut on my way out, walking quickly down the hall and passed the foyer to get to the small room.

"Rrr…" Who the hell did he think he was?! As if I weren't important to him at all! He always go to see if the pup is alright, or if something is wrong. Always. Why is he acting so strange? What the hell is going on?!

I passed the dining room, slowly cooling down as I entered Jenriojin's examination room, filled with scented incense made to calm me down. I sat down and he immediately took notice. His dark orange eyes flicked up and wrinkled with his sharp toothed smile. He was a nice old demon, always got me in a good mood. He had dark blue hair and light, peachy skin, covered in his alpha mating marks. Like all the marks Sesshoumaru had.

"Ah. Lord Inuyasha. How are we feeling today?"

I grimaced and smiled. "I think I may have threw up a few vital organs, but other than that, I'm fine."

"You're only a few weeks along Inuyasha. So, I'm sorry to say, but it's only going to get worse."

I groaned and hunched in my seat. "Great."

"Oh! I was expecting to see Lord Sesshoumaru! Where is he?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "He said he'd talk to you tomorrow. He wants to take a walk in the garden."

He looked deep in thought for a second and slightly disturbed. Did he know why Sesshoumaru was acting so weird?

"Oh…well, alright, milord. Sit still and breathe deeply."

I did as he told and he laid his hands on my still flat stomach, the light blue glow slowly forming under his hands. He had told me what the glows meant. Light blue for healthy. Gold for weak and sick and red for death.

"You're still in perfect health, sir. And so is the child."

I smiled softly and got up. "Thanks. I'll see you tomorrow, Jenriojin."

When I was almost to the door, I heard him call me. "Lord Inuyasha. May I speak to you for a second?"

I looked back into the tangerine eyes and I saw that he was very serious. I sat back into the small stool and looked over at the only friend I had in the castle.

"What is it, Jen?"

"Inuyasha, you know very well that Sesshoumaru has been acting very strange these past few days, yes?"

"Well, yeah, he has been, but why would that concern me?"

"I'm afraid that it's because it doesn't concern you that he is acting like this."

"Oh, please, Jen." I stood and walked to the door and stepped into the hallway. "It's just another one of his phases."

I walked back to the bedroom.

If I had stayed only a few moments longer, I would have seen the old demon shake his head sadly.


When I got back to the bedroom, Sesshoumaru was not there. His scent was strong around the room, so it was clear that he had just left. I walked over and sat down on the bed slowly, looking around.

I never really felt safe in this castle. I always had to be on guard. The only time I let it down was when Sesshoumaru was around…

No! I won't let myself think of such foolish things!

I laid back on the bed, feet dangling over the side and my head sank into the silk sheets. Stupid castle. Stupid Sesshoumaru. Stupid… -sniff- -sniff-… Wow! I threw my face into the blankets and sniffed until my lungs were filled. The blankets smelled fantastic!

They smelled so good…like the forest after a nice drizzle of rain and a dash of roses covered in dew…they smelled…just like Aniki smelled…right after a hot bath…

I shot up from the bed and shook my head from side to side, as if to throw the disgusting thought out. I had promised myself that I would never get emotionally involved when we agreed that mating each other was best for the Western Lands.

So why am I thinking such stupid things now?

End Chapter

There you go! Now that you know what's going on between the couple, do you think it's worth it to go on?

I really liked the whole thing. And the scene that I plan to post next kind of put a tear in my eye. I just never knew I could write something like it.

Well, anyways, please review and let me know what you think about this chapter. Until next time!

Jeanni Ruiz