
By Snare-chan

Pairings: Cloud/Yuna
Ratings: T
Category(ies): Romance/Adventure/Alternate Universe
Warning(s): Spoilers for Final Fantasy X; some for X-2 and VII
Status: Continuation, 1/2
Summary: One day they're there, then one day they're not, and somewhere in-between, the real magic happened.

Notes: Firstly, this is dedicated to Sekiharatae from the Ficlets on Demand community over on livejournal (typed as fic underscore on underscore demand, if you're curious enough to search out the place), who requested the pairing. I was browsing the list there for a good, hearty challenge, because sometimes I like to dip my toes into something new and it'd be nice if I made someone's day on top of it. What appealed to me to do this one was that I haven't written many crossovers, and definitely never one involving Final Fantasy VII or X, and seeing the couple Cloud/Yuna piqued my interest to seal the deal. So! This one is to you, Sekiharatae, for inspiring it.

The story takes place one year after Final Fantasy X, shortly after the final battle in Final Fantasy VII and incorporates some of Final Fantasy X-2. I have a surprising amount to say about this aside from that, but I don't really want to take up the room to tell it all, considering I'm not even sure how big of a following this ship will have (or if anyone will approve of what I've done to the characters), so feel free to ask questions or state your concerns if you've got'em. Otherwise, sit back, hang tight, and enjoy!

Disclaimer: I dun own Final Fantasy VII or X, wish I did like everyone else. They should put FFVII and X in stock, then I'd buy it all!

Yuna didn't know who the man was, only that he was blond-haired, owned a sword, and had washed up on the shores of Besaid Island. She knew who he wasn't, couldn't be, and, were she a smidgen weaker at heart or less of a human being, she may have turned him away or handed him off to someone else. But she was neither, and thus she took in this stranger who mumbled about green lights, second chances, and forgiveness in his sleep.

"Hello," she greeted him, his glowing eyes beholding her owlishly as he awoke for the first time since she'd found him. "I'm Yuna, and some friends of mine found you on the beach. You're on the isle of Besaid, resting inside of my home. How are you feeling?"

The man said nothing, staring at her intently, and then slowly brought a hand up to his forehead. A bump the size of his palm had previously decorated his left temple, but with her expert care, she'd worked it down to a scrape. It would heal nicely on its own and not leave a scar.

"You must have hit your head pretty hard, doing whatever it was you were doing. Does it hurt?"

He hesitated, and then shook his head. Worriedly, she gnawed on her bottom lip, trying to come up with a polite way to phrase her next question. Yuna had been raised proper, and to believe in excellent first impressions, and she'd feel guilty if she offended the gentleman.

"Can…Are you able to speak?"

Hesitating again, he seemed to be gathering himself up to the task, and then opened his mouth, his voice scratchy and obviously raw as he said, "Yes."

"Ah! I'm…I'm happy to hear that," she admitted, meaning it with all of her soul. Her hands clasped tightly together in her lap as she next inquired, "What is your name? If it's not too much to ask."

"I… I don't remember."

It was then that she wondered how fate could be so cruel, to curse the both of them this way.

Waiting outside of her hut was Lulu, her black dress accented by the light coming from the bonfire burning in the center of the village. Yuna had gone out to retrieve food and drink, among other supplies, to make her guest more comfortable. When she returned, her childhood friend was waiting there for her, looking like a dark specter, and she stumbled a little as she stopped in front of her, clutching the basket of goods close to her chest.

"He's not him, you know. I didn't think I would even have to say it," Lulu said, softly, to keep from alerting anyone else to their conversation, but laced with a disappointment that made the words come out in a hiss. It wasn't angry – her old guardian could never be angry at her – but there remained something that felt akin to scolding.

"I know," she mumbled. "I didn't think he was."

Lulu tilted her head, her long hair gliding off her shoulders and falling to rest against her back. Her expression clearly said what she thought of that lie.

"It's…all right, to hope now and then, Yuna. We all had hoped," she said sincerely, earnestly. "But don't be like Wakka. Looking for people within people isn't fair, to yourself, or to those you compare."

"I'm not. It's not like that," she said hurriedly, perhaps too fast. But there was no going back and saying it over.

"He's hurt, and I'm taking care of him. That's all."

Their gazes caught and held, Lulu's hard and judging, and Yuna's sure and determined – the immovable object meets the unstoppable force. The only way this would end was if one side chose to give in, and when it came down to that, the dark mage did, her head bowing at last.

"Be careful," was all she said in parting, moving past, her form blending into the night.

Over the course of a week, she dedicated herself fully to taking care of the swordsman. He was a bit withdrawn and quiet, and it was up to her to fill the silence. While she cooked, she'd recite tales of the land, speaking about the people who thrived all across Spira. She spoke of those who lived in Besaid, Kilika, Luca, and Beville; of the Ronso who played in the snow of the mountains, the Guado who maintained the Farplane, the Hypello that thrived near the rivers, and those she was related to, the Al Bhed, and how they temporarily resided on an Airship.

It was during the story of the flying ship that she truly got a reaction out of him, as he picked up his head and looked at her back. When she turned around to set down soup for him, she was startled to catch his gaze and nearly dropped the tray.


"Oh! Yes. It's a rather marvelous machina, and so big! Bigger than some of the boats in any harbor, and it soars like a vision. I've been on it a couple times, and it's scary at first, but I think you'd like it."

"Does Cid fly it?" he asked.

"My uncle wouldn't hand it over to anyone but himself," Yuna chuckled, and paused as a realization struck her. "How…How do you know that name? I don't remember telling you about Cid."

She gasped, setting the food aside and taking a seat next to him, taking one of his hands in both of hers.

"Are you remembering, is that it? What else do you recall? More names, faces?"

The man frowned, brows crinkling together in thought.

"No, nothing like that. For a moment, maybe…"

Her smile did not falter, accustomed to remaining bright towards the world, even when the weight of it should have brought the edges down. She clasped his hands tighter, reassuring.

"That's okay. This is a start."

Yawning largely, Yuna sat up in her chair and stretched, politely covering her mouth as the yawn went on too long to be considered proper. She had taken up residence in a chair, her bed freely given to the stranger whose name she still did not know, despite their extended interaction. He had yet to remember, and it felt wrong picking a new one for him without his consent.

With him in mind, she got to her feet, stretching once more for good measure, and greeted the empty room with a warm, "Good morning!" before releasing a gasp at the sight of the unmade bed and missing presence.

"Oh dear, oh dear," Yuna whispered under her breath. Hurrying out of her home, she glanced left and then right. There were a few people milling about at this hour, but none of them was who she needed to find. She spotted Wakka just waking up and welcoming the day, and hurried over to take him by the arm to garner his attention.

"Have you seen, um…that stranger who washed up on the beach? He's gone missing, and I don't know where he could be!"

"Whaaat? No, I haven't seen him. Maybe he left a note, ya?"

"N-no… I didn't see one. I'd better keep looking!"

Letting him go and ignoring his cries for her to wait, she hurried towards the stone pillars that signified the only exit and entrance to the village. The dirt road that led in and out hadn't changed since she was a little girl, and she knew it by heart, able to run it and not lose a step as she kept her attention towards searching for the blond man.

Eventually, when her search proved fruitless along that direct route, she went off the beaten path and searched the forests. Hiking up her skirt to do so, she cupped her free hand around her lips in hopes of projecting her voice.

"Hello? Is anyone out there?"

Carefully stepping over the ruins of a tan-colored adobe structure, Yuna spotted one that was still upright and headed for it. Climbing to what remained of its roof, she managed to make out a small pond and a shock of dark clothing in the distance, and she let out a content shout at finally finding where he had been hiding.

Scrambling back down, she went in the relative direction she'd spotted him in, pushing aside tree branches and jumping over rocks, and not stopping until she had him directly in her sights.

"There you are! I've been looking for you!" she declared, placing a hand just over her chest to steady her breathing. "You had me worried!"

He turned to regard her, the smirk he directed at her almost wide enough to flash pearly white teeth, and the way he held himself seemed…odd. A hand rested on his hip, and the cocky stance he held gave her pause as she wondered if he had been outside too long. Technically, she considered him in recovery. Perhaps the fresh air had done something to change him.

"It's alright; there's nothing here I can't handle."

"Well, yes, I suppose. The fiends here are rather timid, but you should still be careful."

The man's arms rose up in a wide shrug, clearly nonchalant despite her warning. His behavior was becoming progressively more and more peculiar.

"It'll be fine. Where's your sense of adventure, anyhow?"

Oh, if only he knew what sort of adventures she had been on.

"A girl like you isn't suited to boring village life," he declared suddenly, offering her that smile from before, which threw her off balance to see. "Come on; let's have some fun."

Without warning, he picked her up in his arms, causing her to wrap both of hers around his neck in alarm. He jumped into the water and she let out a surprised cry, clinging tight and awaiting the cold splash. The secluded lagoon was barely seven or eight feet deep, allowing them to at least submerge. Yuna came up gasping for air, shaking her head to dispel some of the water clinging to her hair and face.

The man looked to have disappeared, and she turned in a few slow circles before spotting two spikes of gold sticking out above the lake's surface, looking akin to the fin of some predator fiend, until her mystery guest peeked his eyes above the water line and looked at her quizzically, as if he were lost.

Despite the expression, she couldn't help but release a couple peals of laughter, the other's physics-defying hair amusing her greatly. Yuna's sides quickly grew to hurt, unaccustomed to doing anything that vigorous, and the island filled with a joy that it hadn't experienced in an equal amount of time as her.

There wasn't a repeat of that incident in the days that followed, the man reverting back to his rather reclusive nature. Yuna wasn't sure which personality she preferred, and at once decided that it didn't matter. Whatever he felt like expressing was what counted, and she was happy to accept whichever he chose.

His habit of vanishing continued, however, and even became customary. She didn't always know where it was that he went off to during the day, and for the most part she tried not to worry, provided he returned when the sun went beyond the horizon.

In that time, she also wasn't aware of what exactly he was doing, but she reasoned it might have had something to do with his past. If she'd lost her memories, she probably wouldn't care where she went, because everything would be fresh to her.

There was one place he frequented, or it could be counted as frequented, considering she had found him there on two previous occasions. Close to the Besaid docks was a beach, and from it was the best view of the sunset. Spira on the whole, no matter what part of it one visited, was promised a spectacular rising and falling of the sun. However, on this island, if someone wished to see the setting of it at its best, then they would watch it from that spot.

Yuna found him there, sidled into the sand and one knee pressed up against his chest. He was silent at her approach, and she came to stand at his side, enjoying the view along with him. She couldn't remember the last time she'd taken a moment of her day to enjoy the simple, nature-provided pleasures. The former Summoner had almost forgotten what the sunset resembled.

"I want to go."

"I'm sorry; what did you say?" she asked, having trouble hearing his soft-spoken words over the waves and wind. Inclining her head towards him, her multicolored eyes met his glowing ones, which seemed ethereal in the dying light.

"I want to go."


He frowned, not holding the answers, and looked out over the sea.

"I'm not sure; it's just a feeling I have. That I should be searching, out there."

The announcement wasn't unwelcome, per se. Internally, she'd come to terms with the realization that this situation would arise. It wasn't fair to keep him here, on this small island so separate from the rest of the world. Besaid was a safe place for growing and nurturing, but not for freedom of spirit. Nothing happened here except beginnings and endings.

Regardless, she couldn't, in good conscience, send him to face Spira alone.

"All right, I understand. I'll arrange for a boat to pick us up in a few days, and we can see about finding what it is you're looking for."

Turning abruptly to regard her strangely, a protest lingered on his tongue, but she beat him to it.

"I've been all over Spira; I know the way, and I have friends who can help. If we run into trouble, I know what to do. And…" she paused, wringing her fingertips together as an anxiousness threatened to overwhelm her from the truth, "I want go with you."

"You've already helped me. It wouldn't be right to burden you further."

"Please," she whispered, her mind made up and driving her persistence, "let me do this. I won't get in the way, and I won't be a bother, I promise!"

"I'm the one being a bother…"

"Oh! That's not true," Yuna said, reaching out a hand for him to take. "If we're going to be leaving soon, we'd better prepare for the trip, you know?"

He paused, considering, and then to her relief, he accepted her hand and clasped it tightly within his.

If they were going to be traveling, it'd be smart for them to dress appropriately, the man in particular. His clothes were strange – thick and wooly, too heavy for most of Spira's environment. Going swimming or getting wet wouldn't be a problem should he be fitted with attire that would protect him from the weather and climate conditions.

In retrospect, Yuna might have spared her guest if she hadn't trusted Lulu to dress him, but it wouldn't dawn on her until later.

She was changing, too, replacing her long skirt, tops, and obi for a new pair of shorts, shirt, and hip-sash, this set unworn. She adjusted her boots, alternating between glancing at the laces as she tied them tightly and the pile of her old clothes. A sense of finality sunk in the more she stared at them. Yuna had owned them before she was a Summoner, and they'd adorned her through her first quest across the land and sea. The clothes had served her well, lasting all these years with only a few torn hems and thinning spots to demonstrate their livelihood. They were due for retirement.

When she finished setting her footwear, she stood up straight and regarded the mound of folded clothes, running her fingers over the silk material one final time. Yuna would miss them, but their impracticality could not be afforded.

Leaving them in the space, she walked out to the main room, her ears picking up the sounds of rustling fabric. Wakka and Lulu were there, which meant it was the swordsman making the noise, no doubt still in the process of changing.

"What'd you give the poor boy, ey? A girl finished faster than he did!" Wakka stage whispered, to which he received an indignant, verbal protest from Yuna and a slap to each arm, one from each lady present.

"Ouch! I didn't mean it like that! What I meant to say was that he seems to be takin' a long time. Is everythin' alright in there, ya think?"

"He's a big boy, Wakka. I think he can dress himself just fine," Lulu pointed out, remaining in a huff.

"Right, right…" he mumbled, dismissing the subject and turning to Yuna instead. "That's a good look for you! Might have to be beating the boys off with your staff."

He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and drew her into a half-hug.

"You watch out for them, ya? I don't want to hear about them doing anything unseemly to you, else I might have to tag along and chaperone. Unless you want me to…"

His offer wasn't thinly veiled, but that was okay. She wouldn't have wanted him to be any other way, and it wasn't about how he tried to be sneaky and ask if she needed him again, but the fact that he bothered in the first place. Smiling serenely, she gently blew into his ear to politely dispel him from her person.

"I can handle myself. We'll be fine."

Protests were thwarted by the man stepping out to reveal his new look. Wakka had to stifle his laughter, Lulu looked as pleased as she was willing to get, and Yuna covered her mouth with one hand. It wasn't that his clothes were improper…just that they retained their unusualness. Lulu had an affinity for a darker style than what society could appreciate, it clashing with the tropical colored dyes used on most local clothes.

She'd made him an outfit out of durable fabric, the kind that was thick but would dry faster than cotton, and would stretch and flex to account for movement. An indigo, sleeveless shirt, black pants, gloves, boots, and an assortment of additional fabrics made up the bulk of the outfit, and Lulu being Lulu, she'd had to include some belts and a couple of metal accents.

While Wakka found the sight comical, Yuna considered it fitting. It was…well, attractive, she could admit to herself, and she was comforted to know that it would withstand the test of anything. Lulu had made her own attire, too, and if hers had lasted the passage of time and through countless battles, then his would, too. However, Yuna couldn't shake the feeling that it resembled…mourning, it clinging to him like it had hovered around her friend when she lost Chappu. That was when she had donned her current dress, it becoming as much a part of her as her sadness and seriousness had.

"Hm…a bit loose, but for guess-work, it will serve you well," Lulu commented as she stood closer to examine her handiwork, her painted fingers tugging gently on the piece of black fabric that hung over his left arm.

Looking a bit shy at her intense scrutiny, he stated, "Thank you; it fits comfortably."

"Luzzu has your sword. He claims not to have practiced sharpening work in a long while, but he's a modest one. Its refinement should be completed. Come, I'll show you the way."

Lulu offered him her arm, and he stared at it in bewilderment, as if wondering what he was intended to do with it, before tentatively looping his arm around hers. She guided him out, taking him to the lodge where Luzzu spent his time when he wasn't training recruits.

"Gotta thank that guy someday. That outfit was originally intended for me," Wakka declared, once the two of them were out of earshot. "Dun know what 'Lu was thinkin', wantin' me to wear that. Black isn't my color, ya?"

Yuna was inclined to agree, and simply nodded her head.

The Besaid Temple was quiet, the Hymn of the Fayth long since done with its final verse. Not as many people frequented it these days, the struggle with Yevon having caused a lot of turmoil, but no one dared remove or desecrate this sacred shrine, out of respect for Summoners and inhabitants of the cloisters past.

Yuna never thought she'd be back here; first, because she'd assumed she'd be dead (and almost had been, on numerous occasions), and second, due to the cloying reminders that encompassed the building. There were both pleasant and unpleasant memories, ones that warmed, choked, and haunted her.

Lulu found her kneeling near the dark and dried container of Valefor. She wasn't praying, unsure of what she should be praying for, or seeking answers. This was a place of introductions, and it just felt right to be there.

"Are you sure it's wise, what you're doing? There is still time to change your mind."

"Yes." No, she wasn't.

"I'd hope you'd think so. I can't say as I approve of the idea, you two going off alone for parts unknown…"

Yuna turned, watching and expecting.

"But…I am proud of you."

Her friend stooped and offered her form of a hug, an arm wrapped around so that her hand came to rest at the top of Yuna's head.

"You've already traveled the way, and you are brave. Wherever this man takes you, I rest knowing that you will survive the journey. Just…promise me one thing."

"What is it?"

"No more tears. You have done your time with them."

"Mm…all right, I promise."

The black mage nodded, accepting of her pledge, and stood.

"Remember to go say goodbye to Wakka. It'll hurt his feelings if you don't go and talk to him in person before you leave," Lulu warned. She did not move to go, patiently waiting until Yuna was done. Their transport would wait however long it took her to be ready, the vessel a small one with not a lot of requests for transfer.

Wordlessly, she got back to her feet, took up her staff, and slowly made her way to the docks, where everyone awaited their second chance to send her off in one lifetime.

They rested in Kilika, a welcome relief and temporary stopping point for the passengers to disembark and settle in or catch their breath. The two of them would be staying the night, nothing leaving the harbor until noon tomorrow.

Their lodgings were at the local inn, and Yuna was familiar with them. The structures were all similar; once you'd seen the inside of one, you'd seen the inside of them all. She had gil saved up, there too much for her to spend on her own and few amenities to worry about purchasing on such a tiny island, and affording private accommodations for two wasn't that far of a stretch.

"I'm going to make a few stops while we're here, if that's fine with you," Yuna informed him as they checked into their respective rooms, numbers ten and eleven, that were directly across from each other. "A bit of sightseeing and shopping while we're stopped here. Feel free to do the same. If we don't see each other again tonight, just be sure to wake up before our ship leaves."

He hm'ed in acknowledgement and went inside of his room. She did the same, dropping off her few belongings, and quickly left to go back outside. Yuna planned on visiting the temple here, too, and to see how Kilika had expanded in her absence.

As it turned out, they did meet again, the curtain of darkness lingering at their backs. The day had slipped by tediously as she went about her business, leaving her mentally drained and hyper-sensitive, physically. There had been a few surprises, like running into fellow ex-Summoner, Dana, that had made her day interesting, but there wasn't much else to do come evening.

That was how she found herself standing on one of the many wooden paths that made up Kilika. The villagers had repaired its numerous walkways and rebuilt their homes, the waterfront once more their domain. Yuna was overlooking the ocean – handmade reed coffins by the dozens, floating just under the surface –as the sun sank below the horizon – pyreflies dancing, round and round and round they go, reflecting a shimmering light that was both beautiful and tragic – and the wind picked up – carrying the cries of mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, grandparents, and grandchildren, unable to dry their tears…or hers.

She sensed someone's presence beside her, and it startled her out of her musings. A smile, unbidden, graced her features before she even knew who it was.

"Oh! Hello there," she greeted the blond swordsman, amazed to see him.

He nodded, his eyes never leaving hers as he did so.

"What are you looking at?" he inquired.

"Hm? Oh, nothing important. How did your exploring go? Did…did you find anything?"

Shaking his head, he at last let their gazes drop, examining his boots and then the sunset.

"That's fine. Spira is a big place, and there's a chance that something will jog your memory. Who knows; maybe we'll come across someone who recognizes you!"

They lapsed into silence after that, the stars revealing themselves long before Yuna and the mysterious man considered returning to the inn. Though tomorrow would prove to be a long day, neither wished to return to their beds and fight a different battle than the ones they were used to facing in the real world.

The trip to Luca was, thankfully, uneventful. For all intents and purposes, it was a city like no other. People came to Luca to enjoy themselves, soaking in the Blitzball tournaments, theaters, music, and whatever amusement could be had. It had been a happy place as far back as Yuna could recall.

As they went ashore, she was greeted by a crowd chanting "High Summoner Yuna!" and "Lady Yuna!" News had traveled fast that she was on the move, and a welcoming party had formed for her arrival. The swordsman in her company did not comprehend what was going on, and took a pointed stance in front of her, putting himself as a barrier.

Grimacing, she squeezed to the side and announced, "Ah! Hello, everyone! It's an honor to see so many bright and eager faces. Such enthusiasm touches me, and makes me glad to be back in Luca after my absence."

Cheers arose, satisfied and elated, as she harnessed manners and etiquette that had been instilled in her since childhood. Wishing to make a quick exit, she bowed deeply, snatched the blond by the sleeve and pushed past the crowd.

"Sorry to talk and run, but I really must be going! Pardon me, excuse us…"

The group split apart where she walked, not wanting to hinder their idol, and Yuna and the man she was pulling along made it out of there alive and intact. Luca was the second largest city in Spira, meaning it contained secluded places and cut-off sections that allowed them to hide out for a second.

"Phew! That was a close one."

"You're a popular celebrity," he noted, taking up a leaning position against a nearby stack of crates, arms crossing over his chest.

"Y-yeah… I guess I am. I'd forgotten, what with staying in Besaid. I'm a simple regular to them because I was raised there as family by the community. Here, it's different."

"What is it you did to gather so much attention, again?"

"The story is rather involved," she said, wanting to allude away from it if possible. "Really long and complicated."

"We've got a moment, unless you have somewhere to be?"

Yuna pursed her lips, unsure how she was going to get out of this, when without warning-



The former Summoner grunted as something attached itself to her back, two tight bands wrapping around her neck. A shock of messy, yellow hair fell into her field of vision, alerting her to the source of the surprise attack, had the voice not been a hint within itself.

"I missed you! Haven't seen you in forever, it feels like, huh? I heard you were visiting Luca, and I had to see for myself. The rumors were true for once!" Rikku, her Al Bhed cousin on her mother's side, proclaimed.

"Rumors? What rumors?"

"O-oh, you know. Rumors. Aaaanyway, I'm so, so glad to have caught you! I have a friend I want you to meet."

"I do, too," Yuna admitted, waiting for her friend and family member to remove herself from her person, allowing them to speak face-to-face.

"Really?! Go first, okay? Tell me, tell me, tell me! Then I'll tell you mine."

"Ah, well, I don't really know his name yet, but this gentleman over here-"

As she started to step to the side and reveal the swordsman she'd been traveling with, he stepped forward with the intention of introducing himself, but stopped dead in his tracks, looking as if he'd seen a ghost.


Baffled, Yuna turned completely towards the man, wondering why he'd looked at Rikku when he said that. Her cousin was looking confused, too, head swiveling both ways, until she figured out that it was her, and then pointed a finger at herself.

"Do you mean me?"

"Yuffie, it's me, Cloud Strife!" he said, louder this time, and hurried over.

"Uuuh, that's…nice, I guess? I don't think we've met, though, and I know my name isn't Yuffie."

"You have to remember!" he demanded, taking her by the upper arms and issuing some light shaking. "You were always trying to steal my materia, and then we went to Gold Saucer together."

"Hey! Hands off, mister! I'm not a thief anymore, I'm a sphere hunter. Big difference, and even then, I never tried to steal or bribe anything out of the likes of you!"

Yuna stared for a brief moment as these strange events unfolded, until she received the presence of mind to interfere. However, the chance escaped her.

"Get your hands off of her," a monotonous voice ordered, and a flash of steel went towards enforcing that statement.

The blond – Cloud, he was now calling himself? – reacted, jumping back and reaching for his own weapon. It was strapped to his back on some kind of harness, a part of him since he'd washed up on Besaid. In a moment's notice he had the Buster Sword in-hand and prevented his arms from getting cut clean off. Two blades met, the one belonging to the swordsman, and the other to a tall, lanky woman that reminded her of Lulu.

"Paine! Cut that out; I had this under control when you stepped in," Rikku cried out indignantly, identifying the newcomer.

"Kind of busy," this Paine replied, voice never fluctuating, and neither did her stance. The man didn't budge, either, his weight applying tons of force. In a one-on-one, head on fight, he was most likely to win, and in this instance, it was definitely showing.

"Please, stop this fighting! We're not enemies," Yuna protested, tempted to get in the middle of them and knock sense into their heads.

The swordsman gritted his teeth, and Paine tightened her jaw. A battle of wills was taking place on top of the sword clashing, and then, without warning, they stepped apart in unison, muscles remaining tense and expressions challenging.

"Tch, not worth my time," Paine declared, maintaining that dull tone.

He didn't say anything in return, retaining his silence, and rubbing absently at the spot on his forehead where he'd been hurt weeks prior. Healing magic worked wonders in a hurry, but people reacted to it differently, and she wondered if the bump to his head was experiencing any lingering pain, or if it was something else. There were cases reported that the pain never truly went away, or it would strike periodically.

"Pah! You have to make an entrance, don't you, Paine?" Rikku asked, waving a hand in front of her face. "Yunie, this is the person I was going to tell you about. Her name is Paine, and she's a proud member of the Gullwings!"


"Yeah!" Rikku cheered, jumping up and down in her excitement. "When the Eternal Calm came, Brother and I decided to do our own thing and hunt for spheres – that's why I'm called a sphere hunter, because we hunt for spheres, get it? – and Paine here is a real pro! She's been helping us out. Buddy, too. It's tons of fun; you and…uh, that guy should totally join us."

"Heh, he and I are already searching for something. Maybe some other time."

"Oh-hooo, you don't say?" Rikku cooed, placing both hands together near her face and sidling closer. "You two kids wouldn't happen to be searching for true love, would you?"

Aghast, Yuna's mouth uncharacteristically dropped open in shock, hands clenching at her sides.

"What does that have to do with- No! That's not it at all! You shouldn't say such things!"

Ignoring her cousin, Rikku went to stand beside Cloud, her left hand coming up to shield her mouth as she whispered, unsuccessfully, to him, "She has a thing for blonds, ya know? It's kind of cute."



Though Yuna was blushing, madly, the man took it in stride, probably just appreciating that Rikku wasn't fazed by his episode earlier.

"What is it you are looking for?" Paine asked, Yuna gathering that she was far more serious than her longtime friend.

"It's…" she hesitated, glancing at her traveling companion for permission.

Instead of leaving it to her, he spoke for himself, saying, "I'm not well-"

"I'll say," Paine deadpanned, to which Rikku made a flustered gesture and Yuna scowled, placing both hands on her hips.

"He's lost his memories! We're searching Spira in hopes of finding clues to who he is."

"Good luck with that," Paine said, finished with the conversation. She nodded her chin at Rikku as she put her sword away. "I'm heading back to the Celsius. When you're done here, you should do the same. We have business to attend to."

"Er, right…right! Be there in a second," Rikku agreed. The thief-turned-sphere-hunter addressed her cousin and male friend, not bothering to wait until Paine was out of earshot to state, "She's a nice person, once you get to know her. Trust me! A big softie on the inside. I do have to be going, though, but don't you go and hide away again, okay, Yunie? It was nice seeing you!"

She waved, jogging to catch up with her taller companion, before seeming to remember something, and she whirled back around.

"And keep an eye out for spheres! If you find any, call us immediately and we'll take it off your hands!"

Rikku tossed a small device, Yuna fumbling with catching it. The machina slipped past her fingers, Cloud snatching it before it struck the ground, and held it out for her. It was a tiny communications tool, a sort of radio. Her cousin held up her hand to her face, middle three fingers curled in and thumb and pinky extended in the "call me" sign. Then she was gone, off to find those spheres.

"Sooo…your name is Cloud Strife, huh?" Yuna noted.

"I think so?"

"I like it."

There was a matter of business Yuna had to attend to before she could leave Luca. Outside the Mi'ihen Highroad was a platform with a railing that ran along it, and when they reached it, she gently touched his shoulder to obtain his attention.

"Please, can you wait here? I won't take longer than a second."

Brows crinkling close together, he didn't protest and watched as she jogged over to the edge of the walkway. She grasped the top of the railing, leaned over as far as she could go, brought two fingers to her lips, and let loose a whistle that was crisp and loud. Yuna had practiced this feat to perfection, capable of producing a whistle that was long as it was strong.

When she was finished, she closed her eyes and lifted her face into the sun, listening. A breeze rustled her hair, and she intently paid attention for a reply that it might carry. The man stood respectfully at her back, giving her space to hear what the wind had to say.

To be continued…