A/N: Welcome back, this is the sequel to Near Death. It can probably be read alone, but I would suggest reading Near Death first, so you know what is going on. I don't own Merlin or the show (and that's the only time I'm putting that disclaimer on this story. So don't worry, you won't have to see it alot.)

I looked around the room. It felt so empty and desolate without Arthur here. He could bring a warmth to any room and to any situation. Thinking of him made me smile, and blush slightly when I thought about what we had just done.

I can't believe I kissed Arthur! I ran the kiss over and over again in my mind. Arthur's tongue gliding against mine, his hips rolling down onto mine creating a delicious friction that I couldn't wait for again. Stuck in my thoughts about Arthur, I didn't realize how tight my pants were getting.

I was ripped from my thoughts by yet another knock on Arthur's door. By pure coincidence, I happened to look down, and I was surprised and embarrassed at what I saw. Blushing like the fool I am, I quickly reached for one of Arthur's blanket. I held it in front of me, hoping it would look like I was attempting to fold it.

"Yes?" I asked, my voice squeaking uncomfortably due to my nervous.

"Oh Merlin! It's you." Gwen walked into the room, carrying some fresh linens. "You sounded like someone else." she laughed slightly, as if not really sure what to do with me in the room.

"Ah, well, yes. I'm just making Arthur's bed." I gesture towards the bed with a nod of my head, making sure the blanket was covering my obvious problem.

"Oh, shall I help you then? You don't want to over work yourself. You are still healing."

I coughed slightly, desperately trying to think of a way to get her to leave without being rude. "Nah," I said, trying to sound convincing. "I'm alright. Fit as ever. Arthur wouldn't make me work if I wasn't in full health." I hoped he wouldn't anyway. "I'll be just fine. You have your own duties to deal with anyway."

"Are you sure?" She looked doubtful and took a step closer to the bed. "It wouldn't take very long and I don't want you to get ill again."

She walked towards me, moving as if to take the blanket from me. I took a step back, forcing myself to smile at her convincingly. "I'm sure. Go on. I'll take my time with the bed and then Arthur won't have time to make me do anything laborious." I waved an arm at her in a shooing manner.

She still looked like she didn't want to leave. But she did take a step back. "I guess you're right. If he sees how long it takes you to make a bed he won't make you do anything too strenuous."

My smile become more genuine, touched that she cared about me so much. "Thanks, Gwen. I'll see you later, okay?"

She smiled in return. "Of course." With that she turned and walked out of the room, only pausing once at the door to look back and study me. I don't know what she saw, but it must have passed her inspection because she left, the door clicking in her wake.

I let out a sigh of relief. That was too close. I looked down, my pants were looser now, but it was still noticeable. Stupid pants, leaving so little to be imagined. Not that I would mind seeing Arthur in tight pants...

I fell back into daydreams as I slowly made the bed. I sat down where Arthur and I had kissed, the bed only half finished. I groaned. I was painfully hard again and it was making it difficult to even bend over to fold the sheets. Apparently all thoughts that dealt with Arthur made my hardness come back full force. I was just thinking about dumping cold water over my head, hoping that would help when the door burst open.

I jumped, nearly falling off the bed. My wild flailing of surprise caused it to become totally unmade once again. I looked up startled, looking for the intruder. A grin broke out on my face when I saw it was Arthur. "Miss me?" I asked playfully.

"Absolutely." He rushed forwards, barely even closing the door before he captured my lips with his. Oh, how I wished I could live doing nothing but kissing Arthur. He cradled my face in his hands, bringing me closer. He broke away from the kiss, whispering in my ear, "I told them I forgot something. I just wanted to see you again. You're so distracting even when you aren't near me." He voice was husky, painfully reminding me that I still had my problem and it was only getting worse with Arthur so close to me.

I groaned pushing him on top of the bed and crawled on, looming over him. "You shouldn't have come back." I said, lust deep in my voice, causing Arthur to visibly shiver. "I don't know if I'll be able to let you go this time."

I proved my point by grounded down on Arthur, letting him feel what he's done to me, even in his absence. He moaned out my name, reaching up again to kiss me. "We can't, Merlin." He tells me, sitting up, he holds onto me so I don't fall. "We don't have the time. They will come looking for me if I'm gone too long."

"Let them," I practically growl. Kissing him forcefully again. Demanding entrance into that enticing heat of his.

After quite a few minutes of glorious snogging, Arthur breaks away again. I swear he is trying to kill me, slowly and painfully. "You know I can't let them find me here like this." He said, leaning in and kissing my forehead gently. "I have to go."

He lifts me up, as if I weigh nothing, placing me back on the bed. He kisses me one last time, resting his forehead against mine. "I love you."

I reach down and squeeze his hand. "I love you, too. Be careful, don't be too rough on your knights."

Arthur just grinned at me smugly, winking at me before he turned away, heading for the door. Just like Gwen, he pauses at the threshold, looking back at me. "See you soon." I nod, smiling happily. He smiles in return and heads back towards the field to test his knights.


Weeks have passed since the morning Arthur and I confessed out love to each other. We've been able to keep our relationship a secret from everyone in the castle. Some might be curious as to why we seem to be better friends. But we haven't aroused any suspicions that would point to us having a relationship. But those weeks were anything but uneventful. We truly did act like a couple, though not so much in public. We argued and laughed, fought and made up, it reminded me so much of how my parents were when my father was alive it was almost scary. We had troubles just like every other couple.

Lancelot came to Camelot shortly after I was poisoned. I helped him trick Arthur into letting him try out for knighthood. It failed miserably after Uther found out that he wasn't of noble birth. I hated the few days after he left. Not only had I lost a friend, but Arthur stopped talking to me, unless it was to give an order.

We had made up though, by the time that Edwin came into Camelot. A warlock who would do anything to enact revenge for his father, nearly killed Morgana, Uther, and Gaius. I'm just glad that Arthur never asked how Gaius and I healed Uther, or my magic secret wouldn't be so secret.

It seemed that it was one thing after another, because shortly after that, and girl and her father came to Camelot. Arthur seemed smitten. I still don't know if it was because he wanted to or because she made him, but I hated seeing him go out everyday with her, leaving me behind to make up some excuse for his father. All of which landed me in the stocks. Arthur barely remembered it after it happened, but I don't think I'll ever forget. Seeing Sophia kiss Arthur was one of the worst moments in my life. I had never felt such jealousy or hatred. I almost died when I couldn't find Arthur, after he fell into the lake, waiting for his soul to be taking by the Sidhe elders. I can't even remember how long I looked in that murky water for Arthur. All I can remember is the utter despair I felt. I felt like I was drowning in it, just as Arthur was drowning in the lake.

I did save him though. Gaius told him some stupid story about how he was going to elope with her, and I brought him back, having to hit him around the head, just to get him back. He gave me a look, which clearly told me I would have some explaining to do once Gaius left. I did tell him most of the story, leaving out all the bit where magic and myself were involved.

Next came the Druid boy. I hated keeping it from Arthur that I was the one who found him and brought him to Morgana. But Morgana thought it was necessary, seeing as she didn't know of our relationship, she would. He accepted my help, albeit reluctantly when Morgana suggested it, not wanting me to get in trouble. After the dragon told me not to help the druid boy, it was the thought of Arthur getting caught and not the pleas from the boy that made me go meet them that night. Though they did help. I'm not that heartless that I can ignore the cries of a young boy not wanting to die.

And I can't really express my relief when Uther took Arthur's place when the Black Knight came to fight to the death. I know the Dragon was angry with me for letting Uther use Excalibur, but I can't really find it in myself to worry, seeing as it probably saved Arthur's life.

So we lived our lives, as normally as we could. Trying to find anytime we could be together. Kissing in his room, or mine if Gaius wasn't there. Snuggling at night before I had to go back to my room, so Gaius wouldn't get suspicious. Though we rarely got to do any of those things, always worrying that someone would walk in on us unannounced, which had almost happened quite a few times. Sometimes Arthur would even pull me into a dark alcove in an abandoned corridor. He would pilfer my mouth as if it were his lifeline. It was always intense, and it always ended before either of us wanted it to. The thrill was amazing, but it always left us frustrated, never being able to go farther than a few stolen kisses and fleeting embraces.

I walked through the market, barely registering what I was seeing, thinking back on all the times Arthur and I have had together. I was getting water for Gaius, but I'm too distracted to really pay attention to what I was doing. I normally get this way when thinking about Arthur.

I was shocked out of my musings though, when I saw a familiar figure making its way though the throng of people. "Mother?!"

We both sat our things down quickly and she rushed at me. Bringing me in for a hug. "Merlin!" She exclaimed, smiling at me. I didn't have time to really return her smile before I noticed a bruise on her eye. It was a light purple color, with light brownish yellow spots.

Anger instantly rose in my stomach as I lightly fingered the bruise on my mothers eye. My voice was thick with anger and worry when I ask, "What happened?" My mother looked down, hesitating. "Who did this to you?" I tried again.

She just took a step back and said, "I'll tell you, but first I must speak to the king."

A/N: It's good to be back. I hope you all enjoyed. I don't think I'm going to stick with Merlin's POV. I will probably change it up. I love Arthur too much not to write in his POV. Thanks for reading!