'Destruction. Darkness. We quickly raced forward knowing all too well that each decision we made held newfound hope or endless despair',~Mighty Hamilton.

In an Umbrella lab somewhere unknown, a man was working on a computer file with a large test tube in the room with an unknown creature.

"Too much growth weakens an organization, what should be important becomes overshadowed by greed......mass production? Ridiculous!" the man left the computer and went to a test tube with a monster residing in it, "One Masterpiece is enough", he said, the monster's eye opened, the dawning of a metallic nightmare.

Meanwhile Mighty was walking around the Parking Lot of the RPD which is used as a temporary shelter for the outbreak though it didn't look to well, but that's another story. "This place too", Mighty kept walking and then saw a letter with his name on it pinned to the wall, "Huh?" Mighty looked at the letter.

"Dear Mighty, I have vital information reguarding the city crisis which only you can understand, come meet me at the Raccoon City University, Fang", the letter stated, much to Mighty's confusion, while he knew Fang, they were not exactly friends, he wondered why Fang choose him off all people.

Nonetheless, Mighty decided to head to Raccoon City University, though not without the aid of his companions. Four Hours later, they were at the Raccoon City University.

"None of you really had to come, I do need to investigate this situation for myself", Mighty said.

"Now you tell me", Ash said but got his foot stomped on by Amy, "Shut up", she added.

"Hey we're all in this shit together, besides it's too dangerous to go anywhere in this city alone", Sonic pointed out.

"Somehow this place seems familiar", Tikal said.

"Considering you spend a lot of time with a backpack, I think you'd probably know this place, this is the only University in the city and you're too old for high school", Espio said.

"I guess so", Tikal said.

"Do you have amnesia or something", Sonic asked.

"Amnesia?" Tikal asked.

"Nevermind", Sonic said.

They entered the University, which had a big main hall.

"Holy shit this place is huge!", Ash shouted.

"That's college for ya", Sonic said.

"Never been in a place like this, if I did I wouldn't be a plumber", Espio said.

"And I wouldn't work at the Subway, not that I care", Ash said.

"Where's this friend of yours?" Rotor asked.

"He's not exactly my friend, and I don't know where he is", Mighty asked.

"This place is huge, how are we gonna find this guy?" Ash asked.

"There's a lot of rooms, anyone know this place well?" Sally asked.

Everyone shook their heads no.

"Shoot, now what?" Sally asked.

"I see five doors, lets check them all out", Rotor said.

Espio looked closely at the door in the back, "That one has no doorknob", Espio said.

"Fine, 4 doors, 4 groups, 2 people each door, me and Sally will check the one upstairs, David and Rotor can check the door on the left, Ash and Mighty can check the right in the center Amy and Tikal can check the right in the left", Sonic said.

Amy and Tikal looked confused, "Huh?"

"The one in the corner", Sonic said.

"Oh", Tikal replied.

"Fine, lets go", Rotor said.

The group split up into their respective groups.

Rotor and Espio checked their room.

"Wonder what's in here?" Espio asked.

They looked inside and saw some lockers and an elevator.

"Rip-off", Espio said.

Ash and Mighty looked in their room and it had a long desk with a lot of files on the desks.

"So much paperwork", Ash said.

A woman was crawling on the floor.

"Who the hell?" Ash stated.

The woman moaned at the two with her dead eyes.

"Shit! A zombie!" Ash shouted and beat her to death with a big book.

"I don't think that's how books are meant to be used", Mighty said.

"What the FUCK do you expect me to do? There's a creepy-ass zombie crawling toward me, and all I have to defend myself is a book since for some reason we lose all the guns we attain before every major event, I mean damn, this is the crazy shit that usually only happens in a video game", Ash said and walked off while Mighty merely raises his eyebrow to the "audience".

Amy and Tikal walked through an abandoned hallway a bit slowly to make sure not to run into anything scary and suspicious.

"This place is creepy", Amy said.

"The things we do to keep alive, I hope it pays off in the end", Tikal said.

"Hey we made it this far, I'm pretty sure-ACK" something had grabbed Amy's foot in the middle of her sentence and a zombie was shown trying to bite her foot, but Amy pulled back, Tikal started to stomp on the zombie and Amy was able to pull away.

The zombie got up and walked toward Amy, Amy retaliated by kicking the zombie to the window and shattering it with the zombie's head lying on the ledge of the window still and a large glass shard to fall onto the zombie's neck ending in bloody results.

"Jesus!" Amy shouted at the sight of all the blood.

Amy and Tikal backed away from the carnage and went to another room

Sonic and Sally were at the top floor and walking through a hall with fine portaits, statues and vases.

"This shit looks expensive", Sonic said.

"It's not really "shit" otherwise it wouldn't be expensive", Sally said.

"Um Sally....", Sonic said.

"What is it?" Sally asked.

Sonic stood there a moment, "Nevermind", Sonic said and walked off.

They came to a part of the hall where there were two doors.

"You check left I'll check right", Sonic said.

"Right", Sally replied.

"No left, I take right", Sonic said, resulting in Sally doing a facepalm, then Sally went to the door on her left.

Sonic checked his door and looked around the room.

"Nothing here but books, unless these books are an official guide to escaping Raccoon City during a zombie invasion, they're useless, though I don't suppose any of these books has some info I can use" Sonic said and started pulling books out and tossing useless ones, "Crap, crap, crap, cr-oooohhh, nice place to hide this.......*takes the dirty magazine and tucks it away*, crap, crap, cra-what the?" Sonic noticed one of the books he threw had a gun fall out of it, "Someone seemed disgruntled", Sonic said.

He picked up the gun and huffed and polished it, "I could give this to Sally", Sonic said and tucked it away for her.

Speaking of Sally, she was looking at the guns in another room, two rifle and a magnum.

"Those guns would really help me escape this crazy city.....too bad they're display only, I don't see any ammo for them anyway", Sally said.

She then approached a piano, "Hm, a piano, I should probably play some music and calm my nerves", Sally said.

She started to play the piano, playing a tune that mirrored their situation, while she was playing, she heard something open in the hall outside, "That was weird, what was that?" Sally asked.

Sally left the room and walked down the hall and saw that part of the wall was moved and a door was there.

"Did I open a secret passage?" Sally asked.

Sonic came out his room and saw Sally near the newly uncovered door.

"Whoa, secret passage FTW", Sonic said.

Sally jumped and turned around.

"Sheesh Sonic, you startled me!" Sally stated.

"Sorry, by the way, I got you this", Sonic said and handed Sally a gun.

"Thanks, that was nice of you to do", Sally said.

"Just doing my job", Sonic replied with a grin.

"Lets go then", Sally opened the door and she along with Sonic walked down a railing over a basically empty room with some steam.

"This room has no personality", Sonic said.

They both climbed down the ladder and then walked down the hallway through another door.

Meanwhile Amy and Tikal were still walking and they passed by a gas meter.

"Well now what?" Amy asked.

At that point, Sonic and Sally opened the door and it moved the gas meter, startling Tikal and Amy, resulting in the two tackling Sonic and Sally on instince.

"What the hell!? Tikal get off!" Sonic shouted.

"I would appreciate if you get off Amy", Sally said.

"Sorry we thought you were zombies, what is this room?" Tikal asked.

"Secret passage Sally found", Sonic said.

"You didn't happen to find this guy Mighty was looking for did you?" Amy asked.

"No", Sonic replied.

"We didn't either, lets see if the others did", Tikal asked.

They all met up with everyone in the lobby.

"We didn't find Fang", Mighty said.

"We ran into an elevator", Espio said.

"Where can this guy be!?" Sonic asked.

Mighty walked around to make sure he didn't miss anything and was behind the staircase.

"There should be another room somewhere, but where? WHERE!?" Mighty hit the wall hard and a door opened behind the staircase, "Odd but interesting, gang!" Mighty said.

Everyone went to Mighty and noticed the door.

"Another passageway? Man when the city is full of zombies, all the secrets come out", Sonic said.

"Ironically, none of those secrets explain how all this happened", Mighty said.

"Lets just go down there and see if this guy is here or not I'm getting a headache from all this shit", Ash stated and went down.

They all reached downstairs and saw a man sitting on a chair.

"Is that him?" Sally asked.

Mighty approached the chair, then when he got there, he gasped in fear and stepped back.

Everyone else was confused and went to the chair and were shocked to see a person bleeding all over the table, not breathing.

"Fang..." Mighty stated.

"Aw shit, we were looking high and low for this guy and he's dead? We have the shittiest luck ever!" Ash complained.

"If our luck was that shitty, we would have been dead days ago", Rotor said.

"Now what? The guy you were looking for is dead and appearently he was the only one that knew what was going on", Espio said.

"How did this happen? Was he attacked by zombies or was he murdered?" Amy asked.

"Murdered? What makes you think someone killed him?" Mighty asked.

"Well I don't see any zombies here, how could they have gotten here and left?", Amy asked.

"Is it possible someone didn't want any info about this leaked out?" Tikal asked.

"Well we don't know what happened, all we know is our lead is dead", Rotor said.

"Not yet", Sally said.

"What do you mean? Fang's dead, we have no leads", Rotor said.

Sally showed everyone a blood stained notepad.

"Says here there's a way to cure the virus that's circling the city, we need P-Seal, V-Poison and T-Blood, P-Base is found in lab near some sewers, V-Poison is in the tower, T-Blood, well we may have to get that ourselves, I think we need blood from a zombie or something", Mighty said.

"That T-Blood thing sounds dangerous, those notes better show a safe solution on how to get that fucking thing safetly", Ash said.

"No, the rest of the notes are stained in blood", Mighty said.

"I hate Irony", Ash said.

"How is that Ironic?" Sonic asked.

"Think about the blood issue", Rotor said.

"Huh?" Sonic replied.

"Nevermind, lets just go find what we need, to the elevator", Mighty said.

They all walked to the elevator.

"Ok, we need groups of two", Mighty said.

"You lead one group since this was your idea, I'll lead the other since I'm a cop", Sonic said.

"Ok, well I choose to have Rotor, Amy and Tikal", Mighty said.

"I'm sticking with Sally, Espio and I guess Ash", Sonic said.

"What do you mean, "you guess"?" Ash asked.

"Ok, I'll go look for the P-Base", Mighty said.

"Fine, we'll stick with the V-Poison", Sonic said.

Mighty led his group to the proper location in the elevator and Sonic led them to the other area.

Mighty and the others arrived at the designated floor and then went down a nearby ladder into the sewers.

"Ugh, not the sewers again", Amy complained.

"We have no choice, we need to find that P-Base", Mighty pointed out.

They all climbed a ladder and saw a zombie standing there doing nothing.

Mighty was observing carefully, "Ok, lets just carefully...." as he was talking Rotor shot the zombie in the back of the head with a gun, "Or Rotor can do that since he always has his gun", Mighty said.

"I take care or my gun and ammo", Rotor pointed out.

"Whatever, lets just move", Mighty said and everyone passed though a door. Soon they got to a room with blood stains all over a door.

"Oh my God, what did this?" Tikal asked.

"Probably a zombie attack or something worst", Mighty said.

"Lets just do what we need to do before our blood ends up on the wall", Amy said.

"Point taken", Mighty said and they found the machine needed to created the P-Base.

"Ok, all we need to do is....", Mighty worked a bit and got the P-Base machine doing it's job, "Perfect", Mighty took the P-Base out the machine.

"We did it, now we can get this to the lab", Mighty said.

"Wow, that was easier than I thought", Amy said.

They all left and made their way back to the sewer.

"Ok, we just need to take this to the incubator and.....OH NO!" Mighty shouted.

"What's wrong?" Amy asked.

"The P-Base is evaporating, this test tube seal and the product itself is insufficient", Mighty said.

"Damn, we're not gonna get this thing to the incubator in time", Rotor said.

"We need to go back and get a better tube", Mighty said.

"We have the shittiest luck ever!" Amy complained.

"We'll have to deal with it, no one ever said escaping will be easy", Mighty said.


"If life was that easy we wouldn't have a zombie outbreak in the first place", Mighty said and walked off.

"Smart-ass", Amy said and followed.

They searched the lab and didn't find a suitable tube.

"Damn, nothing here", Mighty said.

"Where else can we check?" Amy asked.

"There's another door, lets go check around there", Rotor said.

They went through the door and the area had water surrounding the area with a path leading to some computers.

They looked around but didn't see much of interest.

They noticed a ladder and climbed up and saw some controls and drawers.

Mighty looked around some drawers and looked around and saw a tube.

"This could work, it's missing a piece though", Mighty said and then noticed a door, "Over here everyone!" Mighty said.

They traveled on through and then came to a room with water, crates and a ladder.

"There's water here as well, I hope people can swim", Mighty said and swam to a scientific like area.

Everyone else searched the area to look for anything useful.

Mighty checked near a tube with a giant amphibious creature, Mighty found it bizarre but ignored it and investigated for the needed materials and found a piece he needed to keep the tube tightened.

"Excellent, now I just need to change the formula in the room a bit and the P-Base should be fully prepared", Mighty said.

Meanwhile Amy found a ladder to the surface, "We can escape through here", Amy said.

"You can go on ahead, I'll get this ready", Mighty said.

As Mighty swam over to Amy, he noticed a disruption in the tube, and then the monster popped out the tube.

"God damn it!" Mighty shouted and swam to get away from there.

Rotor shot the monster to keep it away from Mighty.

"What the hell is that thing!?" Amy shouted.

Mighty swam to the surface and everyone went to Mighty, not wanting to be separated.

They all ran over to the needed room and Mighty put the P-Base in, and Rotor guarded the door. The P-Base then filled and Mighty grabbed it, "Lets escape quickly", Mighty said.

They decided to take the other way back but another one of those monsters showed up and blocked their way so they turned around and ran back to the ladder area.

As they ran they saw that their only hope was the surface but more Hunter Ys were there, Rotor shot them while everyone else escaped to the ladders and Rotor followed and went up the ladder.

Meanwhile, Sonic, Espio, Sally and Ash were in a hall downstairs and then went through a door.

"Ok, lets find that V-Poison thing", Sonic said.

As they walked in the room they went in, it seemed like they were gonna walk into the sewer, though it wasn't a sewer exactly.

Down in the area, they saw some giant spiders.

"What the hell!?" Sonic shouted.

"Itsy bitsy my ass!" Ash shouted.

The Spider crawled to them but Sonic aimed a .45 at the spider and killed it with one critical shot.

"You're really good with a gun", Sally said.

"All part of RPD training", Sonic said.

"When I was young, the people didn't need some damn RPD training to shoot up my old neighborhood", Ash stated.

"Sounds like a rough childhood", Sally said.

"You think your childhood was rough, ever go to juvey?" Espio asked.

"You did time Espio?" Sally asked.

"Yeah, I was in a gang as a kid", Espio said.

"Why would you do that?" Sally asked.

"Can we talk later, we need to evac or we'll never live to see another day", Sonic said.

They kept walking and reached some train tracks.

"Suddenly I feel at home again", Ash said.

"Not surprised", Sonic said and looked around.

Ash saw a nearby mini-train and examined it and then let out a scream.

Alerted, Sonic grabbed his gun and headed inside, "ASH! WHAT'S WRONG!? Sonic asked and saw Ash with an Assault Rifle.

"This is fucking sweet yo! I don't know who leaves an assault rifle on a train but it's mine now!" Ash shouted happily.

Sonic face-palmed and went back outside with Ash following, holding his Assault Rifle tightly.

They proceeded down the tracks into a tunnel, when they got there they saw some giant bees.

"What the fuck!?" Sonic shouted.

"Those bees are huge!" Ash shouted.

"Run!" Sonic said and ran to a door at the end of the hall.

They were inside and noticed the lights didn't work to well.

"Maybe there's a power room nearby, search", Sonic said.

They peeked into a few rooms and eventually Sally found an emergency room, "Over here guys" Sally said.

Ash went inside and was able to get the power running.

"That should do it, lets get the hell out of here", Ash said.

They left the room and decided to go towards the nearby ladder but then saw some zombies on the other side of a glass from a room next door.

"Try getting through now ya zombie motherfuckers!" Ash taunted.

The zombies broke the glass and came through, then they went to the group who were all pissed off at Ash.

"Ok you need to stop looking at me like that when there's a coincidence like this", Ash said, then proceeded to shoot down the zombies with his assault rifle.

After they died, the group went up and got to a hall then walked down the hall and to a room with a big elevator.

They used the elevator to ascend to the top, but they ran into problems during the ascension, a swarm of bees showed up.

Espio slashed all the bees that came near him, he even tossed some mini wrenches, Sonic hit pot shots on a few of the bees, Ash shot the bees but they rammed into him and knocked him over and he appeared to be out.

"Shit, keep attacking!" Sonic said.

Sally went to check on Ash but a bee blocked her, but she smacked it out the way and went to him and shook him, but no response.

Sonic and Espio defended the elevator before it finally reached the top where there was a huge bee hive.

Ash's left eye opened and then he sat up, "Glad that's over", Ash walked off casually.

Espio's eye twitched, "You weren't even hurt!?" Espio shouted.

"Nah, I played possum, I can barely handle small bees, big bees like those are impossible for me, had to do something to stay alive, you should have done the same thing", Ash said.

"Aw son of a-", Espio didn't bother finishing his sentence and simply walked off.

Sonic and Sally walked around the area and saw a tube with the V-Poison.

"Sweet, we got it, come on lets head on out of here", Sonic said.

Everyone went up some nearby stairs into an office and headed to the door.

But, while all that was happening, there was a commotion at the grounds of the University, men in UBCS suits shooting Metal Thanotos.

"Target is closing in..........all right, come on...........the thing's too huge, these 9mm are useless..........almost got him, hold on", the men can be heard saying.

Meanwhile a guy with green spikey hair also in a UBCS known as Scourge Ginovaef suit was aiming a rifle at Metal.

"Calm down, you must give me your blood", he said and then shot the monster with his rifle, but it in fact was a tube that sucked blood out the monster, which started to aggravate it.

It then charged super speed to a UBCS agent and knocked him back with brute force and then smacked another one down and then slashed at another which also disarmed him, it eyed one shooting him and impaled him with his claw.

Scourge was watching as his guys were slaughtered by Metal, the last of them grabbed his weapon and shot Metal but he was also impaled.

"Ugh, damn", Scourge said and watched Metal run off still holding the carcass of the soldier he killed.

"Impressive, I won't underestimate it next time, might as well set it up, just in case", Scourge said and walked off.

Mighty and his crew climbed up the ladder and saw the carnage that was left behind by Metal.

"Holy shit, now what happened?" Amy asked.

Mighty checked the corpses, "Judging from these attacks, I don't think it was any zombie this time, seemed like something more dangerous", Mighty said.

"Well we have what we need, lets just try to unite with Sonic and the others", Tikal said.

Sonic and the others came through a door at the other side of where Mighty is.

"Is that them?" Rotor asked.

"Sonic, over here!" Mighty called out.

Sonic ran to the others with his group, "You got the P-Base?" he asked.

"Right here, what about the V-Poison?" Mighty asked.

"Right here", Sonic said, chucking it up and down.

"Dude you're gonna break it!" Ash said.

"Relax I'm totally care-", Sonic tossed it but it bounced off his hand and down to the floor, "Oh shit!" Sonic shouted as it fell, luckily Espio was fast enough to grab it, "Wow, that was close, I thought it was gonna-", Espio grabbed Sonic's shirt, "Stop fucking around!" Espio let go and held on to the V-Poison.

Everyone decided to leave the Courtyard and enter the University, then went through the door without the knob on the other side.

"Well now all we need to do is-", Mighty was talking but the sound of a window breaking interrupted him, "What was that?" Mighty asked and went to check out the situation. He saw that Metal was in the lobby and it eyed the 8 people.

"What the fuck is that thing!?" Ash shouted.

"It's....it's.........I don't know!" Mighty shouted.

"Looks familiar", Sonic said.

Metal then approached the group, so they decided t run to the corner door and attempted to evade the monster.

"What was that thing!?" Amy asked.

"It was bigger than the other zombies, scarier and violent too", Mighty said.

"We shouldn't fight it, it looks to dangerous", Rotor said.

Metal busted through the door and the survivors ran away.

"What does it want with us!?" Tikal asked.

"I think it's trying to kill us!" Amy shouted.

"Thanks for pointing out the Obvious!" Sonic said as he and Rotor shot back while they ran to slow it down.

They were back in the room with the faulty electricity and the exit to the Courtyard.

"This is the end man, we're gonna die at the hands of that freak", Ash said.

"We came too far to die, we need to find a proper escape to the Elevator", Sonic said.

Metal came to the room and started to stalk the survivors.

Sonic saw him coming and aimed his gun, but then saw that there was a wire overhead sparking electricity and then noticed a button next to him and then sparked an idea.

"Come on big guy, I'm right here, what'cha gonna do?" Sonic asked.

"He's finally lost it", Ash said.

Metal approached Sonic very intimidating like and was gonna stab him but Sonic hit the electricity and stunned Metal allowing him to collapse.

"Wow........you did it, is it dead?" Mighty asked.

"It could be out cold, lets just run away", Sally said.

"Wait", Tikal said and picked up the tube, "Is this the T-Blood?" Tikal asked.

"I think it is, that's the final ingredient, lets head off quickly!" Mighty said.

As they were walking off, Metal sprung back up and nearly stabbed them but they ducked and he got his claw stuck on the wall near the door.

"Lets take another route", Mighty said and the group went back to the Courtyard.

"Where will we go?" Sally asked.

"We can't go into the sewer, those frog like creatures are there", Mighty said.

"We can't go into the elevator area, too many wasps", Sonic said.

"What about that door next to the entrance to the hive?" Espio asked.

The group noticed another door.

"Lets head there then, quickly before that monster shows up", Mighty said and led everyone to the door.

They headed down to the door and opened, they seemed to be at a peir, the only shown path was a wooden dock.

The group walked down and started crossing the dock.

Midway through, Sally looked out to the view of the Ocean and the dawn sky.

"Wow, the view looks nice, it's been so long since I've seen such a nice sight", Sally said and as she gazed a shark jumped at her, fortunately Sonic was able to act fast and pull her out the way as the shark landed on the other side of the dock.

"Oh my God! What just happened?" Sally asked why panicking.

"There are fucking sharks in the water!" Espio shouted in shock.

"SHARKS!?" Ash shouted.

To make matters worse, Metal busted through the upstairs door and spotted the survivors.

"HOLY SHIT!" Sonic shouted.

Metal ran downstairs and at the survivors.

"We need to run!" Espio said but was then knocked into the water by a shark.

"Shit! Espio!" Amy shouted.

Espio started swimming to the dock in hopes of avoiding the sharks but Metal was gonna be a problem for him.

Rotor shot Metal to keep him at bay and Espio climbed on to the edge quickly before the shark grabbed his ankle.

Sonic shot the sharks to keep them away and Ash helped Rotor shoot Metal while Espio made his way to the group.

Metal dashed to everyone and stuck his claws out in a stabbing motion but Sonic rolled back and then shot Metal in the face and Metall fell into the water and was at the mercy of the sharks while everyone else vacated the area.

They arrived at the other side of the docks and arrived through a door, it was the same door that led Mighty's team into the sewer for the P-Base.

"Sharks? SHARKS!? They seriously have sharks! What the fuck is that shit!?" Ash complained.

"And that thing is gonna be on our tails, though I hope he's shark food now", Amy said.

Sonic seemed to remember what he was told about Charmy Aiken and the Neptune Shark that Silver Redfield mentioned after coming back from the Mansion, depressing memories.

"Look, we have the 3 ingredients we need for the Daylight Virus, lets just go and put them in the incubator and get this Daylight Virus", Mighty said.

"This better all be fucking worth it, this has been the worst week of my life", Ash complained.

"Yeah, we've been stuck in this city for days", Sally said.

"Somehow I don't think it matters as much, we'll probably not even escape the city alive", Espio said.

"Don't do that negative talk", Mighty said.

"Why are we making this? How can we cure an entire city, I think it's too late", Rotor said.

"If we escape, we can have a cure so this type of incident never happens again", Mighty said.

"That could come in handy", Espio said.

"Lets go", Sonic said.

They went up the elevator and arrived in the proper room and entered the area where the Incubator was.

They set the 3 ingredients and ran the machine. To pass the time, they decided to leave the room and explore the area, Sally stayed behind to keep tabs.

"Good to know this nightmare could be almost over", Amy said.

"Yeah, we just need to find a way out the city", Mighty said.

"How will we do that however? There's no way out appearently", Tikal said.

"We'll find a way, I'm not dying here", Espio said.

Sally noticed the machine was just about done so she went to the intercom.

"Listen everyone, the serum is almost ready, hurry to the lab", Sally said.

Everyone went to the lab to check on the incubator, but it seems to have mysteriously stopped.

"Is it finished?" Espio asked.

"No, it isn't, it stopped", Mighty said.

"What do you mean it stopped?" Sonic asked.

"No, no, no, no, no, Ah HELL no! After the shit we went through no way this thing is gonna fuck us over, lets go find the source of the fucking problem!" Ash stated and marched off to a door that led to another room.

"Ash taking charge, that's new", Sonic said and followed Ash, the room had some dead hunters hanging on hooks, dead soldiers on tables, it had a lab like feel to it, also some plastic curtains were there.

The group looked around, and during the search, Sally spotted a Grenade Launcher, "Wow, who left this thing here? Well finders keepers I guess, this should help me out in the future", Sally said.

They all saw a curtain that separated them between one room and the other.

"Maybe the solution's here", Mighty said.

They go through the curtain and see the same man who created Metal working on something.

"Who's that?" Sonic asked.

"Is that.........Snively?" Tikal asked.

Snively turned around and saw the group, then let out an evil smirk then walked toward them.

"My apologies for this plays being so......hectic, I have been monitoring your progress from here, I am grateful for your assistance, Daylight is it, the only resource against the T-Virus, I cannot give it to Umbrella, they're the ones responsible for the Catastrophe that has befallen the city, in retrospect, that entire T project was a total disaster, brute force should not be the only criteria for a weapon, it must also be beautiful, unique and Godlike, you will also assist me, you're going to play with my Ultimate Creation", Snivley said.

"We're not test dummies pal, now I don't know about you, but we just wanna escape the city", Espio said.

"We don't wanna play with any of your freaky experiments, we had enough with the zombies and everything else, if we find out that your Ultimate Creation was that creature stalking us, I'm gonna kick your ass", Sonic said.

Tikal simply stared at Snively as if she knew him, Snivley saw Tikal and grinned.

"Tikal, it's been two years, oh but you might not know that, after all what happened was so terrible, I think you'd want to erase it from your memory", Snively said.

"Huh? What do you mean? What happened, you have to tell me", Tikal said.

"Dude stop fucking with our heads!" Ash said.

Meanwhile, Scourge was in the shaft and he was watching Snively from above and then aimed his sniper rifle down on Snively's head.

"Farewell", Scourge said and fired his weapon right through the top of Snively's head, causing blood to spurt out the bottom of his chin and all over the lens of a nearly slide frame, freaking out the Survivors.

Scourge looked at his watch, "Almost time", he then walked off.

"What the fuck happened!?" Ash shouted.

"Oh no! NO!" Tikal shouted.

"There's a sniper! Take cover!" Rotor shouted.

Sonic went to the carcass and looked up to see if the assassin was there, but he saw something worse.

"Major problem! Someone planted a bomb here!" Sonic said.

"What the fuck!?" Amy shouted.

"We need to get out this building ASAP!" Rotor said.

Mighty ran to Snively's desk and saw something to release all the locks in the University and turn the incubator back on, he activated both switches.

"I'll go get the Daylight, you all move on ahead, go, quick!" Mighty said.

"Fine, hurry back", Sonic said and left with the others.

They opened a nearby door and ran down a rail to a ladder, and climbed down, then they went through a door that took them to one of the rooms Sonic and Sally explored, then they ran to the hall.

"Ok, we just need to.....oh no!" Sally shouted, everyone turned around and saw Metal coming from around the corner.

"He survived the God damn sharks!?" Ash shouted.

"Run!" Espio shouted and everyone ran to the secret door and headed down.

Meanwhile the incubator finished and Mighty grabbed 3 Daylight Samples and started heading back to the door Sonic ran to, feeling haunted by the sound of the bombs beeping, Mighty ran for the hills in hopes to escape the building alive.

Rotor and David held the door shut to keep Metal away as everyone else climbed down the ladder.

"I hope Mighty doesn't run into this prick", Espio said.

Everyone was down except Espio and Rotor.

"Go on, I can hold this guy on my own for the moment", Rotor said.

Espio ran to the ladder and climbed down fast to make sure Rotor would have time to make it, Rotor then ran for it as Metal broke down the door and Rotor climbed quickly while Ash shot Metal with his machine gun to keep him at bay.

Everyone ran out the room, as Metal jumped down.

Mighty arrived in that room and saw Metal, but he noticed the same wire that stunned Metal earlier, so he ran to the ladder and climbed and went near the button.

"Hey! Over here monster!" Mighty shouted.

Metal turned around and then approached Mighty, and as Metal got closer, Mighty pressed the button and stunned Metal and ran out the door.

Everyone else was outside safe and sound while waiting for Mighty.

"What's taking him so long?" Espio asked.

After some waiting and worry, Mighty came through the door seconds before the explosion that destroyed part of the University and caused some ceilings to collapse, some even landing on Metal as he tried to make his way out the University.

"Mighty you made it! Did you get Daylight?" Sally asked.

"Yeah, lets try to find a safe haven", Mighty said.

The explosion caught the attention of a nearby RFD Helicopter.

"What was that?" Pilot Heavy asked and went near the University.

Bomb looked down, then spoke into his megaphone, "Is anyone down there?" Bomb asked, he looked down and saw the survivors waving their hands, "We're here to get you out, there's a Courtyard in that direction, go there! We don't have much time, hurry!" Bomb said.

"Finally, a chopper out of this hell hole of a city!" Ash happily stated.

They all headed to the courtyard and saw that a platform truck was blocking their path.

"Damn, well we can just climb over the truck", Mighty said.

"Or use that platform next to it up the ladder", Sally said.

The gang started climbing the various platforms to escape, some even crawled under the truck and they advanced toward the door, itching to get to the door and escape.

Ash was the first one past the platforms and eagerly ran to the door but something big landed in front of him, it was Metal, he looked buffer, his right arm was bigger and his left arm was missing.

"How the fuck did you survive that-" Ash was whacked by Metal's arm and was knocked back toward the truck.

"Ah motherfucker!" Sonic shouted and shot at Metal along with Rotor.

"This thing just won't quit, quick, back behind the platforms! We can barricade ourselves from-", Mighty was speaking but Metal leapt into the air and came landing down but Mighty was fortunate enough to land out of the way, "Jesus!"

"Great, now he's a phenominal jumper, he should join the NBA", Sonic said.

"Hell with his strength, he can be a football player", Espio said.

Ash struggled to get up, "If he joins the NBA I'm quitting Basketball", he stated.

Metal tried to whack Amy but she rolled out the way.

Espio found a stick and a sharp object, then he taped them together and jumped on Metal and stabbed him in the back and chest a few times, causing the monster pain.

Ash got on top of the truck and shot Metal with his Assault Rifle almost hitting Espio.

"Watch it Ash!" Espio shouted but was then tossed off by Metal.

Amy grabbed a metal pipe and whacked Metal a few times but she got whacked, then Metal was gonna impale her but Espio got Metal in the chest and then slashed Metal with his pocket knife at quick speed as Sonic came and shot it with his gun.

As Metal staggered, Sally aimed her grenade Launcher at Metal and then shot her Grenade Launcher and blasted him back and Metal fell from the injuries and spilled quite some blood.

"Finally", Sonic said and everyone went through to the door. It was rusted shut, but Sonic managed to kick it down and everyone saw the Helicopter on it's way to the Rendevous point, so they ran through a path, including some stairs and managed to get to the Courtyard the RFD told them about.

"Finally, we made it", Ash said.

As they walked through the Courtyard, Metal came landing down in front of them, still alive and kicking.

"What the fuck is your problem!? You keep coming back after you die!" Sonic shouted.

"University Explosion didn't work, that assault in the alley didn't work, lets hope Third Time's the Charm", Mighty said.

Everyone got into a battle stance for the final fight but they noticed the Helicopter overhead.

"What the hell is that thing?" Bomb asked.

Metal jumped and whacked the Helicopter and nearly caused it to lose balance and lower close to the ground, luckily Heavy managed to pull it up to avoid a crash.

"He's gonna destroy the Helicopter!" Ash shouted.

Mighty realized the RFD's lives were in danger and he knew that they can't risk the Helicopter being nearby to dispose of the monster, he looked at one of the Daylight samples and made one of the biggest Decisions of his life.

"Bomb! Catch!" Mighty shouted and tossed Daylight to Bomb, "Fly away, quick!" Mighty shouted.

"What about you!?" Bomb shouted.

"Yeah!? What about us!?" Ash shouted.

"If you wait you'll die, at least you'll take that serum to safety!" Mighty shouted.

"Mighty's right!" Go! We'll keep this prick at bay!" Sonic shouted and shot Metal to keep him distracted.

".............Go Heavy", Bomb said and Heavy flew away.

"You fucked up our chance to survive, you're gonna die!" Espio shouted and stabbed Metal, but Metal whacked Espio back, breaking the spear in the process.

Sally shot another grenade at Metal but he endured it better and then kicked her to the wall.

"He's gotten more endurance!" Sonic said and shot at Metal, he reloaded but saw that he was at his final bullets, "Shit! Better make these count!" Sonic said.

"This is crazy, nothing is gonna kill him, he's powered by the T-Virus..........THAT'S IT!" Mighty shouted.

Mighty grabbed a capsule gun and put the Daylight in it and aimed at Metal, "I need a clear shot, he's too fast, someone distract him!" Mighty shouted.

Rotor and Sonic shot at Metal but they were both whacked back, Amy went to attack as well but she received an uppercut and she fell on top of a nearby APC Tank.

Tikal was standing there with nothing to do, most she did was toss soem rocks, but it just agitated Metal and he approached her.

"No! Get back! Help!" Tikal shouted.

Ash saw her danger and then decided enough was enough.

"Hey! Dickhead!" Ash shouted and got Metal's attention, "Yeah I'm talking to you! You want a piece of me!? Bring it on motherfucker!" Metal approached Ash, "Come on bitch, and say hello to my little friend!" Ash shouted and shot Metal with his Assault Rifle.

Metal walked closer with the bullets barely doing damage, Mighty ran to line up behind Metal.

"I hope this theory works", Mighty said.

Ash ran out of bullets as Metal approached him.

"No! Ash!" Tikal shouted.

"Eat this!" Mighty shouted and shot Metal in the back with Daylight.

Metal then started to stagger and some light burst out of it and then fell to the floor motionless.

Everyone gathered around the dead tyrant, then looked at the sky and saw in the distance of the Helicopter leaving Raccoon City.

"So that's it, we're stuck here after all we've been through?" Ash asked.

"Well I guess we weren't meant to survive after all", Espio said.

"It wasn't a total waste, Daylight is out there, we'll have prevented another catastrophe such as this one", Mighty said.

"Yeah, but still, we're stuck here and we're at the mercy of the zombies", Sally said.

Everyone was pretty upset by the fact that they're likely to stay in the city and meet their doom soon and split up, Mighty stood there with a lot to think about what happened, while he was upset, he felt he accomplished his goal, 'It's finished, I can finally rest........no, I have one thing left to do *remembers Fang's corpse and then looks at Daylight* I'm not a savior, it's just my duty'.

Mighty may not have left the city, but he felt there was still more he could do before his death, then walked off.

Meanwhile Espio is resting at a bench next to Rotor, thinking about the idea of his last chance at life slipping away, then looked at Rotor who looked really sick.

"Hey, are you ok?" Espio asked and shook Rotor.

Rotor looked at Espio, much to his shock, he saw that Rotor had succumbed to the virus.

"What!? No! Rotor!" Espio shouted.

Rotor grabbed Espio's neck and prevented him from moving.

"No, let go!" Espio shouted.

Rotor went int to bite Espio and he screamed in agony.

"Espio!? ESPIO!" Rotor shouted, and Espio woke up, his heart was beating at 100 miles per hour.

"What?" Huh?" Espio asked.

"You were probably having a nightmare, lets go, if we're stuck in this city doomed to die from zombies, I'm going down fighting", Rotor said and walked off.

Espio was fixing up the APC in the Courtyard, then checked it and saw it was ok.

"All right", Espio stated to Rotor.

"Good", Rotor said and motioned for Espio to get in the tank as well.

Espio got on top and aimed the gun and Rotor was driving, they all headed toward a barrage of zombies.

"I'll finish this", Espio said and had his gun ready and Rotor drove in and they landed an assault on the zombies.

Meanwhile Mighty went to check on Sally, who seemed upset about the chopper leaving and the possibility of death ahead, so he comforted her by putting his arm around her in a friendly manner.

To Amy and Tikal, they were in a building where Amy was on the computer with Tikal nearby.

"Thanks for the help, I totally forgot how to connect to the net", Amy said and send out an e-mail about the incident, after it was sent, Amy suddenly ripped the cord off the laptop and slammed the laptop to the floor, much to Tikal's surprise.

"My final contribution", Amy said, then she and Tikal shared a small chuckle, then they looked out the window.

"We win, right?" Amy asked.

"............Sure", Tikal replied.

Meanwhile Sonic and Ash are near the Courtyard, Sonic sitting on a bench and Ash standing around all bummed out.

"Damn this sucks, I have to stay behind cause there's no way out, I get that, but to get stuck here with you of all people, uhh! I don't mean I hate you or nothin', I just would have preferred some fine looking woman, you know what I'm saying, anyways there's no guarantee they're coming back even if we wait here, this is stupid! Man why are we wasting my time?" Ash complained.

Sonic was merely adding a new clip to his .45 that he found on a dead cop's body rolling his eyes while Ash was complaining.

We're gonna starve to death or end up as somebody else's lunch, I'm telling you", Ash stated.

"Be quiet, or you'll make yourself hungry", Sonic merely replied.

"What?" Ash asked Sonic and then looked at the Courtyard, "No, no way!" Ash said and pointed behind Sonic to Metal getting back up from the ground.

"See? Never a dull moment", Sonic said and aimed his gun at Metal, "Now, let's finish this like men", Metal rushed at Sonic but it only took one shot to the head to finally kill the weakened Metal.

Was it over for them? It seems so, but they may have a different response to that, as long as they were alive, there was always a chance.