Disclaimer: I do NOT own Naruto, nor do I own Deidara, or Sasori (As much as I would like to they belong to Kishimoto)

Warning!: This story contains, naughty situations involving two men, and maybe some naughty language. if that offends you, kindly fuck off. If not enjoy!

Brat's rambles: My Tobi (Tiki-sama) made me a grilled cheese sandwich so I promised I would write her this. It's shota again, yay! only this time it's MadaDei!
Aprox ages: Deidara:13 Madara:Only lord knows, old. Really old. Lets say he appears to be in his twenties. Because he's freaking immortal!

Any who kids, I hope you enjoy (Yes Brat STILL writes fanfiction for sandwiches, because she is a lazy stoner) Also you will get a bit of SasoDei

Ps: Writing this to "Who's your Daddy" by Benny Benassi is making me feel like a hentai.....


Honey and Poison


Ever since his eyes had fallen upon that perfect face, Madara had been transfixed. Filled with such strange emotions his old weary heart hadn't felt in what seemed like an eternity.

They were soft, almost fuzzy inside of his chest. He wanted the boy, wanted to hold him softly, wanted to ravish him, break him to pieces.

His feelings were torn somewhere between loving, and pure animalistic desire.

This whole situation had been quite the conundrum, and had been stuck on his mind for quite a long time. Deidara, the angelic object of his desires had come to the Akatsuki when he was only nine years old. For Madara, it had been love at first sight.

He was so small, and perfect. Such a stunning waterfall of honey blond hair, eyes so blue, and fierce that pierced the soul. Creamy white delicate skin, still tinted with that pink flush of youth and innocence.

And that attitude! Oh that attitude drove him mad!

He was quite the little brat, Sasori, his partner had been right to give him the nickname.

There was just something so obscenely obstinate about Deidara. From the moment he had come to the organization, he had acted thusly. Growing deeply offended when the older members treated him like a child, even going as far as picking fights with opponents he had no chance against.

He was cocky for such a young boy, defiant, petulant, yet just so irresistible. Deidara had an odd way of getting exactly what he wanted from people, even if he annoyed them to no end.

Even Sasori was quick to bend to the tiny bombers will. He was like a siren, beautiful, manipulative, and deadly.

Deidara was thirteen now, and had grown quickly. His face was still childish, and he was still small for his age, but he had matured both physically and mentally. His eyes no longer held a childish innocence about them, they were the eyes of someone that had seen fierce battle, that had seen things no thirteen year old should ever witness. The eyes of a killer, cold and calculating.

He had been in the Akatsuki for four years already, his childhood had been over from the moment he stepped through the doors. The one thing that hadn't changed about the divine blond, was the one thing Madara loved most about him. His attitude, no matter how much he had matured, how many people he had killed, he was still the petulant, arrogant child he had been from the beginning.

Madara hoped that would never change.

He just couldn't resist that sass, that charming face that drew you in and mesmerized you. Even as such hateful poisonous words dripped from those perfect petal lips.

A year after Deidara had been brought to the Akatsuki, Madara had devised a plan to be close to his angel at all times. He would act as Zetsu's subordinate, put on a nice facade. Not only would he be able to keep an eye on his organization from the inside, but he would be living with Deidara, only doors away.

It was the perfect plan.

That was how Tobi was born, a disguise that served a greater purpose.

The only problem was, that Deidara hated the character, of Tobi. Tobi was childish, loud, obnoxious. All of the things that Madara felt might draw Deidara to him, might make the small ninja interested in him. Perhaps want to befriend him. Their relationship could deepen, and maybe the blond would grow to return his feelings of love.

He had been wrong trying to appeal to the child inside the young blond. Apparently Tobi exuded all of the things that Deidara hated.

The little bomber was far more interested in his partner, Sasori.

He had even given the redhead a nickname, Danna.

His master.

When Madara had heard the title fall so seductively from the small blonds poisonous lips, his heart had sunk. Why couldn't he be special enough to receive such a sweet tone?

Why wouldn't Deidara look at him like he constantly looked at that stupid puppet. With such adoration, and affection. It was loving, the way the blond watched his partner, it was painted all over his face, shinning in his eyes every time the older man was near him. He loved Sasori, Madara was too late to change that.

He felt hopeless, if Deidara already loved the redhead, there was nothing he could do. Undoubtedly, Sasori would fall for the blond. How could he not?

Deidara was such a heavenly creature, he was entrancing, intoxicating. If he Madara Uchiha, could fall head over heels, so easily. Then someone cold, and heartless like Sasori, like himself, would without a doubt be melted by the fiery Deidara.

The redhead spent far more time around the bomber than he did, soon, very soon Madara had the feeling he was going to loose Deidara completely to the other man.

He couldn't stand the thought of that insolent puppet master taking the innocence of his angel. Deidara was his! Since the moment he had become Akatsuki, he belonged to him. He had laid a silent claim over the blond the second he had caught Pein's eye.

For Sasori to even dare to complicate that, was beyond treason. He would love to see the redhead just try to take Deidara from him, he would break the other man into pieces. He couldn't handle these constant torturing thoughts plaguing his mind day and night.

What if he was already too late? What if Sasori had already stolen what was rightfully his? While he was oblivious, since they were partners, they did share a room after all. What about when they went on missions, alone for days in a shared hotel room.


No, no, no!

He couldn't let it happen, just thinking of another mans touches defiling his Deidara, was driving him past the point of insanity. He needed to make sure he laid claim to his property, and it had to be today.

If he waited any longer, he was going to loose his chance, and that filthy puppet was going to take his angel away.

Retreating from his comfortable position, in his room. Madara opened the door quietly sneaking into the blackened hallway.

It was getting late, so he knew that most of the other members would be sleeping, or leaving for missions and too busy to pay him any mind. Tonight was his perfect opportunity to lay claim over the blond.

Sasori, the boy's partner, and his rival, had been sent out on a solo mission. He wasn't supposed to return for another day and a half. Thankfully this meant that he wouldn't be around to stop his plans from coming to fruition.

He was going to enjoy every moment of this, savor it like a fine wine. The anticipation of finally claiming his angel, was overwhelming. His fingers shaking excitedly as he quietly turned the doorknob, moving stealthily into the room where he assumed Deidara lay, sound asleep.

Creeping inside slowly, he closed the thick door gently behind him. Taking care not to make a sound, he didn't want his little angel to wake up just yet. Slinking over to the blonds bedside, he softly pulled back the thick blankets, expecting to see his cherub snuggled peacefully between them.

His eyes met the cool white surface of a pillow, that lay underneath the thick mess in place of the small blond. Madara blinked his crimson eyes in confusion, Deidara was supposed to be here tonight, he had been given strict orders to stay behind for this mission! Would his divine little bomber really disobey orders just to follow that stupid puppet!?

A rustling from the other side of the room snapped the Uchiha from his momentary confusion. He heard a soft gasp come from the same direction, and turned to the side of the room that belonged to the bane of his existence, Sasori. There, nestled snugly warm between the thick black blankets of the redheads bed, was his cherub.

His small creamy cheeks flushed pink, his cold blue eyes closed softly in sleep, those venomous hurtful, perfect lips parted ever so slightly. When Madara reached out to gently stroke one of those flushed cheeks, his angel surprised him by snuggling affectionately into the soft touches.

He was in heaven, softly caressing the small body below him. He had quickly moved into a more appropriate position, and pulled the blankets from the small boy's body. Hovering over him, and running his hands over every inch of that perfect form.

His excitement growing with every gasp, and sigh that escaped his angels sleeping lips. Silently, he pulled a long black piece of cloth from his pocket, moving his gentle touches back to the boys face, and tying it around his closed eyes.

Pulling two more thicker strips from his pocket, he carefully moved the blonds tiny, perfect hands above his head, tying them securely to the headboard, binding his wrists tightly.

Now that the hard part was over, he returned to his previous actions running his hands softly over the bombers bare chest.

His little angel let out a soft moan as his hands moved to play with the tiny perky nipples, just begging him to be teased. It was thrilling, even with Deidara asleep to hear such noises caused by his actions, and it was getting hard to contain himself.

He was so hard it was unbearable. Grinding his hips softly against the sleeping boys, he felt something that made his heart race. His Deidara was hard, he could feel the tiny bulge pulse against his through the blonds thin pajama pants.

Deidara let out a shaky moan as Madara ground his erection against his. He blinked his eyes open, an tightness in his stomach making his small body quiver, and flush.

He was unbearably hot, and he could feel someone on top of him, touching him. Rubbing against his groin, softly. It must have been a dream, his vision was hazy, and he couldn't see anything but darkness. This had to be another one of those dreams he had been having lately, about Sasori.

He woke instantly as a hand wrapped around the hardness in his pants, this was no dream. He couldn't see, his hands wouldn't move, and someone was touching him in places he dreamed Sasori would.

"D-danna, un?" He breathed out shakily, the sexed up breathy tone of his voice making Madara tremble with excitement.

But for his angel to be uttering that bastards name, while he was the one being so gentle and loving with him, he was the one pleasing him. It drove him mad with jealousy.

He growled as he tore the blindfold from Deidara's eyes. The small beautiful face he loved, contorting with horror as he stared at the face of the man above him.

He saw the fear in Deidara's eyes, when he noticed the crimson swirling orbs, his body growing rigid.

"No Deidara, I'm not your Danna"

The small blond was speechless, horrified. Some man he had never seen before was straddling him, touching him in such an inappropriate way. A way he never wanted anyone but Sasori, his Danna to touch him.

Just as he opened his mouth to protest, lips were crushed against his, effectively silencing him. He blinked his eyes open, just in time to catch the swirling red orbs staring into his own baby blues, suddenly he felt funny.

Tired, and docile, he was no longer concerned about this stranger, in fact he didn't care who the man was. Rocking his hips suggestively against the hand still stroking him, he kissed the strange man back desperately.

All these unfamiliar touches making his body so unbearably hot, it was like he was burning. The man pulled back form their kiss to gently suck at his neck, his teeth gently nipping at the sensitive skin, making Deidara moan uncontrollably. He had never felt so good in his short life.

Roughly he felt hands tangle in his honey hair, and yank his head forcibly to the side. Without hesitation, the teeth that only moments ago were gently nipping at him, tore through the fragile skin, he felt the stranger growl as he lapped up the blood. While Deidara moaned leaning into the abusive touches.

Deep inside of him, Deidara felt, that something was very, wrong with what was happening. Didn't he love his Danna? He had no idea who this man was, why didn't that seem to bother him now?

He snapped from his thoughts as the hand wrapped around him retreated, and the strange man moved so that he was face to face with Deidara's small erection. He gasped as the hot mouth engulfed his small manhood, tugging at the cloth that bound his hands. He tried to struggle furiously against Madara's crushing grip, But failed, only succeeding in enraging the older man.

Who without so much as a second thought, roughly shoved two fingers into his tiny entrance continuing to suck on the small erection between his lips like a lollipop. Keeping a steady rhythm with his fingers, moving them in and out of the small blonds body at a steady pace.

Despite his inward protests, the only sounds Deidara could manage to let escape his lips were moans of ecstasy. Why was his body enjoying this so much, when inside he didn't want it?

He whimpered as the heat disappeared from around his manhood, and the man shifted again, this time to press something much larger than fingers against his virgin hole. He shook his head furiously in protest as the man began to sheathe himself deep within him. His voice was still failing him, his body still wouldn't listen. All he could do was lay immobile as the stranger stole his innocence.

He screwed his eyes shut, expecting a severe amount of pain to follow the rough thrust of the other mans hips, but it didn't. Strangely, it didn't seem to hurt at all. Her gasped, arching his back as suddenly, with a particularly rough thrust of the strangers hips, his whole body was consumed by a blinding white feeling. His toes tingled as the mysterious man continued to hit that same spot, over and over never giving him a moment to breathe.

He was panting, his small lungs desperate for the oxygen they had been deprived of. His tiny face was flushed such a dark lusty pink, his blue eyes thick with tears. Madara was more than satisfied with his position, inside the angelic boy. With every movement of their hips, Deidara was becoming his. Roughly the Uchiha grabbed a hold of the teen's weeping arousal, the poor thing had been sitting there, neglected since the blow job Madara had used to distract the bomber while he prepared him.

It was practically begging to be played with, stroked and teased, while he fucked that tight little ass. Grabbing one of Deidara's slender hips roughly, he did just that, stroking him lovingly in time with the pace of his hips. His grip bruising the small boy under him, his nails slicing through the soft flesh of his hip with ease.

Deidara felt weird, his stomach was tight, and his spine burned, the hand stroking him making the friction on his insides grow worse by the second. He felt like he was going to explode. Moments, and several rough strokes later, he did.

Shooting his seed into the strangers hand. Seeing his perfect angel below him, dripping with his own cum, it was too much, and Madara was soon pushed into his own orgasm, letting those tight convulsing muscles milk him dry.

Deidara lay dumbfounded on Sasori's bed, his hands still bound and his small body exhausted.

Madara reached out, about to take that small face in his hands and give the blond a loving kiss, when he heard a noise in the hallway. Someone was coming!

Leaning down quickly he kissed Deidara's forehead. Whispering in his cherubs ear.

"My name is Madara, until next time my angel..sleep"

With the last word uttered from Madara's lips, Deidara's eyes fluttered closed, his body silently obeying the command to sleep.

Taking one solemn look back Madara quickly made his way out the window, just in time to see Sasori enter the small room.

The puppet masters eyes went wide with horror as the sight before him unfolded. Deidara, naked and bound in his bed. It was obvious to the redhead that the small blond had been sexually assaulted, he felt rage well up inside of him. How could anyone do this to a child! Sure he himself was guilty of having deep feelings for the boy, but he had wanted to wait, until Deidara himself was ready.

His hands trembled in anger as he reached out to touch one of Deidara's pale cheeks. The blond awoke with a start, sure that his Danna would be angry at him for daring to sneak into his bed while he was gone. Instead he was met with a soft, apologetic face. Trying to sit up he realized his hands were securely tied, his whole body hurt, there was blood all around him, and his insides felt squishy.

It only took him a moment to realize what had happened.


Sasori stopped him, shaking his head.

"I would never" he said softly, untying Deidara's hands and dropping them softly to the bed below, only to have them spring up and wrap around his neck seconds later.

"I-I l-love you...Danna, un"

Sasori was surprised to say the least when the younger man leaned in to claim his lips, but he kissed the boy back gently.

"I love you too, Deidara"

Sasori spent the next few minutes questioning the blond about what had happened, all the young boy remembered was slipping into Sasori's bed to sleep, and glowing red eyes.

Madara was furious with the sight before him when he awoke that morning. Sasori, that puppet bastard and his angel, hand in hand kissing and cooing to each other. How! How could this have happened when he had claimed Deidara as his own. God Dammit!

He sighed as he watched the two artists together, he had never seen his angel look so happy. Why did fate have to be so cruel? Silently, he admitted defeat, Saosri won, for now.

But someday, when he failed a mission, when he didn't come back, Deidara would be all his.