yay. second chapter. this chapter i felt needed humor in it. so i added it.

next chapter is when all the good stuff will start (hopefully.)

thanks to Torain and darkemoperson.

also to all who favorited/alerted, thanks!

chapter two.

in which the wizard meets the shinobi.

As the Kazekage had requested, all of the Konoha Twelve were present and slightly squished into Gaara's office. To say that it was uncomfortable would have been an understatement, mainly because they were all standing.

Of course, they were shinobi, and complaining was unbecoming of them. However, Uzumaki Naruto was no normal shinobi, and therefore, felt no qualms about complaining constantly.

"Ne, ne, Sakura-chan! How long do we have to wait for this Dumbly-door-san? This is taking so longgg!" He whined. Sakura's patience was wearing thin, and all the others in the room had realized this fact. Everyone except Naruto, of course.

"Idiot. We will wait as long as necessary, and if you do not shut your mouth right now, and keep it that way, I will murder you, ya hear me?" Sakura threatened, a dangerous glint in her gaze.

"Yes, Sakura-chan," Naruto said. "I heard you."


Most everyone was merely amused with these interactions, as they were often and always ended in the same way: Sakura threatening to do something violent to the blonde, and Naruto instantly shutting up. Eventually, however, his mouth would open again, as it seems that he lacked the capacity to stay quiet, and Sakura would start threatening him again.

The remaining ten members of the Konoha Twelve were beginning to understand why they say that silence is golden.


The shinobi present were alarmed by the sudden sound, and instantly prepared for a fight. Kunais drawn, eyes shifting from left to right, they were the picture of alert fighters.

"Ah. Pardon me. I am sorry if I alarmed you," a voice said from behind the shinobi. They instantly whirled around to be met with an interesting sight.

It was an older man, with long, white hair, and a waist-length beard to match. He was wearing robes of a violent shade of fuchsia with a pointy hat the same shade of fuchsia, making him look like an extra bright neon sign. He had twinkling blue eyes hidden behind gold eyeglasses. His mouth was pulled into a small smile. All in all, he looked like an inconspicuous man with interesting choices in fashion. Of course, Shinobi rules dictated that they must look past all deception. Reading a book by its cover was a dangerous and foolish mistake on the battlefield.

"Dumbledore-san. Welcome," Gaara spoke up suddenly. "Please sit down."

"Kazekage-sama, it is a pleasure to see you again. I am immensely grateful you accepted my request. And thank you for the chair," the man said as he sat down.

Gaara merely nodded.

"So, this is the team?"

"Yes. They are the Konoha Twelve, from an allied village of Suna's, and are extremely respected in the shinobi world. They have agreed to accompany my sister and I on this mission, and I think you shall find them well-equipped for this mission."

"Oh, but of course. I would never doubt your choice. There is a reason you are the leader of your village, correct?"

"Thank you for your kindness, but I merely rule as I see benefits my village. I shall introduce you to your team now. Hyuuga Neji is the platoon leader, Nara Shikamaru is the head tactician, and Haruno Sakura is the head medic. They shall be under my lead, but they are second-in-command. Any issues may be dealt with by them. The rest of the team consists of Tenten, Rock Lee, Yamanaka Ino, Akimichi Chouji, Uzumaki Naruto, Sai, Hyuuga Hinata, Inuzuka Kiba, and Aburame Shino."

With a dramatic flourish of his hat, the man bowed and said, "Pleasure to meet you all. As I'm sure the Kazekage has told you, my name is Dumbledore Albus."

"Likewise," Sakura said, tilting her head forward.

Dumbledore smiled serenely, then said,"So I'm sure you're wondering what your mission entails." He paused. "Well I'll tell you now."

He settled himself more comfortably in his chair, and spoke, "You may want to get comfortable. It is a long story. Are you all ready?"

At the nods, Dumbledore closed his eyes, and said, "About fifteen years ago, an evil wizard- wait, you all are familiar with magic, right?"

"Not exactly, Dumbledore-san," Tenten said carefully.

"Ah, well. Let me see how I can explain this. Aha! It is a form of what you call chakra. You channel your chakra through hand seals, and we-" at this point, Dumbledore pulled out a long stick of wood. "-use these. They are called wands, and our chakra, or magic, is channeled through this by the help of words. There is one small difference. Your chakra is utilized in a raw sense, focusing more on elemental forms. Our magic can perform many other different acts, but we can get into that later. Is it making more sense now?"

"Yes, kind of...?" Tenten said obviously far from "kind of" understanding it. Dumbledore smiled jovially.

"It's all right. You will understand it soon enough. Alright, now where was I? Oh right. This evil wizard. His name was Voldemort, and he was many people's worst fear. Now he had heard rumor of a prophecy, which foretold who would be able to defeat him. It spoke of a young boy. Now, Voldemort did not hear the entire prophecy, and so, merely assumed that the young boy was one named Potter Harry. Because of this prophecy, he attempted to kill the baby boy, but failed. He did succeed in killing the boy's parents."

"How did he fail to kill the baby, but managed to kill his parents?" Temari asked, seeing as how she was just now hearing the story in full.

"How? Well, I believe that his parents' sacrifice created a strong protection around him, and thus, caused Voldemort's spell, which was meant to kill, to repel itself and hit him instead. As it was, all that happened was that he was severely weakened."

"So if it was a spell meant to kill, why did it not kill him?" Sakura asked.

"Ah, well, I also have many theories on that subject, but alas, now is not the time. I will tell you all in time, however. But now, we must spend our time wisely. To continue on, just last year, young Harry was forced to witness Voldemort's... ressurrection, let's call it. As of now, Voldemort is now back, and at full strength. Which brings me to my reason for asking of your assistance."


"Recently, I received a visit from four people accompanied by a Death Eater, which, by the way, are Voldemort's legion of followers. They called themselves Team Hebi, and gave me a message from Voldemort himself saying that if I did not receive shinobi help, I would lose the battle. So that is the story. Now comes what I wish for you all to do. I wish for you to protect the school, how you do it is up to you. I also wish for you to especially watch out for the boy."

"Potter-san, you mean?"


"Hm. We understand," Sakura said.

"So, Gaara? Are we doing this?" Naruto asked Gaara, and judging from the grin on his face, already knew the answer. Gaara deliberated for a moment, then finally turned to Dumbledore.

"We accept."

"Oh good. How do you feel about leaving tomorrow? Pack for a year-long trip. Also, most of you know how to speak English, correct?"

"Yes, we had to learn different languages in order to become Chuunin," Sakura replied.

"Uh... we did?" Naruto asked dumbly.

"You didn't?"

"No... was I supposed to?"

"Agh! Great! Now we have to teach you a whole language by tomorrow!"

Dumbledore chuckled, watching the two's antics. Shikamaru, who was standing next to the older man, said, "Get used to it, Dumbledore-san. They will cause a commotion wherever they go."

His remark only made Dumbledore chuckle even more heartily.

"So Sakura, Sai, how'd the English lesson go?" Ino asked, hiding a teasing smirk, so as to not invoke Sakura's wrath.

"Never speak of it again," Sakura responded.

"It was that bad?"

"Oh no. It was worse. Much, much worse. I never knew Dickless could get even more idiotic, but I have been proven wrong," Sai replied, his fake smile plastered on his face.

"How was it worse?"

"He practically butchered the language, pig!"

"Is that even possible?"

"With that idiot, nothing's impossible," Sai replied.

"Too true. He snored all night long!" Sakura complained.

"Wow. And I thought I had it bad."

"I would pay you to trade me," Sakura pleaded.

"And leave me behind, Ugly? I think not," Sai retorted.

"Oh, I'm sorry Sai. I would never leave you behind."

"Hn. Good." Neither noticed Ino sneakily run away from what she was sure would be her downfall.

"So what do you say, Ino?" Sakura asked. "What the hell, pig!?"

"Haruno, you look like hell," Neji told Sakura as she entered the Kazekage's office with Sai at her side.

"Thanks, Hyuuga. Really. It's bad enough that I have to deal with the knucklehead. I would greatly appreciate it if you didn't irritate me further." To this, Neji raised an elegant eyebrow.

"She's pissed. Apparently, the idiot Naruto couldn't grasp the English language," Ino told him in a stage-whisper.

"I can hear you, pig! I can't believe you went and ran off! If I could, I would turn you into bacon!" Sakura fumed.

"Ha! Like you could, billboard-brow."

"Where is Naruto?" Gaara interrupted, obviously trying to avoid an argument and possible blood spillage in his office.

"Oh, you've gotta be fucking kidding me," Sakura grit out through her teeth. "I'll be back in a bit. Please excuse me."

As soon as she disappeared through the door, Shikamaru let out a low whistle and Kiba said, "The idiot's so screwed."

Sakura returned dragging a battered Naruto.

"Ahh... Sakura-chan... why? That hurt..."

"It was supposed to. I can't believe you, you idiot. You're supposed to be a Chuunin, and that means showing responsibility. That does not mean that five minutes before you are due for a mission that you roll out of bed and come here. No, it means making yourself presentable. But do you understand that concept? No. You don't. And you better get it soon, or I will continue beating it into you, you understand?" Sakura then turned her attention towards her amused audience. "Sorry. He planned on coming here without taking a shower."

The kunoichi winced, while the men grimaced.

"I didn't get to eat my ramen!" Naruto pouted.

"Does it look like I give a damn, baka?" Sakura replied.


This time, the ninja were prepared.

"Dumbledore-san." Gaara nodded politely.

"Kazekage-sama! Good day to you. Ah. So, are we all ready?"

"Dumbledore-san, how are we going to get to this... Hogwarts?"

"Through these," he replied, holding up a tattered piece of fabric and what looked like the remains of a boot. The ninja stared at him as if he had just told them that the sun was green.

"This is what we call a portkey. It will transport us to a specific place. However, since there are so many of you, we have to take two. Who wants to go first?"

In the end, the first group consisted of Naruto, Sai, Ino, Hinata, Gaara, Sakura, and Kiba.

"So, each of you touch a part of the portkey. And brace yourselves. One, two... three!"

All seven of them felt something pulling on their navel, and were jerked backwards.

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