Hello my lovelies! Thank you so much for the reviews and alerts and favorites and all the support and songs so far. Of the four songs mentioned two of them were the same…so I just picked the one most suggested for the last chapter and that was Papa Don't Preach by Madonna. So I need to give a super duper thank you to suzi1811 (When I read the lyrics you left with the review I was like heck yes! Thank you) and JoshRamsay (OMH! A, I am thanking you for the song suggestion and B, for the review. Lolz, I don't even care that it didn't have much to do with the story. It was epic.) I will get around to adding the lyrics to the last chapter sometime this coming weekend.

For reviewing, I want to thank ItsAllTheSameToMe, Kylahgk, LilyDrippingTears, Winkadink, fireicegirl16, Violentious Starr, Ur Sarcastic Bitch XD (Haha, nice…) and of course burning. (*bows to you* Thank you for always reviewing like everything I've written. ^_^)

I had the need to thank all of my reviewers because it's been so incredibly long since I've updated this story. (I'm actually doing research and such for this story, which is why it's taking even longer than my other stories.)

Now to the chapter. This is about month later than the last chapter so Chloe is eleven weeks…of course you guys already knew that because of the title huh?

Okay, if you guys have been paying attention as you read you get the impression that they are still have sex…frequently. Except I haven't written out any lemons…therefore this chapter has lemony goodness in it. There is a reason for this and you'll see it after dinner with Steve.


Disclaimer: DP…it's not mine. And that's actually a damn good thing too. The trilogy wouldn't have been completed until like 2012 if it was mine. Yay for more brilliant minds like Kelley Armstrong's!

Turn Me On- Norah Jones

My poor heart, it's been so dark since you been gone

After all, you're the only one who can turn me off

But you're the only one who can turn me back on

Eleven Weeks and No Love

Chloe POV

I sat on our bed watching Derek fiddle with his tie. He put it on. Took it off. And put it on again then he tied it, untied it and retied it. Now he was just staring at his reflection in the mirror the look on his face saying he absolutely detested the thing around his neck.

"I've got an idea."

He grunted.

"Don't wear it."

He glanced over at me and sighed. "I want to make a good impression." He grumbled.

I sighed and stood to move so that I was standing behind him. I placed a hand on his shoulder and he shrugged my hand off.

I growled in frustration and punched his arm as hard as I could. Then I stormed out of the room.

As unwarranted as my anger might seem, it's most definitely not. Derek, though he still told me he loved me every night and day and talked to me, wouldn't come within five feet of me anymore. For the last two weeks he has been avoiding me like I've got the plague or something. He wouldn't tell me why, but it started after he told me he could hear the faint beating of the baby's heart. The day after that…he closed himself off from me.

I wanted to smack him.

I glanced at my phone, checking the time. We were supposed to be meeting my dad in two hours at a high class restaurant that we had reservations at. I was already dressed and ready to go. I'd noticed that my favorite dress pants were a little snug around my waist now when they had fit fine last week. I wasn't really showing any noticeable signs that I was pregnant but I could feel it. I could tell.

So I was sitting on the couch, on the verge of tears, in a black dress that fell just above my knees and a pair of red patent leather heels I would probably never wear again. The deep-v of the dress let me wear my amulet without it looking completely ridiculous.

Derek appeared beside me. I didn't even notice he'd come out of the bedroom. When I glanced up at him I noticed he decided not to wear his tie after all.

Good thing he didn't. I might have choked him with the stupid thing.

"Are you ready to go?" He asked stuffing his hands in his pants pockets.

"I've been ready for almost twenty minutes." I replied with more venom in my voice that I'd meant to.

He headed for the door and I followed. Derek drove to the restaurant and, I don't know how he felt, but I thought the ride there was a bit awkward. We only spoke once. I think he could sense my irritation and didn't want to say anything incase he angered me more. It was a nice thought but I wanted to talk about what was bothering him and I knew he wouldn't answer me if I asked.

We were sitting at a red light that seemed to be taking a bit too long to change when he turned to me. "I do love you and I know that you know that's true."

I cut him a glare before returned to staring out my window. "Shove it." I mumbled knowing he would hear me. He sighed and readjusted his grip on the steering wheel.

"Chloe I-"

"Why do you keep saying that?"

"What? That I love you? Because I do."

"You sure don't act like it."

"What do you mean? Is that fact that I tell you that everyday not enough?"

"It's not that. You've completely physically withdrawn from me and it's bothering me because I don't know why you've withdrawn."

"Chloe you don't understand why-"

"No Derek. I don't. That's why I just said that. But if you aren't going to be explaining it me then, like I said, shove it."

He sighed again and I felt his gaze on me but I didn't look over at him. The longer we sat at this godforsaken light the heavier his gaze seemed to get. I wanted to snap at him and ask why he was staring at me so intently but then I had a thought, some semblance of an idea as to why he was physically avoiding me.

He wanted to hold me, to kiss me but he'd gotten a crazy idea in his head and now due to whatever insane logic he used to come up with said idea, he had himself completely convinced what he was doing was right.

If I was right, he was being an idiot.

I glanced down at the ring on my finger and watched as lights bounced off the diamonds as I moved my hand. The ring was supposed to represent our love but I didn't feel loved. I felt neglected. I was angry and sad and…I didn't even know what else…I just wanted the old Derek back. My Derek. My lover and best friend.

I wanted the Derek who I could lie in bed all day with, doing nothing but snuggling, acting as though we didn't have a care in the world even though we had new problems everyday. I wanted the Derek who kissed me and held me when we laid down to sleep at night. I wanted the Derek who watched television with his arms wrapped around me or the Derek who made slow, sweet love to me like I was the only thing he had time for.

But the man I was sharing the car with wouldn't do any of those things. I wanted to know why he was acting this way but at the same time…if he didn't seem to care, then why should I?

We arrived at the restaurant ten minutes earlier than I thought we would. My dad was waiting outside and when he noticed us he made his way over to our car.

"I hope this goes well." Derek said.

I looked over at him for the first time since we'd talked earlier. "This isn't the only thing I want to go well." I said before opening the car door and stepping out.

My dad led us inside to our table. Since he'd arrived first he went inside and got the table that had been reserved for us and then he came back outside to wait.

The restaurant wasn't very big but it was packed. I was glad my dad had made reservations otherwise we wouldn't be eating here. The lights were dim, crystal chandeliers hung from the high ceiling and there was classical music playing. I was guessing the music was coming from speakers so small and so high up that we couldn't see them.

I'll admit, being able to talk to my dad and catch up a bit was nice. It was so unusual and I really enjoyed that part of dinner because I could talk to him. Find out things about his travels and he wanted to know what was going on in my life. I loved that he was actually making a conscientious effort to stay in my life now.

But when my father focused his attention more on Derek, I stopped paying attention. I didn't care about my dads endless questions regarding what Derek's job was, his education, or what his goals in life were. After he got past those questions my dad moved on to asking him things about sports and politics. World issues and religion. He delved into such personal questions I'm surprised Derek didn't tell him to stop asking him so much. But he was being polite and answering his questions.

I moved on to my own thoughts.

I knew what his job was and how much education he'd had. He worked in an office, in a cramped cubicle. I don't know how he was able to stand it seeing how he liked his space but his logic was 'It's money. Until we have our affairs in order I'm keeping the job.'

His education. Well, obviously he'd passed high school with flying colors only slightly faulted in English because, well, that's just not his subject. As for why he decided to go with a community college…I don't even know the answer to that. He was smart enough, with amazing grades and standardized test scores so it would stand to reason that he could get into pretty much any college he wanted to.

Some things were just forever a mystery.

Including his goals in life.

A few weeks ago, I thought I knew what they were. I mean, they were clear and I was involved in almost every goal. Now, well…I was lost on what they were. The fact the he wouldn't talk to me wasn't helping. If I couldn't get inside his head then I couldn't figure out what was making him give me the cold shoulder.

I needed to think of a way to get my Derek back, even if it meant I had to use force.

An hour passed and by the end of that time I was ready to pass out. I was tired and bored. Though I liked that my dad and Derek were getting along better than I had planned, could have ever imagined even, I wanted to go home. They had talked long enough and I was about ready to tell them that if they wanted to continue this talk they could call each other later.

Thankfully, not even two seconds after I thought that, they stood. I followed, pushing my chair in once I was standing.

My dad came around the table and gave me a hug. Surprisingly enough, the hug wasn't awkward like the ones I received from him five weeks ago. When he pulled away he turned to Derek and shook hands with him again.

"It was nice to meet you. You're a good man and I approve though this is all a bit too soon for my liking." He said smiling. He looked so proud.

"Thank you sir."

"Just imagine being one of us." I grumbled in response to the last part of what he'd said.

He chose not to respond to that. "You two go on home and I'll pay for everything."

I smiled. "Thanks dad."

Instead of staring out the window all the way home, I watched Derek. He knew I was watching him too. He kept glancing over at me and I wanted so badly to know what was going on inside his head. I didn't dare ask because the resulting conversation was likely to put me in a bad mood again and I didn't want to be angry with him. Or with myself for letting his lack of attention get to me so badly.

It wasn't like he didn't talk to me…but I wanted to be held. I wanted actions to match his words and when we went to bed at night and he wasn't holding me while we fell asleep, I felt his missing touch like a missing coat in cold weather.

When we got home, I realized it was too late to call Tori and talk to her as I promised I'd do after dinner tonight. I was just hoping that she wouldn't be too upset that I was going to call tomorrow. I'd wanted to call Simon and tell him I was going to kick his brothers butt but then Simon would worry and wonder why I wanted to do that so I didn't even bother going near the phone. Plus, it wasn't really Simon's business what was going on between Derek and I.

I went into the bathroom to draw water for a bath or more specifically a bubble bath. I knelt next to the bathtub and waited for the water to rise a few inches before I added my vanilla bubble bath to the water.

I knew I had a few minutes to wait so I was going to take my shoes off, slip out of my dress and pull my hair out of the messy bun I had it in but when I stood and turned around I smacked right into Derek's bare chest.

"Have you been standing there the whole time I've been in here?"


Then I realized that was a stupid question. Of course he hadn't been there the whole time if he was standing in here with a pair of sweatpants but no shirt.

"I just came in to tell you goodnight."


He nodded then bent like he was going to kiss me, you know, on the lips.

But he didn't. I received a kiss on my cheek before he said goodnight and walked out of the bathroom.

I stiffly closed the bathroom door not entirely sure if I should be happy or angry. On the one hand he did seem to hear me earlier when I confessed what was wrong with me but on the other hand, he couldn't even give me kiss on the lips! What the heck was his issue?

Sighing, I kicked my shoes off and unzipped my dress then moved to look at my reflection in the mirror. I pulled the bobby pins out of my hair then the hair tie and watched as my hair fell down and framed my face. I stared and stared not really sure what I was looking for.

All I noticed was that, despite the fact that I felt tired, I didn't look it. I took a step back so I could see my entire torso in the mirror then I turned to the side.

I didn't look pregnant. Not one bit and in a way I was glad that I didn't look it. Who knows how Derek would act if he could see the proof along with hearing it.

This pregnancy was the issue. At least, that's what I thought was keeping him from being his normal self. I'd thought this over on the way home and the more I thought about it the more it made sense to me. He didn't want to do something that could accidentally hurt me so he'd decided to just play the hands free game. If he didn't touch me, he couldn't hurt me.

When I tried to look at it from Derek's point of view, I could see some logic in it. But, he was always careful with me so I quickly banished that logical thought.

This was all just a theory of course.

I stepped away from the mirror, shut the water off and shed my remaining articles of clothing before stepping into the tub. I mulled over a few different ideas before settling on one that wouldn't require a week or two to set in motion. I smiled. This was a plan I could do tonight. At that thought my smile got even wider.

I relaxed and let myself enjoy my vanilla scented bubbly bliss.

Chloe towel dried her hair then wrapped the towel around her body. Smiling to herself, she slipped across the hall to their bedroom. She discarded the towel on the floor but didn't bother putting clothes on before she joined Derek under the covers. Her plan…well, it didn't require clothing.

He was lying on his side with his back to her but she knew he wasn't asleep. He never was when she came to bed simply because he liked to make sure she was asleep and comfortable before he let sleep override his instincts.

So when she scooted closer and wrapped herself around his body, she wasn't surprised when he spoke.

"What are you doing?"

Chloe snuggled closer until her chest was flush against his back then she nuzzled his neck. She sighed, her breath falling across his collar bone, and smiled when Derek involuntarily trembled.

Derek rolled onto his back forcing Chloe to move. But when he settled down she latched on to him, more out of a fear of him getting up than anything else.

"Getting your attention." She whispered.

"You didn't need to do this to get my attention. You could have just said my name and I would have rolled over to face you."

"Really?" She shifted, pulling herself into a seated position, then ran her index finger down his chest. "Because I don't think you would have."

"And why is that?"

"I've already informed you of why I think that once tonight."

Derek wasn't really sure of what he should do. Here she sat, completely naked, staring down at him like she was expecting him to jump out of the bed and run away at any minute. In truth, it's what he should do to prevent any chance that he might get a little rough and hurt her in some way.

But as he stared up at her, he felt his resolve shatter. His idea was stupid and he knew it and to be honest, he was surprised he made it through the last two weeks. So, while he should just get up, his body wouldn't let him. He missed her touch too much

"You see," she said moving so that she was straddling his waist, her hands braced on his chest as she leaned forward. "I think you've been avoiding getting close to me because you have this insane idea in your head. An idea along the lines of you thinking that you're going to hurt me if you touch me now. Like the fact that I'm pregnant makes me fifty times more fragile. I won't break Derek."


She placed a finger over his lips. "Don't even try to deny it. That's the only thing that makes sense."

"I wasn't going to deny it."

"Oh." She bit her lower lip and crossed her arms over her chest.

"I know it was stupid. In hindsight I don't even know why I thought it was a good idea. Probably couldn't remember if I tried."


"Well, I know the basis behind the decision. But…Chloe, hearing that little sound, faint though the baby's heart beat may be, seemed to make me realize that this is real. That all of this is actually happening. And it's scaring the shit out of me."

"Why does it scare you?"

"Five years ago, before I met you, I didn't even feel that I was worthy of being around people. Then you came crashing into my life and changed all that and now we're engaged and you're pregnant and I'm just completely blown away by the current circumstances of my life. I don't want to mess any of this up."

"And all that scares you?"

"Hell yes. But I think it's the 'you're pregnant' part that scares me the most."

She laughed. "It scares you? Ha! There is no way you are as freaked out about this as I am. Do you have any idea what I've been thinking about lately? How should I sleep? What should I eat? Should I do this versus this or how should I do this action? If I do this what effect will it have-"

"I think I get it." Derek said smiling.

Chloe paused as she realized the Derek she loved most was back. Smiling, she leaned down to kiss him. Derek wrapped his arms around her small body and, still kissing her, he sat up so she was now sitting in his lap.

She draped her arms over his shoulders and then pulled back.

"I take it I'm forgiven?" he asked running his hands down her back, over her hips and resting them on her thighs.

She swallowed and nodded. "Just don't do anything stupid like that again. I know my heart wouldn't be able to handle that."

"I'm sorry Chloe."

"I know." She said with a small smile. "But you're forgiven and all is well again."

Derek kissed her again. He kissed her lips, her throat, her chest and shoulders. He missed her. Every inch of her. Her mind, body and soul. Things just weren't the same if they weren't communicating.

Chloe was timid in returning his kisses at first, almost like she wasn't sure if anything that had just transpired between them was real. But then she gained confidence and returned his kisses with everything she had and then some. Derek laid down again, pulling her with him. They only separated long enough for Derek to pull his sweatpants off.

Chloe straddled Derek's hips and bit her lip as he slowly guided himself into her body. She leaned forward, placing her hands on his chest again, murmuring her pleasure as she rode him slow and easy. She locked gazes with him and offered him a faint smile. Derek buried one hand in her hair and gently tugged her closer to him so he could continue with their earlier kiss.

He reached down between their bodies so he could stroke her in time with his thrusts, heightening her pleasure to an almost unimaginable level. Chloe gasped when he touched her. Moments later, she called out Derek's name as her orgasm tore through her.

Seeking his own release, Derek wrapped his arms around Chloe and rolled them over. She wrapped her legs around his waist, driving him deeper into her body until he tumbled over the edge and straight into oblivion.

They laid there completely breathless and spent afterwards.

"I think you killed me." Derek said rolling onto his back.

Laughing, Chloe curled up next to him. "I know what you mean…I don't think I'll be able to move for days."

"I'm fine with staying in bed like this for the next few days."

"Uh-huh. Me too." She said gently kissing his lips. "I love you Derek."

"I love you too Chloe and I don't want you to doubt that ever again."

If you didn't like it or didn't agree with some of what I wrote…sorry. That just kind of sucks 'cause…it's my story.

So…sorry, that's not my usually happy end note but I felt the need to say it since I have a feeling some people are gonna be like 'Derek wouldn't do that.' When really…think about it. Think about how he views things and then imagine him imagining all the bad things that could happen and blowing them completely out of proportion.

Sorry about that rant thing there…review? I probably won't get too many now that I've gone all bitchy on you guys…If you are actually going to review…hopefully this chapter didn't disappoint.
