Disclaimer: I do not own aspects of the Kim Possible franchise, that belongs to the Disney Corporation.


Dr. Elizabeth Poole's Case Notes

Date: 27 May, 2007

Subject: Adrian Vincent Derout

Reason for Incarceration: Submitted by the State for Patient's Own Safety

May 27: I met the patient for the first time today. Upon first glance, I noticed that the patient looked very calm, very serene. He wore his prison uniform like the rest of the inmates, but he walked with much more of a pristine confidence than the rest of them. I also that his fingernails were trimmed, his teeth brushed, his hair perfectly coifed…it had reminded of someone heading to the office instead of their first session with a psychiatrist. Below, is a written recording of my first encounter with the patient, as recorded by my assistant Gabrielle.

10:45. Dr. Poole Enters. Patient is seated in leather armchair in asylum uniform. He is smoking a cigarette.

Dr. Poole: Good Morning, Adrian. Thank you for meeting with me.

Adrian: Oh, believe me Doctor, the pleasure is mine.

Dr. Poole: Adrian, you know the rules. I'm going to have to ask that you put that out.

[patient laughs]

Adrian: Of course Doctor. You'll have to forgive me, I am a man of dreadful habits.

P: Yes, I've read your file. You have several bad habits.

A: Oh, why bother wasting your time reading a thing like that? A smart, educated, woman such as yourself should be reading literary classics. [pause] I say, have you ever read A Catcher in the Rye?

P: No, I haven't. But I'm afraid the works of Salinger are not up for discussion.

A: Ah, yes. You're here to talk to me about [pauses] my apparent condition. Is that right?

P: If that's what the conversation leads to, then yes. But for right now, I'd like to focus on you, Adrian.

A: And what is it about me that you'd like to know?

P: Well, my job is to find the workings of your quiet mind. What makes you tick. Perhaps we could start with your childhood?

A: I was born, I grew up, and I was incarcerated here. Anything else?

P: Surely there is more you can tell me than that.

A: Sorry to disappoint you, dear, but I'm afraid my childhood is dreadfully uneventful.

P: Well then, perhaps we could start with

[patient interrupts]

A: Doctor Poole, please, if I may interject, why are we wasting our time with the past? You and I both know full well the reason for your visit, so why not stop beating around the bush and get to the point? You're here to find exactly why I am a patient in this institution, right? To find out what makes me insane?

P: Well, that's not the terminology I would use but, yes, essentially that's why I am here.

A: I see. Well then, Dr. Poole, I can tell you now that you are wasting your time. I am many things, this is true, but I am not insane.

P: Adrian, according to your file you were incarcerated here by the State due to repeated suicide attempts and

[patient bursts out laughing]

A: Is that what they told you? Suicide attempts? My Lord, I never thought they would get so creative with their cover stories.

P: Cover stories, Adrian?

A: Yes, Dr. Poole, cover stories. As in falsehoods used to cover up a hidden truth.

P: I know what a cover story is, Adrian.

A: Oh yes, Doctor, I'm sure you do. Yes, I'm sure you learned all about it at [pause] Where was it you graduated from, dear?

P: That's none of your business.

A: Ah…so am I to assume your degree was purchased online then?

P: Adrian this is very inappropriate. You have no business getting into my private matters.

A: Private matters? My dear girl, how can you be so naïve? Don't you know that no matter can ever be private?

P: I don't know what you mean.

A: You don't, do you? No, no I suppose you wouldn't. We all made sure of that.

P: We?

A: Yes, we. Dr. Poole, what if I told you that, a little over a year ago, I stole a piece of machinery that had the power to devastate the entire world?

P: I would have to ask you to expound on that further.

A: I had the world at my fingertips; I had the planet on a platter. I even sent out a worldwide broadcast warning humanity of their upcoming demise. Oh, how they panicked…

P: Adrian, I do not remember any such event.

A: Of course you don't, my dear. You see, we made you forget.

P: And who is we?

A: Why me, a scientist named Bortel, and the President, of course.

P: The President? Of the United States?

A: The very same. He and the scientist had me create a device that altered the brainwaves of everyone on the planet.

P: I see, and how did it work, this device.

A: Ah, yes. It was very simple really, once you knew where to start. You see the Doctor, Bortel, I believe was his name, had invented a device called a Moodulator which has the ability to enhance the emotions of whomever it is attached to. And, when you think about it, memories are really just small subsidiaries of whatever emotion it was attached to, such as sadness, joy, fear, etc. etc. So, it was really a no-brainer to connect the Moodulator with the same device I used to broadcast myself over the airwaves of the masses. Once that was accomplished, it was all too easy alter the brainwaves of every man, woman, and child on the planet.

P: I see. And why is it that the President asked you, a supposed terrorist, to build this machine for him, and what was so cataclysmic of this event that it required erasing the memories of all who had seen it?

A; To answer your questions, in order, he asked me because I was the only man who could build it, and as to why, well, you can imagine the kind of aftermath this all would've caused. If the public found out the government had technology like the one I stole there would be riots, public outcry…impeachment. And, with re-elections only two years away you could imagine the president's caution.

P: Yes, of course. So tell me, Adrian, exactly what did you get out of the deal? Surely you didn't walk away empty handed?


A: Oh heavens no, Doctor, I was reciprocated.

P: And how, may I ask?

A: Well, that is, what is the expression? For me to know and for you to find out.

P: Yes, well, I hope I will some day.

A: As do I, Doctor. As do I.

P: Well, Adrian, our time is up. Thank you for seeing me today. Our visit was [pause] illuminating.

A: I am happy to be of service.

P: So, same time next month?

A: I shall look forward to it.

End Recording.

Final Analysis: Patient seems to suffer from excessive amounts of arrogance and feelings of grandeur, very uncommon in suicide patients. Also, is very delusional. Seems to recall events which have never happened and believes he personally knows the President.

Recommended Treatment: Continual visits from myself, and a daily dose of Heliectocortozone (for the patients "vivid" imagination). Other than that, patient seems completely harmless. Honestly, I wonder why he is kept in the Secure Holding Bay.

More updates as treatment continues.

End Session

The End

So, my dear readers, that's the story. As you may have noticed, I decided at the very end, not to make it an AU so as to keep the events of So The Drama can take place as the show intended, thus the whole memory altering incident.

If anyone has any questions regarding the story, feel free to message me and ask.

Now, as far as a sequel goes…well, that's up to the readers, now isn't it? I highly enjoyed writing this story and would love to write another installment if, and only if, it is recommended by the readers.

So, with that little message, I will leave you to read and review, this segment, and the story as a whole.

Until next time,

Everhere Everthere