Chapter 21 Falling to Pieces


Holy shit they did it. They did the unthinkable. They pulled one over on the evil preggo pixie. Oh, Momma Liz has that proud smug look going on, remind me not get on her bad side. My wifey over here all smiling and laughing and crying. Rose is laughing trying to calm the pixie down. Oh, hell Jazz has a mic so this should be good.

"Tink, before you go into labor you still get to do the BBQ just think gender reveal instead of a wedding. Oops, was I not supposed to say that, Babe?"

"Guess the cats out of the bag now, Jazz. Tink, we're gonna have to move that party up afew months, I'm thinking at the end of the month. Thanks Leah for letting us rent your womb. Momma, you better get to packing cause you got 6 and a half months to get your new place set up before you become a Gigi of 7. And last but not least, Bear and Bella thank you for loving us and answering all our stupid baby questions." Edward's smartass replies.

Wait….. 7 we got Henry and twins on the way. Rose and Ali got one in the oven, so that means….



Damn, Bear figured that shit out quick. Oh, shit Momma looks like she's gonna pass out and Bella looks smug as shit. What's that all about? But we forgot to thank someone very important.

"Rosie-posie, thank you for giving of yourself and making all this possible. You are the best sister a person could ask for. We love you and Ali more than either of you could imagine." I say as Edward wraps his arm around my waist and grabs the mic.

"Enough of all the tears, happy as they may be. It's our reception and I want to party!"

Here we are several hours later and Edward still has me on the dance floor swaying to lord only knows what. Everyone else has left with the exception of Liz and she's still sitting at the table nursing a glass of whiskey, in honor of Charles becoming a grandpa, crying holding on to the ultrasound pictures we had framed for her. How nobody figured out what was going on we have no idea, but Leah has proven she's an Oscar worthy actress these last few weeks.

"Come on babe, time for bed. We've got a long day of flying to deal with later today." I gently say knowing he's almost asleep on his feet. He kicked his shoes off hours ago, saying they made his pretty little feet hurt.

"S'okay baby. I'm still good to party." He mumbles.

"Of course you are." I replied, sweeping him up into my arms.

"Marcus, you good to get Momma Liz to her room?"

"I've got her Mister Jasper. Go get your queen to bed."

"Thank you again for making his dream a reality. You have no idea what this means to the both of us."

"You're welcome. Now go, I have Ms. Liz taken care of. Good night sir." Marcus replies while gently guiding Liz to another elevator.

Getting my new husband to bed proves very difficult as he has fallen asleep on the way to our room. Dropping his shoes by the bed I gently lay him down and try to undress him without waking him up. Finally, getting him down to his boxers I pull the sheet up over him so I can get into bed as well.

Who turned on the damn alarm for this early? Rolling over to look at the clock I realize it's 4 in the afternoon and our flight leaves in two hours.

"Turn that damn noise off." Grumpy mumbles into his pillow.

"Come on babe, our flight leaves in an hour." I respond as he jumps up running to the bathroom like the hounds of hell are on his ass.

Works every time.

April 4, 2009

Gender Reveal


Everyone is supposed to be here within the hour for our Gender Reveal BBQ. Food has been delivered, the house is decorated within an itch of its life, all the preggo's are sitting around the breakfast bar snacking away on god knows what and giving orders to the rest of us. Who would have thought we would be growing by 6 more this time last year?

"Whatcha thinking so hard about over here?" My handsome husband asked before kissing my forehead.

Forehead kisses are the best.

"Just thinking about how this time last year we had welcomed our first new addition to our little family of misfits and how we are growing by 6 more. Triplets Jazz, can you believe it. All I've ever wanted was to have just one sweet baby of my own and now we are expecting 3. I can't wait to find out what we are having. What do you think we are having?"

"Healthy is all I could ever ask for my love. Hey Bear. Are we placing bets on due dates this go round?" Jazz smoothly asks in hopes of not angering Team Preggers.

"Nope, I learned my lesson last time. But I will take guesses on who delivers first, second and third." Emmett offers while Bella clips him across the back of his head.

"You better think again fat boy, or none of this for you." Rose laughs holding Alice in her seat and pointing to the Boston Cream Cake on the counter.

Let me get this straight in my head..

Alice is due on May 5

Bella is due July 15

And we are due October 6

Talk about luck, fate, whatever you want to call it, but Leah approached us the Saturday after Thanksgiving saying a little birdie had told her a couple months ago that we would be needing a surrogate. She informed us that she had already gone this route for a family member a few years ago and was willing to do it again for us if we would like to rent her womb. She went on to explain she had talked with Rose and everything was a go on her end; that the doctor's were just waiting on us. Our family had got the ball rolling for us so there would be no waiting. We could start working on our next chapter almost immediately.

"Baby boy of mine, are you ready to find out what my last three grandbabies are going to be?" My sweet momma asked.

"More than you know. Come on guys let's see what our next three little additions will be."

Walking over to the table Alice has set up you would think we were attending a sporting event. In keeping with the family football tradition there are three footballs with tags labeled A, B and C. Not sure what the plan is, but I'll let Papa handle the passes. Bear has finally joined us in the backyard wearing a solid white jersey with a huge A on the front and I'm assuming two more jerseys will follow to match up with the remaining footballs.

"Jazz, pick up the ball that matches up with Bear. Bear, you go long and for the love of god, don't drop the ball. I need these shirts to have color on them, they're for the nursery." Bella says while trying to keep Henry out of the way.

"Bear, go long." Jazz yells.

Emmett catches the first ball square in the numbers and it's a….


"Emmett Matthew Cullen, don't fuck up that jersey when you take it off." Bella screams from the other side of the yard where she is holding the other two jerseys.

Bear emerges from the side yard at a run sporting a new white jersey and Jazz lets the second football sail hitting Emmett in the numbers….

"It's a BOY!" I scream bouncing around like a crazy person.

"Jazz, you go put on the last shirt, I want to throw this one." I cry.

"Sweets, can you throw the ball hard enough and far enough for him to catch it? It has to be in the air. It can't hit the ground or it messes everything up." Momma bear gently reminds him.

"I can throw the ball just like y'all can." I pout and stomp my foot.

"He's got this Bella. Just like we have practiced Babe, you got this. You just throw it straight and I'll come to you."

Pulling the ball back just as far as I can, I let it fly just like Jazz has shown me. All I see is him running at me diving to catch the ball before it hits the ground but he lands with his back to everyone; no colors to be seen. I didn't do it right and now everything is ruined.

"Jasper Samuel Whitlock, you better turn around right now. Eddie's freaking out thinking he has ruined." Rose states very calmly all while trying to calm my ass down.

"Everybody shut up, please. Babe, you didn't ruin anything. You did everything just right. The damn ball didn't break, it's not even dented. You want to try this again and maybe have Bear help you out a little." Jasper laughs while bringing the ball back to me and placing a kiss on my nose.

All I can do is nod my head.

"Okay sweets, you got this. Pull your arm back just like before and let that ball fly." Emmett says as he pulls my arm back with his and the ball hits him square in the numbers and explodes into a cloud of….

"It's a GIRL!"