Summary: What happens when Professor McGonagall informs them that they will not be choosing their dates for the Yule Ball? How will they be paired? And most importantly, with whom?

Disclaimer: I sadly own nothing but the plot, however I'm okay with that. :)

Author' Note: This story is the result of my poll for which pairing you all would like me to write next. I hope all you lovely people like it. :D Also, don't forget to check out my other stories.

Reviews are LOVED.

I would like to dedicate this chapter to all of those who voted on my poll. Thank you.

Could You Repeat That Please?

Chapter One

Hogwarts was abuzz about the Yule Ball. The girls had started to move in packs, always giggling and whispering when a boy so much as looked at them. And the boys…well, the boys were trying to pluck up the courage to ask out the girl they liked. And the Ball had only been announced last night.

"Who are you asking?"

"Mhrnioumee." Ron mumbled, blushing.

"Enunciate Ron." Harry sighed, rolling his eyes at the blank look he received in return.

"Try again." he answered the unasked question.

"Hermione." Ron said a little louder.


"Yes I thought so too…" the redhead murmured, staring dreamily at his alarm clock for a moment before remembering his friend.

"And you?" he asked.

"I don't know." Harry replied perplexedly.

"What about Cho?" he queried, but stopped at the face Harry was giving him.

"Ron, the twins had just gotten me drunk on butter beer remember?" Harry asked, shuddering slightly as he remembered what had occured afterwards.


"So, I had no idea what I was saying." He replied.

"She's good at Quidditch." Ron pointed out.

"And she scares me." Harry replied in a singsong voice, causing Ron to laugh.

"Are you telling me that the boy who faced a nesting dragon a couple months ago, and You-Know-Who how many times now?" Ron asked off-handedly.

"Three times." The green eyed boy supplied helpfully.

"Three times," Ron continued, sending Harry a grateful look, "is afraid of a girl?"

"Yes." Harry replied, nodding his head fervently.

"You're weird, you know that right?" Ron asked wearily.

"Of course I am," Harry proclaimed happily, striking a silly pose, "it's part of my appeal."

"You're bonkers you are."

"Did we not just go through this?" Harry asked.

"Just wanted to make sure you knew." Ron trailed off.

"Duly noted." Harry quipped sarcastically, which was sadly lost on Ron.

"Come on," Harry said as he began gathering this school supplies, "time to go to Transfiguration."

"Harry?" came Ron' voice from where he had disappeared behind his bed curtains moments before.


"What time is it?" he asked pleasantly.

"9:00 why?"


"Yes Ron?" Harry asked slightly annoyed now.

"Transfiguration starts at 9:00."

"So?" He replied, not quite paying attention to their conversation.

"We're late." Ron said as he exited his bed curtains, ready to leave.

"Crap." Harry said quietly.

"My thoughts exactly."

Salutations my good readers! I hope you all liked the beginning of my very first Harry/Daphne story. Any suggestions for the next chapter or comments on this chapter are very welcome.

Hmmm...this chapter is very dialogue based isn't it?

Reviews are AMAZING things.

~Autumn Skyie