When Haruhi turned 16, her father let her get a job. She applied to many stores, and after 2 weeks, was accepted at a local convenience store. She worked for 2 hours after school on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and worked 10 hours on Saturday and Sunday. Haruhi used the leftover money she had every week to help pay off her debt along with her club activities. This didn't do much, but it helped. Tamaki and the twins were not happy about her having a job, but after she glared at them, they shut up. Everybody made a point to visit her during her brakes, and she usually never ate alone on the days that she worked. This was fine, but there were some days where the other members of the club couldn't come to visit, and on those occasions, Haruhi said goodbye after school, and left with the promise of seeing them the next day (or on Monday if it was a Friday).

Things went well for many months, and when everyone had something they needed to do, they said goodbye without a second thought. The next morning on the other hand, all of the male host club members were in for a nasty surprise. Every single one of them turned on the morning news while they ate, and the second story that morning, showed a picture of the store where Haruhi worked.

"Late last night a small convenience store was robbed at gunpoint."

Everyone stopped eating.

"Only one employee was present at the time, a miss Haruhi Fujioka. When the man brandished the gun and ordered for Miss Fujioka to give him all of the money in the cash register, she couldn't give him the answer that he wanted. All of the cash had already been placed in a safe in the back of the store by the manager, and he had gone home for the night. Upon hearing this the man grabbed Miss Fujioka and proceeded to beat her. When she continued to tell him that she had no money to give him, he shot her."

By this point all of the members were standing. Kyouya was placing a call to the Ootori private police, Tamaki was screaming about his beloved daughter, the twins were trying to comfort eachother, and Mori and Hunny were attempting to hear the rest of the report over the uproar of the family next to them.

"Miss Fujioka was transported to Tokyo hospital where she had immediate surgery to remove the bullet and repair damage done. We have not been informed of her condition. Only that her father is with her. The man has not been caught, and anyone with information is asked to contact the Tokyo police immediately."

As the report finished, all of the host members jumped up, and headed for their respective cars, ordering their chauffer's to take them to Tokyo Hospital