Are you comfortable? Have a yummy snack in you hand? Are you ready to sit back, relax and read? Good, because I'm going to tell you a story. A Niggy story(actually, Another Niggy Story ;)

Think back . . . Think back to all those Fax-filled fics you've read. Remember how there was sometimes slight or implied niggy? Remember how Max barely even cared because she was too busy falling in love with Fang? Yeah well, this story isn't going to be like that. Because guess what? This is reality. And reality can suck sometimes. Because in reality- Max would do anything to stop niggy from happening.

And that's the truth.

When a hot girl kisses you- you kiss her back. You don't stop to think about any of the technicalities like how there is almost a three year age difference between you and her. You don't stop to think about what would happen if someone caught you. And you definitely don't push her away, wondering why the heck she would kiss you.

No, you think about how sticky her cherry lip-gloss is, you think about how soft her lips are, you think about where to place your arms so it won't seem too awkward. You think about the fact that you've been lusting after this girl for the past few weeks, and now the waiting is over.

And then you let yourself fall into utter bliss.

This is one of the few times when I thank my lucky stars that I'm blind. Because I'm blind my other senses are heightened, they're sharper, and better. I could feel the texture of her full light pink lips. I could basically see the color of her creamy mocha stained skin under my fingertips. I could feel the incredibly smooth, almost velvety skin on her neck. I inhaled deeply and could smell Nudge's flowery, watermelon scent. I slipped my hand around her neck and silky, black strands of hair rushed by my fingers.

She was so beautiful.

So perfect.

So cute, angelic and delicate.

When a hot girl kisses you- you kiss her back.

And when a voice yelps, "Iggy! Nudge! What the hell are you two doing?!"

You jump away.

From the tone of Max's voice, I could tell she was pissed. From her short, ragged breaths I could tell she was pissed. Pissed, angry, furious, livid, maddened, steamed . . . I can't think of any more words to describe how enraged Max was.

. . . . but also . . . just plain shocked. Like someone had just slapped her.

I heard her angry stomps make their way to Nudge and heard Nudge call out, "Ouch!" when Max yanked her farther away from me.

"What. Are. You. Two. Doing?" Max hissed, her voice deathly low, and I knew she was shooting daggers at me with her eyes.


"Max, I-" I tried to explain exactly what happened, but it was pretty obvious.

"Iggy. . . . Iggy, how could you." Max didn't sound so mad anymore, she sounded more confused, "How could you kiss Nudge?" Her voice got strong again, "You're three years older! You- she- she's you little sister for crying out loud! What is your problem?!"

The end of her sentence was tinged with desperation. She was desperately trying to wrap her mind about what just happened.

I resisted from pointing out that it was Nudge who kissed me, and set my face hard and unflinching, "Calm down, Max. Jesus, we were just-"

"Sucking faces, I saw." She spat, not letting me finish.

"Let go of me, Max. Iggy didn't kiss me. I kissed him." Nudge spoke up and I hid my surprised expression, "And I wanted to kiss him. I'm turning fifteen in a few days-"

"Shut up." Max muttered, taking a shuddery breath. I heard her take a few more steps back, pulling Nudge along with her, "I can't believe you, Iggy. You should know better. It's just . . . It's just sick."

My stomach did a flip. It's just sick. Was it sick? Was it wrong that I liked Nudge? Was it wrong that I didn't think of her as a sister, like I was supposed to?

"Whatever." I muttered, unable to say anything else, and turned around. We were in the middle of the woods, heading over to Dr. Martinez's house. I carefully made my way out, hoping I wouldn't stumble over a root and make myself look stupid. Fresh air hit my face and I knew I had reached a clearing.

"Iggy-!" Nudge called out from far behind me but I had already snapped my wings open.

Shaking my head, I took a running start, flapped my wings, and flew off.

~I would specially like to give lots of thanks to Who Are You I Am Me for helping me by reading and giving me tips on the first few chapters. She is AMAZING, and thanks again chikadee!~

So, if you like the beginning, and if you like the idea, tell me! Or if you just hate Max for getting angry, or Iggy for running away, then feel free to hate!
