First story so enjoy!

Disclaimer: If I did own total drama island do you really think I'd be sitting here in my one story house writing stories on fanfiction??


Tap, tap, tap, tap.

My hand seemed to have a mind of its own as it bounced my pencil on the top of my desk. Next to me Courtney gave me an irritated glance before turning back to her book. I smirked evilly. I think I just found my new form of entertainment.

Stretching out an arm slowly I tugged a lock of her mocha brown hair before looking away quickly. Courtney ignored me, her eyes glued to the page as if there was nothing else in the room. I smirked, so she was going to play that way, huh? I tried again but pulled a little harder.

She still wouldn't look up but I could see her eyes starting to narrow.

I yanked on a bit of her hair smirking widely and watched as her head snapped up and glared at me.

"What is your problem?"She hissed

"Princess! I'm bored!"

"What has that got to do with me?"

"Because you were the one who told me not to ditch school and if I'm going to stay here then I want to do something slightly more entertaining than stare at a wall."

Courtney huffed angrily.

"The teacher will be here in a minute but until then I'm sure you can find something to do that doesn't involve me." She snapped before turning back to her novel. I sighed and glanced around the room.

At the front were the nerds and geeks, talking excitably among themselves about some fundraiser coming up. I didn't see the big deal. It was just going to be a bunch of kids dressed up in costumes trying to raise money for a cause nobody cared about. It's not like anybody was going to give them much money anyway as they were so annoying to talk to.

Once I told a nerd to get a life and he got all excited and asked where he could download it. It was funny watching him try to understand that I'd insulted him but he got me back later when he hacked into my email account and sent some messages that I'd rather forget about to a certain teacher (cough, Mrs. Warble, cough). Still she was going to retire soon anyway so no harm done.

Next up was the jocks tossing footballs around, trying to look cool for their cheerleader girlfriends. I scoffed to myself, they were such posers. The cheerleaders didn't seem to care though as they giggled at every one of their stupid jokes.

"What did Batman say to Robin, before he got in the car?"Bryan said grinning.

"What?" His followers asked staring up at him in admiration.

"He said Robin get in the car." The guys guffawed loudly as the girls fell to pieces clutching their sides.

I looked at them critically, maybe they had some brain disease I didn't know about because that joke was seriously lame.

Whatever they had I hoped it wasn't contagious and I shifted my head to the chosen ones. The chosen ones wasn't their real name but it's what I called them secretly, and to their face now that you mention it. They were the "popular" kids, the ones who ruled the school and knew everything about everyone. Heather, Charlotte, Justin, Spencer, Annabelle, Penelope and Rodney seemed to be perfect. They were always wearing the latest fashions, had outstanding grades and were any parent's dream child. But that didn't mean that they weren't backstabbing, sneaky, vicious, sadistic or completely up themselves because believe me they definitely were, it just meant that they were better at hiding their true personalities than the rest of us which I was fine with.

One day their parents are going to learn the truth about their little darlings and then those perfect angels aren't going to seem so sweet anymore. I really hope I'm there with a camera when that happens because I've only been waiting for three years for them to realize and I promised one of my friends in another state that I'd send pictures of the explosion, I mean argument.

That brings me to the back of the room where all the Goths hang out. I've got nothing against Goths, in fact their pretty awesome to talk to about the latest movies and bands but sadly high school has turned them into social outcasts and forced them to the back of the room where they won't contaminate the chosen ones space. Usually they draw or talk about music while one of them plays something they wrote on the guitar. They don't care what anybody thinks of them which is why I think we get on so well, they're also pretty smart and don't worry about the latest fashions. Everybody else sees them as weird but I think they're more normal than the rest of us, well they're not as annoying at least.

Finally that brings me to the girl sitting next to me, Courtney or as I like to call her princess. She's incredible. Beautiful, intelligent and way out of my league, you know those stupid movies were the loser of a guy is always going out of his way to get some girl to notice them? That's a bit like my life, only we haven't reached the happy ending yet.

We're so opposite in every way, when people see us arguing they always jump to the conclusion that we've hated each since birth when in reality we're best friends. Weird I know. She's a rule follower and I'm a rule breaker, she gets straight A's and I get threatened with juive, she's captain of the debating team and on the student body council while I'm… well…, let's just say that the "student award for most detentions" isn't something I'm planning on putting on my resume.

She's everything I'm not which is one of the reasons I'm so insanely in love with her. Not that she'd ever notice, for someone so smart she sure has been missing a lot for the last two years. Okay and before you call me a coward (which I am definitely not) it's not that I've been scared to tell her how I feel, I mean she is just a chick (an incredibly gorgeous and smart chick but still just a chick), it's just that the timing was never right.

Seriously, one time I was three seconds away from telling her how I felt, three seconds! The next words out of my mouth were going to be "Princess, I really like you and was wondering if you wanted to go out some time." When Bam! She starts gushing about some boy in her art class and I totally lose my focus. Besides I'm pretty sure she likes me too… well 50% sure… I'm kinda hoping she does…. Actually I have no idea but it is a possibility, right?

Courtney sighed to herself as I watched her from the corner of my eye, she was completely lost in her book and I smiled at the peaceful expression on her face. It was moments like these that reminded me why I started liking her in the first place. Not that I'd tell anyone else, I did have a reputation to keep.

The sudden clicking of high heels sounded from outside the classroom before the door was burst open and the teacher (Mrs. Dowdy) strode into the room, her face fixed in a stone cold expression. I disliked her already.

"Class, I'm sorry I'm late but I had to sort out some problems with the principal. I'd like to introduce to you though, a new student who will be joining us for the rest of the schooling year. His name is Alex and I'm sure that you will all go out of your way to help him settle in and to make friends with him in true Alterdale high spirit." The last bit seemed like a warning as Mrs. Dowdy's gaze swept around the room before finally landing on me with a cold stare. Oh yeah, she definitely had it in for me.

"Alex, you can come in." She called briskly. Everyone leaned forward, eager to see who the new student was. People moved here all the time, but everyone in the class was still eager to see if they were going to have a new addition to their posse.

Alex casually walked into the room before standing at the front of the classroom with his hands in his pockets and a small smile on his face. A couple of the girls in the second row started to drool and I snorted to myself.

The guy was such a poser! Right from the tip of his highlighted brown hair all the way down to his expensive trainers. He was probably a jock, or maybe a chosen one. Depends on how up himself he is. Mrs. Dowdy started to talk about school policies but nobody in the class was listening as pretty boy was kind of grabbing every ones attention. I scoffed to myself as I heard some cheerleader's whispered conversation about whether he was single. Jeez talk about shallow, she didn't even know the guy and she was already planning on dating him.

Pretty boy started to look uncomfortable as the staring became a bit more obsessive and whispers darted around the room. He glanced at the teacher who didn't even seem to notice him as she went on about school rules and school spirit. I leaned back in my chair, and sighed to myself. Now that the excitement of the new student was over I really couldn't care less, he'd probably be popular. Have girls hanging on his every word and guys wanting to be his friend. Whatever happened to him it wasn't my problem and I started to carve a skull with my compass into the wood of my desk.

An uncomfortable feeling prickled at the back of my neck, and I gave a side look to Courtney where my eyes widened in disbelief. She was gazing up at Alex in total wonder as if he was the only person in the room. Her book lay forgotten and she had a dreamy expression over her face, mindlessly playing with a piece of her hair.

I clenched my fist around the compass as a sudden wave of emotion rolled over me. It felt as if magma was pouring down my insides and every heart beat was drumming inside my head. My vision clouded until all I could see was Princess smiling at the new boy happily, as if all her wishes had come true.

No way.

No freaking way.

No way could she possibly like this… this loser. Maybe he was gay. Oh god, please be gay! There was no possible way I would be able to sit here and watch Princess with some other guy without killing him. I clenched my teeth and tried to take deep breaths. So she smiled at him, doesn't mean he likes her back. This thought calmed me down slightly until the teacher told Alex to take a seat. He started to head in our direction.

"No, no, no!" I yelled in my head giving him the most ferocious glare that I could. It seemed he wasn't paying attention to me though as he sat on Courtney's left and flashed her a dazzling smile.

"Hey, I'm Alex."

"I'm Courtney, it's nice to meet you."

Not good. Not good at all.

So that was my first story…. WOOOH! It's probably very crappy but I'd just like somebody to tell me what they think.....… constructive criticism is appreciated. Ummm, wow. What do people write in Author's notes? I've totally run out of ideas… BAH!!! Sorry, that was random. Anyway, just tell me what you think… :D Bye bye!!!