The End?

"Bols! Bolly wake up! Wake up! They think I shot you...well I did shoot you, but they think I shot you!"

I thought it was a dream -1982 - so I didn't believe it when I woke up in hospital in 2009. I knew I was in hospital by the scent of the cleaning products; the plain white walls, floors and ceiling. Molly had just been in to see me before I woke up. I heard her voice; talking to me. I loved her so much. My daughter. My Molly. I'd left her for so long she'd probably be taller then she was when I last saw her.

I thought it was all just a bad dream: Gene, Ray, Chris. Then I began to think that it was very real indeed. Gene Hunt's voice bled though everything, the panic in it frightening me. The images of 1982 came flying back at me like a storm and I panicked. I ran out of the hospital door and into the car park. I was so confused - was 1982 all a dream or was it real? I closed my eyes and saw faces, remembered names. Gene. He was real, they way I felt about him was real.

Molly was waiting at the entrance for me. "Mum, mum where are you going? What's wrong?" She asked, clearly worried about me. She probably thought I'd gone insane.

"Molly! Mols, help me. I'm lost," I told her. Molly's eyes stared to fill with tears.

"I love you, Mum, and you're not lost. You're right here with me and Evan." She took me back inside where the doctor was waiting for us.

"Hello Alex, I'm Doctor Kellett. I'm your doctor and I understand how confused you must be. Please come inside." Doctor Kellett seemed like a reasonably nice man.

"Thank you, doctor," I replied as I walked back towards my hospital bed.