Beyond Birthday casually leaned back against his chair, his mud-caked prison issued boots leaving streaks onto the stainless steel table bolted to the floor. "So…" Long pale fingers removed the lid and scooped up the gooey red substance to his mouth. The handcuffs chaining his wrists to the chair rattling as he moved. "…What brings the world's greatest detective to my humble abode?" The teen questioned, grinning like a cat that got the cream.

Being alone with his former student made Lawliet feel uncomfortable "I see that almost a year in a mental hospital has not improved your manners Beyond, now, what do you know about the Kira killings?" The smile vanished from B's face "What? You love me, abandon me, and then lock me away in a goddamned prison …And when you finally need my help, I don't even deserve a fucking 'hello'?!" He screamed slamming his hands downward. L sighed deeply. Why was he bringing up so many memories now? "I didn't abandon you B, I…I didn't want it to happen this way." Beyond tilted his head in confusion at the sudden change in tone "Then what did you mean to happen?"

"I don't want to love you anymore."