A/N: So, since Geocities will be closing soon, I've decided to just transfer all my stories to the only remaining account that I have that caters solely to fanfic that I wrote (i.e. I'm too lazy to go find and subscribe to a new account :p)



It was late in the morning when Hanamichi arrived on his bicycle at the airforce base for his first day at work. When he reached the entrance to the base, the redhead stopped to hand his papers to a guard posted there. After a quick and careful once-over, the guard gave him back his papers and pointed forward. "It's right over there."

"Thanks," Hanamichi said taking back his papers and slipping them back in his pocket before he started cycling towards the barracks. After a while, he stopped his bicycle again and took out the map he was given with his papers and unfolded it. As he was busy checking the map out to find his way to the office where he was supposed to report to before he would start his duty, he heard the sound of an airforce jet close by that it rang painfully in his ears. Turning his head to the sky, he saw a jet flying towards him at a terrifyingly low height that the force of the air machine nearly made him fall off of his bicycle.

"WAHH!!" Hanamichi cried out, trying to steady himself.

He lost his grip of the map and as the paper flew into the air, he saw another airforce jet joining the first one to fly side by side in the blue sky. At a quick glance, he was able to see the face of the pilot of the second jet before it was lost to the glare of the sun.

Hanamichi watched with awe as the jets flew daringly close to the buildings and when they zoomed past the watch-tower at a heart-stopping distance that the redhead was sure the officers in there would be shocked out of their wits, Hanamichi let out a whoop of laughter. "Woohooo!! Alright!"


At the Central Airshow Command Headquarters:

"Sir! Private Sakuragi Hanamichi, reporting for maintenance support duty - Kanagawa Tactical Squadron as of today, sir!"

"At ease," said the man behind the desk, his eyes running across the paper that Hanamichi has given to him, "I am Troop Commander Taoka. So you're the Wakou rookie, eh?"

Hanamichi felt his annoyance start to rise. So what if he was a rookie? They shouldn't expect less of him! Among his class he was the best! They even called him the Tensai!

"Yessir!" the redhead answered, restraining his temper.

"Do you have the slightest notion as to what the Kanagawa Tactical Squadron does here, private?" questioned the commander, placing the paper on his desk.

Hanamichi blinked in puzzlement. He has never stopped to ask why he was sent there alone without any of his classmates. Usually new officers were stationed in pairs like most of his friends. He did not think about it at first since he knew it himself that he alone could do any job two mechanics can do... but now that he was asked that question he was curious as to what Kanagawa Tactical Squadron does that made the commander look at him in such a scrutinising manner...

"Well, no sir," answered the redhead truthfully.

The commander frowned in displeasure. Getting up from his seat, the man strode to the map on the wall and motioned it with his thumb. "Then tell me that you have at least a vague idea of our nation's current defence strategy in case of enemy attack."

The redhead made a face. "Eh, no. What does that have to do with the Kanagawa Tactical Squad?"

A vein appeared on the commander's forehead when he heard the private's rude reply. After meeting him face to face, Taoka was not surprised why Sakuragi was thrown in the Kanagawa squad with the rest of the rejects.


Hanamichi walked out of the building while he scrubbed his ears trying to get some measure of hearing back into them after the troop commander's outburst. Before his foot reached the tarmac, a jeep screeched to a halt in front of him so suddenly that he fell onto the ground in surprise.

"You must be Sakuragi Hanamichi," the driver said cooly. He looked to be as young as Hanamichi but seeing the badges on the man's uniform, the redhead guessed that he was older, maybe two to three years. He was dark-haired with a scar on his chin and a pair of dark sunglasses covered his eyes. Giving Hanamichi a not-so-apologetic grin, the driver took off his glasses and said, "Hop in. I'll take you to the Kanagawa dorm."

With a huff, the redhead climbed onto the jeep but before he was barely seated, the jeep took off so suddenly that nearly made him tumble back out.


They drove on and on but still the driver seemed to not be slowing down even after they have passed the train tracks that went through the far side of the base.

"I'm first seargant Mitsui Hisashi from the Kanagawa Squad," introduced the scarred-face young man to his passenger, "The Kanagawa TTS is located at the other end of the run-way. It's... err ... a little different from the regular dorms."

"Huh? Whaddya mean?" asked Hanamichi.

Mitsui shrugged, "We're just different, that's all. We eat, bathe and sleep seperately from the other units."

Hanamichi arched his brows, "Why's that...?"

Suddenly Mitsui cursed, a frown forming on his lips, "Damn! It's those crazy kids again..."

"Hey! Sargeant Mitsui! Smile for the camera!" yelled a young girl who was standing on top of a van at the other side of the fence outside the base.

Mitsui offered a weak one as he drove on, passing by the girl and her friends without turning to look at them. Hanamichi looked back and guessed, "Aren't those self-defense force fankids? They hang around at every base, don't they?"

"Yeah," Mitsui answered boredly.

"Cute," the redhead whistled. If they knew how great he was, he would be in their no.1 want list before the week was over.

Mitsui sighed, "You don't know the half of it."


"Sure, it's flattering in the beginning but then it got worse," Mitsui grumbled, "They tap our phone lines, steal our communicators and take photographs of us in the dorm. There's no privacy left!"

"Are you serious- WHOAH!" Hanamichi was suddenly lurched forward to bang his nose on the dashboard when Mitsui stepped on the brakes without warning. "Kuso!" cursed the redhead rubbing his nose, "What's the matter?"

"Kogure-kun," the sargeant breathed, looking over his right shoulder. Turning to the redhead, he said quickly, "You can get off here. You'll find the dorm's right over there."

"Wha- HEY!" protested Hanamichi when Mitsui pushed him out forcefully.

"Yaro! Wait!" Hanamichi yelled but Mitsui was already backing the jeep up to turn right and speed off towards a person dressed in crisp white controller's uniform.

Straightening his blue uniform, Hanamichi cried out to the oblivious sargeant who was flirting with the bespectacled controller, "OVER WHERE???"


Hanamichi gawked at the sight before him. After nearly an hour of searching, he finally found a building that compared to others looked remotely like an officer's dormitory. Very remote. If he had not seen the sign hanging in front of the building that said 'Kanagawa TTS- Kanagawa Training Tactical Squadron', he wouldn't have believed that he has found the right place. It looked more like a warehouse than a dormitory in his point of view. What a dump! This is where I'm posted at?!

Walking towards the rusty but stable building, Hanamichi peeped into an open room that has a laundry line at the side with wet clothes hanging on it.

"Maybe it's camouflaged!" said the redhead excitedly, "On the outside: a non-essential storage facility, but on the inside..."

//The door did not open inwards like the archaic ones. Instead it slid open automatically with a gentle whirring of advanced mechanism and inside Hanamichi was presented with a room of high tech systems that the redhead was flabbergasted at the sight. The people dressed smartly in pilot uniform standing to receive him smiled as their captain shook his hand with pride.

"Welcome brave warrior," the man greeted, motioning the redhead to the rest of the team, "Our mission is to protect the planet from alien invadors. Sakuragi, fight with us! Our planet is in danger!"//

"Cool..." Hanamichi whispered as his imagination took hold of him. Quickly shaking off his daydream, he crossed his arms and decided firmly, "That's got to be it."

Suddenly, he heard a squeaking noise from behind and turning around he saw a black winged creature with a mouse's head and a furry body coming at him with speed.

"Wahhhh!!" Hanamichi shrieked when the animal flapped frantically around his face. He tried to strike it away but in doing so he upset his balance and his flailing hands caught something from the laundry line before he fell through the door in a painful crash. Standing up with a wince, he saw that the animal was flying towards him again so he ran inside the building and skidded into a corner, managing to escape into a nearby room. Closing the door behind him, he tried to regain his breath when he suddenly realised that there was another person in the room with him.

The young man was taller than he was with hair spiked up and blue eyes blinking curiously at his sudden entrance. "G-gomen..." Hanamichi apologised as his cheeks turned red. The person was in the process of taking off his clothes and was up to the last piece of clothing, thus giving the redhead a perfect view of his lean physique. Hanamichi has always been a sucker for the ladies with their shapely and perfumed bodies dressed in teasing clothes and melodious voices and he has never looked twice at a man's body before... until now.

The redhead felt hot all of the sudden and exited the room as quickly as he entered. Choosing another unmarked room he quickly went in there when he heard the suspicious squeaking noise again. Thankfully the room was empty, and as he inched back away from the closed door to dare the creature to enter and attack him again, his hands came across a handle of another door which suddenly slid open without any force.

Turning around, Hanamichi nearly had a nose-bleed. Standing before him was another young man whose body was as lean and pale as the other. But this time with no stitch of clothing as the person was busy lathering himself with soap in front of a tub full of water. Hearing the redhead's surprised gasp, the young man turned around to stare at him with his dark blue fox eyes.


"Wahhhh!" the redhead cried as he was kicked out by the naked person.

The spikey-haired young man now using a pair of boxers peeked out of the door just as the fox-eyed youth walked out with a towel around his waist to confront the redhead who was lying on the floor with a bruise on his jaw.

"Itee..." winced Hanamichi before he began glaring at the raven-haired man who was the first person in his life ever to be able to knock him down to the ground.

"Another pervert," growled the brunette, clenching his fist, "A relative of yours Sendoh?"

"Hey!" Hanamichi and the spikey-haired man protested simultaneously.

"I am not a pervert!" yelled Hanamichi in anger.

"Oh yeah?" challanged the fox-eyed man as he leaned down to take the forgotten cloth off of the redhead's clenched fingers, "Then what are you doing with my briefs?"

"Err... ah... it was a mistake!" began Hanamichi, blushing anew, "Th-there was a monster...a-an alien!!"

The toweled man snorted in disbelief while the spikey-haired man chuckled in amusement. Frustrated and humiliated, the redhead banged his head against the wall behind him. So much for the first day on the job.