Author's Note: I do not own Naruto. But all Original characters are mine.

The summer air was starting to get hot for the many people of the village of Konohagakure. The temperature of the Hokage's office was scorching hot causing Shizune to remove her robe and stay in her black shorts and shirt with the fishnet cover.

Tsunade was ignoring the temperature which was required to keep formal with the meeting she was having with the head of the Hyuuga clan Hiashi. She didn't care much for the man but currently he was discussing the problems of certain clan members disgracing him, along with the other problems he had observed with the village.

"Hokage-sama I know you must be growing tired of my continual complaining, and since you haven't already requested me to do so I will come to my point which I asked you here for, as you're aware it is clear that my first daughter has a crush on the nine tails container Uzumaki Naruto."

Tsunade's kind nature started to wane since she didn't like it when people spoke of Naruto as if he were nothing more than a cage for a powerful demon and not human at all.

"Please keep in mind Hiashi-sama that I don't take it well when someone insults any member of this village regardless of their name or class" she spoke with light venom hidden under her words.

"Hokage-sama I haven't asked for your council because I am seeking to insult Uzumaki, but I wished to confide in you the problems of Hinata's well being given her constant fainting when in his proximity" he spoke treating the issue with indifference.

"Hinata's fainting hasn't been seen as a weakness by either her or her team" Tsunade countered knowing Hiashi could be asking for removal of his daughter from their clan if he so wished.

"This is true Hokage-sama, however I am concerned with the success of her missions while she has been on the same team as Uzumaki Naruto" he smiled knowing she couldn't argue the issue because he knew the information of Hinata's past missions and currently with Naruto on her team only one of their past four missions actually ended in success.

Tsunade smirked feeling defeated but didn't want to back down from this little confrontation but realized she didn't have any weapon to throw back at the Hyuuga. "Therefore I am requesting having Hinata removed from all missions with Uzumaki Naruto"

Tsunade took a moment to collect herself knowing the Hyuuga wasn't going to back down but couldn't make such a compensation for Hiashi or any person for that matter. It was her duty as Hokage to place the best shinobi on a team to complete the mission.

"I'm sorry Hyuuga-sama but I can't do that"

Hiashi sighed showing a rare piece of emotion to Tsunade but decided to tell her his only other option since she didn't take his offer to fix things.

"In that case Hokage-sama I am forced to remove my daughter from Shinobi status to prevent her potential injury and disgrace of my clan"

Tsunade gritted her teeth she didn't want Hinata to be removed from her status as a ninja, yes she was a shy girl and a little timid at times, but she was strong and starting to come into becoming a reliable medic nin.

"Hiashi-sama, do you believe that will resolve the problem of your daughter fainting when around Naruto?"

Hiashi closed his eyes for a moment as if truly making up his mind, and came to the same conclusion.

"I'm sorry Hokage-sama but my daughter will be removed from our clans Shinobi register" he said rising and reaching the door.

"What if I could eliminate the fainting which is affecting Hinata than? Would you allow her to remain a shinobi?" she asked but realized she couldn't keep herself from sounding a bit desperate.

"You'd have greater chance making her a strong Konochi Hokage-sama" stated Hiashi seeming completely unconvinced anything could be done to make his daughter have worth

"I'm sorry to surprise you Lord Hyuuga" she stated partly mocking his title.

"But your daughter isn't a weak female or ninja"

Hiashi shook his head not believing a word coming from the Hokage.

"There isn't anything you can do to change her Hokage-sama"

Tsunade smirked but spoke well before she had fully thought things through since her gambling issue came back full force.

"Would you be willing to bet on that?" she asked with a smile

Hiashi raised his eyebrow partly not seeming interested by any means, or at least he didn't appear to be. Hiashi thought for a moment on the problem of a man of his rank making a bet like a child, but he knew Tsunade was renowned for being the "legendary sucker" having her owe him had its perks.

"What are your conditions Hokage-sama?"

Tsunade's face paled...what? She didn't actually expect the stern and village known emotionless man to agree to her provocation of a bet but now she was certainly in over her head...why hadn't she learned anything from being in debt to all those casinos.

"The terms Hokage-sama?" Hiashi asked again and Tsunade still couldn't come to voice any sort of conditions.

"Alright than I shall make the terms, in one year you are to cure Hinata of her fainting, and if you can accomplish that I also require she can complete successfully five missions with Uzumaki in her team."

Tsunade felt her mouth go dry she was to cure Hinata and also get her to complete missions with Naruto? How could she accomplish that? She smiled feeling the thrill of gambling come back over her and wash away the doubt.

"Fine, when I accomplish that you must allow Hinata to date and marry anyone she chooses" she smiled seeing the Hyuuga take that shot hard since he knew if he lost. He would end up related to Uzumaki Naruto...but he doubted it could be accomplished since his daughter had been this way even when she was in her single years.

"What would you like if you win Hyuuga-sama?" asked Tsunade happy when she got a emotion out of the man

Hiashi thought for a moment what could he get out of this to help not only himself but his clan?

"Hokage-sama, when I win all issues of my clan will resolved solely by me clan head, you will have no say in any more of our practices." he smirked feeling that would be best allowing him more control over his clan and family

Hiashi reached out his hand taking the Hokage's hand and giving a formal handshake to seal the deal with Shizune who was staring wide eyed at her Sensei making such an unreasonable bet.

Hiashi left the office after giving Tsunade a bow.

"Best of luck Hokage-sama" he said with fake sincerity as he left Tsunade to absorb the magnitude of her bet she had made recklessly

"Tsunade-sama!" Shizune shouted getting out her built up shock in one giant scream.

"Shizune it's alright, please send out Izumo to request Hinata's presence, also I want you to make sure our "Special" doctor is on standby because this is going to be a terrible year" She groaned finding her sake bottle and pouring a glass.

"Tsunade-sama! Don't drink that" yelled Shizune pulling the cup away from his sensei's wanting hands.

Tsunade blinked at Shizune a few times before giving her a guilty look. "Your right" she replied and instead downed the entire bottle.

*V* the Next Day

Hinata sat in a chair of the Hokage tower, crossing her legs every so often and pushing her index fingers together. She had no idea why she had been called in for a meeting, she was sure there hadn't been any complaints about her from her last missions. Not to mention, Shino-kun, and Kiba-kun would've been summoned also if there had been a mission about to be assigned. She began to rub her hands in despair wondering if maybe there had been some displeasure with her work, she knew her abilities weren't at par with other chunnin, but she felt she made at minimum a competent Konochi.

"Hinata-sama, Tsunade-sama is ready to see you" Shizune chimed bringing her head just partly out between the doors to see her.

Hinata rose feeling the worry of her mind slowly drip down into her stomach giving her a nauseous feeling. She did her best to ignore it, and entered through the doors to see a rather disgruntled looking Hokage surrounded by a small mountain of paperwork.

"If this job gets any more stressful, I think I might start looking my age" sighed the blonde as she took another small shot of sake to steady herself for the rest of the morning.

"Um Hokage-sama?" whispered the Hyuuga trying her best to located said Kage's face amongst the quantity of white around her.

Tsunade looked up from the bane of her existence to spot the young Hyuuga female, she gave a big smile seeing her.

"Hello Hinata, I am glad that you were able to meet with me on such short notice" she said getting around her desk carefully to avoid any fatal paper avalanches.

"Um, wh… is it I can do Hokage-sama?" stuttered the shy girl doing her best to appear brave when she was clueless to the impending situation.

Tsunade had to sigh at the girl's innocence, sure the female was one of their best Konochi at the moment, but given her constant fainting around a certain blonde haired idiot it hindered her combat effectiveness when on missions with him. Besides making her move the first day of her yearlong bet was the best course of action.

"Hinata, I will be honest with you, currently I am very satisfied with the successfulness of your missions, and also in your abilities to complete the objectives you're given. However, there is an issue of your fainting which needs to be discussed."

Hinata gulped down hard, did Tsunade-sama know about her feelings for Naruto-kun? And if so was she going to force her into telling him her feelings? She was undecided in if that would be a good or bad thing. She loved the hyperactive blonde with all her heart and more, but she wasn't ready yet to confess to him, after all when she looked into his eyes, it felt like she was being swallowed up by those two beautiful cerulean oceans.


"It's alright Hinata, I already know how you feel about Naruto, and there are few that don't except for that boy himself. But the reason I have called you here is to help you with your fainting."

Hinata felt bad that so many people knew about her affections for said ninja, but felt relief in the fact no one had blurted out her secret to him since it was her own to tell him when she was good and ready. But what hanged on her mind heavily was if there was truly a way to help with her fainting.

"Now Hinata, since I am Hokage of this village I am only allowed to be at the hospital if there is a medical emergency to be taken care of. That is why I am going to have a certain doctor do your exam, he is a bit of a strange person however, I have yet to see him be wrong about an aliment of a villager or ninja." She said while going back to her desk to write a note on a piece of paper.

She handed the note to the Hyuuga, while giving her a big grin.

"Here go to the hospital now, and this will get that man off his lazy ass to help you" she said with a sigh trying her hardest not even to mention said ninja's name.

"Thank you Hokage-sama" she whispered and gave a deep bow before slowly turning to leave.


"Hai!" she yelped still having a sliver of dread on her mind.

"I know that boy can be thickheaded to no end, but don't give up on him" she smiled hoping that one day Naruto would be able to realize how much the Hyuuga female loved him.

"Hai" Hinata giggled happy that the Hokage was rooting for her.

Tsunade felt her smile drop once the girl had left, sure she was happy to be helping the shy Hyuuga but the fact she was doing it for settling a personal bet wasn't sitting well with her. She sighed deeply feeling guilty, but knew that if she could get that hyperactive knucklehead to open his eyes to the Hyuuga it would be well worth this stress. That and seeing Hiashi Hyuuga pale in knowing Hinata would one day make him a father in law to Naruto would be priceless.


Hinata entered slowly through the sliding doors of the large five story hospital, she had been there numerous times before due to naruto's constant admittance, so finding the reception desk was no problem for her. She was glad to see that the atmosphere about the place was calm, because it was barely noon so the rush of genins and chunnins wouldn't start until then.

"Excuse me" she whispered holding out a note for the black haired receptionist to take, all the while trying to keep her confidence as a Hyuuga about herself.

The women turned a bored stare to the girl, than noticed the tiny piece of paper with the Hokage's seal placed on it. She read it slowly, than reached over with a disgusted look.

"Taro, paging doctor Taro there is a patient waiting for you in room 237, Hokage's orders." She groaned than went back to her near sleep state waving her hand for Hinata to leave.

"Thank you" she smiled leaving to her assigned room. The examination rooms always made her feel so uncomfortable, they were all plain white on each wall, and the only thing to look at were the diagrams of human anatomy.


On the other side of the hospital one of the examinations rooms was occupied with the small red tag above the door set so others wouldn't disturb the person inside. The man inside sat peacefully with a large drawing board placed in front of him. He was nearly six foot with black hair cut short and pushed back; he wore the traditional doctor's coat along with his normal all black outfit of a shirt, pants, and sandals. His eyes were the most interesting thing about him since one was entirely white and the other was pure black. He slowly felt a smile spread across his features putting the finishing touches on another of his pieces of art. A pounding knock came at the door forcing the man to sigh and continue as if nothing had occurred. The knocking soon turned into heated pounding making the door splinter.

"Open up the damn door taro, everyone knows already that you hide in here" he heard the wail of the banshee he knew as Sakura Haruno, it was all because of her his life's work wouldn't be completed at least not anytime soon.

"You know this is exactly why you have trouble finding a person in your life…your just too noisy" he sighed sitting up and placing a blind over his black colored right eye.

He rose and opened the door seeing a fuming pinked haired female standing there with her fist pulled back and ready to demolish both door and person hiding behind it.

"hello there" he said knowing already she wouldn't punch him, at least not in the face because of his blood limit which he hated though it had gotten him this steady job and kept him off all active ninja duty because the damn Hokage had found out about him. But just because he was stuck playing personal physician at the Kage's whim didn't mean he had to be kind or respectful to anyone.

"Tsunade-sama has ordered you to see someone about a special condition, make sure you are nice to her she isn't exactly as thick skinned as you Tar…o" she commented noticing the large picture he had been working on…her moment of admiration suddenly turned into a flare of disgust noticing a shapely naked female drawn on the sketchpad, but didn't appreciate that he placed her face on said body.

"WHAT THE HELL!?" she screamed dashing past Taro and obliterating his drawing with a single punch, than smashing it into even finer pieces for good measure.

Taro only blinked a few times wondering what said female was so stressed out about and given her emotional stability at the moment he figured it be best to catch the chart she was going to hand him and left his examine room.


Hinata sat back on the little exam bed waiting for her specialist to arrive, but no more than ten minutes passed before she heard a doctor who she deeply hoped wasn't hers.

"I don't care if the Hokage got on her knees and begged me, this doesn't seem like an interesting patient at all" he near shouted loud enough for her to hear quite clearly.

"You're a doctor in this village, so do what the Hokage ordered of you, Taro" shouted back the all to familiar pink haired girl's voice which seemed even more wrathful than normal.

"Fine, fine the sooner I am done here the faster I can get back to my work which you destroyed" he muttered outside the door.

"You were drawing naked women how is it possible you even consider that work?" she demanded surprised with this man's laziness and lack of shame.

"I meant my life's work, Sakura-chan maybe you couldn't stand seeing the perfect body I put your head on considering the deflated chest and the lack of shapely parts" he stated openly insulting her thinking there being no reason to fear said female.


"Dammit!, alright I'll do it just stop hitting me" echoed through the rooms of the hospital making Hinata sweat drop at the fact this was the man who would examine her?

The door slowly opened to reveal doctor Taro rubbing his cheeks which were all red on both sides.

He slowly stuck his head outside the door.

"Oh sakura…I saw a child yesterday who had bigger breasts than you" he half sang in a mocking tone, pulling his head suddenly in as it sounded like something had just crashed down the hallway.

"She definitely has the fighting spirit of a guy, must be why she can hit like one" he commented not caring who it was inside the room.

"Hello" said Hinata trying to be polite despite the urge she was feeling about this man openly insulting everyone he seemed to come into contact with.

"Hmm" he stated opening her chart and reading off all the information inside on all her last visits.

"Lets see you've been admitted to the hospital a total of fifty-seven times, and they were for fainting, fainting, fainting, chakra exhaustion, fainting, chakra system damage, heart trauma, fainting, fainting…" he trailed off giving her a empty stare.

"Well it's nice to see you have other hobbies besides fainting" he stated with a laugh and slowly examined the rest of her documented history.

Hinata felt like blushing, she could admit that yes she fainted a lot, but the tone he used to examine her and calculate everything about her was dripping with disdain, it reminded her of every time she had to meet with the clan elders or her father.

"Excuse me Taro-san, but I am a ninja like many others of this village, so there are many reasons I would come to the hospital." She said feeling for once a tower of confidence fueled slightly by pent up anger from others looking down on her short comings

Taro ignored her completely flipping through her charts more,

"Have you been experiencing any weakness over say the past seven years?"

"Um…well…sometimes" she felt caught off guard by the now serious tone of this strange man.

"You haven't gained any weight in the past three years, and your chakra levels and physical stamina haven't shown any change despite changes in physical activity" he finished reaching for a thermometer and placing into the girl's mouth.

"Um" Hinata wanted to explain further only to have him cut her off more

"No talking otherwise the reading is false" he smiled seeming like a nice person.

Hinata gave a small sigh feeling like maybe she misjudged this man a bit based on just his first impression. That thought was soon discarded once she saw the device wasn't even on.

"Um the thermometer is off" she mumbled to him only to see him leaning back and putting his feet up on the table top.

"I know I just use that to keep people quiet so I can think, it really aggravates me when my thoughts are interrupted by meaningless talk" he yawned seeming too bored to care almost as if he knew the answer to a question that wasn't asked yet.

Hinata felt for once in her whole life actual anger, this man had no respect for his position, or for the fact he was dealing with someone else's health, yet he acted like it didn't matter.

Taro sighed deeply as he scratched his head once again deep in thought about his current patient, there was one simple explanation and yet this girl and no one else had caught it.

"Hinata, you come from a wealthy and high class clan, therefore I would be correct in saying that your family has limited the amount of food you could eat since the day you could process solid food" he stared at her now and his white eye fully exposed and focused on her.

"Um hai" she said shocked that he knew about what their clan did, since it was a secret diet they were put on to help them grow properly. "I um…why is your eye white?" she asked feeling nervous under his stare due to the unnatural appearance he possessed, that and she wanted somehow to stop him from prying into her personal life.

Taro blinked with his visible eye and didn't seem too shocked to have another person question the damn blood limit that made him look like a freak, he hated that it was last ninja war which left him with the heightened form of his doujutsu.

"Lets just say it makes me have a easier time doing my job, however that isn't important Hyuuga-san" he smiled trying to ignore her question it was bad enough his left eye could allow him to know who was sick and with what. While his other he didn't like to talk about.

Taro rubbed his head, then suddenly laughed at how simple this was to fix. He was going to make extra sure to rub this is Tsunade's face next time he got to see her.

"What is it that is so amusing about my health?" asked Hinata now a little worried at how fast this man's personality shifted.

"You have a very rare condition Hinata, and it explains also all you're fainting. You have what's called Body Blanking."

He noted how Hinata's pale lavender eyes exploded, she had been sick for so long yet no one had noticed.

"What does that mean if I have it!?" she was shocked feeling her hands going numb with fear.

"Calm down you're not going to die." He rolled his eyes, why did every patient get so wound tight when they were told they had something?

"You have fainted due to both lack of calories necessary to run you physical needs and blood rushing to your head when blushing, it's the reason why you haven't gained or lost weight in the past three years, and also explains your lack of adequate chakra reserves since when a ninja's body starts to starve it will feed off chakra as a emergency supply of energy." He stated matter of factly going through his pocket to pull out a medicine order form.

"I…I…What?" said the Hyuuga looking down both confused and filled with tidal waves of different emotions.

"Your body needs more food is the bottom line, and since your family limited you to a certain amount of it every meal, you were essential being starved to death also poisoning your effectiveness as a shinobi. But just take thirty of these and come back in for a check-up in a month."

He ripped off a sheet from his prescription notepad placing said piece of paper on the counter top to his side. Taro began to leave but halted coming back and taking the thermometer out of Hinata's mouth and leaving.

"Have a good day Hyuuga-san" he smiled leaving without another word.


Taro left the room giving a massive sigh of aggravation as he left to the main reception area his full black eye still covered. He stopped noticing a chunnin being brought in on a stretcher with a kunai imbedded in the right side of his chest more than likely piercing his lung. He took a quick glimpse at the man and immediately knew what was wrong, a pierced lung, and a partially severed pulmonary artery. He gave a small look of displeasure and removed his eye patch and opened his right eye to the scene. He blinked twice at the current situation and left without a single word.

'Three…two….one' he thought to himself as he exited the hospital

"He has no Pulse!" yelled the nurse taking the man away to the emergency room in hopes of reviving him…unknowing he had already passed on.


Hinata blinked feeling both naked and insulted, but she out of respect for Tsunade's choice in a physician took the note and gave a set of bulged eyes at the medical note, which she now saw had a thousand yen placed on the back.

Ichiraku ramen shop, thirty orders of ramen, for lunch and dinner if needed, patient is to eat until completely stuffed not satisfied.

Hinata blinked a few times then gave a full sigh; the least she could do was humor this strange diagnosis.