30 Love Decoy : The Outcome of the End

Disclaimer: I sort of realized that I don't put this around much. I don't own VK.

"What do you think you're doing?" Marie suddenly slammed him on the wall. Her face very livid. It was monster-like.

"I'm doing the right thing." He whispered calmly. Of course he was right.

"You went behind my back! Traitor! You should be condemned to hell!"

"I'm doing the right thing" he said again.

"I SHOULDN'T HAVE TRUSTED YOU!" She bellowed so loudly.

"You shouldn't have been an idiot for trusting me." he replied coolly. "Now if you'll excuse me,Rima is waiting."

He shoved her out of the way and left the alleyway. He saw some kind of shift on her face,like it had gone totally wrong. But he was gone before he even pondered much about it.


"Something wrong?" asked Rima. A little befuddled of his mysterious actions.

"Nothing." he smiled. "Why don't you go ahead on the ice cream parlor won't you? I'll.. I'll have to catch up on some things."

She raised another eyebrow that meant she wasn't convinced. "Are you sure?"

"Yes," he snapped. "Just get in the damn parlor and I'll catch up. remember to go to that shady part with the blue and white umbrella."

So she left a little fearfully and entered the parlor.


Takuma contacted Marie from his phone but she didn't answer. He found her cell on a trash can from the alleyway before.

He went to her flat and found it empty. He opened her nightstand and saw blood pills after blood pills not taken.

His suspicions were correct then. She was on crack. Getting delirious. Then and there he concluded that Marie was on the verge of turning herself into a level E vampire. He suddenly remembered Zero then shuddered.

He took off with his car and tried to search for her. He was afraid,afraid that Marie might ambush the whole lot of people in here. Their identity was to be kept hidden but she was too indulgent to get her revenge that she didn't bother taking blood pills anymore.

Yeah,evil does that to you sometimes. It's a universal thing. But it's never, never good.

Then he saw her,on a tall bridge that had an ocean underneath it,50 feet below. He cursed when he saw her pale blond head staring out at the horizon before her. He set the car on idle and ran in her direction. "Hey you bloody idiot!" He hollered.

She turned and saw him again. "What is it this time?" Her face was contorted into something unpleasant. Her eyes were crimson and on her hand,bless her, was the gun she had threatened him.

"I'm off to kill people today." she laughed. "First of course will be Senri. Because he left me. Then that Rima who destroyed everything." spit came flying out of her mouth. "Then you because you are so downright annoying are you not? You sabotaged me because you lied and I'm trampled with my plans again. After you three are dead.." Her shoulders shook from the amusement she thought she had. "I'm going to kill innocent people! A whole lot of them." then she licked her lips ravenously. "Blood lust is too strong inside,I'd be foolish to stop it. Hmm. Delicious blood,delicious!"

She may be a woman who was beautiful outside but filthy on the inside,still he felt that she didn't deserve to be turned into a Level E vampire. After what he did to her,the one about promising Marie about running with Rima to London only to call Senri and let him meet Rima.. He had felt guilt because he didn't want anyone to have a bad end.

He had fooled her into giving in,and he almost felt to guilty just standing here a few feet from her.

"Drink this." he offered the pills.

She took them greedily and threw it over the bridge. "I don't want to endure pills! I want blood now!" Then her gun came quickly,facing him in the face.

His face was resolute. He did not flinch when he saw her gun ready to shoot him. He wasn't afraid to die.

"I had been happy." tears came out of her. "Now look where I am today, isn't it enough? I had been hurt too much. Now I want to hurt you too!"


And the bullet came speeding.

Takuma was too quick of course,with his eyes closed,he confiscated the gun from her and bended it into something useless before chucking it over the bridge too.

"Marie,I want to help." He said. "I don't want to kill you."

"You won't" she laughed manically. "You're too dense to do that kind of thing. Too soft,like a bloody idiot falling for Rima! Ha! This place is full of idiots actually. Senri is the biggest of them all! Blast that man,he deserve to die!" Then using her thumb and index,she formed a gun and pretended to shoot Takuma. "Bang,bang!"

"Enough." he muttered. "Enough."

Then she ignored him suddenly and climbed on the ledge.

"What are you doing?" He demanded.

She ignored him again and stood tall on the bridge's ridge. Then she opened her arms wide with eyes closed,inhaling the air's scent and smiling hugely.

"Jumping off are you?" he asked.

"Let me tell you one thing." she said,her eyes still closed and arms still open wide. Takuma didn't miss the overflowing tears on her cheeks "I want to die happy,but I guess that is impossible of course. Nasty thing called Love I tell you." she gave a shrill giggle. "Never hope, there never was. Wish them well,and you. I lost. Goodbye."

He tried to reach for her ankle but too late, she threw herself off the bridge and heard her distant scream that told him she was never coming back up again because she can't fly. And if she ever knew how,she wouldn't use it. The splash had echoed on him and he knew she was gone,swallowed by sharks maybe but if ever she did survive,he hope fate would give her another shot at love because she was someone worth loving,in his opinion. She need to change but..

Serves her right he guess. He stood there for a moment,where she had been a while ago,arms wide open,before he turned and drove away.


She saw him. and she felt the world stop,like it had suffered some technical problem. She shouldn't be too surprised though,because everything she had partook felt like it had been on television. But he was there. Not any more in her dreams. But there,in front of her. Merely six feet away.

She couldn't distinguish what she really felt. The first one,would have to be exultation. She saw him again that was her wish. Then that emotion turned into frustration,because she realized that he was married to Marie and the exultation vanished just as quickly as it came. Third,was anger. How dare he show up in front of her after all of the things he had done which had hurt!

Rima found herself glaring at him,heart pounding behind her ears. She inhaled a sharp breath and turned away,running towards the door. She knew what she did was more sensible than greeting him with open arms as she knew-he had expected. She didn't want to let him see any tears because really,she had cried too much! She heard him yell her name but it made her even more persistent to quicken her pace.

She should leave! at once when she had the guts to.

"Rima,please. listen to me!" he bellowed almost too near her again.

Her knuckles hardened into stone then,she turned and lunged for his cheek. she punched him—hard.

He groaned in pain.

"Rima!" he gasped. "Hear me out.."

She stood there in front,face looking grave and lips trembling. "I think that I have heard enough. I do not want you seeing me anymore you got that?"

Then she turned to leave again.

Unfortunately,her right arm was tugged violently causing her to spin and fall unto his chest. Before she could even manage her balance he was kissing her. So much that she couldn't breathe. Because she was taken-aback. Rima realized it was the very first kiss where in he diverged himself into it so much.

Some sense knocked into her and she forced them to break away. "Senri,let me go!" she screamed.

"Not until you hear me out!" he bellowed. "Look,I don't know why you are avoiding me. Just let me talk please."

"I told you!" she screamed again,tears splattered now. "I heard enough! I-"

"I love you!" he yelled at the top of his lungs.

Her eyes widened so much that it had the dangers of leaving her head,then it narrowed into slits. "You don't really mean that." she scoffed. "You're still good at faking,aren't you Senri? Anyway that is bullocks! total shit! You are married you idiot! Goodbye!"

A word caught his attention "Married?" he asked loudly. "Who am I supposed to be married with?"

"To Marie." she answered. feeling uncertain now. Then just to make sure, she checked his fingers and found,to her surprise―no ring at all. she gasped.

Then he realized what she realized at the same time.

"Marie told you we are married" he whispered quietly. "Of course!" he mused again. "She told Lena that you don't go to the University anymore, I should've realized Marie told the mistress lies to convince her to hide you!" His brows turned into a scowl. "I'll kill her!"

Rima stood there,heart beating fast. she had felt stupid. Why,oh why did she believe Marie's lies? Why had her brain too easy to persuade? She realized that she was standing in front of someone she had loved. Stood there,like it had been nothing when in fact,every night she had dreamed to meet him. Now it did,and have no idea on what emotion to hold tight unto. Funny how that sometimes happens,dreaming about it then feeling guilty about dreaming it.

Her face turned quickly into pallid. Then before him,she ran away again. Not knowing why she did. But she ran. It brought her comfort. Running was always her best counter. Because if you run,you had the choice of going forward and never looking back. She chose not to look back.

But strong hands, once again restrained her. "If you will run away again,I will still find you." he said. "You can do nothing about that."

So she halted and held her breath until he felt the need to let go of her.

"Look," he said. "I'm sorry..I-I know how much hurt I had inflicted you and I am―"

"dull, obtuse, stupid, dense,a retard ,a cretin ,a shit head ,and a dumbass!" she stated. "And how on earth did I fall into someone like you, I don't know! I really don't Senri!"

His blue eyes shifted darker. "What do you mean?"

She looked pointedly at him. "I'm wondering as to why, why! you of all people did I even choose to cry to!" then truly, her eyes were wet. "If only I had some more sense into me! I could go for some one else!"

Her words hurt him but his face remained stoic. "You mean you don't love me anymore? is that it?"

She shook her head no. "No , I still love you―"

Rapidly,the scene before her blurred because he chose to attack her lips once more. Putting everything that he wanted her to know in the kiss. He was kind of surprised why she did not shove him away, then he concluded that she had wanted him to kiss her. Even until now.

They broke apart later and Rima's cheeks were more pronounced than ever.

"I've been wanting to do that for a very long time" said Senri and as he said it, he felt the rightness of it and he knew, that he had wanted to kiss her as much as she want him to, probably more.


So it was over, demur love. If possible, it had intensified. The whole wretched and twisted story about the pale blond witch was retold a hundred times only to prove that she wasn't coming back.

Everything was almost back to normal. Rima, typical rebel, was married the second time to the same man she had always loved.

Senri Shiki, back in his modeling work, was helping his wife study as much as he can.

And Takuma, our dear Takuma, has decided to remain in Paris and live a new quiet life. No one had known of Marie's fate. And he wasted no time not telling anyone about it because he felt that he was doing her a favor of respecting her soul, if she ever had one. He had kept it a secret.

Everyday, when he come home after his work, he stops by the long bridge and stand always at the same spot she fell two years ago. Her scream still haunted him. But he wasn't the least bit saddened of visiting the place. It just taught him a lesson. Maybe the lesson was about how Love could play dirty and it was a matter of accepting things and if you won't, you get a horrible end. Apart from these thoughts, he thought of her and realized he felt sorry for her because she could've found anyone else to love. And that she shouldn't have died for that.

He had all too well remembered her final words and he always thought how much a waste she was dying, whe she still had the hope to change.

Wish them well, and you

"You lost,but it's not goodbye. Death isn't about extinguishing the lamp, it's only about turning the lamp off because the sunrise is setting." He whispered once, and felt the wind on his face getting stronger. Then he left with his car and never looked back.

A few minutes later, an unidentified man wearing a hood emerged from the side of the bridge, holding an unconscious girl with platinum blond hair in his arms. They both dissapeared and was never seen again.

"Senri, get your ass in here!" She yelled.

"I'm coming!" He yelled from the window.

She was perched on the grass, looking up at the sight of dusk. If there was anything more beautiful, it had to be Senri. But looking at the scenery gave her a sense of jubilation that couldn't be fathomed.

She heard footsteps, then as she expected, the man sat beside her instantly and grabbed her shoulders before pulling her towards him.

"How is he?"

"Good. Very mysterious but Good." he replied.

"How can he choose to be mysterious?" she asked. "I hope he is well though, about the job he's doing I mean."

"He is." he sighed and ruffled her orange hair gently. "God, I love you so much you know?"

She laughed at the exasperation in his voice. "I love you too you bastard." then she planted a kiss on his nose.

He scowled. "You don't call your loved one a bastard."

"Oh, but I do." she smiled. "Bastard means you are special to me." then she entwined their hands. "More than anything, even my life."

He tussled her hair when he suddenly kissed her ferociously. "Be good please" he whispered in between kisses.

His arms slowly trailed on her waist and gripped her closer. "I'm good." she said in an innocent voice.

And together they sat under the sunset, hands entwined and hearts as one. Knowing that this would be the last married life they'd ever attend to―and happily at that.


A/N: *blinks for a couple of times in front of the screen* So that's it, isn't it? It's finally over. Gosh, it felt like yesterday since I started this fic. It felt so good finishing this up. It gives me a sense of accomplishment somehow (which happens rarely to me). Anyway, this final Author's Note in this chapter is out to thank every single one of you guys who took their time and read all the thirty chaps. It's quite a long read don't you think? And I'm happy you did. All of you: those who reviewed, favorited and read LD. I'm just so thrilled it's finally done. Well, not maybe all the way, because I'm kind of sad too. I'll miss this fic! But God, I don't even know what to say anymore. I guess I'll just leave you guys to review, maybe you thought the ending sucked... Don't worry! critiques are welcome! So, what do you think? It's finally over, that oughtta give you the urge to review! :D

For the last time: Please Review!