Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any of it's characters. This story was written for my own entertainment, as weel as for my readers, and should not be taken as anything more. (It was also written in a vain attempt to put off studying for my microbiology and chemistry tests.)

Summary: Kagome's birthday is coming up, and she wants to have a party. When the party gets a little out of hand, Inuyasha is dared to so something that could cause a dark secret to come to the surface.

Warnings: Mir/Inu and Kag/San, Lemon, slight Yaoi and Yuri, drugs, teen drinking,


As always with my reviews, kind words and constructive criticism is always appreciated. Flames are not appreciated and will not be tolerated. If you see something in the warnings you don't like then don't read the story, it's your fault if you continue to read after seeing the warnings. All readers who review my work with kind words or constructive criticism will be responded to in a private message.

I will try to update this story as often as possible. However, with going to college and working on my other story "Sesshomaru's New Beginning" I do not know how often I will be able to update. But, I promise I am working on it!

Happy Reading,


Today was Kagome's birthday and Inuyasha and the gang were going to celebrate, although they couldn't have had any idea what kagome had in store for them that particular day.

Kagome had managed to bring a portable stereo through the well along with some strong alcohol. Of course, they didn't know about the alcohol or what else she had hidden in her backpack for that matter. That was her birthday surprise for them. They found a clearing in the woods away from other people and began playing the music and having a good time.

When things began to settle down and everyone was sitting around a large stump that doubled as a table for the stereo Kagome decided now was a good time to pull out their gift. Luckily, she caught a break because Shippo had stayed with Kaede since he wasn't feeling well; she wouldn't allow him to be around when they were doing this. "Hey guys, I got something for you." She said with a secretive smile.

The others looked at her confused and Sango began to speak "Kagome, there is no reason for you to bring us something on your..." Her voice trailed off as she and everyone else stared wide eyed at the large assortment of alcohol she placed on the table: Vodka, Tequila, Jack Daniels, Whiskey, Smirnoff (incase any of them were lightweights), and of course, her favorite, Bacardi 151, All in forty ounce bottles. A unanimous "Whoa" circled around the makeshift table. Sango managed to tear her eyes away from the sight to look up at Kagome. "Where did you get all this?" She asked

Kagome laughed as she pulled out the cups and passed them around to everyone. "Lets just say I have good friends in low places back in the future." She filled each of their cups and then her own, not bothering to mix hers with anything. She preferred alcohol straight. It might taste bad, but honestly...the soul reason for someone her age to drink is to get messed up. Diluting the alcohol would only increase the number of glasses she had to consume before she began to feel better than she had in a long time.

They began to play "I never" soon afterwards. Kagome couldn't believe they had never played the game. She began to explain the rules, surprisingly her words were still clear. "Everyone takes one of these little shot glasses." She passed them around while talking. "Someone begins by saying I never... and then they make up a random situation like I never had a one night stand. Even if you have done it you still say I never before the situation." She smiled inwardly as she saw their faces turn slightly pink. "Then everyone who has done what the person called out drinks the shot. The more you drink the less shy you are and the more fun the game becomes." She began to giggle and pointed to Inuyasha "Okay! You start!"

Inuyasha sighed. "Fine. I never...liked someone and didn't tell them." They all took shots. Sango looked up at them all "Who have you guys liked and never said anything to them?" Inuyasha looked down, not wanting to answer. "Feh, it doesn't matter. Stop getting so hung up in my life, Sango." Kagome shrugged "Some guy at school a long time ago, he isn't important now." Miroku did not want to answer and found a way to draw her attention away from the question. Slowly he reached down and slide a hand down her backside. It earned him a hit on the head but at least he didn't have to answer her. Besides, there were too many beautiful women to count.

It was Kagome's turn and she decided to take the questions to a higher level. Smiling she looked around the circle "I never had sex." She, Sango, and Miroku all took shots before staring at Inuyasha in disbelief. Kagome's jaw dropped. "You're a virgin!" Sango covered her mouth in surprise and Miroku's eyes got wide. Kagome continued to speak aloud in bewilderment "How the hell did you manage to last this long? My god, It's been centuries!" A deep red tint flooded Inuyasha's face. "Well... I have done other things, kinda... I just never well..." He suddenly glared at them and crossed his arms over his chest. "Why the hell is it any of your business? Didn't I just tell you to stay out of my life?"

At this point, kagome smiled wickedly and reached into her bag. "I have another surprise for you guys." The group gave her a confused glance as she pulled out a thin rolled up piece of paper with some sort of herb inside. Inuyasha sniffed it then his ears twitched and he scrunched up his face slightly. "What is it? I never seen it before." Kagome laughed and put it to her mouth. While she spoke she lit the tip, burning the paper on the end down to get to the actual joint. "Panama Red. It will make you feel really happy, trust me." She got to the weed and inhaled deeply, holding it in for a few moments before blowing the smoke out in a ring above her head. "Here, try it."

Inuyasha took it and glanced at it suspiciously before putting it to his lips. Kagome watched him, wanting to see his reaction. "Inhale it deeply or it won't work. Take a lot in." He did as she instructed and immediately began coughing. His eyes got wider and he smiled "Wow, she's right. You two have to try this." He passed it to Miroku and then Sango got her turn. Kagome sat laughing as she took another hit. "Heh. Virgin lungs..."

This continued until all four of them were laying back looking at the sky with empty bottles around them, bursting into laughter at the least little noise. Kagome turned to Sango and whispered something in her ear. She eyed Miroku and Inuyasha before giggling and nodding. This caught the guy's attention and made them demand to know what was going on. Kagome sighed deeply and then laughed. "You two are getting too paranoid." She rolled her eyes "This is what is going on..."

Suddenly, Kagome reached over and pulled Sango towards her. She wrapped her hands around her neck and fell back onto the ground, pulling her into a passionate kiss as she did so. The guys stared wide eyed as Sango moved her hands down Kagome's neck and gently trailed her fingertips over her breasts earning slight moans from Kagome. She would not allow Sango to outdo her and gently pulled at Sango's lip with her teeth before opening her mouth and encircling Sango's tongue with her own. Her hands moved through her hair, down her back and hips, only to circle around and end up right above her chest at her collarbone. Kagome smiled through the kiss when she heard Sango's deep breathing mixing with moans and slowly pulled away to face two completely stunned guys. She was sure they would beg to see more, if they could speak. A evil idea passed through her mind at that moment. She knew how to get them to speak. It might just work, they were drunk enough that it may happen.

She twirled her fingers around a lock of hair as she looked up at the two seductively. "Do you guys want to see more?" She purposely shifted, allowing her sleeve to slip off her shoulder. They both nodded in agreement, apparently not able to pick their jaws off the floor just yet. "Well if you want to see more from us, we want to see you do something." She looked to Sango who fell to the floor giggling and nodding. Inuyasha's ears twitched in surprise and slight shock. "Wh...what?" Kagome got on her hands and knees and crawled a bit closer to him. Her shirt was lose and low cut, giving Inuyasha a teasing image of what could be in store for him. He looked to Miroku with uncertainty in his eyes who glanced back with the same expression only slightly more defeated. He sighed "What would you have us do, girls?" Kagome smiled "Well, show us what you want us to do to each other." He looked towards the ground for a moment then towards Inuyasha. "That was the best scene I have witnessed in quite some time. Inuyasha, if you are willing to fulfill their request I am as well." Inuyasha looked away in frustration for a moment, this may be the very thing that tells the world of a deeply kept secret but if Miroku wanted to do this then he would not deny him his wish. He took Miroku's hand and stood. Kagome watched the two and spoke in a threatening and sweet tone "If it isn't believable, you will have to do it again." This gained more laughter from Sango who was fixated on the two.

Awkwardly, Inuyasha Placed his hands around Miroku's waist and looked at him briefly before closing his eyes and pressing his lips against his friends. Miroku pulled Inuyasha in closer and moved his mouth slightly, opening it just enough for Inuyasha to tease him for access which Miroku granted him. He snaked his tongue inside his mouth, and moved it to match the pace of Miroku's.

As he ran his fingers through Miroku's silky hair and down his back, Miroku began moving his hands up his haori touching his bare flesh with his fingertips causing pleasure to spread throughout his body. They continued to kiss feverishly, nipping at each others lips every few moments before entwining their tongues together seductively once more.

Inuyasha followed Miroku, only as he glided his hands up his shirt he pulled it off of him. Inuyasha tried not to let his eyes wander too much but could not stop himself from taking a quick glance. He felt his heart beat pick up instantly. Miroku had a form any male model would die for. His chest was muscular and perfectly shaped, and further down his stomach was shadowed with defined abs. His figure was gorgeous, fit without being overly muscular. Inuyasha had to stifle a moan. Then Inuyasha realized Miroku was taking off his shirt and became extremely nervous once more.

He continued to kiss Miroku while running his hands up his bare chest. His claws played against Miroku's skin and sent chills down his spine. Slowly, without breaking the kiss, the two laid down on the grass with Miroku on top.

He gave Inuyasha one final peck on the lips before trailing kisses down his jaw before stopping briefly to playfully tug on his ear with his teeth. He began kissing his way down his neck to his chest. He paused there and took one of Inuyasha's nipples into his mouth and sucked causing it to harden. Inuyasha turned his head to the side and could stop a moan of pleasure from escaping his lips. He instantly regretted it, although Miroku did not seem to be bothered by it at all. In fact, it seemed to encourage him.

He moved to Inuyasha's other nipple and flicked it gently with his tongue, while rubbing the other one with his hand. Still, he moved down lower and trailed gentle kisses over his chest, occasionally running his tongue over his abs. The moisture on Inuyasha's stomach and chest was hit with the cool breeze and caused him to inhale sharply making a noise. He ran his hands over Miroku's neck and shoulders gently. He smiled up at his friend and pulled his pants down a few inches and licked him teasingly on the extremely sensitive area on the lowest part of his stomach. Inuyasha almost screamed with pleasure. luckily for him, he didn't.

Miroku and sat up and stared at the two girls who had the same expression as the two of them did moments ago. Kagome looked like she was about to have an orgasm on the spot and Sango who was speechless could only let out soft whimpers of approval. Miroku stood up and looked down at the girls. Inuyasha followed and stood while trying to force back the blush that he could feel beginning to form on his cheeks. He couldn't believe that had actually happened. Miroku smiled coyly "I believe it is your turn ladies."

Kagome's eyes got wide and she whispered something to Sango. The two exchanged a surprised look and began to giggle. The guys cast them confused glances and Miroku voiced his thoughts for them "What, may I ask, do you find so humorous." Although her voice was unsteady from laughter, Kagome managed to keep a straight face while speaking. "Sango and I were just wondering who enjoyed that more, us or him." The color began to drain from Inuyasha's face and he had to stop his eyes from widening. "What are you two talking about? I only did that so you two would have to! First thing I am doing when I come to a river is brushing my teeth!" Kagome burst out in laughter and pointed down. Miroku and Inuyasha followed her gaze and heat flooded Inuyasha's face when he saw what she was talking about. He had gotten hard from the moment of passion he and Miroku shared!

He turned to the side and halfway glanced back at them. "That is so stupid, Kagome. You know that happened when you and Sango were going at it!" Kagome snickered. "Whatever you have to tell yourself Inuyasha." Inuyasha, not wanting to talk about it anymore, began to walk away from the three others. "Shut up Kagome!" He shouted before he disappeared into the woods.

There it is! Chapter one of my Inu/Mir Fanfic! I hope you enjoyed it and want more. As I have said before, the next chapter is Hardcore Yaoi Goodness. (Actually it is so hardcore, I had to check the ratings to see if I could even post it on here. I am still doubting that I should, but oh well. I am anyway. hehehe)

Please review and tell me if I should continue or not. Reviews let me know that people are enjoying my story and if nobody reviews, then I don't think anyone likes it so I discontinue them. So if you like the story, don't let it die. Review so the smexy yaoiness can continue.