Hi there! Okay, this is my first SC finicky! Yay!~ Anyway, yeah, this idea is kinda on something, I think. I believe this is going to be more crazy than the actual Alice in Wonderland itself, but let's see how it works!!! Anyway, it's going to be IkutoxKukai. Don't ask why, I just had the biggest urge to use this couple! Anyway, enjoy 3


He was in the forest again, in that damned dress. "Why the hell do I always wind up here!?" Kukai said, sitting down and twirling grass in his fingers. This dream had been more normal than previous ones, and at least he knew it was a dream this time. Then again, he should have guessed it was a dream when he noticed that his red-brown hair had grown so long it was past his shoulders and near his waist, and that he was in a blue-and-white, frilled dress with striped stockings and maryjanes reminiscent of Alice from Alice in Wonderland, and that was exactly what it was.

"Why in the word does this keep happening to me of all people!?" he screamed as he went from a sitting position to a laying position. When he looked up, that was when the dream started getting weird. Then again, it was to be expected when he was playing Alice. He couldn't help but hold back a laugh. In the tree was a boy with familiar dark blue hair and striking blue eyes. However, instead of the usual dark blue cat ears and tail that matched Tsukiyomi Ikuto's other features, there were striped, pink-and-purple ones, and he wore an outfit to match that made it impossible for Kukai to stop laughing. "Ts-Tsukiyomi really makes a great Cheshire Cat!" he said, unable to hold it back.

Ikuto's ears twitched in annoyance. "Says the one in the dress," he said with a playful smirk as his pink-and-purple-striped cat tail swung back and forth, "You make a cute Alice." He smiled and jumped off the branch in front of Kukai. "So you came again, too, huh?" he said, getting away from the playful banter, "Well, at least I have company in this crazy place." A small smile came across Ikuto's features, and Kukai couldn't help letting a small blush come over him. For some reason, he and Ikuto seemed to share this dream every night for the past week or so. They would always see each other at some point in the dream, whether it be right as it started, or near the end, as Kukai had imagined to be the case this time. They were always the same characters, and it was always the same dream based on Alice in Wonderland. Kukai was always Alice, Ikuto was the Cheshire Cat. Sometimes they would see the other guardians and Ikuto's sister, Utau, in the dream as well. It didn't seem to be the case this time. "The dream will probably end soon," Kukai said, getting a nod in reply from Ikuto. He stayed laying on the ground, playing in the grass, not caring how the dress he was wearing moved as he kicked his feet and rolled around in the ground. He stopped when he rolled over on his back and smiled up at Ikuto. In fact, he had had this dream with Ikuto so many times that he had gotten used to the cat boy and didn't particularly mind being around him, not like the first time he met Ikuto in the dream.

"You're getting your dress dirty," Ikuto said with a chuckle when Kukai pretended to act girly and got up dusting his dress off and straightening his hair. "Anyway, I guess it's time to go, I think it's morning now…" and with that, in the blink of an eye, Ikuto disappeared.


A moment later, Kukai woke up in his own bed, yawning and rubbing his eyes. Not seeing him, but knowing his Shugo Chara was there, Kukai called a "good morning" to Daichi and got up to put his Middle School uniform on. He didn't pay much attention to his surroundings in the morning. Maybe that was why he didn't notice the small pastel blue egg with a pink top and playing cards with each coat(red diamond, red heart, black spade, black club) on it until he came back to his bed a second time to get Daichi's egg off of the bed frame. "Wha!?" Kukai said, looking at the new egg laying on his bed, "A second Shugo Chara egg!?" he glanced down at it thoughtfully and bent over to touch it. He poked it once then drew his fingers away and grabbed the egg along with Daichi's. "How did I get this…?""I've been trying to tell you about it all morning, Kukai!" Daichi said as he proceeded to rest on Kukai's shoulder. He smiled at Kukai's bewildered face and laughed a little, prodding Kukai's cheek from his shoulder. "Speaking of, Kukai, how did someone like you get a pink egg?" He chuckled as Kukai put both eggs in his school bag with a huff.

"It's not pink! Only the tips are pink!" Kukai protested. He sighed and draped his school bag over his shoulder and dashed out the door before his brothers could say anything. He ignored comments from Daichi about his new egg as he tried to think about what the egg would be. He gave a small sigh and raced towards school. He tried to keep his smile, though still puzzled about gaining a second egg so suddenly. "Suuure, it's not," Daichi said with a chuckle. "Kukai got a pink egg! Kukai got a pink egg!" He kept pestering. He smiled as he finally rested on Kukai's shoulder, and wasn't surprised to be flicked off before setting on the shoulder again. "Pink egg! Pink egg!"

"It's blue!" Kukai said with a sigh as he walked towards the school. "Anyway, stay quiet, would you!? We're in public now." He through his bag over his shoulder and stayed quiet after that, even if Daichi couldn't. He wondered what kind of Shugo Chara would be born from this new egg.


Aaaand, that was the first chapter!Okay, I know I have a lot of stories to update, I'll get to it, alright! XD I just couldn't resist the urge to do this story, and I'm in a big Shugo Chara mood since I started watching it, so please be patient with unusual betrothal and new XII! Gomenasai! I'm thinking about dropping Human Experience, and my friend and I have to get back in the mood to work on Reluctant Loves, but hopefully we'll get around to it! Anyway! In the next chapter! Preview time!Ikuto will notice a second egg as well! We may get to see the first true IkutoxKukai moment of the story if I feel up to writing it in, and, as much as he tries to hide it, the secret of Kukai's new egg gets out to the guardians when he pays them a visit! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and look forward to the next one!