A/N: Now there have been rumors about a decrease in the number of Yuuram fanfiction, and that is definitely bothersome. Therefore, as a loyal fan, I hereby present to you my second Kyou Kara Maou fanfiction, featuring my beloved Yuuram. Enjoy reading and reviewing, everyone.

Warning(s): Shounen-ai or boy-and-boy relationship. Can't tolerate it, don't read. It's that simple. This fiction will be appropriately be "rated-T" due to contents on upcoming chapters (e.g. language and plot) and may change in regards to changes in the story line IF anyone would be so willing as to read and review. Expect grammar flaws and misspelled words as well (they are inevitable) and before I forget: OOC. Klappy is now a self-proclaimed queen of OOCness (although I try not to be). lol

On the same account, this story is a spin-off from the OVA, "Kyou Kara Maou R!", and may therefore contain a minimal number of spoilers.

Disclaimer: Kyou Kara Maou and its characters belong to Tomo Takabayashi. However, this story and its plot rightfully belong to yours truly.


Some things that are supposed to be are not always meant to be.

He wanted to move, but he could not. He wanted to scream for help, but it seemed as if he had lost his voice. He felt completely helpless as he watched the blond Mazoku ex-prince inch his face closer and closer to his own, Wolfram's breath warm on his face.

After sixteen years of not having a girlfriend, Shibuya Yuuri was about to be kissed by his fiancé. The only problem was that they were both male.

Yuuri forced himself to move in an attempt to stop Wolfram, but it was too late. Wolfram's lips felt soft and warm on his own, the kiss firm but not forced. Yuuri felt a shiver run down his spine yet, curiously, it felt very pleasant. It was not long before he realized that he was kissing Wolfram back, and not long before he realized that he was already drowning…

…drowning in the essence of the moment.


Yuuri's scream echoed in the spacious bedroom. He threw the blanket off him and hastily sat up, his breathing shallow and uneven. He had been having the same nightmare ever since his momentous encounter with Wolfram, and yet up to this moment he was uncertain whether he truly considered it as a nightmare.

"I can't take this anymore…" He whined dramatically. He had been in a complete state of confusion ever since the incident and it was not long, Yuuri felt, before he completely went insane. He had never thought seriously about his engagement with Wolfram, still considering it all as a tall story. His upbringing, of course, would contradict the concept of a male-and-male relationship. He was still against the thought of it, even after all the time he had spent putting up with Wolfram's continuous nagging, but the kiss…

The kiss ruined it all.

A movement from the other side of the bed caught Yuuri's attention. He turned to look, only to see Wolfram tossing and turning in his sleep. As usual, he was wearing his infamous, frilly, pink nightgown, and it was a well-known fact that he looked stunningly feminine in it. Moreover, despite his consistent snores when he was asleep and his foul temper when he was awake, Wolfram was still very attractive, and Yuuri could not help but feel admiration for the blond. He watched the rhythmic rise and fall of Wolfram's chest and the steady movement of his lips as he breathed—the same lips which he personally knew to be as soft as they looked.

More than once after the incident, had Yuuri brooded on whether Wolfram might have acted the same if he was not under Shinou's possession. Would he still have kissed Yuuri under normal circumstances?

The young demon king sighed in exasperation. Perhaps Wolfram would not, and he should feel at ease about that. However, why where there moments wherein he found himself wishing that Wolfram actually would?

"Mou… we're both guys! Guys!" Yuuri shouted in frustration and was surprised when a pillow collided with the top of his head.

"Hennachoko!" Wolfram groggily yelled at him. "What are you doing, shouting in the middle of the night?" The blond scowled at him, his nightgown hanging loose on one shoulder. "You good-for-nothing wimp, you'll even wake Greta up."

Yuuri blinked. He was not aware that Greta was sleeping on the same bed. "Ah… sorry, Wolf—eh?" Yuuri frowned: Wolfram had already gone back to sleep. His arms were around Greta's small body, and they looked exactly how a mother and her child would look like when asleep, all but for Wolfram being male.

"My… family… huh?" Yuuri said to himself as a soft smile settled on his lips.

To be continued…

A/N: I won't say anything long. I just hope you won't forget to review. :)

5/17/10 - EDITED: I can't believe I let a typo slip. And on the first line! How embarrassing... ;P Thanks to gkeeper91 for pointing that out! :)