Requiem for My Dying Heart

Summary: Most of the time, we only realize things when it's too late. Like being in love, for example. -SasuHina-

Author's Note: Seriously, I just wanted to write a one-shot with that title. :D Requiem, like, a funeral song but in this case, it's the wedding song. Got it? :P Okay, I know, I'm demented. XP


I'm dying. No, not dying in the sense that the heart will stop its beating, the organs will stop working and the body will soon decompose. No, not that dying. But rather, dying, in the sense that your heart continues to beat and yet you could barely feel yourself alive.

So yes, I'm dying. And it just so happens that I'm dying on your wedding day.

No, it's not that. I'm happy for you. I'm happy for the both of you. I'm glad that he finally saw what an idiot he is for not realizing that you love him---and he you. I'm happy. I just don't get it why it felt like I'm being stabbed with thousands of kunai when you said that he returns your feelings. Oh, forget that. It was just a passing thought. Please don't mind.

Thus here I am, talking about dying and stabbing on your wedding day. I hope I'm not jinxing your most-awaited day (oh yes, you can't hide that from me). I certainly hope that I'm not getting senile at the age of twenty-eight. Wait, where was I again? Oh yeah. The dying and stabbing part.

Before you'll ask why I was talking about dying at such time, please let me tell you something just before my heart would stop beating for real.

I'm still utterly amazed on how you fail to understand and see things that are quite visible to the rest. Sometimes, no wait, scratch that. A lot of times, I wonder if that guy you're in love with rubbed his being dense off you. No, I was not trying to be funny. I'm serious.

I can't believe that you, of all the people, with your famed sensitivity to other people's feelings, could be this thick to my own feelings. I don't know if I should be insulted or just simply be flabbergasted. Maybe I am both. Or maybe I'm just hurt that you'd prefer him over me. Oh, wait. No. I'm not being arrogant. It's just that...well, okay. So maybe I'm being conceited but...just what do you see in him? It completely eludes me.

So yeah. I'm dying. I was dying the moment you walked in the aisle with your wedding gown and a happy smile on your face. I am dying as I realize that that smile on your face is for him and for him alone. So maybe I could say that I tried. I tried my best, but damn, I still failed.

So just before my heart will finally stop, I'll tell you what I've been meaning to say for a very long time, but failed due to my cowardice and fear.

I'm in love with you.

And it took me until my dying day just to admit it.
