Authors note: Oh look here's a chapter...and I'm really sorry about this being so late. If there are any mistakes I apologize for them. So please read, review and enjoy.

Tricks of the light

Matt wasn't sure when he managed to drift off to sleep. The last thing he remembered was sitting in front of the television with his eyes locked on the screen and thinking. He knew he was tired and hadn't slept but it didn't seem like a good idea at the time and it certainly didn't seem like it was a good idea now. That man had come in and asked if he needed anything and he had requested to speak with Kira but did he? He didn't remember a conversation but not many things were adding up right now.

"Matt?" The voice was languid and light as he glanced over his shoulder. That was why sleeping didn't seem like a good idea. This was Kira he was talking about. This man had beaten L and needless to say he had to have his own genius intellect. Of course he would move Matt after he talked on the phone with Mello. Phones could be tracked and this man was too smart to allow that to happen. He had to have been planning to move him for some time. That was why he needed to be awake so that he could observe and hopefully find a way to speak to Mello again but that was all lost now as he glanced out of the window. "You went to sleep and I didn't want to wake you so we carried you out. I'm going to take you somewhere safe. Somewhere that Mello would never be able to touch you again."

He frowned at the idea shifting slightly out of this man's lap. They were in a car heading down a two lane street. He couldn't tell just by looking out the window where he could be but it was certainly nowhere that he had been before. "Where are we going?" He questioned seriously watching intelligent brown eyes narrow slightly before Kira smiled.

He placed a hand on Matt's hand, "I just told you somewhere safe." He offered again and Matt stared in disbelief.

He hadn't been third in Wammy house to be pushed around by someone like this. Sure, Mello and Near outranked him but that didn't meant that he didn't have his own innate intelligence. He took a deep breath thinking about that before trying again. "You're taking me somewhere that you believe to be safe against Near and Mello but it won't work." He watched the interested look on the others face and felt like he was being humored. It was almost like talking to Mello when he was in one of his moods. "Both Mello and Near are genius's and truthfully I think that you're being outranked at this very moment."

The man frowned, "Outranked? Is that dealing with your days at Wammy house Matt?" He questioned aloud as green eyes snapped back to the man instead of out the window. "Oh, you didn't think I knew about that? I know everything about you Matt. Before I brought you to me I had watched you for two years and even now I'm watching you. I have to make sure that you don't get hurt. You see, you would get involved in one of Mello's plots against me and you could possibly get killed in the crossfire with him. I couldn't have that. It kept me up for days thinking about you lying lifeless somewhere because of your need and want to make Mello happy."

Matt glared, "I help Mello for my own reasons and if I get killed then it's my choice and decision." He hissed.

"Wrong." Kira replied simply. "You have been conditioned from a very young age to be Mello's Watari." He watched the boy pale and smiled. "Yes, I know about Watari too. His name came up time and time again when I was investigating you." He gave the man's leg a gentle squeeze. "That's what you are for Mello. Watari and if Mello dies you feel like you need to. That's why I have to eradicate Near and Mello right now. I no longer need them to get to you."

Green eyes flashed as he grabbed the other man by the collar. "Don't t you fucking dare touch a hair on Mello's head." He hissed his voice dripping with venom.

Kira sighed wrapping his arm around Matt's and tugging. The grip came off well enough before Matt was slammed against the door of the car. A loud crack echoed as the red head fiddled with the handle but it was child locked. He was stuck in here with this asshole. The blows came quickly and efficiently connecting from his upper torso to his face. Minutes passed with Kira just tossing him around the backseat until he was curled up bleeding against the leather of the seats.

"Do you see now Matt?" Kira's voice cut through his quiet whimpering. He could feel his back oozing blood again just when he believed it was possibly healing. "When I said that you belonged to me you think it was a joke. This isn't a joke Matt and when we get to our destination
I will show you personally what I'm talking about. I'm tired of waiting for you to warm up to me."

Matt lifted his head to spit blood which Kira didn't seem to notice. "You're a sick confused bastard." He breathed with difficult.

"You know nothing, Mail Jeevas." He replied in seriousness, stone brown eyes watching the red head in pain.


"Mello my peopleā€¦."

"Fuck off Near. I don't need you and your people. I'll go get Matt myself."

"Mello, you're not listening to me. Let my people accompany you. You may need backup. We are dealing with Kira."

"Then they can follow me there. I'm not waiting for you to assemble your troops. Matt is in the hands of an insane person. I will not allow him to stay there."

"Goodbye Mello."


Mello was already speeding through town pushing the throttle as far it could. He wove in and out of traffic drifting around corners and cutting cars off whether they saw him coming or not. He wasn't sure where Near's men were until he rounded a corner and saw several black cars traveling in pattern and he simply knew. They follow him through town doing damn well at keeping up.

He had to go faster. He had to save Matt from this madman so that all his promises were true. He wouldn't allow the red head to fall away, not like this. He also couldn't shake the idea that this was completely and totally his fault somehow. He wasn't sure how Kira could have met Matt or even found out about him but it just felt like his fault. Matt was resourceful when he needed to be so he was positive that the red head was still alive.

"Mello!" Hal's voice cut through his thoughts. He was seconds away from kicking the door open as the woman watched him with light eyes. He didn't have time to have a verbal sparring match with her. Instead he turned his back and kicked. Hard.


Hal glanced into the darkened room again. The window was bricked over and it was almost certain this was the room Matt was being kept in. Minutes passed as she watched the blond man standing in the middle of the floor staring at the bed that had held his best friend. Blood streaked the floor like an artistic painting gone wrong, a broken cell phone was found under the bed and Mello just stood there.

"We'll find him Mello." She whispered but all she could think of was the amount of blood the red head had lost in this room. She had always heard of what Kira did to criminals. They were people that he didn't know personally. She never thought about it as if a person had to feel his wrath in person. "We've searched all the rooms and they're empty. It seems like they just moved. It means that we're only one step behind them."

"The point," He said a bit hollowly, "is that we're still behind." With that he turned and strolled out, down the hallway and out the door. She could hear the sound of his engine revving again before he took off down the street.

The put the phone that she held in her hand back to her ear. "Mello just left here Near sir. He will probably be heading back your way."

"No." Near's voice was final. "He won't come here. As far as he's concerned we've already failed him. I think it's time that Mello and I started our own plans of counteraction to retrieve Matt."

"Understood, sir."