This will be an intense story. I will try to keep it to a rating of T but may have to change it to an M later.

Dead Comfort

Author notes: This is the fourth story in the series. (At least in my head it is!) First was Dead Attractive, then Dead Silence, last Dark Night (a short 2 chapter) and now Dead Comfort. I build on the stories before; I can't help it I keep getting more ideas from previous ones! I am going to reiterate what I have said before. This is an ongoing bunch of cases. That means that at no time will I wrap everything in a big bow and make it a happily ever after. Because if I did that I would have to start over again with my story line! My endings can be short and sweet, maybe a little abrupt. Sorry about that, but by the time I hit the end I am thinking of the next story. Not to mention that because this is an ongoing story line it isn't really an ending, just the end of the current case. I hope you enjoy this next case. It may take a little longer to get out but that is because this one is going to take a little more research…

An estimated one hundred thousand to four hundred thousand female sex slaves were forced to deliver sexual services to Japanese soldiers, both before and during World War II. They have been variously called "comfort women," "military sex slaves," "MSS," "military comfort women," and -- in Japanese -- "jugun ianfu."

Chapter one.

We arrived at the Inn right after dinner. A wind chime rung somewhere on the property. (Wind chimes and bells were used to ward off ill omen.)

We were in Sasebo, a gorgeous city right on the coast. Home to Japanese and American Naval Bases. It is a prime location, with a protected deep water harbor and close proximity to China and Korea. Coal mines are close by as well. The city is lively and has a wonderful vibe to it. We had stopped on our way to the current case to get some food. Since this city is right on the water the sea food is excellent! Especially the oysters!

Ayako and I amused ourselves by rating the men walking by the restaurant. I was surprised at her love of gaijin. She rated all of the American officers fairly high. To the amusement of Bou-san and John. Masako couldn't make this trip, but I am going to assume that she would have found our rating of men beneath her.

Lin and Naru seemed to ignore us.

Some of the bolder American men even came up to our table and tried to chat me and Ayako up in their broken Japanese.

"Hello, you live here?"

"No, we live in another city." I replied, giggling a little at his poor pronounciation. This seemed to encourage his buddies to come over and we started to have a friendly chat dispite our mutual language barrier. Have I mentioned I am not the best student? English is not exactly one of my best subjects either.

Bou-san and John did much better and ended up being translators for Ayako and I. The gaijins seemed to be most excited about John and talked to him for quite some time. Lin and Naru seemed to tolerate this.

As we were leaving one of the gaijins pulled my hand into his and asked me a question. I didn't understand and looked to John. He blushed and said. "He is asking if you are single and if so; can he have your phone number?" Blushing I was about to respond that I was single, but no he couldn't have my number when Naru busted in. He spat something at the men and then grabbed my hand from the man and started marching me towards the van. Looking back at John and Bou-san who looked amused. Bou-san then shrugged and replied with the same words.

"Guess she's not available."


The Inn was beautiful. All of the rooms opened up to the courtyard. The gardens meticulous and calming. When we checked in the proprietor met us personally.

"I am so glad you have come. Do you have your room keys? Yes, now remember no man can be in a room by himself. At least one girl must be with you." Naru nodded. Earlier we had been told of this requirement. I would be staying with Naru and Lin. Ayako would be with Bou-san and John.

We had three rooms. The two rooms on each side would be sleeping quarters and the room in the middle would be the base. We unpacked our equipment in the early evening hours. The wind blew softly from the ocean. Cicadas were buzzing and the gentle sound of laughter from another part of the inn wafted though the air. It was comforting and calming. If it wasn't for the urgent plea of the Inn Owner I would have never associated this place with the rumors of horror.

Naru sat us all down in the base to lay out rules.

"Alright, based on what we know, this is place that is very unfriendly towards men. Keeping this in mind again Lin, Mai and I will share one room and John, Bou-san and Ayako will share another room. At no point will there be a man left alone in a room by himself. Whenever one is on shift everyone is on shift got it?" Everyone nodded.

"Very well, Lin, Mai and I will take first shift. You three get some sleep, we will wake you at 2 in the morning. Don't even go to the bathroom without everyone together. It hasn't attacked women at all and men are usually but not always safe when there are two of them."

Everyone nodded again. And then John, Bou-san and Ayako got up and left to the next room. They left the hall door open to let in the night breeze from the courtyard.

"Mai, I need your help going through the newspapers. Lin will watch camera feeds and I will research on-line."

I nodded and went to sit on my pillow at the low table. I started to go through newspapers and cutting out articles that related to the case. This inn was actually quite famous for its history of gruesome murders. Lots of people stayed just to scare themselves. But it is a real threat to people. Any man who stayed on his own in one of these rooms would be found brutally cut up. So far there have been over 100 men killed here that we know of since the 1950s.

It was interesting that for a change, the women of the group were protecting the men from harm. Maybe for once Naru will come to appreciate me!


The night fairly flew by. Is it weird that I was engrossed in stories of murder? I found myself reading all of the articles pretty much. It was like a car accident fascinating for all of its grisly topic. At two in the morning, with no ghostly activity to speak of, the three of us dragged the others out of bed before going to our own respective futons and passing out.