Disclaimer: I do not own Ino, Shikamaru or any Naruto related characters or places.

Sorry been awhile since I'm writing, no reason for that, Just lazy, cbf-ness hohoho, but back to activity! Been working lately, and bathing in the money from it! Haha not really, but I'm really happy in life right now, well besides fighting with my best friend but as life goes, I suppose. Anyways, here's the newest chapter, hope you guys enjoy it, I'm a little proud of it actually, I thought I was good at being descriptive hohoho. Enjoy~~

Chapter 2: Just Leave.

Ino walked home, her stomping her feet ceasing as she neared half way home, lowering into a dismal, lazy walk, her angry face dropping into that of pain, depression and sadness, fighting back her tears as she bit her lip, replaying Shikamaru's words in her head.

Thinking of what she could have possibly said instead, to get to him. To hurt him. Like he deserved. Everything, every word he continued to say hurt, made her feel sick. She just wanted to burst into tears; she didn't want to lose Shikamaru. She truly felt like she loved him, but. If his feelings were returned, she knew he wouldn't have done this. Simple logic.

Ino walked almost exhaustedly through the slums area of Konoha, glancing up at the sky which certainly was reflecting her feelings right about now, the once blue decorated with only a couple of clouds sky had now turned a dismal, depressing and dark sky, smears of grey blocking out any ray of sunlight.

The blonde stared blankly at the sky for a moment, for dropping her head, before tears slowly fell off her face, as she silently sobbed, falling slowly left into a street lamp post, leaning into the pole as she cried, she slowly dropped to her knees crying on the quiet yet dirty street.

"What are you doing here?"

The sobbing blonde didn't bother to look up to the raspy male's inquisitive voice. Closing her eyes tight as she cried, her face facing the concrete path below her, she couldn't bring herself to even bother with anything around her, even as he continued to try to get a response out of her.

"Ino, why are you crying, Hey?"

And within a moment, he nudged her a couple of times, before picking up the blonde in his arms, cradling her as she held her hands to her face as she continued to cry.

"Comeon then, I live just down the road from here, don't cry out on the street, people will think your nuts."

Ino knew whose arms she was in; she knew she was safe with him. She heard the creaking door to his house open, continuing to support Ino in his arms as he managed to open the door, then entering, before closing the door with his foot, he placed her down on a soft comfortable place, a bed?

The sobbing blonde slowly opened her eyes, setting on the male in front of her.

"What happened? It's not like you to act like this, Ino" He questioned, almost obnoxiously.

"N-Naruto…" Ino said softly before returning to her sobbing.

How could she really not cry, or even tell Naruto about what happened. How pathetic does she seem, she couldn't keep her man, despite the amount of effort she put into him, he went for Temari, lost his virginity to her, regardless of his relationship with Ino.

Naruto's eyes set on Ino with concern, he let out a sigh. "I'm not good with this girl stuff, so whatever your problem is just sorta out with it, I don't know what to do" He said softly.

Everything reminds me of Shikamaru, I can't even talk to Naruto. I… just want to hear Shikamaru talk to me… tell me he loves me, that used to make me feel better. But how can it now? It can't. Simple…

Shikamaru sat on the swing at the academy, the rain falling as he watched his feet.

Everything she said to me, it's killing me, her tears, her words, it will get to me in my sleep… I deserve it… it… was Ino who kept me motivated… I want to hold her. Everything… I have… means nothing… if I don't have Ino… I love her.

"Hurry up, I don't have all day for you to sit out here."

Shikamaru glanced up to see the blonde sand kunoichi standing, a hand on her hip as her green eyes set on him.

"You never come quickly, do you?" Temari commented, flicking a grin.

The sexual pun Temari made wasn't welcomed to Shikamaru's ears, at all. "…Yea yea… I'm heading home. Sorry." He said quickly as he left the swing and began to leave the academy.

"W-What? We have deadlines, Shikamaru! This better be important!" Temari yelled.

Shikamaru continuing to leave without a word, the blonde kunoichi sighing then returning to the Academy.

She had doubts… worried Temari was after me, and I made her doubts true… she didn't once accuse me, even when she heard about what happened, she questioned, not accused… despite being that loud girl she is… she didn't fly off the handle like she usually would… she questioned it. I made her cry… I can't replace her. But I broke her heart. What the hell am I supposed to do… I'm lazy… but I'd do anything, anything to fix it.

Naruto stood on the phone. "Thanks Sakura." He said before hanging it up, then returning to the blonde sitting on his bed.

"You… able to talk now? Sakura's on her way… she says… she knows what happened, I thought… Sakura would be able to help you." Naruto explained.

"Thank you, Naruto…" Ino said softly.

The boy grinned, his carefree, energetic grin. Ino glanced up at the grin, biting her lip.

"Shikamaru… cheated on me."

Naruto's grin dropped immediately, his blue eyes widening. "Th-that's impossible, that's not Shikamaru at all! He'd be too lazy to cheat, and he was always happy with you, you know! Like you could see it, who told you that, they're liars! It's not Shikamaru at all! He wouldn't do that to you! I'm telling you!" The boy yelled, almost as though he just got accused of something.

"Shikamaru told me himself."

Naruto stared blankly, he pretty much just ate his own words. "W-Why…?"

"Because he's pathetic!" Ino yelled. "Disgusting excuse for a human!"

The anger welled up in Ino again, her sadness still strong, her anger just now stronger once again, she wanted to punch something. Well not something, Shikamaru.

Naruto's door opened, the pink haired kunoichi entering, then rushing to Ino, embracing her friend. "Are you alright, you spoke to him didn't you?"

Ino nodded. The anger disappeared again, her sadness overcoming her as she sobbed into Sakura's shoulder. "They slept together, Sakura… I mean nothing. Nothing… at all."

Shikamaru ran towards his destination, he had to see her, he couldn't let her say such things, like not wanting to see him, he had to let her know how important she was.

I couldn't even make her stay to listen to me, please, give me a chance to listen to me, Ino. You need to know… I feel like… I can't live without you.

He eventually arrived at Yamanaka flowers, entering the shop glancing around. Inoichi glancing up, frowning. "Shikamaru? How are you?"

"Is Ino home?"

"No, she was training with Sakura last time I heard. It's raining now so I'm sure she's not far off home… but I'm not sure." Inoichi replied.

"Is it okay if I stay here till she gets back, I'll wait in her room… alright?"

Inoichi shrugged. "It's no bother to me."

Shikamaru walked to the back area of Yamanaka flowers, then up the stairs, walking towards Ino's room, sitting on her bed, he looked around the purple decorated room, remembering his relationship with Ino, they used to lay on Ino's bed, fall asleep, or just tease each other, play around, he remembered how much he wanted her, still wanted her. The fact … he slept with Temari disgusted him, there was nothing wrong with Temari, she was an amazing kunoichi and woman, but the one he wanted, and longed for, always thinking about the possibility of sex with Ino, just made him want to explode, whenever he laid on her bed, the two just playing around, joking with each other, it always crossed his mind, he was male after all.

Every second that passed killed Shikamaru, he had so much to say… although it was nothing Ino already didn't know, but… she had to be told, again and again, until maybe, just maybe she forgives him.

"Come on, Ino… let's get you home." Sakura said kindly as she pulled Ino's hands towards her, lifting her to her feet and off Naruto's bed.

"Thanks a lot Naruto." Sakura said looking at Naruto, who nodded.

Ino walked over to Naruto, wrapping her arms around him. "Thanks so much, Naruto…" She said softly pulling back, then returning to Sakura, leaving the boy with a red blush across his cheeks.

"Hey! It was no problem! Ha-Have fun! Hope you feel better, Ino!" Naruto yelled as the two walked out, responding with a glare from Sakura. She knew he was trying too hard… just a quiet goodbye would have done, overkill Naruto…

Sakura and Ino walked towards Ino's house, eventually arriving, Sakura hugging Ino again as she said goodbye.

"You sure you'll be alright… feeling better?" Sakura questioned.

Ino nodded solemnly. "I… can't let daddy know I'm down, I just don't want to have to talk about it with him… I… I'll be fine."

Sakura's eyes set on Ino, watching her face intently, Sakura's green eyes filled with sadness, empathy for her friend. "J-just call me if you have a problem… anything, just… any time… I'll be here in like 2 minutes… alright?"

Ino nodded. "Thank you so much, Sakura…"

Sakura headed off as Ino turned to her house, walking in, her dad glancing up from tending to some flowers he had on display.

"Your home late, how long did you train with Sakura for! In the rain aswell?" Inoichi commented.

Ino forced the closest thing she could pull to a smile right now, "We had a snack… after training. I'm going to go take a shower quickly…" She said quickly, trying to avoid her father's questions, or any human contact in general.

The blonde rushed to her room, her eyes setting on the figure sitting on her bed. "Y-You." She said coldly.

"Listen to me, Ino…"

"GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!!" She screamed instantly.

"Ino, come on, please…" Shikamaru said softly as he stood up, edging closer to her, slowly extending his hand towards her, to touch hers.

Ino sent her hand smashing away Shikamaru's, before she jumped forward punching Shikamaru square in the face, the lazy chuunin falling to the ground, rubbing his face as he glanced up at Ino, he was puffing with anger.

"Listen to me, Ino. Come on."

"Don't tell me what to do! You can't just come into my house and demand me to listen to you!" Ino screamed.

"I'm not demanding anything, I'm begging, please…?" Shikamaru questioned.

"No. Leave."

"Ino, I love you."

"Get out."

"Only you, not anyone else, ever."

"Get the hell out."

"I've felt like this since our Genin days. My first and only love."

Tears filled Ino's eyes. She fell to her knees, being face to face with Shikamaru. "You-you're here… to say that… what do you want from me, your just hurting me now… why are… you so cruel" She said between each sob.

"I don't want to hurt you…" Shikamaru said as he crawled closer to Ino, wrapping his arms around Ino.

Ino continued sobbing, feeling a moment of warmth, comfort, happiness again, and the memories of his betrayal disappearing for a second. Only a second, as the pain of the betrayal rushed back to her mind; the warmth, and comfort she was surrounded in, was tainted, it was the very warmth, comfort and happiness he provided Temari not 24 hours ago. How could she forgive that? Ever?

Ino pushed him away from her. Lowering her head to her chest as she cried. "The fact, I loved you so much… is why it hurts so much…"

"D-do…you still love me…?"

"Do you honestly think… I am going to answer that?"

"I need to know… if we'll ever be together… please, it's killing me thinking you may not ever be happy with me, I want to be with you, hug you, and love you… everything… so please?"

"I can't answer… that… just leave."

Shikamaru stood up, offering a hand to Ino who was still also on the ground on her knees, her shook her head and slapped the hand away from her.

"Leave!" She screamed.

Shikamaru obliged as he left. "I love you, Ino."

Ino responded with sobbing, as Shikamaru left.

Ehhhh! It's so hard to write this with like Ino switching from anger to sadness, and I feel sorry for Shikamaru! I really don't think he's getting much sympathy, but it'd be so painful for him, don't you guys agree? Something he didn't want to do, and now the one he love is in so much pain from it, losing her and what not, that's why when writing Ino I couldn't have her totally shoot him down at the end, it was painful for me to think I could write her just outright saying no to hurt him! Ahhhh! I'm weak! Lol!

Hope you guys enjoy it! Thanks for the reviews EmoPrincess 21, Ara, H0pele55 R0mantic, ShikaIno1 and WinterViolet.
And to Hopeless Romantic, when Shikamaru dealt with Temari, I couldn't imagine him going off at her, I mean it wasn't her fault really! She has no clue, and Shikamaru isn't one to cause more problems… Ino however later down the line may lay into her, but poor Temari, she was under the impression Ino was merely a friend, so she's not vindictive.
Please review!