Author's Note: Hey guys! So at the moment my latest obsession is SWAC. So decided I wanted to make a story with one of my favorite couples: Sonny/Chad. This chapter is short because this is just a prologue so it'll get longer as we go. Review please!

Disclaimer: I do not own Sonny with a Chance no matter how much I want Sonny and Chad to get together already if I did own it.

Chad's P.O.V

The horrid, green thing was all over me. I looked at my hands terrified. What was it? It seemed like a gooey substance.

I let out a loud shriek which I'm pretty sure everyone heard.

The So Random! cast looked at me frightened and I pointed to the only possible person who can do this to me. Sonny Munroe.

I knew she was trouble from the moment I set eyes on her two weeks ago.

She was wearing a yellow plaid shirt on top of a blue tank top with her glasses perched atop her nose. Her hair was in a messy bun like it always was for the past two weeks. She never changed her hairstyle and she never wore makeup.

She would always make everyday torture for me, just like today. Today, she walked into the cafeteria to grab some lunch. You might've thought that was completely harmless at first… me too.

Tawni and Zora soon came in afterwards to sit next to Sonny. That's when Nico and Grady appeared. They were both carrying separate containers holding something. They both also looked suspicious. Sonny then got up to throw her garbage away but of course Sonny being herself had to slip on something causing her fists to throw the containers Nico and Grady had in their hands, up into the air, and onto - you guessed it- me, Chad Dylan Cooper.

The covers of the containers were flimsy and easily broke for the latch while the green liquid splashed all over me.

The Mackenzie Falls cast gasped while I stood up. Sonny grabbed a bunch of napkins and tried to get the substance off of me but it just wouldn't work.

After screaming and pointing at Sonny I yelled, "I want her out of here!"

She ran out of the cafeteria with Zora and Tawni behind her. Before she left, I saw the wetness that surrounded her eyes and for the first time in two weeks realized the countless times I had made Sonny Munroe cry.

You would say I'm being mean but I'm only saving Sonny from reality. Reality was going to be much harder.

Sonny and Nico soon came up to me and grabbed me by the shirt getting the green slime on their hands. They obviously didn't care. They shoved me against the wall and I chuckled. They thought they were so tough. I had a bodyguard that weighed even more than the weight of theirs combined.

"You listen to me, Chad Dylan Cooper. You listen good. Sonny has never done anything to you. She has only been a cast member for your rival TV show. She has been nothing but nice to you and all you do is throw her an insult. You make her cry one more time and we swear we'll-" Nico said before I grabbed my phone.

"I think you guys are making the wrong mistake. Put me down or else I'll call Marshall and tell him about the little situation we have going on here," I threatened, "and let's face it. Marshall loves me. Would you like to endanger your jobs?"

Nico and Grady finally put me down.

"But the next time, I swear," Grady started.

I pulled my phone out again menacingly and they both turned their heads and walked away.

This was the reality I'm talking about.

If anything, I was protecting Sonny.

Author's Note: Thanks for reading and REVIEW!