The Final Chapter

I don't own "The Rockford Files" or "Emergency"; I'm just borrowing the characters. I'm not making any money from this story. I do own the story and the character of Lt. Shawna Williams. Any characters not mentioned on either show are pulled from thin air and belong solely to me. I would love feedback and crave it, so I know whether to keep working on this story.

Thanks, Karen

Shawna's doorbell rang and when she answered the door, she wasn't really surprised to see Johnny standing there with a homemade peach pie in his hands and the usual lopsided grin on his face.

"Hello Johnny."

"You don't seem too surprised to see me here."

"How did you know I was home?"

"I called the police station to see if they had heard anything and was told the APB had been cancelled. I figured you might be here."

"Come in," she said as she stepped aside to let him in.

"I stopped by Roy's before coming here and Joanne sent this peach pie with me."

"How sweet of her," Shawna said as Johnny handed her the pie and followed her to the kitchen.

"How are you doing? Why did you leave the hospital without telling anyone? Don't you know what could've happened if you'd punctured a lung?" he questioned relentlessly.

"I'm fine. I heard about the fight between you and Jim so I left. Yes, I know what could've happened if I'd punctured my lung," she answered straightforward. "Would you like a cup of coffee?" she asked as she held a cup of decaffeinated his way.

"Thanks. What do you mean you heard about the fight?"

"A nurse was taking my vitals and she said there were two guys fighting in the nurse's lounge. Then when Roy came in to see me, he said you and Jim were down in the ER getting bandaged up. When I asked him to go check on both of you, I decided to leave," she said as she slid a piece of pie in front of him.

"Shawna, I can understand you being upset, but you should've never left the hospital. We were all worried sick about you."

"Johnny, I'm a big girl," she said as the telephone and doorbell both rang. "Can you get the door please?" She answered the phone and Johnny went to answer the door. When he opened the door, Jim was standing there with Shawna's keys in his hand.

"Johnny. What are you doing here?"

"I came by to see Shawna. What are you doing here?"

"Rocky and I brought her car back like I promised. Is she awake?"

"She's on the phone."

"Will you give her the keys and let her know I will call later?"

"Sure," Johnny said as he took Shawna's keys from Jim. He watched as they left.

"Who was at the door?"

"It was Jim. He brought your car back to you. Who was on the phone?"

"It was Dr. Brackett. He wants to see me tomorrow. It seems he found out I left Malibu General yesterday," she said giving Johnny an 'I know you told him' look.

"Really? I wonder how he found out about you?"

"Yes, I wonder how he found out?"

"OK, so I told him. You know he would've been upset if you'd been brought into Rampart just because you were stubborn for leaving the hospital."

"Johnny, I understand how worried everyone was but I can take care of myself. If I had noticed anything I would've called for an ambulance. We really need to talk about us."

"So you're admitting there is an us?" he said as he took her hand in his.

"Johnny, you're not going to make this easy are you?"

"Shawna I'm still in love with you."

"No, you're not. You just don't want anyone else to have me."

"You're wrong."

"Really? Then tell me why I haven't seen or heard from you in eight months? It was a fluke you and Roy were in Malibu working when the explosion happened. You see me and suddenly you want me back."

"I've always wanted you, I just didn't know how to tell you after you broke things off between us."

"Johnny, are you trying to tell me it took you eight months and rescuing me from a building to realize you still love me?"

"Yes, I guess it did."

"Johnny, I can't," he stopped her as he leaned in and softly kissed her on the lips. Shawna was stunned as Johnny kissed but her it didn't feel quite right so she backed off.

"What's wrong?" Johnny asked.

"This, it doesn't feel right to me. Johnny, I'm not in love with you any more."

"It feels right to me," he said giving her his lopsided grin, "Shawna, please give us another chance."

"Johnny, I'm still a cop and will be a cop for a long time. It's the one thing that will never change. I'm sorry but I'm not in love with you." She looked deep into his eyes and saw the hurt she was causing him but she knew deep down she had to be truthful.

"It's Jim isn't it? You're in love with Jim."

"Yes, Johnny, I'm in love with Jim. I'm sorry Johnny, I didn't mean to hurt you. I haven't seen you in eight months and I moved on."

"You moved on with a private detective."

"Johnny, it's a job, just like you're a paramedic and I'm a police officer. It's not what he does that attracted me to him, it was the man himself."

"Shawna, you know I'm not going to give up this easily."

"Johnny, you need to let me go. What we had was special but it's time for you to move on because I have moved on," she said as she wiped the tear from her cheek.

"Does Jim know you're choosing him?"

"No he doesn't. Johnny, when you kissed me it just didn't feel right. I know you don't want to hear this but it's the truth."

"You're right, I don't want to hear this. Shawna, I'm still in love with you and I don't want to give you up."

"Johnny," she said as the tears started to slide down her cheeks, "I'm sorry to hurt you again. My job came between us eight months ago and it will always come between us. Now it's time for you to move on." She walked over, placed her hand on his cheek, and then leaned in to kiss him one last time.

"Shawna, there has never been another lady since you left. You're not easy to forget and I'd swear I always see you walking down the street, in a restaurant, or expect to see you pull up at an accident scene."

"You will find someone someday, but you need to let me go."

"I don't know if I can."

"Trust me Johnny," she said as softly touched his cheek, " you will meet a woman one day who will take your breath away. She will come along and you won't think twice about me." He looked at her with really sad eyes and she felt sorry for him at this moment but she knew it was for the best.

"You know you will always be special to me," he said as he took her face in his hands once last time, "I hope you and Jim will be happy."

"Really, Johnny?"

"Hey, I just want you to be happy and if Jim makes you happy then go for it."

"Thank you Johnny." Shawna walked him to the door and he kissed her one last time.

"Good-bye Shawna."

"Good-bye Johnny." Shawna watched Johnny drive off and then took off toward Malibu to let Jim know she was choosing him if she wasn't late. About an hour later, she pulled into Paradise Cove and saw Jim and Rocky out on the beach fishing. Rocky noticed her and then nudged Jim's arm. Jim looked to where Rocky was pointing and met Shawna half-way.

"Hello Jim."

"Hello. I hope you are here with some good news."

"I am if you still want to see me."

"If? Lady I hope to keep you around for a long time." He told her as he leaned down and kissed her full on the lips.

"Jim, can you forgive me? I never meant to hurt you."

"It's ok," he told her as he put his finger to her lips, " you were worth waiting for." He kissed her again, took her hand and led her down to the beach were Rocky was still sitting. Jim was going to try his hardest to make sure no one ever came between them again.