Princes and Frogs

I've always believed in fairy tale endings where the prince would sweep me off my feet and tell me that he loved me. But that's never actually happened to me. But then again, you know what they say. You have to kiss a few frogs to find a prince. Tamaki x OC.

By Adaelie

[ Tamaki's POV ]

I didn't hate him.

I knew I didn't hate him. So I didn't understand it why my chest hurt whenever I saw him with Ayuko. It bothered me to no end. I didn't like the way she'd look at him. Thankful, sincere, amazed. It wasn't ever like the way she looked at me. She looked at me like I was just her friend. Given, I could have any girl I wanted. And at some point, I convinced myself that I loved Haruhi. Not in a fatherly sense, I mean. I did. And yet, seeing Ayuko with Tatsuya. It couldn't be jealousy, could it? The great Tamaki Suoh will never be jealous, for it is against the gentleman's code. I glanced over at them again, eyebrows narrowing slightly.

I didn't hate him.

He saved her life, didn't he? It only made sense. Perhaps she had been disillusioned by my slight hysteria and panicking. I couldn't help it. I held my breath, exhaling before turning back to my lovely princesses; offering a smile. "Oh, Prince Tamaki!" One of them breathed, looking at me longingly. I cupped her face in my hands, a hand on her cheek. "You're such a beautiful woman, princess. I'm almost ashamed that we have to hide it in this humble room."

I caught the glance of Ayuko, her waving at me before going back to talk to Tatsuya. A pained look flashed across my face before flickering away again.

I didn't hate him. I didn't hate her.

I hated where they were now. Together.

[ Ayuko's POV ]

I smiled quietly at Tatsuya, hand rested on his. He reflected the same smile back at me, a small laugh slipping out of his mouth.

It had been nearly two months since he had saved me.

It had nearly been a month since I fell for him. I cut all strings that bound me to Tamaki, however bothersome it was to severe myself from him. It wasn't like we were ever together, was it? Hell, I didn't even know if I loved him or not. And yet, every time I looked at him; I couldn't help but feel like I was doing something wrong. He never said anything about it of course. He went about his day as per usual, tending to fling either Hanabi, Haruhi, or me around in circles. And yet, he'd look at me longer than he needed to.

He'd smile at me more often than he did to Haruhi.

He'd always linger a bit longer than he needed to be when he hugged me.

Maybe I was just being delusional again.

I blinked, finding a pair of snapping fingers in my face. "Yuu, are you there?" I smiled, putting his hand further down onto the table. "Yeah, don't worry about me Tatsuya." He grinned, having already gotten up onto his feet. He was so sweet. I looked over at Tamaki now, and he looked back at me with his violet eyes. I could have sworn I saw him look almost hurt for a split second before it faded away again. I snapped my head to look back at Tatsuya. He was my boyfriend, I reminded myself.

He laughed quietly, kissing me on the top of my head lightly. "I got to go to work, but I'll see you later once you get out, yeah?" I nodded, getting up and going onto my toes to kiss him on the cheek. He smiled at me, at least before taking his keys out of his pocket and waving goodbye to me before actually leaving the room. "Love you, Yuu!" He called, and I couldn't bring myself to answer.

He had gotten used to it by now though, I was certain. Because I didn't know who I loved. I wasn't even sure that I loved Tatsuya. For all I knew, it could have just been the aftershock and a sudden want to depend on him. But, how could I say something that I didn't even mean?

"I love you too, Tatsuya." I said quietly, smiling slightly before moving my hair to the side.

I could've sworn I heard a heart breaking in the background. Maybe it was just me.

Author's Note; lolfailchapter. Anyway, it's been a while since I updated this. If you haven't read my latest chapter update for one of my other stories; I've recently been grounded and it's unlikely I'll be able to update my fanfiction for a while. Readers, please just bear with me. I may get another chance like this to have enough time to type up a complete chapter (even though this was incredibly short and irritating to me). Thanks for just dealing with my icky updates. xD