A/N: Well, here it is! It's a first in many ways! First Reborn fic, first Yaoi fic, first 8059 fic, and if it goes as planned, first lime-y fic. Although it will never get to the second half (hopefully the more *ahem* citrus-y of the two) unless I get some reviews and see that people want to read it. =) Anyways, I love this pairing, kudos to my friend L for clarifying a few things, and thanks to the writers who inspired me. R+R please.




Gokudera Hayato sat high in the bleachers as his polished hair caught the orange glow of the setting sun.

He exhaled heavily as he looked out over the large crowd six rows beneath him, and out to the baseball diamond.
Unconsiously, his eyes drifted over the players from both Namimori and the visiting team, until he came to a familiar, black haired boy.

His gaze unintentionally settled on Yamamoto Takeshi as he stepped up to bat.

Gokudera let out a grunt of annoyance as he allowed his eyes to briefly spring to the scoreboard before snapping back to Yamamoto.
Damn baseball idiot has to be so attractive...9th inning. It'll be over soon, and I can leave this fucking game. At least Reborn will be happy I came.

Despite having no interest in the sport, Gokudera had managed to show up to all the Namimori teams baseball games, not so much cheering them on, but silently observing.
He watched with the rest of the crowd as the ball sailed far into the outfield, not an uncommon sight when Yamamoto was up to bat.

He was unanimously hailed as Namimori's best player, and was hailed by the girls as 'best-looking' as well.

Stupid fucking baseball idiot and his goddamn fangirls. Gokudera thought, watching the general chaos on the field as Yamamoto rounded the bases, reaching home with plenty of time to spare.

A roar went up from the crowd as, with that, Yamamoto won the game for Namimori, 8-2.

Gokudera left the stadium, following the crowd until he reached the crosswalk where he would head for Tsuna's house.
'Damnit.' Gokudera thought. Up until then, he had more or less considered himself a ladies man, although he didn't really have time for girls.

Especially since he was always with Tsuna and-and Yamamoto.

It wasn't that girls weren't interested, it just when it came down to it, Gokudera really wasn't.

He spun around as he heard an all-too familiar voice call his name.

"Hayato!" Yamamoto shouted, jogging down the block towards Gokudera.

"When the fuck did I say you could call me Hayato?" Gokudera spat, spinning around to face the baseball player. He felt his face flush slightly as he noticed Yamamoto's shirt, obviously thrown on quickly, and not quite buttoned all the way.

Gokudera shook his head and resumed walking, but the swordsman caught up with him easily.

"Did you see my last hit, did you-"

"How are you already out anyways, don't you have to change?" Gokudera felt his blush deepen even further as he shook his head, attempting to get the image of Yamamoto changing out of his head, which, admittedly, turned him on more than he would like.

"Yeah, I guess I am pretty fast!" Yamamoto replied with his usual wide smile. "But that's not important, did you see my last hit?! I'm still suprosed you're coming to all my game-" "I'm coming because it will impress Reborn, therefore improving my chances of becoming Tsuna's right-hand man."

Yamamto looked as if he was considering this for a moment, before continuing as if he was never interrupted. "With me doing so well lately, I figure you must be lucky!" Yamamoto said, flinging his arm around Gokudera's shoulder as he so often did.
'You fucker can't take a goddamn hint, can you. Don't touch me, please.'

Gokudera's blush, which had just begun to fade away, immediately came back, as strong as ever.

'Goddamnit, my reaction to you isn't usually this bad! What the hell is going on!?'

Gokudera roughly pushed the older boys arm off his shouder. Not that he didn't like it, but it would be extremely suspicious-looking if he didn't.

"Damnit, let's just get to Tsuna's house. He's expecting us." Gokudera muttered, putting himself a few steps away from the black-haired boy.

"Oh, Haya-Gokudera, Tsuna has to make up some exams after school today, I was sure I told you. I thought we could hang out at my house instead, just for today." Yamamoto said, looking at Gokudera.

Hayato could've sworn he saw a flash of exitement cross Yamamoto's face.

'Holy shit...' Gokudera thought. 'Is he serious? Of course, I've been there countless times. We're friends. Friends hang out at eachother's houses. There is NOTHING weird about this'

Yet, he couldn't help but feel like there was.

"Ugh. I guess It'll be ok, for today. But tomorrow, we should be back to Jyuudaime's house." Gokudera said, rather convincingly acting annoyed, and not at all seeming like he was enjoying the possibilities this new plan offered.

"Allright!" Said Yamamoto brightly, changing course for his house. "Oh, and I think you should keep coming to my games." Yamamoto said, offhandedly, looking at Gokudera. "I mean, just because you seem to be lucky and all."

Gokudera couldn't help but smirk. "Sounds like you need me, baseball idiot. Maybe you really aren't good enough to be the bosses' right-hand man."

Behind the confident smirk, the Italian could feel his heart begin to beat faster as they approached Yamamoto's house. He was getting the strange, sudden urge to just turn around and run.

"Oi, Baka. Are you sure we should be here without your dad? And are you SURE Tsuna is busy today?"

Yamamoto laughed, immediately picking up on the storm guardian's hesitation.

"Geez Hayato, why so nervous? You've been here a hundred times. Besides, my dad likes you, you can come over anytime."

'You fucking idiot. If you knew what I'm imagining could happen in there...you might be a bit nervous too'

Instead of voicing these thoughts however, Gokudera simply gave a noncommital grunt and followed Yamamoto into the house.