A.N. Hi guys! I just came back from my loooong trip and as soon as I got a grip of my laptop I started typing. This chapter is a bit longer than my usual chapters and I hope you'll like it! Well that's enough chatting from me! Enjoy!

Chapter 14

Bella's POV

"Mom, why do we have to go? I like it here!" I murmured. My mom turned towards me, her short brown hair falling around her round face, the white dress she was wearing twirling around her. She looked like an angel. She gave me a reassuring smile but it didn't touch her eyes.

"Because we have to Bella! You'll understand one day" she said. I turned around and saw my house…not the one we used to live in Forks…but another familiar one. I knew something was wrong. I knew that there was something I needed to remember but it simply slipped my mind. My mom continued pulling me towards a car.

"Mom…mom I…" I started but she cut me off.

"It's not the time for you to be stubborn and object Bella! You have to listen to me! We have to leave now!" she said.

"But…mom…" she continued walking, not showing any sign that she actually heard me. That was the moment I stopped and wrenched my hand out of her grasp. She looked at me shocked and angry.

"Isabella Swan! What do you think you are doing? We don't have time for this!" she yelled.

"Why mom? Why don't we have time? What the hell is wrong?" I actually yelled at my mother. Somewhere in the distance I could hear some noises but I didn't pay much attention to them.

"Because some terrible things are going to happen!" she said with a pained expression. The noises were becoming more clear and louder.

"What terrible things? To whom?" I asked panicked. As if I knew what her answer would be because before she even opened her mouth to say, shivers went down my spine.

"To all of you, kids" she whispered and suddenly a fierce wind hit my face and I was forced to turn around and cover my face.

"I am so sorry honey…" I heard her murmur.

Once it settled down I opened my eyes and realized I was standing in front of a mirror. I saw myself – all grown up in a short white dress, my wavy hair cascading around me and I was shocked and surprised. It was as if I expected to see myself younger, a child. But the thing that really scared me was the fact that I was alone! I couldn't see my mom anywhere. I quickly turned around panicked.

"Mom? MOM?" I yelled desperate but there was no one except me! Tears started streaming unstoppably down my cheeks. I couldn't accept the fact that I was alone! She had left, she had abandoned me once again!

"Mom! Mom come back! Please" I screamed while running around in circles.

"Mom! Take me with you please! Mom!" I yelled frantic. The noises were becoming louder and louder any minute now and were annoying. I thought that I saw a glint of white in the forest so I ran towards it. But after a moment I stopped dead in my tracks. I wasn't in the forest any longer but in a…GRAVEYARD! My eyes widened and my breath caught in my throat. I wanted to run away but I couldn't! It was as if I was frozen. There was a mist around the grave stones and at first I couldn't actually read the names but soon enough the mist started to fade away. And I recognized the graves! They belonged to our parents.

Charles and Renee Swan.

Thomas and Caroline Hale.

Anthony and Elizabeth Cullen.

Billy and Sarah Black.

I tried to run again but as if there were some invisible chains that were holding me tied in one place. The noises were approaching and I discovered that they were actually voices. Someone was shouting. Suddenly a black raven came down from the sky and flew past me to the left. I don't know why but my head turned to the left and my eyes followed it automatically. I wish they hadn't! There, just beneath the tree that the raven had alighted were 7 more gravestones! And when I recognized to whom they all belonged my heart shattered and I wanted nothing more than to die. It felt as if after reading one of the names a knife stabbed my heart.

Jacob Black.


Jasper Hale.


Rosalie Lillian Hale.


Renesmee Cullen.


Emmett Cullen.


Alice Cullen.

And the final and fatal stab!


"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" I cried in agony. They couldn't be dead! It just couldn't of happened! I didn't want to accept it! Not them! Not him!

"Bella! Bella!" I heard someone yell. The voices were calling ME? I looked around, desperate to see someone but I was alone with the raven. It looked at me with its night black eyes that reminded me of…DEATH!

"It's time Bella!" it suddenly said and flew towards me.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!" I yelled and closed my eyes.

"Bella? Bella!" a familiar voice called me. It sounded so…sore and concerned yet so painfully beautiful. And there was this biping sound.

"She is waking up!" another familiar voice whispered. I slowly forced my eyes to open towards the bright light. As I opened them I could see a few silhouettes standing around me. I blinked a couple of times before I could finally see their faces clearly. It was…them! My family! They were alive or…I was DEAD!

"Oh my God!" I whispered. They all looked alarmed.

"What's wrong?" Edward asked panicked.

"Should we press the button and call the nurse?" Emmett asked as frantic.

"I am dead, right?" I barely asked. They all looked confused.

"No. You are alive!" Edward said.

"Why would you think otherwise?" Jacob asked.

"I…I saw your graves! You were all dead and then that raven came on me saying that it was time and…and…" I couldn't continue. Tears started filling my eyes and then streaming down my cheeks. Edward hugged me gently.

"You are not dead and neither are we! It was just a dream Bella! Just a dream!" he assured me. I nodded thanking God that Edward and the others were alive! The door suddenly opened and someone gasped. Edward let go of me and all of us turned to see who it was. Carlisle and Esme were standing at the door, Esme's eyes full with tears.

"Oh Bella! I was so worried!" she said and walked, well almost ran to me.

"How are you feeling sweet heart?" Carlisle asked me.

"Um…dizzy, light headed and a little disoriented but…ok, I guess. Why? What happened? Why am I in the hospital?" I asked slightly panicked. I couldn't actually remember why the hell I was once AGAIN in hospital. And why were my parents here? They all looked confused.

"Don't you remember?" Jacob asked.

"No…I mean I remember us going to school and that Alice…um had a nightmare and then…Jake was kissing Tanya and…the rest is in mist" I said truthfully.

"Well…there was an earthquake and the university was half destroyed. When you fell you hit your head pretty hard and lost a lot of blood" Edward explained. My eyes widened. An earthquake? And that's when I remembered everything.

"Oh my God! I remember now! Everything was shaking and everyone was screaming! You…you were buried alive in the basement! Are you ok?" I asked him panicked. He smiled and nodded. I looked around and noticed that Jasper, Nessie, Rose and Alice weren't in the room.

"Where are the others? Are they injured? How serious is it?" I asked panicked.

"They will be fine Bella. Relax." Edward assured me.

"Jasper's arm is broken and he has some bruises and scratches but he'll be fine. Rose has a wound on her temple and some bruises on her left arm and leg but she'll be fine too. As for Nessie – she wasn't hurt at all, just scared." Carlisle said. I sighted in relief.

"And Alice? I remember she was with me until they took you out of there" I asked. They all looked at Edward.

"She's with Jasper. And she's fine too" he murmured a bit angry. Carlisle sighted and Esme just shook her head. Jake and Emmett shared a look and then nodded to one another.

"We shall go check on Nessie and Rose. See you later sis, Ed, mom, dad" they said and exited.

"We shall go home too honey. You haven't slept since we arrived" Carlisle told Esme. She hesitated.

"I'll be fine mom" I smiled.

"Ok sweet heart. Good night" she said and after she and dad kissed my forehead and Edwards cheek they left. I sighted and turned towards Edward.

"So…how long have I been knocked down?" I asked sarcastically. He rolled his eyes at my poor joke but chuckled anyway.

"Well for 6 and a half hours" he said after glancing at his watch.

"You lost too much blood. They had to make a transfusion." He added.

"I see" I murmured. He stood up from the chair he was sitting on and sat on the bed next to me.

"I was worried about you. When you collapsed and didn't wake up I…" he trailed off. I took his hand between mine. He looked at me and I smiled at him.

"I'm fine Edward." I told him. A slight smile crept on his lips and he sighted. I liked that he was calm now that he knew I was ok and that he wasn't hurt, well if we don't count the stitches he had on his forehead, the small bruise on his cheek and the bandages on his left arm. I didn't want to make him get angry or upset but there was something on my mind that was bothering me and I had to ask him.

"Edward?" I asked.

"Yeah?" he looked at me, slightly drawing circles on my hand with his fingers. That sent shivers down my spine and I almost forgot what I wanted to ask him. Almost!

"Earlier when I asked about Alice you…looked…well…angry. What happened?" I asked him. He gulped and looked at the wall. He stopped playing with my hand.

"I…um…it doesn't matter" he mumbled. I furrowed my brows.

"Oh, ok. If you don't want to tell me, it's fine. I won't ask again" I said and looked at the bed sheets. I took my hand off of his and started playing with a piece of my hospital gown. I hated blackmailing Edward and I knew that my 'pained' expression would make him feel guilty and bad but hey I wanted to know what happened! It was my family after all! After a second Edward sighted.

"Bella I…" he started but I didn't turn to look at him. He reached and took a hold of my hand.

"Bella look at me" he pleaded. I did as he asked.

"I want to tell you but…it's not my thing to tell! It concerns Alice and…Jasper!" he spat Jaspers name as if it was a curse. Did he find out what I already knew for a couple of weeks?


"What the hell is with me and milk in the middle of the night?" I huffed after exiting my room and heading down the stairs. After drinking some milk I headed up. Just before reaching the last step I heard some noise.

"Stop it!" someone giggled. Wait? Alice? I peeked around the wall and indeed it was Alice and…she was in front of Jaspers room…with Jasper hugging and kissing her neck. WTF?

"Jazz I really need to leave! What if Edward wakes up? You know how overprotective and over reactive he is!" she murmured. Jasper groaned irritated but let go of her and with one last kiss they said good night and Alice headed to her room slightly blushing. I hid in the darkness of the stairs and after she closed her door I went to my room. I was shocked of what I had seen but wasn't surprised. She acted a bit different around Jasper for a while now and I had noticed that she hadn't dated since we moved from Forks. Hell she hadn't even talked about boys in weeks! That made me think. What about Rose and Emmett? They acted strange too. And Nessie and Jacob? No, Nessie wouldn't do it! Just like I…I wouldn't, couldn't do it with Edward!

"What shall I do now?" I asked myself. I couldn't tell anyone! It wasn't my secret to tell! They would tell us as soon as they are ready! And with that thought I headed to bed.

End of Flashback

I looked at him and blushed, feeling ashamed that I hadn't told him. Shit! I had promised to tell him everything! And there I was now looking him in the eye and lying shamelessly.

"W…what happened? Are they ok?" I asked my voice sounding as if someone was chocking me. Edward looked at me worried.

"Bella you sound strange? You ok?" he asked but then realization swept his face. Busted!

"Crap! You are in pain and I haven't noticed that!" he shoot and pressed the call button. I rolled my eyes. He hadn't noticed.

"Edward I am fine" I told him but actually I really did feel a bit of pain in the back of my head.

"Bella seriously! Let them give you some painkillers. Please. For me" he pleaded. I was going to argue because I was against taking painkillers even in critic moments but when he unleashed the full dazzling power of his emerald green eyes I was speechless and just nodded. I would accept anything as long as it made him happy! He smiled a crooked smile – and I was left breathless. Suddenly the bipping sound started becoming louder and quicker. His brows furrowed and I blushed furiously.

"Bella calm down or your heart will explode! God I am so sorry! If I knew that you were in such pain I would of called the nurse long ago!" he started beating himself up and for what – my stupid crush on him that he didn't even know about! Good job Bella! Idiot! I was about to say something to make him feel better when a nurse came in.

"Hello Miss Swan. I am Gianna" the nurse smiled at me. I nodded. Edward stood from the bed and went to stand by the window.

"I shall give you some painkillers and you will feel fine and be able to sleep" she smiled and after putting God knows what in my system turned to Edward. I felt slightly jealous. I mean she was VERY beautiful and well Edward was single and ABSOLUTELLY gorgeous.

"I think that you should go home and rest Mr Cullen. The visiting hours ended ages ago and your sister should rest" she said, smiled at him angelically and bit her bottom lip seductively. I wanted to gag. But Edward was looking at me and only me so everything she tried was useless. I smiled arrogantly but after I remembered that he saw me only as his sister my smile faded away as quickly as it had risen.

"Thank you. I shall be here for a little while and then leave" he murmured and came to me. Gianna looked slightly irritated and after a quick 'good night' she left. Edward smiled. I had to admit it but the painkillers were damn good. The pain had vanished completely but now I felt sleepy and my vision started to blur. Edward noticed too.

"I shall leave you to sleep. It's been a very long day!" he smiled and was about to leave when my mouth opened without my knowledge and the words came out on their own.

"Edward! Can you stay with me? Please" I pleaded. He turned and looked at me. He thought for a moment then smiled and nodded. He took his phone out and texted someone.

"I'm telling mom that I shall stay in tonight to make sure you're ok" he explained. He put the phone on the small table next to the door and after he took off his converses and sweater, he turned off the light and climbed in my bed. I snuggled to his side and he hugged me tight.

"Edward?" I asked sleepily.

"Yeah?" he asked, his sweet breath washing over me. I smiled.

"The thing with Ali and Jazz…let it go." I whispered. He chuckled and I could tell that he rolled his eyes at me. I snored and titled my head so I could meet his gaze. But I shouldn't have done that because I ended up close…too close to his face. My lips were just inches away from his. My breath caught in my throat. I blinked and blushed furiously. The fact that the freakish monitors told Edward that my heart raced furiously didn't make it better!

"You ok? Shall I call…what was her name…Gena?" he asked alarmed. My God! How blind could he actually be? It was getting annoying! Or was he…just playing stupid so he wouldn't hurt my feelings? I was such a loser! How could I ever fall for my adopted brother for Christ's sake! It was just…wrong!

"No, I'm fine. A bit sleepy" I told him. Well it was the truth…the half of it any way. He smiled slightly and kissed my forehead.

"Night Edward" was the last thing I said before drifting off to Dream Land. But before the sleep took over my brain completely I heard him whisper something.

"Good night Bella. I love you!" he murmured but I wasn't sure if he actually said it, was it my imagination or was I already dreaming? Whatever it was I didn't care that much…it was enough hearing that 3 words said with his voice no matter if they didn't actually leave his lips.

3 weeks had passed since the earthquake and our life went back to the normal track. Well not exactly. Nessie and I were kept in hospital for only a day but Rose and Jazz were in there for a week. Mom and dad left a few days ago and as for Alice and her love problems no one spoke about them…even Edward hadn't mentioned anything. Actually he had ignored both Jasper and Alice for 3 weeks. And only the 4 of us knew what was going on. Jazz couldn't look Edward in the eye and neither could Ali. I felt bad for them but it wasn't something that I could fix…it was between the 3 of them no matter the fact that it affected all of us.

"Bella?" I almost fell off of the kitchen stool when Rose waved her hand in front of my face, yelling my name. I blinked.

"S…sorry! I kinda zooned out! What were you saying again?" I asked her. She huffed and rolled her eyes irritated. Rose still had some bandages on her hands and some marks on her face and forehead were still visible. She was cooking something that smelt tempting and my stomach roared. She laughed.

"Mind if I ask you to help me?" she asked. I shrugged. She handed me a wooden spoon.

"Can you stir the sauce please?" she asked me after starting to cut some chicken meat.

"Sure" I said and went to the stove.

"So…I was asking if you knew anything about why Alice, Jazz and Edward are acting strange around each other! It's almost awkward being in a room with them" Rose said casually but I could tell that she was burning with curiosity. And could I blame her? No, after all Jasper was her twin brother! But I couldn't tell her.

"I don't know…I noticed that they are a bit tense these days but I have no idea why" I lied. She snored and I thought that she had caught me lying.

"A bit? Bella have you actually seen them! I mean Alice and Jasper look guilty as if they murdered someone and Edward looks as if he wants to lock Alice in a windowless tower and throw the key, and to kill my brother! Do you think that's a bit?" she huffed in the end. Well she got a lot from the situation, except for the murder thing. I thought that it was best if I kept silent so I just shrugged and nodded. We were silent for a moment Rose slightly murmuring something to herself that sounded like 'kids', 'never grow up', 'ridiculous' and 'ass hole'. I thought for a moment and decided to ask her something that has been bothering me ever since I saw Alice sneaking out of Jaspers room. Of course I didn't ask directly but…

"Rose? Can I ask you something?" I asked. She was drinking some juice so she just shrugged. I took it as a yes.

"Well…um…I was wondering…" are you sleeping with Emmett "are you seeing anyone?" I asked. I think my question got her off guard because she spilled her juice all round and chocked a bit. In that moment my suspicion confirmed. She really had a thing going on with Emmett! After she composed herself she looked at me and I noticed she had a HUGE knife in her hand. I gulped.

"NO!" she said and I didn't push it. I liked having all of my fingers attached! After throwing me another skeptic look she returned to her sniping. The silence was awkward and I thanked God when Emmett, Jacob, Alice and Jasper came in.

"Hi guys" I greeted.

"Hey. You heard the news? They said that the university will be open on Monday. Well some parts of it any way" Jacob said.

"That's great! I was starting to get bored at home" I said. They all laughed. The food was almost ready. The boys were chatting about an upcoming football game and Alice was babbling about a dress with Rose when Edward and Nessie entered the kitchen and everyone hushed up. Alice suddenly found her shoes very attractive and Jasper started playing with his plaster.

"Oh in the name of all that's holly cut this bullshit already! What had anyone of you done to feel so embarrassed? Come on! Tell us! We are a family after all, we should share!" Emmett urged. Edward narrowed his eyes at Jasper but said nothing. Jasper on his side started biting the inner side of his mouth.

"For the love of God! Ok I'll tell you!" Alice finally said. She looked at all of us one by one and sighted.

"I am in love with Jasper and he is with me! We have been dating for a bit more than a month now! There! Happy?" she said acidly and looked at Edward who looked as if he could murder Jasper. Everyone gaped at her and then at Jasper.

"Oh" both Jacob and Nessie exclaimed.

"God!" Rose murmured.

"Dude you were screwing my sister?" Emmett asked through gritted teeth while clenching his fists. Oh crap! Jasper took a step back.

"Look Em it's not the way you think it is…" he started but was cut off by Edward.

"Oh yeah? Because I think it's just the way we think it is! You were screwing our little sister right underneath our noses!" he shouted. I started my way towards Edward, to try and stop him if needed. Both Edward and Emmett started their way towards Jasper. In that moment Alice went and stood between them.

"Back off! Both of you! I mean it!" Alice hissed.

"Move out of the way Alice! This doesn't concern you!" Emmett said, his eyes never leaving Jaspers face. Alice snored.

"This WHOLE thing is about ME Emmett! So don't tell me that it doesn't concern me! I am a grown up and I can DATE anyone I want! There is nothing you or anyone else can say or do about it!" she said, her tone ice cold. They were both stunned.

"But…he's your brother for Christ's sake!" Edward said. And that was the reason I never told him about my feelings – he thought we were all real brothers and sisters! Well it actually wasn't the only reason but the main.

"He is NOT my blood brother! Now if I was sleeping with Emmett it would be something you could judge me for! But you have no right to yell at me nor Jasper!" she spat.

"So you admit sleeping with him?" Emmett looked as if he was to burst from rage.

"Emmett let me explain! I…" Jasper started but only made the matter worse. Emmett started towards him with a deadly look on his face. But then suddenly Rose appeared in front of Jasper with a frying pan in her right hand.

"You dare even touch my brother and I swear to God I'll hit you!" she hissed at both Em and Ed.

"Come on now! Let us all calm down!" Jacob said while slightly standing in front of Nessie to protect her if any fight appeared.

"Rose stay out of this! It doesn't involve you!" Emmett hissed. That's when Rose became all red and made a step closer to Emmett. Shit! We all knew that angry Rosalie wasn't the thing you wanted to see…ever!

"Oh yeah? Well then I shall involve myself…actually both of us! Let me tell you guys that Jasper and Alice aren't the only ones SCREWING around! Emmett and I started…well whatever it is…a few months after we moved here!" everyone looked speechless. Rose smirked.

"Well now Jasper you have all the right to be mad at Emmett and want to kick his ass! Bye!" she said, handed me the pan and stormed up to her room.

"Rose! Rose wait!" Emmett yelled and ran after her.

"Well if that wasn't a bomb!" Nessie murmured after sitting on one of the chairs. Jasper, Edward and Alice's jaws were dropped open. Jacob looked as if he just saw an elephant in a tux.

"Um excuse us!" Alice murmured after composing herself and dragged Jasper up the stairs. I looked around and tried to lighten up the mood.

"Any one up for dinner?" I asked with an awkward smile. Jacob snored, Nessie rolled her eyes and Edward slapped his forehead. I bit my bottom lip.

"Guess not!" I whispered and shrugged.

Today was Sunday. 4 days had passed since the epic fight we had in the kitchen. It almost ended up being an enormous battle just like the one in 300(the movie). Anyway! The day after the fight we all sat in the living room and talked…most of the time and sorted the things out. Emmett and Edward accepted Alice's relationship with Jasper and after one 'You dare hurt her and we shall hurt YOU!' they forgave each other. Jasper wasn't at all mad at Emmett for being romantically involved with Rose and his comment 'You hurt her and SHE shall hurt you!', at which we all laughed except Emmett, proved it. After all the mess, we were once again a…well not normal but an average family!

"Ugh! Why do we have to go? I mean half the university is in runes!" Nessie whined while standing in front of her wardrobe and throwing stuff at her bed and my head!

"Gee I don't know! Maybe BECAUSE WE NEED TO STUDY!" I said a bit too sharp. She turned around and looked at me shocked.

"Ouch! Why are you so touchy today? First you hissed at Emmett for being in the bathroom for more than 5 minutes, then you almost yelled at Rose when she offered you breakfast…" she was going to go on with the list but I cut her off.

"She offered for the third time! I thought that the next time she wouldn't even offer but stick the spoon in my mouth!" I defended myself. I knew I sounded like a 5 year old but I couldn't care less. Nessie raised her eyebrow.

"What's wrong Bells? You know you can tell me anything" she said after sitting next to me on her bed. I sighted. I couldn't even explain it to myself!

"I don't know…it's just…ok I'll tell you but swear not to tell anyone! Especially Edward!" I told her seriously. She nodded. I took a deep breath and continued.

"Well 3 weeks ago, before I woke up in the hospital I had a very strange and disturbing dream. I…I saw my mom! She was the same as I remember her." I said and remembered the way she looked at me and smiled sadly.

"So in my dream she was dragging me towards a car away from a house, then I didn't quite know what house but when I came home I knew that it was this house! When I tried to stop her she got angry and yelled at me!" I said.

"But she had never ever yelled at you" Renesmee said. I nodded.

"I know. And after I asked her why was she in such a hurry and why was she dragging me away, she looked at me with pain in her eyes and told me that terrible things are going to happen!" I whispered.

"What terrible things? To whom?" Nessie asked worried.

"She just said 'To all of you, kids!'." I said. Nessie gasped.

"What happened after that?" she asked.

"A strong wind hit my face and I had to cover my eyes. When I looked again she was gone! I started running around, crying and yelling but she didn't answer. Then I ended up in a cemetery with the graves of our parents!" I had started shaking by the time I got to that part. Nessie squeezed my hand.

"Was that it?" she asked a bit scared from what more I had seen. I shook my head.

"No. When I thought that that was the worst part this freaking raven comes and then I see EVERYONES graves beneath this old oak tree and I start screaming and crying even harder! And then the raven looks at me with its black dead eyes and says 'It's time Bella!' and attacks me!" I babbled. Nessie hugged me.

"It's ok Bella. It was just a dream" she whispered.

"But it was so real" I murmured. I could still feel the eyes of the raven on me and I shivered.

"Nessie come on! We'll be late!" Jacob yelled from the living room.

"I'll be right there!" Nessie yelled back and stood up.

"Sorry! Gonna go or he'll bite my head off!" she said. Well I truly doubted that but…

"It's ok. I'll go lay down a bit any way! Thanks for being here for me" I said after kissing her cheek.

"Thank you for shearing!" she smiled.

"Have a nice time" I said and closed her door, leaving her alone to get dressed. I went to my room and lay on my bed. I was bored! Emmett, Jasper and Edward had went to the gym, Nessie and Jacob were going out with some of their friends, Alice had a headache and was sleeping and Rose…was a bit angry at me for my outburst the same morning. I decided to go to the kitchen and apologize. As I went down stairs Jake and Nessie were just leaving. I waved them good bye and went to find Rose. She was reading a book while sitting on one of the kitchen stools and drinking coffee.

"Hi" I murmured after sitting opposite of her.

"Hi" she murmured back. I sighted.

"Rose I'm sorry for this morning! I don't know what's wrong with me these days! It's just…I am a bit nervous and touchy all the time! I am really sorry!" I said. She looked at me and after one long moment smiled.

"It's ok. We all have days like this!" she said and we both laughed. Suddenly the phone rang.

"It's probably Emmett! Can you pick up this time because I don't have the nerve to tell him what to buy ONCE AGAIN" Rose huffed. I chuckled and went to pick up.

"Hello" I said.

"Hello. Miss Swan?" a female voice asked. Well that was definitely not Emmett!

"Speaking. How can I help you?" I asked.

"I am Ms Forbes, a lawyer. Your father Mr Carlisle Cullen hired me a week ago to sort some things out." She said. By the time Rose came next to me.

"Who is it?" she mouthed. I shrugged. Dad never said anything about a lawyer.

"And what has any of it have to do with me?" I asked confused.

"Well you see as I was checking some of the papers he gave me I saw that there was a HUGE mistake made with your documents for adoption" she said politely as if she just said that the weather was sunny.

"What kind of mistake?" I asked worried.

"A very serious one and if the police finds out, your father may be sent to prison" she said and I gasped.

"But…but…how…why?" I couldn't make a proper sentence.

"Look, can you please calm down and come to my office so we can talk about everything and try to sort the things out?" she asked.

"Sure can you give me the address?" I asked. After writing down the address she gave me I hung up.

"What was that all about?" Rose asked concerned.

"It was dad's lawyer Ms Forbes." I said while taking my bag.

"I didn't know dad had a lawyer" Rose said surprised.

"Yeah well neither did I but obviously he has and there's a problem with one of the documents about my adoption and I have to go to her office and sort things out" I told her.

"Mind if I come?" she asked me.

"I prayed you would say that!" I exclaimed. She chuckled. While she went to her room to take her purse I wrote a note to the others, telling them that we went to see Ms Forbs and giving them the address. I didn't know why but I just did it. And thank God…

"Ok I'm ready" Rose said after coming downstairs.

"Let's go then" I said and we left the house. We entered Roses' car and sped towards Ms Forbes office. I had a really bad feeling about this but just mentally slapped myself and assured that everything was going to be ok and I was just being silly! Oh how wrong I was!

Mystery POV

They were so clueless, so naïve! If only they knew what they had put themselves into they would have ran for their lives. But no! They were stupid enough to think that they were safe, even knowing that the destiny didn't want them safe and happy and ALIVE!

"We have to proceed!" I told myself. I took out my cell phone and dialed the number I had called hundreds of times during the last month. He picked after the first ring.

"Yes?" he asked.

"It's time" I told him shortly.

"Ok. We shall do it as we planned!" he told me.

"Let the fun begin!" I laughed and hung up. As I watched them from the trees, they entered their car and slowly drove away to the place she told them to go. Perfect!

A.N. I hope you liked it! Now please be nice and review! Luv ya :*