A little idea that I had in class and just HAD to write. If you like Twilight, this probably isn't for you. Also, if you no likey the slashy goodness, this aint for you. Leave. Like I said in the summary, Shassie themed. Enjoy!

"Oh Jules, no!" Shawn cried dramatically, throwing an arm over his eyes, unable to look.

"What?" Juliet asked, looking up from her book.

"Twilight? Really? Don't fall victim to the overrated young adult romance novel madness! If you become a "twilighter", I'll be forced to stake you." Shawn grabbed the book from her hands and tossed it away carelessly, only to have it be caught by a rather confused Buzz McNabb.

"But Shawn, that doesn't work on Twilight vampires. They-"

"It's not too late to save yourself, Jules! I don't know how you were ensnared by the ridiculousness in the first place, but it's not too late!" Shawn exclaimed, taking Juliet's hands in his own.

"I just wanted to see what the hype was about…" Juliet replied awkwardly, staring at Shawn like he was insane. Which, someone like Carlton might argue, was true.

"Don't get sucked in, Jules! Just remember: real vampires don't sparkle. Now, can I trust you to leave that evil, evil book alone while I go to lunch?" Shawn asked chidingly, as if talking to a child.

Juliet rolled her eyes and sighed. "Yes."

"Good. It'll all be okay, Jules, I promise." Shawn grinned and left her desk, walking over to Carlton.

"Ready?" he asked, getting hungrier by the second.

"Yep. But I have just one question." Shawn replied seriously, face solemn.

"Okay, shoot."

Shawn gazed up at Carlton and grinned charmingly. "Lassie, do I dazzle you?"

Carlton laughed but said nothing, deciding it best to not let it go to Shawn's head that he was, in fact, very dazzling.

At least he doesn't sparkle…

There 'tis, hope you enjoyed it. Reviews make me almost as happy as Gus's Jamaican accent, lol. =]