Disclamer: Not mine, None of it! Not making money off of this and never will!

Title: Uh-oh…

Summary: Oops!!!

Spoilers: none really, set after they leave on his bike after season (1) final.

RATED M!!! I mean it kiddos, stay away if you don't like that kind of stuff and/or are not of legal age!

I have no idea, why I wrote this... lol



… What on earth had gotten into her? She just jeopardized her chance to an Ivy League school. For what? Stupid school uniforms? To stand up for her rights? To impress a boy? Wait, no… she didn't do stupid things to impress boys… she didn't need some boys approval, she was better than any boy ever anyways… although the one she was clinging to on his bike right now, was different. For some odd reason she cared about what he thought of her. She had never cared about what anybody thought of her. She was above that, and yet… here she was pondering about what she had just done and why and whether he was proud of her? She hated that she felt that way and that made her mad at him. She wanted to hit him, but ohmygod he smelled so good and it felt so good to wrap her arms around his waist and hold onto him! Everything was a mess in her head, she couldn't decide what to think or feel anymore. Nothing was going according to plan anymore! After a while she snapped out of it and panicked. She had just effectively expelled herself from school. No more Brown University and she would be end up in minimum wage job living in a studio apartment in the middle of nowhere outside a crappy small town with lots of cats! She would end up being crazy cat lady…

After about a twenty-minute drive he stopped the bike. She hadn't even noticed he had taken a small off road track down towards the rocky beach. After the noise of the motor had died down he heard Kat's panicky rant under his helmet she was wearing. He smiled to himself while getting off the bike and turned around to look at her. Her arms were gesticulating wildly. His trademark smirk appeared on his face while he looked down and shook his head. She was so adorable. He hoped back on the bike backwards facing her and grabbed the helmet with both hands. He pulled it off just to see Kat's panicked expression, still mumbling to herself about how she just ruined her life. He looked down to see her bare legs after her skirt had slipped up from the wind. Her shirt was pulled out of her skirt and unbuttoned at the top. Her hair was complete mess. She was staring in shock rambling on, but suddenly she turned her attention to him and started punching ad hitting him, yelling at him that all of this was his fault.

God, she was so sexy! Even in this ridiculous school uniform. He had the strong urge to… he didn't even know… he was at a loss when it came to her. After taking her beating and accusations for a short while, he grabbed her wrists and she snapped out of it and looked up at his face, then took in her surroundings just to be sucked into his gaze again seconds after. Where the heck was she? Where did he take her? His eyes trailed over her face and down her unbuttoned shirt. She suddenly felt a heat rise up in her. She wanted to say something, yell at him more, for making her ruin her chances on getting into Brown, yell at him for everything that has not been going according to her life plan lately… because of him!

"Let go…" She made the unenthusiastic attempt to free herself from his grip, but failed miserably. Their eyes still locked, he dropped his hands to her waist and pulled her towards him until she was basically sitting in his lap. The leather of the seat had kept her skirt from sliding down with her… Their groins met and her chest bumped into his. There was a moment of shock followed by her heart skipping a beat. She saw his eyes turn dark, their faces now only inches apart. She noticed how their upper bodies moved against each other from both of them breathing rather heavily. Again she wanted to say something, but her body wouldn't obey her brain.

He felt her hot breath on his face and the anticipation of kissing her was driving him insane. His lips opened slightly, she saw it and readied herself to feel his lips on hers again, she remembered the kiss on the rooftop, right before she pretty much messed up again. It was mind-blowing, it had made her smile and grin like an idiot and make her knees weak. She wanted to experience that again… but all she felt was his hands creeping under her shirt to the top of her skirt. His hands met her skin lightly, which is precisely when she felt a rush of dizziness wash over her. His hands spanned a big part of her sides and his thumbs started brushing over her skin. He saw the surprise written all over her face and no matter how badly he wanted to just kiss her right now, he was enjoying this too much. How often does one manage to leave Kat Stratford speechless and breathing hard and seemingly helpless to one's touch?

Another smirk spread over his face when he heard her sigh. She hoped he wouldn't hear it, but he did. He inched his head even closer to hers, their foreheads touching now. When she felt his hands trail up her sides a bit higher, she had to close her eyes to retain at least a little bit of composure. She had to steady herself by grabbing a hold of his shoulders. He felt goose bumps run over her whole body. God, he was loving this! Her skin felt so soft, so unlike everything else that was Kat, and she smelled so good. He had to admit, he had a hard time keeping his mouth from tasting her lips right now, but he wanted to hear her sigh again. He loved that sound already.

She opened her eyes again and saw the stupid grin on his face that made her swoon every time she saw it. Swoon and annoyed, that is. She knew how much he was indulging in this, but she had no power to do anything against it. She wanted him to kiss her so badly. She could feel his breath on her lips. She couldn't resist any longer and moved her head forward, but he avoided her lips and instead brushed against her cheek and while his thumbs were caressing her right underneath her bra, he whispered into her ear "You want me so bad, don't you…"

She wanted to punch him in the face and knee him in the groin just as much as she wanted to finally feel his lips on hers. He was the most antagonizing person she had ever met, but all she could do was sigh again and nod her head against his cheek. It was then that he could no longer retain himself either. He did not expect her to admit it so easily. He moved his head back to face her and his hands left her skin to cup her face. They stared at each other for a long second, so close to each other they felt each other's hot breath on their faces.

Both of their hearts were racing and their lips were tingly with anticipation. He let his nose bump into hers in an Eskimo style kiss, his right thumb rubbing against her bottom lip, opening her mouth slightly, one more last tease before he replaced his finger with his lips; softly for just a second. He pulled back just to see her eyes darken with passion and when their lips met again, they both instantly let their tongues sneak out for a taste. Electricity shot through both of them the second their tongues met. She moaned into his mouth, another wave of dizziness washing over her.
