Disclaimer: I don't own them:D

Author's note...IMPORTANT: I reposted this as part 1 when I had first uploaded it it was as 5 very short chapters. Just to let everyone know the flashback will end in part 3. Beta'd by the fabulous Potterworm...Thanks!!

There was a knock at the door. Jess, who was closest, got up and opened it with a bored yet drunk expression on his face. He was pulled into the hallway, the door closing partially behind him. Before he had any time to react, he saw the pleading look peaking up from beneath the hat. "I just need an hour, please," was the plea.

"You're lucky; the rest of the yahoos took their drunken asses home about 15 minutes ago. Good luck," Jess said, smirking at the outfit.

"No smart ass remarks," came the quiet reply.

"Nope." With that, Jess walked past and headed down the stairs.

Luke, who had been sitting in his leather chair, beer in hand, sighed and wondered what he had gotten himself into. Wondering what was taking so long, he placed his beer on the table and was about to get up. Hearing the apartment door close and a few seconds later the bell in the diner jingle, he questioned who was at the door.

"Shh," he heard. He couldn't believe his ears. He hadn't heard that voice in what felt like years. "Jess will be back in an hour."

Before he had time to think, he looked up and saw someone in front of him. Starting from the dress shoes, he worked his gaze up, seeing the dark dress pants, the tuxedo jacket, and the top hat. The person's head was down, so he couldn't see into their eyes. He didn't need to see into them tonight though, because he knew, and boy, was he in trouble.

Flashback – 3 weeks ago

"Honey, I'm home," Lorelai yelled, entering the diner and dropping her backpack near the door.

"Hey," Luke said coming out of the kitchen. "How was Europe?" he asked, taking an amused glance at her fallen luggage.

"Oh, you know, it was great until we hit Paris and started buying everything in sight."

"Um, wasn't Paris your first stop?"

"Yeah, the whole backpacking thing is overrated. I should have known I couldn't live out of a bag that small," she laughed, rubbing her shoulders.

Luke laughed and placed his arms around her, hugging her close. "Yeah, you should have known better," he said, looking humorously at the largest backpack known to man. "Come on, sit, have a coffee and tell me about it."

After about an hour, Lorelai had relived almost all of her journey with her daughter to Luke. It had been a great trip with lots of memories she would treasure. It had also given her a lot of time to think, and she had come to some serious realizations during her time away. She was about to fill Luke in when Rory walked in the diner, followed by half the town.

"Hey Luke," Rory said jovially, hugging her favourite coffee supplier and then sitting down beside her mother. "So, uh, Mom, I may have mentioned to Lane about souvenirs, and then I was surrounded everyone wants to know about the trip and claim their little piece of the adventure."

"Oh, that's fine Hun, except all of the souvenirs are at the house. They were in that bag you took home. This stuff here is all my clothes. I tell you what," Lorelai said facing the townies, "why don't we show some pictures and give out souvenirs after the town meeting tomorrow. Anyone who wants to stick around to see them can, and everyone else can just take off." Thinking this was a great idea, Lorelai was happy, knowing that if it wasn't handled properly, she and Rory would be showing pictures one-on-one to all of the townies for the rest of their summer.

"That sounds like a great idea, Lorelai," Miss Patty cut in.

"No, it won't work," Kirk said. "You have that class an hour after the town meeting and this meeting will definitely run late with all of the plans for Luke and Nicole's wedding at the end of the month." Kirk, who had not realized what he had done, looked proud to have solved the issue, but was slowly starting to see the looks of shock and fear on the townies' faces.

Luke looked up at Lorelai, a look of terror on his face at what had been done. Before anyone could say anything, the townies all tore out of the diner, but they were clearly staying close enough for the fireworks they were expecting to happen. It was clear to everyone but Luke, how much Lorelai hated Nicole.

"Well, uh, congratulations, Luke," Rory said, looking slightly crestfallen. "Um, I have to go back to the house and get Lane's gift. I'll, uh, see you later?" Quickly, Rory escaped the diner and walked towards Lane's house.

After a few minutes, Lorelai looked up to see Luke slowly sitting himself down at the empty seat at her table. "So I take it the cruise went well," she said slowly, plastering on a clearly fake smile.

"Lorelai, I'm sorry, I was going to tell you. I just really wanted to hear about your trip first."

"Well, you heard about mine, so why don't you tell me about yours," she said with a slight edge to her tone.

Luke rubbed the back of his neck and started to fill her in on the trip. It had been a nice change of pace for him to be out of Stars Hollow, and after a romantic day and a drunken evening, he had proposed to Nicole. They had decided on a quick wedding, knowing that the fall season would be hectic for both of them and deciding that the cruise they had shared could be their honeymoon.

"You do realize the honeymoon comes after the wedding right?" Lorelai was making her disdain for the news clear now. "So where are you going to live; are you going to move to New York, close the diner? What about kids, I can't really see Nicole as a mother, but who knows right? Maybe she would chill out, not be such a cold-hearted bitch with kids, maybe mellow out some. She must be really good in bed to make you think this is a good idea."

"Lorelai, that's enough. I know we had a similar talk about you and Max, but this is totally different, I didn't attack him as a person. I wish you would just be happy for me."

Looking at the expression on his face, she knew she had gone too far. "I'm so sorry, Luke. You're right. I have no right or reason to say such horrible things. I know that Nicole and I don't get a long, but I will do everything in my power to make amends with her." Lorelai stood then in front of Luke. When he stood, she threw her arms around him and held him tight. Whispering in his ear, she said, "You know I care about you Luke; you're my best friend, and if she makes you happy then I'm happy for you both."

At that moment, a none too happy Nicole walked into the diner. "What's going on here, Luke?"

Jumping apart, Luke walked over to Nicole and kissed her softly on the cheek. Before he could say anything, Lorelai answered for him.

"Um, hey, Nicole. I just got back from Europe, and Luke and I were catching up when he told me you two were getting married. I was just saying congratulations, which I would like to extend to you." Taking a deep breath and steadying herself, not believing she was about to do this, Lorelai walked over to her and hugged her. "Congratulations Nicole, Luke is one in a million, and you're lucky to have found each other."

Out of the corner of her eye, she caught Luke's gaze and smiled at him. Nicole pulled back trying to cover her dislike with a poorly executed smile.

"Thanks, Lorelai. Well, I guess we'll see you later; Luke and I have wedding plans to discuss."

"Okay, well um, congratulations again," Lorelai said as she started to try to pick up her backpack.

"Lorelai, leave it here; I'll bring it over for you later." With that, Luke picked up the heavy bag and threw it over by the counter. With a quick wave, Luke and Nicole went up to the apartment.

With her head hanging low, Lorelai sighed and walked out of the diner and headed home.

It was a few hours later, and Rory and Lorelai had been sitting watching movies. Lorelai could tell the theme from the night was wallowing based on the movies Rory had picked. Neither wanted to discuss it, but they were both wallowing over the news of Luke's impending marriage, though neither would admit it.

Startled from her thoughts at the sound of the doorbell, Lorelai looked down at Rory who was curled up asleep in a ball on the couch. Getting up quietly, she trudged over to the door and was shocked by what she saw.

"Nicole," she stuttered out. "What are you doing here?"

"I told Luke I would bring you your bag so he could head off to bed," she said, nodding down at the luggage she had brought over from the diner.

"Oh, thanks."

Before she could say anything further, Nicole was interrupting her.

"Don't thank me, and don't patronize me. I'm not stupid Lorelai, and you will not have him. I'm so sick of watching you fawn over my fiancé. Did you hear that Lorelai, MY fiancé?" she said emphasizing the word my. "I am so sick of you always being there every time I turn around. Luke and I are getting married, and you won't stand in my way of that, and you better watch the hell out if you try. Stay away from him, Lorelai; I mean it." With that she walked off, leaving a stunned Lorelai in her wake.

Lorelai was fuming. Who did she think she was? Screaming inside her head, Lorelai heaved the bag over the threshold into the house and quietly closed the door. Walking over to Rory, she draped a blanket over her and quietly went up to her room. Tomorrow she was going to have to talk to Luke.

Lorelai avoided Luke all the following day, but knew that she would be seeing him that night at the town meeting. What was she supposed to do? Should she tell Luke all the things that Nicole had said the previous night or try to ride it out? She could see why Nicole would be mad, Lorelai and Luke had a solid friendship, and she could see the jealousies that could come from that. On the other hand, Nicole was the one entering into the relationship. Luke and she had been friends for almost ten years now, and Nicole would have to realize that fact. Staring into her closet, Lorelai put on her new dress from Paris and grabbed her bags and headed down to meet Rory at Miss Patty's studio.

Kirk had been right; it had been a riveting meeting when the subject of Luke and Nicole's wedding was discussed. Taylor had a fit when he found out they wanted to have a small after-party in the town square. Apparently, Nicole wanted to get married in New York, where most of her family and friends were, but they would have a party in Stars Hollow a few days later for Stars Hollow to celebrate their big day. After much shouting from the town, Taylor granted the wish and called the meeting to a close, mentioning how Lorelai was planning on sharing her trip to those who wanted to stay, until Miss Patty's next class began.

Lorelai and Rory took to the stage and waited as Kirk set up the slide projector. Most of the town was staying, but she did see a familiar figure being dragged out the back door. Sighing, she watched as Nicole dragged Luke out the door and smiled to him softly as he glanced over his shoulder at her. When the projector came on, Lorelai and Rory began their excited talk about their trip.