A/N: I'm sorry I took forever . . . again. But anyway here it is. I hope you enjoy it.

Chapter 10 – Discovery

Charlie POV


"How . . . How do you know my name?" she asked as the tall-scarred vampire next to her glared at me. And all the others seemed to close in around her. Then it hit me, what she just said.

She didn't remember me.

"Alice, who is this guy?" The blonde female asked her quietly.

I was about to answer when Carlisle stepped forward and spoke up. "His name is Charles Volturi; he is one of the highest members of the Volturi guard."

I had only met Carlisle briefly when he stayed in Volterra a few hundred years ago. At firstAro kept my existence a secret but he finally introduced him to me. Finally he explained my existence as a half vampire, and explained that he was my father. But he did not tell him about my powers or Luci, and I was forbidden to mention it. Carlisle obviously remembered me because he immediately came up to shake my hand. This caused most of the others to relax, since he obviously trusts me.

"How do you know Alice, Charles?"

"I told you Carlisle, call me Charlie. . . And . . . uh . . . I'm not really sure how to say this so I'm just going to come right out with it. I think your Alice may be my missing daughter." I spoke quickly trying to just get it out so that I could either confirm it or just have to reface the fact that I would never see my wife or daughter again.

They all just looked at me in shock, but no one tried to refute my claim or argue so I began to hope that the impossible was true and this really was my darling Mary.

"How would that even be possible?" Carlisle's mate asked in wonder.

I took a deep breath before I began as I prepared to tell my story a second time. "In 1900 I left the Volturi and somehow ended up in Biloxi, Mississippi where I fell in love with a human. Two years after we met we were married and we had a child whom we named Mary-Alice Humeri after her mother, since I refused to let the Volturi name taint my family. We were a happy family for 18 years until the Volturi found me again in 1920. I was asked to handle a newborn problem that was apparently brewing nearby and since I could not refuse, I left. But when I was able to return a few days later my wife and daughter were gone, there was blood in the house and outside. I never found any bodies but there was a lot of blood and in the end I never found the vamp either. I finally just returned to the Volturi hoping to come across the one who killed my family." Everyone was staring at me in shock as I finished my story. No one spoke and the one they called Alice just looked at me curiously.

"You don't remember me Mary? What about your mother? Or how you were changed?" I finally blurted out. This had to be Mary she looked so much like her. I just couldn't hold back anymore, I had to ask. She startled at my outburst and gaped at me for a minute before she started trying to speak.

"I . . . I don't know. I don't remember anything of my human life. All I know is that I woke up in Mississippi as a vampire and had a vision of the Cullens."

"Vision?" Was she a psychic it wouldn't surprise me if she was and it would only prove my suspicion that she is my daughter.

"I have visions of the future based on people's decisions."

"Wow, I always thought that if you were turned you would have an ability like that. You always did have such prophetic dreams. Mnema and I used to make a game out of trying to surprise you, but we never could." I let out a snort of laughter as I remembered Mnema and I trying to surprise Mary.

"Mnema?" She asked looking confused.

"Mnemosyne was my wife and your mother." I asked already sure that she was indeed my Mary. She was about to speak when she was interrupted by Isabella.

"Okay, not to sound rude or anything, but I still want to know what you're doing here." I was getting annoyed with her.

"I already told you, my sister who is your mother wanted me to warn you." She looked at me with annoyance and I was about to get angry when Mary gasped.

"Wait! So Bella, Jake and I are cousins?" I nodded and Mary just smiled happily.

"Isn't that awesome Bella? We're cousins! Like real cousins!" She just rolled her eyes at her happiness.

"Yeah, that's great, but can we talk about this stuff later? I'm still waiting for the warning that I'm supposed to receive. And I would assume that since we are being warned that means we are in danger. And if we are in danger I would really like to know so that we can prepare." She huffed angrily and I suddenly felt guilty. She was right. I was just so excited to find my Mary that I had yet to fully explain the danger we were all in.

"The Volturi are coming here. They believe you to be werewolves and they wish to eradicate you. Luci and I were sent along with three others to get rid of the pack." Isabella was suddenly angry as I finished. She was just about to speak when we heard the sounds of someone approaching through the trees. We all tensed to attack but as the scent of the creature reached us everyone around me relaxed but looked even more apprehensive. Just as I was starting to wonder what all of this meant a man walked through the trees. He was obviously one of the shifters but he seemed to be older than the others.

"Dad what are you doing here?" Isabella asked the man, who I now knew to be Luci's mate and husband.

"Isabella your mother and her brother are not here to harm us. As he said before they are here to warn us of Aro's intentions. Right Charles?" He spoke calmly.

But before I got the chance to respond the sounds of another person approaching could be heard. But before we even had the chance to react, Luci broke through the trees.

A/N: I know. I suck, I'm sorry. I have the next 3 or 4 chapter already written I just have to type them, I will do my best to get them up soon. But until then leave me a review and let me know if I still have any readers. Also I apologize for any and all errors I was trying to get this done quickly.