Next Day At School Homeroom Mikan's POV

Luna was bragging on and on about being Natsume's mystery girl. I never really got into detail about Luna. Her full name is Luna Koizumi. She is an heiress because her father runs a chain of banks, but she is still not as rich as any of us. She's the queen bitch. She jumps on any cute guy and claims him as hers. Nobody dares to stand up to her in fear that she could do something to their family. If needed, I would always stand up to her. I mean, I'm the richest girl in this school, not to sound like a snob.

"Natsume!" she screeched when Natsume came in the room. She latched her arm with Natsume's, the bitch.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"I am your mystery girl, so of course I can latch on to you, Natsume-kun." Luna said.

"Koizumi, you're not the mystery girl." Natsume said.

"What do you mean? Of course I am." Luna rejected.

"I would know. The mystery girl is my girlfriend." Natsume said. I smirked, inwardly of course because people would be suspicious why all of the sudden I was showing emotion.

"Exactly, I'm your girlfriend." Luna said.

"No, you're not." He responded.

"Yes I am!" Luna said, knowing that everyone's attention was on them.

"Trust me, you're not." Natsume said. He sat down next to me as Luna had a look of desperation when she had to let go. I ignored Natsume so that nothing would seem suspicious, not even a glance could I give him with out people being on my back.

Luna's POV

What should I do? I can't just go on like this. I know! I'll start a rumor. Natsume is going to cheat on his mystery girl. I need to spread it with proof though. I know now. I'll get Sumire to help me. She is the vice president of the fan club anyway.

"Sumi." I called. She only let me call her that. It's not like we're friends but we just keep very close in contact when it comes to discussing Natsume-kun.

"What?" she asked, coming over and sitting next to me.

"I want to start a rumor." I said. A smirk appeared on her face. We love starting rumors.

"It's gonna be that Natsume is cheating on his mystery girl." I said.

"So I'll take a picture of you kissing Natsume, right? Then whoever the mystery girl is, she will break up with Natsume. And then he will be ours for the taking!" Sumi said. I nodded and we high fived. Sumi took out her camera.

"We'll do it when he is on his way to the cafeteria. He goes a certain way and we can take the picture then since nobody goes that way." Sumi said.

"Good job." I said.

Before Lunch Sumire's POV

I led Luna the way that Natsume-kun gets to the lunch room. I had her stand there. I hid behind a bush with my camera at hand. Natsume started coming in our direction. Luna jumped on him and kissed him. I snapped the picture and we both ran away.

Next Day Mikan's POV Early

I came to school early cuz I needed to set up the things for soccer. I set up everything and went to my locker. On every locked a paper was posted. I ripped off the one that was on mine and stared at it.

"Natsume Hyuuga Kisses Another Girl. Guess He and The Mystery Girl Are Over". There's even a picture!

He…he lied to me. He! I can't believe it! He said he would never hurt me. I started crying. I ran home. Instead of going through the front door, I went through the back and climbed up to my balcony. I locked myself up in my room to think. Think…and cry.

Natsume's POV

I was walking with the group into school. I saw that on our lockers, which were right next to each other, there were the same papers posted. "Natsume Hyuuga Kisses Another Girl. Guess He and The Mystery Girl Are Over" was the headline. They all looked at me with wide eyes.

"That wasn't what happened." I said, with wide eyes myself.

"What happened then?" Anna asked.

"Luna." I growled.

"Yeah. You cheated on Mikan with Luna. That is shitty." Anna and Nonoko said.

"I didn't!" I said.

"Oh really?" Imai questioned.

"I…" I said before all of the girls walked away. The girls did grow really close in this short amount of time. The guys stared at me.

"I didn't!" I said.

"We understand. Explain it to us later." Ruka said. By his tone, I knew he meant it. We got our books and walked to our class. I sat down and did not see Mikan there. She went to school early to set up the soccer equipment today. Shit! That means she saw it before anyone else!

"Uh oh." Ruka said when he saw that Mikan wasn't in her seat.

"Maybe she is still setting up the soccer equipment." Koko said.

"I doubt it." Mochu said.

"Not making anything better!" I complained. He shrugged his shoulders and turned around since Naru came in the room. I pretended like nothing was up during class, so it wouldn't look like I lost my cool.

After School Natsume's POV

I had to skip practice to see if Mikan was at home. I ran to the house with the rest of the group. We busted into the house and ran up the stairs.

"Wait!" Anna yelled the minute we were at the top.

"You guys are gonna stay here. Seeing you are the main case of the problem and you are supporting him." Anna said in a low tone, emphasizing the all of the you's in her sentence and the him with disgust. We all stopped. The girls walked up to Mikan's door and knocked softly.

"Mikan?" Nonoko called. They got no answer. Nobody heard a sound.

"Open up, please. It's just us." Anna said. No answer or sound.

"Just Hotaru, Anna, and I." Nonoko said. Again no answer or sound.

"We're only here to help." Imai said. No answer or sound.

"Please open up, Mikan!" Anna said. Again, no answer sound.

"She won't budge." Nonoko said, walking over to us with the rest of the girls in tow. I walked up to the door and knocked.

"Mikan, open the door." I said. I heard whimpers.

"Please open the door. I didn't do it. I didn't cheat on you." I said. I heard more whimpers. I walked back to the group.

"At least we know she's in there." I said. We all sat down on the stairs.

"She has to eat something." Anna said.

"No shit." Mochu said. Anna punched him.

"Ow." Mochu said, rubbing his arm where Anna punched him.

"This is no fucking time to be sarcastic! Mikan is locked in there and who knows if she will fucking come out to get some fucking food and not fucking die!" Anna yelled. That was a lot of curses is in the same sentence.

"What if she gets food in the night though?" Koko suggested.

"Just to see if she comes out, we'll have a night watch each night. We'll start with Hyuuga." Imai said. I nodded.

5 Days Later Natsume's POV In School

She still hasn't come out! Oh my god! I'm gonna die!

"Wait! Oh my holy shit! We are so stupid!" Nonoko screamed. We all stopped and looked at her.

"You said that she kissed you here at school right?" Nonoko asked. I nodded. I had explained the situation to everybody by now.

"The school has surveillance cameras all over the place. You said it was in near the pavilion. We can check the surveillance tapes for that area." Nonoko yelled. We all started running to the administration office where all the tapes were held. We burst into the high school princpal's office.

"What can I do for you?" he asked.

"We need the surveillance tape of the pavilion from 6 days ago." Anna said.

"I can't give you that. Why do you need it?" he asked.

"It's about your niece." Nonoko said. The principal paid immediate attention.

"She locked herself up in her room for 5 days and hasn't come out since." Nonoko said.

"She could come out during the night though." He responded.

"We keep a night watch." Imai responded.

"She hasn't eaten breakfast, lunch, or dinner for 5 days!" Anna yelled. The high school principal jumped out of his seat and jogged to a room in his office. He pulled out a tape. We grabbed it and ran home.

"The day that the papers were posted, we didn't notice her come through the front door, so how did she get in?" Nonoko asked. I hit my forehead.

"The balcony, damn it. I'll go through there with the tape. All of you take a position at one of the exits of the house. We don't want her finding a way out of this tape." I said. They nodded and ran off. I ran outside the house and to the backyard. It took me a while but I climbed up to the balcony. Through the balcony I could see her crunched up in a ball and shivering. I opened the French doors and her head immediately shot up. At the sight of me, she ran out of her room. I ran after her. She ran to the front door, Ruka was there. To the backyard door, Anna was covering it. To the pavilion door, Nonoko was on it. She turned around, probably to head for the patio door, but I was right behind her. She landed in my grasps. She shook herself, trying to shake me off. I wouldn't let go.

"Mikan, listen. You need to watch this." I said. She shook her head fiercely, tears whipping out of her eyes.

"Natsume, no! Go away! Leave me alone!" she yelled. I slung her over my shoulder and held her firmly. I dropped her in a chair where Imai had handcuffs at the foot and t the arms of the chair. We locked her up and popped the tape in the tv. She kept her eyes shut water still pouring out of them. Right when the part where Luna kissed me came, I kissed Mikan's cheek. Her eyes shot open and saw the scene. Then her tears started drying.

"You…you didn't cheat on me." She said faintly. We un-handcuffed her ankles and wrists.

"You didn't cheat on me." She repeated.

"I would never." I said. In an instant her arms were around me in a hug. She was crying into my chest, out of happiness is my guess.

"You had me so worried." I said, rubbing the back of her head and passing my fingers through her hair.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I thought…I thought you didn't care about me anymore. I didn't even want to see your face. But it was always there." She muttered. I smiled. I pulled her away from my chest and gave her a kiss on the forehead, then letting her bury her head in my chest again. After a few more seconds, she stopped crying. She pulled her head away from me and dried her tears. She then jumped on Anna.

"Anna, I want food!" she complained.

"Okay." Anna said with a giggle.

"A feast fit for a queen!" Mikan added.

"Or a king." I muttered. She slapped my shoulder playfully.

"Are you calling me a man?" she asked.

"No, I was just saying you eat a lot." I corrected.

"I was locked up in there for 5 days you know." She said. I nodded as we all sat down at the table and Anna made her way to the kitchen.

"I need a feast fit for God himself!" Mikan yelled.

"Okay!" Anna called.

"No! Make that a huge, and I mean huge, like Godzilla sized, Caesar salad instead!" Mikan called. We could hear Anna giggle. A few minutes later, she came out with 3 popcorn bowls filled with Caesar salad.

"Yay, Anna!" Mikan cheered. Then she began eating up. She finished very quickly, eating it all.

"You know what?!" Mikan yelled immediately after finishing. We all paid lose attention so that she would know we were asking.

"I'm gonna get revenge on that bitch! You watch me! If you need me, I'm gonna be picking out the clothes to bring in my backpack tomorrow!" Mikan yelled standing up out of her seat.

"What do you exactly mean by that, Mikan?" Nonoko asked.

"I mean that tomorrow I'm gonna go to school. But in my backpack I am gonna carry around some girly clothing and show up to at least stand that bitch Luna up. I lived alone for most of my life! I'm practically from the ghetto like that! When someone does shit to you, you do shit back!" Mikan yelled.

"So are you gonna need help with doing your hair?" Anna asked.

"No, I'll just do it in the morning and put on a cap over it. All I need is the change of clothes and lip gloss." Mikan explained.

Next Day Right Before Lunch Mikan's POV

I knew exactly where Luna was. She was probably standing in the cheerleading field doing practices. I don't give a fuck if there are people around. As I walked on the field towards the cheerleaders, all the football players stopped and stared at me with hearts in their eyes. I stopped near the cheerleaders. They didn't seem to notice me.

"Hey airheads." I called. They looked over at me.

"Oh great, you're here." I said in a cheerful voice, turning my specific attention to Luna.

"Who are you?" she asked.

"Natsume's girlfriend. I was out for a while and my friend Mikan told me that you spread a little rumor. Maybe about him cheating on me." I shot at her. My voice was just a little colder than my cheerful voice, but not enough that they would notice it is actually me.

"Oh, are you upset that he likes me better?" she asked with a snobbish smile.

"My friend Mikan also told me that he denied you being his girlfriend or mystery girl in class." I said.

"That doesn't mean anything." She said.

"Oh yes it does. It means that you were jealous that everyone saw you get neglected so you decided to make a rumor that he was cheating on me with you so that people could look up to you again. But sorry, bitch, that's not happening." I said. She had an angry expression on her face.

"Well, I think my work here is done. You get back to your practice. Oh and I told Jinno-sensei. You are going to have a week's detention of being on the soccer team. Every day you don't attend is another week. Along with your dear friend Shoda who took the picture." I said, walking away now. I could see from the corner of my eye that she had her jaw dropped as well as Shoda, who is also a cheerleader. I put a smirk on my face and ran off towards the girls' basketball changing room to change back into my clothes. When I got there, I saw Natsume.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, giving him a quick peck.

"I forgot to give you this." He said. He held up a bracelet. It was a fine, real gold bracelet with garnet jewels shaped like hearts hanging down from it. It was so fragile that I have to take really could care of it. He put it on my left wrist.

"Why'd you get it?" I asked.

"Just so that you know that I will never do anything to hurt you. I love you and that bracelet means that no matter what I always will. And I will never cheat on you. So don't you ever lock yourself up in your room for days like that, without eating food, because you think I hurt you. I wouldn't do that." He said. I gave him another quick peck.

"Thank you. I won't let anybody touch it and I trust you. I'll ask you from now on if a rumor like that comes up again. I'm just so happy that today I have detention with Koizumi." I said.

"Detention?" he asked.

"She has to be on the soccer team for a week, and I am not gonna show any pity." I said with a smirk. He kissed my forehead.

"And I fell in love with you like that. See you after school." He said. I nodded and went to get changed.

After School Mikan's POV

With my usual cold face and cold tone, I came to soccer practice.

"What is Koizumi doing here? What are you doing here?" Miyuki asked.

"She has detention with me." I answered.

"I see. For that rumor. Go get her." Miyuki said. I chuckled lightly and went further up the field.

"Koizumi, in the goal. Girls, with the balls." I commanded. There was a line of balls and the girls stepped behind them.

"Wait, girls." I said, gesturing them over to me. They came over.

"I know you are surprised I'm talking, but don't be. It's a one week thing. Koizumi has detention, which is why he is here. Now we are going to punish her with extremely hard balls. You know, maybe if she picked on you, teased you, bothered you, or something like that, you can pay her back for it." I said. Everyone had smirks on their faces and went up to their balls.

"Try to stop the balls, Koizumi." I said. I blew the whistle and a tornado balls went shooting at Koizumi. She was all over the place, trying to avoid the balls.

'Sakura, aren't you going to take it easy on me?! Ahh!" she yelled, still trying to avoid balls.

"Did you forget you're on detention? When I'm requested to do detention, I show no pity." I said. I had to work hard not to smirk.

One Week Later

I made my way to lunch. Tsubasa and Misaki-sempai were with me and Natsume, Ruka, Hotaru, Anna, Nonoko, Koko, and Mochu were too my far right since they were in a "separate group and social status". I saw Luna standing right in front of me as I was making my way through the courtyard. Then she grabbed my wrist and yanked her hand back, backing up a few feet in the process.

"What the hell was that for?" I asked in a monotonous cold voice.

"Did your mom give you this bracelet? Or maybe some grandma that died? A father? Cuz it's the only piece of jewelry that you are wearing, which means you must treasure it." Luna said, holding up the bracelet Natsume gave to me.

"Why are you doing this? Give me my bracelet back." I said.

"Because you put me through a week of torture!" she yelled.

"It's your fault for getting a detention. Now give me my bracelet." I said, demanding my bracelet back even firmer.

"Well it's your fault for messing with me that you're not gonna get this bracelet back." She said.

"What do you mean?" I asked. She snapped her finger and a man with a pot came out of no where.

"This is hot lava form a nearby volcano. Watch your bracelet accidentally fall in it." She said in a mocking cheerful voice. She actually dropped it in the lava. She actually dropped it.

"You bitch!" I yelled. I ran up and smacked her across the face. Then I punched and scratched and kicked her.

Jinno's POV

I saw the entire scene. Oh my god, she lunged at her! I have to get the high school principal! I ran to the library which was close by, fortunately.

"Your niece is in a fight with Koizumi!" I yelled. He jumped out of his seat and ran behind me towards the courtyard. He ran onto the courtyard and grabbed hold of Sakura.

"Let go! Let go of me!" she yelled.

"Mikan calm down." The high school principal in a more calm manner.

" Wait! Oji!" she yelled, still trying to get out of his grasp. She was back her up slowly, while still holding her. When she said oji, everybody gasped.

"Ojii she burned my bracelet!" Sakura yelled. He stopped for a second, still holding onto Sakura.

"Over a bracelet? Mikan, you never cared for jewelry." He said.

"You don't understand! Natsume gave it to me." Sakura said, still trying to get at Koizumi.

Mikan's POV

"You don't understand! Natsume gave it to me!" I yelled, still trying to break out of my uncle's grasp. Man, he was stronger than I thought.

"Mikan, don't tell me you're one of his fans too, now." Oji said.

"No you idiot, he's my boyfriend!" I yelled at him. Everybody gasped and then I stopped everything.

"Holy shit." I said. Everyone stared.

"Mikan, you're dating Natsume Hyuuga?" Oji asked. I made the smallest nod ever.

"Yeah right! He would never date someone like you. He is dating his mystery girl to add on to it." Luna said. Natsume walked over and took me out of my uncle's grasp. Then he wrapped his arms around my waist from behind me, protectively.

"She is the mystery. Do you have a problem with that? Cuz I can certainly take care of it." Natsume said in a threatening voice. Luna had her jaw down.

"Don't worry, Natsume. I have this under control." I said. He unwrapped his arms and walked away seeing that I really did have everything under control. Then Luna came up and slapped me.

"He's not yours! You're a despicable, ugly, tomboy with no life! I'm gonna have your company or family business shut down! You watch! You're gonna be even more poor than what you are today!" Luna yelled. All of my friends winced. After hearing it, Luna smirked. They started shaking their heads.

"You shouldn't have done that." They all said. Luna's smirk dropped.

"You should watch who you mess with Koizumi. You might end up the poor one tomorrow." I said. I walked away.

Next Day Mikan's POV

I was making my way to lunch when Luna stopped in front of me again, in the courtyard. Seeing as she confronted me, everyone stopped and stared.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"This is all your fault!" she yelled. I smirked.

"Don't mess with me then. You can't just walk around saying you're gonna make people poor, because it might turn out the other way around." I said. Then my family came from behind me, out of no where.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked, turning to them.

"Natsume told us everything." My dad said. Every one of my family members had an angry look on their face.

"You!" my mom growled.

"So you are the family members? What exactly are your statuses that you can shut down my huge company?!" Luna yelled. My friends and I started laughing. Tsubasa and Misaki were rolling on the floor.

"You…You call yourself an heiress when you don't even know my family members?!" I said through my laughs. She gave me a glare.

"Just shut up and explain!" she yelled, angrily.

"Don't you dare tell my daughter to shut up." My dad said.

"Chill dad. Just introduce yourselves." I said.

"I'll start off! I'm Kiyoko Sakura, owner of the Sexy Sweety store, brand and her aunt. Consider yourself banned from any of the stores in my chain." My aunt said cheerfully until the last sentence which she said darkly. Luna's jaw dropped.

"Yuka Sakura. Famous music composer, musician and her aunt. Expect that your family will never be invited to a concert, you either." My mom said. Her jaw dropped further.

"Izumi Sakura. Owner of Sakura Corp., worldwide business corporation and her dad. We have been supporting your family in their chain. Now the support is broken off." My dad said. Her jaw dropped even more.

"Takuya Sakura. Richest man in Japan and her grandfather. Seeing as how you bought your car form one of my dealerships and use one of my insurance companies, your car has been taken and sold." My grandpa said. Her jaw dropped completely.

"If you don't want to walk you can learn how to use a bike, skateboard, or scooter. Or even better, the public bus." I mocked.

"Never! I hate you Mikan Sakura! I hate you!" she yelled. She turned around and ran away. Most people turned their attention away from us now.

"Mikan." I heard. I looked over to Natsume, knowing it was him. He walked over and then stood behind me. He placed something around my neck. When he was done, I picked it up to see what it exactly it was. It was a necklace with a heart as the center pendant. It was a shining ruby. I looked up at him.

"Thank you, Natsume. What's this one for this time?" I asked giving him a kiss on the cheek. My dad winced when I kissed him and I giggled.

"To replace the other one." He said. I nodded.

"And to tell you that when we grow up, no matter what, I promise to marry you." He added. I gave him a kiss on the lips. It was very passionate until my dad and grandpa separated us.

"Making out is oral sex. Any type of relationship or contact that has the word sex in it, is not allowed." My dad said. I giggled.

"He is my boyfriend and future husband." I said. They pouted and I laughed.

"Mikan, that's no fair!" my mom and aunt yelled.

"What's not fair?" I asked, surprised by their outburst.

"You got engaged at 16 years old. You aren't even close to inheriting the companies!" they complained.

"Oh yeah! I said I wasn't gonna get engaged for a long time." I said, remembering what I said.

"You beat us in everything!" my aunt said.

"Except that we got married right after inheriting our companies." My mom said.

"I'll marry her right before she inherits the company." Natsume said. My mom and aunt's eyes watered. They cried.

"Are you really that competitive?" I asked.

"No, but…but…yes!" my aunt cried.

"And you're growing up too fast!" my mom added, crying.

"Calm down. It's not my fault I fell in love way earlier than you." I said.

"Rubbing it in our faces does not help!" they yelled through their tears. I comforted them and they stopped crying.

"Mikan, we have a few rules for you and your boyfriend." My dad and grandpa said. I walked over towards them and Natsume hugged me from behind, since I was in front of him.

"Those are?" Natsume asked.

"No sex!" they yelled.

"I guessed that was gonna be the first one." Natsume and I both said.

"No sleeping together." They said.

"Guessed that one too." We said.

"We don't need comments." My grandpa said. I nodded.

"No sex!" they yelled.

"No sex!" they yelled again.

"No sex!" they yelled again.

"They get it!" Hotaru said.

"Stay true to each other." They said softly. I smiled.

"I think we can abide by those rules." I said.

"Good." They said. Natsume leaned down to whisper in my ear.

"I'm still gonna make out with you." He whispered. I nodded.

"What did you just say?" they asked, eyeing Natsume suspiciously.

"Oh nothing, just that he was gonna do me, first thing during the honeymoon." I lied.

"You won't have a honeymoon!" they yelled. I laughed.

"I'm just kidding. I'm kidding." I said.

"I just said that I'm gonna miss making out with her." Natsume lied. They eyed him.

"Hold up there." My mom said.

"He is allowed to make out with her." She continued.

"But honey, why?" he asked.

"Because when you were my boyfriend, you couldn't keep your hands or lips off me." She said.

"We were already engaged!" He complained.

"And they're engaged, so they can make out. They just have to save the sex for their honeymoon." My mom said.

"Fine." My dad said, looking extremely depressed.

"Now, look what your god damn hormones did! Now my granddaughter is going to spend all her days making out with her boyfriend. Who knows if she will amount to anything?!" my dad complained. I laughed.

"Okay! Dad, Izumi, time to shut up! Now it's time for a picture!" my aunt yelled. Everybody had a question mark above their heads.

"Natsume, put your hands on Mikan's waist and Mikan, put your arms around Natsume's neck as if you were gonna kiss him." My aunt said. We did as she told and when she clicked the button, Natsume's lipped were pressed against mine and Tsubasa, Misaki, Hotaru, Anna, Nonoko, Mochu, Koko, Ruka, and my mom were in the background. Then my aunt set up a tripod and placed her camera on top.

"One more time! Smile! Dad, Izumi, get your sorry asses over here!" my aunt yelled. They walked over and we took the same picture but with my aunt there and my dad and grandpa with upset faces.

"Let's go find your uncle and take one more!" my aunt yelled. He was passing right by us, so my aunt yanked him into the picture and the camera snapped.

"Picture perfect moments!" my aunt yelled as I laughed. My life is gonna be very interesting.