Requiem of darkness

Hello people! This is my first Sorkai fanfic! I hope you enjoy it. Throughout the story Im gonna be switching POV from Sora's to Kairi's and Kairi's to Sora's so yeah Peace!


"Kingdom Hearts!!!! Fill me with the power of darkness!"

"That's not true for now I know, without a doubt Kingdom Hearts is Light!"

The large white doors slowly creaked opened…. And it wasn't what Sora had thought. It was Darkness it came out and attacked Sora.

"Foolish boy you were wrong," stated the cold voice

Sora felt darkness closing around him. He reached his hands out hoping for someone to grab them and rescue him. But no one came. Sora was slowly being suffocated by the Darkness…

Sora's POV

I gasped and thought that darkness was still surrounding me. "It was just a dream" I sighed and looked around. Kairi was still asleep. She looked beautiful even more than when she was awake.

I looked at the clock. "6:30, ok looks like its time for me to get up"

I got up out of the bed and went into the kitchen to make breakfast, slowly so I wouldn't wake up Kairi. I got into the Kitchen and immediately opened the cupboard. But something caught my eye, my wedding photo.

I remembered back 5 years, when me and Kairi first got married. It was a happy day and since then none of our love has gone away. It was a great feeling. I remembered… today was our 5th anniversary and I hadn't gotten anything for Kairi!

"Crap crap crap! I can probably go and get something while she's still asleep," I thought. I quickly ate and when I was about to grab my keys when suddenly… a Heartless appeared.

"What?! A Heartless? They haven't appeared since me and Riku beat Xemnas!

Sora pulled out his Keyblade and swung at it the shadow dodged it easily and the Keyblade made a large clang on the ground. I swung again…. It hit. When the Keyblade made contact the heartless disintegrated in a black smoke.

Kairi's POV

I was woken abruptly by some crash in the kitchen. I put on some slippers and stepped outside to investigate and there was Sora. He was holding his Keyblade as if something happened. I asked

"Sora! What happened?"

"Heartless… came out of nowhere," replied the brunette

"But how did this happen? We haven't seen Heartless since we've beaten Xemnas, and that was 8 years ago," I questioned

"I don't know Kairi… but let's just forget about it ok?" said Sora," and do you remember what the day is today?"

"May 21st 2012 our 5 year anniversary," I said

"Yep our 5 year anniversary"

Sora picked me up and spun me around happily, we both laughed. Then Sora put me down and kissed me. For us time had halted and we were both trapped in the moment kissing each other with emotion flowing out of us like rivers of water. We broke apart needing air.

"Hey Kai I'm sorry but I didn't get you anything for our anniversary." Sora Stated

"Oh you idiot!" I smacked him playfully." I don't care about the gift all that matters is that I get to spend the day with you!" I kissed him again and then we broke apart

"Ok Kairi you're the boss," he laughed.


So did you guys like it? Don't worry im gonna be making more of these so if u like it please add me to your alert list? thanks
