Welcome to the Madhouse

Author notes: I was inspired to write this after reading another FF story (sorry but i dont remember its name, but thanks to the author), also the characters appearing are heavilly inspired by Batman: Arkham Asylum.

Words in Italic, are thoughts.

Disclaimer: I dont own anything, DC Comics does.

Raven opened her eyes, but closed them again when she was blinded by the harsh light overhead. Trying again slowly, she could see she was in a room with white walls, floor and ceiling, except one wall that seemed to be a thick window with a door in it, without a handle on her side. Looking down at herself, she noted the grey pants and shirt with a number on it, 01-11-1980, was too warm for her liking. When you're used to walking around in a leotard with nothing covering your legs, pants quickly become too warm for anyone.

"Where am I?" Looking out the window making up one of the walls didn't give her an answer, the cell across from her was empty, but a dozen or so similar cells could be seen down the hall, hers was at one end of the corridor. Nothing could be heard from where she was except someone snoring. She couldn't tell what time it was, hers was the only cell with the lights on currently and there was no window to the outside world. "Well it's obvious I'm intended to stay in here, let's see what my soul-self can find."

Taking up her meditative position, she closes her eyes, quietly chanting her mantra:

"Azerath, Metrion, Zinthos." Her shadow seems to grow, hunching over her for a second before flying towards the glass in the shape of a shadowy bird, only slam silently against it. Shaking its head in confusion it heads towards one of the walls, achieving the same result as before. Again and again it tried to get out only to be blocked by walls that should have proved no obstacle for it, in frustration it circles its owner before finally returning to her. "Well that was unexpected. Strange I felt no enchantments or similar barriers." Getting up she began staring that the walls, floor and ceiling, looking for anything that indicated any sort of magical barriers, finding nothing, much to her frustration. Reigning in her emotions before she destroys; the single bed she had been occupying, the sink or the metal toilet in the corner.

"Well, if there's prisoners, there must be guards." Walking over to the glass window, she tries banging on it with her fist, getting nothing of the sounds she hoped for.


"Keep it quiet down there!" A deep rumbling voice replied down the corridor, one of the other inmates, to Raven he didn't sound human.

"What's the problem missy?" A large black man had emerged from the door next to her cell, he was wearing a uniform, but she couldn't see any indication of where she was or his name on the small pin on his chest.

"Where am I? And I want out."

"You're in your cell and you know I can't do that, get back in bed." Sighing, Raven knew at the moment there was nothing she could do, besides that.

"Turn off the lights then." The guard just returned through the door, a moment later the light in her room disappeared shrouding her in the darkness she felt comfortable in.

"Great, I don't know where I am, how I got here and why I can't get past the walls. This had better not be some lame joke." She tossed and turned a few times before sleep finally caught up with her.

She was dreaming, she knew she was. But it was a strange dream; she was standing absolute darkness, nothing but black and her. She looked around, seeing nothing for a second before gigantic pages torn from a book started raining down from above. She could only read the word diary on the pages; she heard a familiar voice cry and equally familiar but cruel mocking laughter answering it, increasing in volume by the second. When the laughter finally drowned out the crying voice, she woke, getting blinded again by the light from above. The laughter seemed to have followed her into her waking mind. "Just great." She said rubbing her eyes, noticing the laughter wasn't in her head; it was coming from down the hall.

The guard from last night appeared in the doorway, flanked by a couple of other guards dressed in riot gear. "Breakfast time people, after that ladies shower first." Ravens eyes went wide, when the guard turned towards her, she could read the name tag:

"Aaron Cash, Chief of security." The name and title wasn't what scared her, it was the logo and name printed above it:

Arkham Asylum.