Author's Note: This is my first story, one that I haven't browbeaten poor Brina into writing. All mistakes are mine, this is unbeta'd. I do want to thank everyone who has encouraged me to write and Hylen for introducing me to the FML website on NewYorkAngels (Brinchen86's website dedicated to the wonderful women of CSI NY).

Today I was caught looking down one of my boss's low cut top. Unfortunately, it was by my other boss during a group meeting on sexual harassment. FML

Today I was on the subway flirting with a cute girl, asking what she was studying and so on. I had the deal closed until I called her Lindsay. FML

Today I was so hungry, I went to a street vendor on the corner and downed four hot dogs. An hour later I had to arrest the same vendor for unsafe amounts of insect fecal matter in his food. FML

Today is my birthday; I was having a good time until my partner popped in a tape of me trying out the RoboSpanker in evidence lockup. I had forgotten about the security cameras. FML

Today I found a pickle on my desk and lost it on the detective who was working the same case as I, for messing with me. Like I was going to go into a spontaneous fit while eating it. Turns out my new partner had grabbed an extra one for me when he went out to get lunch. FML

Today I after work I decided to surprise my boyfriend with a little 'somethin, somethin' so I put on my raciest lingerie, my trench coat, and with a fresh can of condom spray; off I went. I really wish his best friend hadn't answered the door when I opened my coat. FML

Today I was giving a walking tour to some city officials through our lab; they were acting very immature with snickering and elbowing each other. I stopped to give them a piece of my mind about what important business we do here and it should be treated as such. One of them raised her hand and said that they know it is important business, but some of them wondered why I was wearing a paper hat. It turns out two of my colleagues set up a demonstration using paper airplanes and one got caught in my hair. FML

Today I grabbed an evidence bag off a lab tech's coat. It seems the tape had come loose when she had sat down on it, not knowing it was on her chair. Later that day I heard a rumor that she thinks I tried to grab her butt. FML

Today my finger slipped on the answering machine and hit play them instead of delete, while I was working up the nerve to tell the woman who has been there for me that I love her. She had just walked in when the message started. It seems that my English ex-girlfriend wants me back and is still in love with me. FML

Thank you for taking the time to read this. I know it is not much, but I like it and I hope you did as well.