A/N: This happens to be my most beloved story, so treat it kindly and love it with all your heart. Hopefully I'm not the only fan of Supreme Kai and this will go over well.

His fingers brush against her spine causing her to shiver with delight. As he gently kisses the back of her neck, she lets out a soft moan.

"Aurella, my Aurella," Says Shin huskily. He puts his arms around her, hugging her to him. She Settles into his embrace with a contented sigh. This was the best day of her life…

…Except that it wasn't a day, it was night. And it wasn't her life, it was only a dream.

Aurella woke with a start, thin beads of sweat dripping down her face.

She sits up, sad that she'd woken from her favorite dream. Climbing out of bed, she goes into her small bathroom to get a drink and splash cold water on her face.

"You need to stop having that dream," She says to her reflection. "It's never going to happen, so stop wishing it will." Self-reprimanding was becoming a nightly occurrence.

With a sigh, she returns to her bed and tries her best to fall back asleep. Not an easy task when she still had images of herself and the Supreme Kai in bed together…

…Though sleep she did. Aurella woke later that morning only half as rested as she had hoped to be.

But that didn't matter. Rested or not, Aurella had things to do.

After taking a quick shower, Aurella dressed and threw her hair into a ponytail. She hurried out of her room and down the hallway to the Kitchen, where Kibito was preparing breakfast.

Aurella grabbed a scone, still warm from the oven, stuffed it in her mouth, and began her Master's breakfast tray.

"You know, you could actually sit down and eat breakfast." Kibito said with a smile.

"No time for that, things to do," She said through a full mouth. Swallowing, she grabs a carton of juice from the fridge and pours it into a glass.

"If you woke up a little earlier, you might have time to eat." He gave her a concerned look as he placed a plate of bacon and eggs on the tray.

"I sleep little enough as it is, thank you." She muttered. He rose and eyebrow, but did not question her.

A piece of toast pops out of the toaster and Aurella grabs it in midair. She quickly spreads jam on it and places it beside the bacon.

Kibito watches with vague interest as she picks up the tray and trots down another hallway.

When she reaches the end, she comes to an elaborately carved door that has the Kai Emblem engraved in the middle. Aurella takes a deep breath; steeling herself against the emotions she feels whenever she sees the Supreme Kai.