Author's Note: I do not own the story of The Fog or any of its characters and content (Journal Entries). The story was altered some to fit in with CSI: Miami. I do not own or know any one or anything from CSI Miami either. I own the OG characters not involved in these two TV shows and Movies. All right go to John Carpenter and anyone involved with The Fog. Again I did not create the story of The Fog or its characters and storyline. The journal entries that will be written in the story later are not my words, and either will the first scene with Elizabeth and Nick. They are the words from The actual Movie. They were just made to fit the Miami theme a little better. I absolutely love The Fog and wanted to write a crossover with CSI Miami. So enjoy!

Something moves with in the night

That is not good and is not right

- The Book of Counted Sorrows, Dean Koontz

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Where eerie figures caper

To some midnight music

That only they can her

- The Book of Counted Sorrow, Dean Koontz

The soft shush of surf,

Conspiratorial Fog

Cover his return

- The Book of Counted Sorrows, Dean Koontz

*Miami - October 16, 2006 – 12:00a.m.*

Waves from the Atlantic Ocean crashed against Miami's South Beach. The waves were soft and the water was eerily calm. Laughter from the Boy Scout group, having their annual campout on the beach, and the waves from the ocean water were the only sounds emitting into the atmosphere. "Who's ready for some scary stories?" Mark Durst, the Boy Scouts' leader shouted.

"ME!" all the young boys shouted back.

"Alright, gather around the campfire and prepare to be scared." Mark took a seat in his chair in front of the campfire; the smoke getting thick.

It took the scouts just a few minutes to get ready for the telling of scary stories. A few of the boy's parents were there – their fathers – to chaperone the trip. Once everyone was settled in their chairs Mark grabbed a flashlight to add to the affect.

In the background, an unusual fog covered the water on this cool Miami night; Mark began his scary story. "It was on the night of October 17, 210 years ago that a wealthy leper named Blake bought a boat named the Elizabeth Dane-" a boy named, Tyler Fishborne, interrupted Mark.

"Is this story true, Mr. Durst?" Tyler asked intrigued. Marked turned on his flashlight and rested his chin on it.

He said in the best ghostly voice he had, "Yes Tyler, this story is in fact true."

"How?" a boy name Jonathan Tucker asked.

"They have documents dating back to the year 1796… Now let's get back to the story," Mark said his voice still eerie sounding. "A wealthy leper named Blake moved himself and his friends to Miami. He wanted to build a place where they could live in comfort. You see a leper is someone with the disease called Leprosy that is caused by a bacterial infection. Back then there was no cure for it… We shall continue on now. When they had arrived in South Beach, Miami on a cool night like this," Mark stated as he looked out into the fog.

"Blake and his crew had been misguided by a campfire on shore… Just like this one." He pointed to their campfire; the boys' eyes went wide. "The vessel then was steered off course, and Blake and his crew smashed into the rocks below. Then as he pondered what they would do next seven conspirators lit a fire to sink the Elizabeth Dane to rob Blake of his gold. In the end all people were killed on board. They were burned alive… The legend is Blake and his crew come back every seventy years on the exact same date they met their terrible deaths in search of what was rightfully theirs, and to seek revenge on the citizens of Miami. Tomorrow's date is seventy years since the last claimed sighting."

Mark ended the story with his ghostly voice. Silence was all that came from the boy scouts. He decided to add more, "Now every time you see the fog and you notice a glow that means he's back, and has come to claim what he had lost two hundred and ten years ago." He paused as he looked back out into the fog. It seemed to have a slight glow to it.. The looks on the boys and fathers faces exuded fear as they too watched the fog, as it stood idle out in the ocean.