Author's Note- I've been thinking, and I need to do a fan fiction for Negima! Magister Negi Magi. I've been considering my options, and I can't decide between Chachamaru or Evangeline. I have though, come up with something for Evangeline, so I'll work with Chachamaru first. Enjoy!

A 2009 Obscurum Production

A Decade of Waiting

Chapter 1- Reboot

Ten years ago was memorable time for the students in Negi Springfield's class. The bulk of magical adventures had passed, and the students were able to resume their normal lives. Sadly, they tried to seduce Negi more often, and Evangeline hit another bump in the road, skipping class once again. Chachamaru however, still continued to come to class. Day after day, she diligently continued attending, a new smile now forged on her face thanks to Negi. Strangely though, not all things last, for life just does not simply repeat. Things can change, even in technology. The time was June 20th, 2003. Negi was at the head of the classroom, teaching his lesson.

"Now girls, can any of you tell me the answer to this question?"

Makie raised her hand.

"Sure! The answer is While My Guitar Gently Weeps, performed by The Beatles during the decade between 1960 and 1970."

Meanwhile, Chachamaru tuned in, and saved the song to her files instantly memorizing it.

"It is a sad, yet wonderful song Master Negi."

"Why thank you Chachamaru. I acquired a taste for the band when I was digging through some of my father's possessions a couple of days ago."

Chachamaru readjusted in her seat, a slow tiredness coming over her.

What is this? I've been properly charged, yet for some reason I'm powering down…

Negi continued to teach the class, question after question, minute after precious minute ticking away. Soon, the bell rang and the students rose from their seats.

"See you later Negi," said Sayo and the other girls as they left.

"Goodbye girls!"

Negi returned to his desk, and began to grade papers when he caught something in the corner of his eye. He glanced up to find Chachamaru still in the room, sitting in her desk with a relaxed expression, her eyes shut.

"Oh dear Chachamaru, the bell has rung! You best not be late for next period!"

No response was heard. Negi rose from his desk, and approached the sleeping girl quietly. He raised his hand, and gently shook her shoulder.

"Chachamaru, are you asleep?"

To his horror, Chachamaru collapsed in her seat, and fell out the side with her head hitting the floor with a clatter.


He furiously dug through his pocket, until he drew out a key which he kept for specific emergencies such as this. He gently rolled the unconscious robot on her front, and inserted the key slowly releasing magic into it and turning it gently. There was no response. No moaning, no shaking, nothing.

"Chachamaru, wake up!"

Negi shook the lifeless body with no response. Tears began to fall from his eyes.


He gently laid down the robot, and bolted from the room yelling madly.

"Satomi! Satomi! Come here immediately! Chachamaru is unconscious!"

Meanwhile, the aspiring scientist was in the adjacent hallway when she heard Negi yelling. Soon, the ten year old appeared around the corner.

"What is it Negi?"

"It's Chachamaru! She's out cold, I think she's dead!"

"Negi, that's impossible! You should be able to simply recharge her using magic, and also her current power supply should last her a two full days without combat."


Satomi looked at the young professor with a puzzled expression.

"Fine, don't believe me? I'll just check her wireless diagnostics."

She pulled a PDA from her skirt pocket, and began to tap at the screen with a scribe pen. Soon, she too came under the same conclusion of Negi.

"My god, Negi. She's not showing up here! Take me back to the classroom!"

They ran at a dead sprint for the classroom, and practically rammed the door down. They clawed their way through desks until they reached the rear corner of the room.

"Oh no, this is not good! Negi, help me get her into a sitting position in her desk!"

The two worked together to get the now non-functional robot into her desk. Satomi reached up, and pulled a hidden cord from the bottom of one of the 'ears' on Chachamaru's head, connecting it to her PDA.

"Her readouts show that she's gone into a deep sleep mode. She's totally locked up! Even I can't do anything!"

Negi began to weep again.

"So… is she… is Chachamaru…"

Satomi turned and hugged the ten year old tightly.

"I'm sorry Negi. There's nothing I can do right now."

"So she's dead?"

Satomi bent down and wiped the tears from the professor's eyes.

"No, don't get ahead of yourself Negi. She can still accept inputs of data and still holds her memory, it's just frozen in time. I don't know how and when she locked up, but with some time I can make a program that can reboot her. Until then… she needs to remain here in this desk, and move as little as possible."

"Thank goodness. How long will it take?"

"Given her level of encryption, it could be a day, it could be a week, weeks, months, or years."

"Thank you for relieving my fears Satomi."

"Don't mention it professor. I'll go talk to Dean Konoe and tell him of the situation. I suggest that you prepare to hold this position for awhile."

"You mean my job?"

"Yes Negi, for she needs someone to charge her. My suggestion would be that every day you give her the same amount of magic you have in the past."

"I understand."

With that final conversation that period began the long slumber that Chachamaru would begin. Day after day, Negi would practically sleep in the classroom, sleeping in the dorms only when Asuna would ask. He divided his time three ways during the ten years, one third going to Asuna, the second third going to teaching, and the third third going to the care of the sleeping Chachamaru. Later that beginning day, when Evangeline heard of the predicament, she neither became enraged nor was depressed. Her words were 'All things must die some time, and animated non life forms are also included.'

Day after day the girl frozen in time sat in the shadowy corner of the room, and every day Negi would sit behind his desk, growing older and older. He also ironically, acquired a broad collection of music, most of it being by The Beatles. Many a winter, many a spring, many a summer, and many a fall passed during her slumber. Negi continued his job, eventually writing two books over his career and becoming a small-time computer technician.


Ten years later…

In a simulated darkness, Chachamaru's consciousness floated in an abyssal plain, with nothing above, below, or around her. However, as she continued to browse around nonchalantly, light began to envelop her. Soon, the familiar pleasure of being wound up by that certain someone returned, and she began to fall. Soon, she fell into a warm water, looking into a giant 3-D computer database. She approached it, and slowly touched one of the panels on the side labeled 'reboot.'

Negi had just finished his evening windup of the girl, and sat behind his desk peering into his laptop. A song began playing that had been acquired on the last anniversary of Chachamaru's 'Temporary Passing.'

Meanwhile, the girl that had frozen for ten years… began to operate. As the 20 year old professor continued to tap into the small device, she silently rose from her seat.

There are places I remember

All my life, though some have changed

Some forever, not for better

Some have gone and some remain

She took a step.

All these places had their moments

With lovers and friends

I still can recall

Some are dead and some are living

In my life I've loved them all

During the first two verses, Chachamaru silently padded her way to the front of the room, the unknowing teacher continuing to listen. Soon, Chachamaru sung the next verse.

"But of all these friends and lovers,

There is no one, compares with you

And these memories lose their meaning

When I think of love, as something new"

"Negi's head jerked up from behind the laptop. Oh hello Chachamaru, why are you here so late? Evangeline's probably waiting."

Though I know I'll never lose affection
For people and things that went before
I know I'll often stop and think about them
In my life I love you more

The stunned girl looked upon him with widened eyes.


Negi looked down, and had continued typing, when he realized her presence. His heart began to skip beats, and as soon as he came to the full realization that his ten year dream had come true, the desk chair toppled over.


Though I know I'll never lose affection
For people and things that went before
I know I'll often stop and think about them
In my life I love you more

In my life I love you more

The now 20 year old Negi Springfield hurled himself over the desk and onto Chachamaru, who now wore a startled expression. He wrapped his arms around her, tears streaming from his eyes.

"Chachamaru, you're back! After ten years you're back!"

Reluctantly, she wrapped her arms around him.

"What do you mean ten years?"

Now realizing this Negi unlocked from the embrace, and stepped back. He sighed, and began to speak.

"Chachamaru. You have been in what I would call the equivalent of a coma… for ten years."

"What, how can this be?"

"I don't know what happened that day ten years ago, but one day you just completely stopped responding."

"So you've been teaching and watching me for ten years?"

Negi smiled, proud of his accomplishment.


Immediately worry set in.

"Oh my goodness, what condition is master in? I must go home immediately!"

"Chachamaru, she's gone."


"She's left Mahora. About 2 years ago, I found out how to break her out! It was pure hell, but I did it. Had to give about half my blood though…"

Chachamaru sat down, as well as Negi. Soon the two turned when they heard someone storming down the hallway. Soon, Satomi Hakase hurled the door open.

"Negi! Chachamaru's readings are back, and they're off the charts!!!"

She paused, looking the two over and began to slowly connect the dots.

"Aww damn. I just got the unlock program finished too!"