A/N: Sayjay-chan would like to say sorry for a mistake she didn't realize until last night! I forgot to put down in the ending author's note what all those suffixes after Sasuke's name meant! I used google to find them and just picked ones that meant he was greater then Sakura, royal, amazing, that sort of thing. I won't bore you with a detailed explanation of each one. Also, this is the last chapter. I'm sorry, I know you would all love for this to go on, but feel that this is a good way to end it. I'm going out with a bang, don't worry!

Disclaimer: I believe I already made one for both of these, but just in case I don't own Google or Twilight. Again, haters, it's not what you think! It's more of a comic relief type thing!

I Love You, I Think

Chapter 15

The next day Hinata, Neji, TenTen, and Naruto all found letters in their mailboxes from Sakura. They all read the same:

Hey, this is Sakura!

I thought you would like to know that Sasuke and I (okay, it was mostly Sasuke; I'm only writing this because he's scowling over my shoulder. You know how he hates to share- ow, he poked me in the ribcage!) came up with the perfect way to get revenge on Gai-Sensei. Come by my place at once so we can talk about it in detail. Neji and TenTen, DO NOT LET GAI FIND OUT! Naruto, don't go bragging your big mouth to anybody either. Oh, and don't take forever at Ichiraku's, because if you don't show up in time we're going ahead with the plan without you.

Love always, Sakura (and Sasuke so he doesn't feel lonely- ow he poked me again!!!!)

It was just after ten in the morning when the gang showed up at Sakura's house. They were surprised that Naruto was on time too. It appeared Sakura's threat had pushed him into action (not to mention giving them all a laugh). Once everyone was gathered in Sakura's living room, she stood in front of the group and called for attention.

"Glad you guys could make it! Help yourselves to the chocolate on the table." Sakura gestured to the said chocolate, smiling at Neji when he caught her eye. Even though he was now with TenTen, it still made Neji happy to notice there wasn't much chocolate on the plate.

Naruto instantly reached forward and grabbed a handful of chocolate, then continued to shove the whole pile into his mouth. Hinata looked down at her hands and smiled, finding the sight extremely cute. Sakura ignored the pig, deciding that argument wasn't worth her time.

"Um, well you all know why we're here, right?" Sakura asked.

"Yeah, to get revenge on Gai-Sensei!" TenTen stated, earning several mutters of agreement. The pinkette turned to Sasuke, looking a little uncomfortable being up front alone. Sasuke rolled his eyes and joined her. As it turned out, Sasuke's plan was the exact same as Sakura's. She only agreed to let him take credit because, well, Sasuke knew how to be very persuasive when he wanted to be.

"Here's how this is going to work: I'm going to give each of you a camera. We'll take turns watching him in different places such as at home or on his way to the market. That way we can be sure to get enough blackmail to prevent Gai from ever interfering in our lives again." Sasuke reached for a plastic bag sitting on the ground and pulled out six disposable cameras. He tossed one to each person and scowled when Naruto dropped his.

"Use them well. In one week we'll meet back here and pick the best photographs. Then, we confront Gai." Sasuke ordered, signaling a dismissal. Neji and TenTen left first, carefully tucking their cameras in their hip pouches before departing.

"I like the chocolate Sakura!" Naruto announced with a smile. Brown goop could be seen between his teeth.

"Eh, glad to know Naruto." Sakura forced herself to smile back.

"Let's go Hinata!" Naruto linked arms with his new girlfriend and out they went, with Hinata shouting a stuttered goodbye over her shoulder.

"That went well, I think." Sakura said brightly once everyone had left.

"Let's just go; I want to get my revenge as soon as possible." Sasuke proclaimed.

"What's with you and the whole vengeance thing? I swear you're more obsessed with it then Naruto is with ramen." Sakura giggled at Sasuke's expression.

"I am not obsessed with revenge." he argued, heading towards the kitchen.

"Sasuke, for the last time, there are no more tomatoes!" Sakura called after the Uchiha, hearing him swear back at her.

"I thought you wanted to leave, and go get your precious revenge?" Sakura headed towards the kitchen, wondering what was up with the Uchiha boy.

"Later, I'm busy now." the boy replied. Sakura quickened her pace, eager to find out what was so important it made him want to put off revenge. She froze when she saw him eating the tomato that had previously been on the floor.

"They really are your favorite, huh?" Sakura made a face. Sasuke finished the whole tomato and washed his hands in the sink.

"You could say that, but lately there's been something else that I consider my favorite." Sasuke said casually.

"And that would be…?" Sakura asked, curious.

"You." Sasuke couldn't help but say it, and though it took a lot for him to admit it, he was glad he did. Sakura hugged him again, overly elated that Sasuke would ever say such a thing. It was very out of character for him; Sasuke never was the type to show his emotions.

Sakura had always done her best to figure out what was going on inside her teammate's head, but it really touched her heart that he was finally opening up. Ino sure wouldn't like that!

"It's not that big of a deal." Sasuke muttered, the smallest of small smiles visible on his face.


One week passed, and as agreed the young ninja reunited at Sakura's house.

"Okay, spread the photos on the coffee table." Sasuke commanded. Neji made a scoffing sound, but other then that nobody made a remark about Sasuke's sudden bossy behavior. Over the course of the next hour, the six ninjas all but laughed to death. They had the most humiliating pictures anyone could have ever dreamed of.

"How does one guy do so many freaky things?" TenTen managed to say in between giggles.

"I-I don't know, but it s-sure was interesting to s-spy on him." Hinata uttered.

"You said it! MegaBrows is a total oddball!" Naruto added.

"Watch it!" Neji and TenTen warned in unison.

"I don't know about you guys, but I like these the best." Sakura pushed the said photos towards the middle.

"Me too!" the others nodded in agreement.

"Let's end this." Sasuke grabbed the photo he had taken and the others did the same. Then, it was off to Gai's usual training grounds. It wasn't hard to find the green clad man; after all, who else did they know that walks around on their hands for hours on end?

"Oh Gai-Sensei!" TenTen called in a sing song voice.

"Ah, Konoha's newest love birds! What can I do for you on this amazing day of youth?" Gai pushed off of the ground and did a back flip, landing on his feet casually.

"We have something to show you." Neji slowly pulled out his blackmail.

"What's that?" Gai asked, a single bead of sweat dropping down the side of his face.

"Oh, nothing much. Just a photograph of you inside your home. Remember last Monday? You were standing in front of the sink in your bathroom? During that time you reached up and peeled your eyebrows off, leaving the impression that they're fake! If you look at this piece of evidence, you can see the said facial hair in your hand and not on your face." Neji help up the photograph smugly.

"N-Now it's not what you think!" Gai laughed nervously.

"We're not done quite yet. I have a photograph too." Sakura held hers up next.

"This scarred me for life. I have proof that you, Gai-Sensei, like to sing in the privacy of your living room- in a really tight and unfortunately really skimpy Speedo. I believe this was taken on Tuesday." sure enough, there was Gai in a green Speedo singing into a hair brush.

"Me next, me next! Mine was taken on Wednesday!" Naruto shouted, happily waving his evidence around.

"Here's a picture of Gai-Sensei braiding his long and curly black chest hair!" Naruto grinned his lopsided goofy smile, obviously overly elated at his find.

"I-I have a picture of Gai-Sensei's c-closet. You c-can tell it's his b-because of the spandex h-hanging in the b-background. If you l-look closely, you can see a p-picture of a red headed k-kunoichi from our v-village. Gai-Sensei has b-built a mini shrine to t-this woman. M-My photo was taken on Thursday." Hinata flashed her photo. Gai was really starting to sweat now.

"Now for my picture! This was taken on Friday. It was late in the evening, just after our team's training session. Gai-Sensei was at home relaxing after a hard days work. But how does he do that? He sits on his couch, reading the highly acclaimed book called Twilight, and if you look at his eyes you can see that he's crying." TenTen proudly held the photo out of Gai's reach.

"Finally, my picture that was taken on Saturday. It was getting late, and Gai-Sensei had just settled down to go to sleep. I was going to give up; clearly there was nothing to blackmail him with when it comes to sleeping. Then, I saw him turn around, snuggling with a teddy bear that was wearing a lavender dress." Sasuke showed his piece of evidence and smirked.

"Ha ha ha hahahahahahahaha!" Gai started laughing loudly.

"Ah, you kids are so full of your youth! I love a good joke! Hee hee hahaha!" the spandex wearer pretended to wipe away a tear. The six ninjas started to walk away; Naruto and Hinata holding hands, Neji with his arm around TenTen's waist, and Sakura leaning her head on Sasuke's shoulder while he kept one hand in his pocket and the other over her shoulders.

"Neji? TenTen?" Gai called, taking a step after them.

"Hinata? Naruto? Sakura? Sasuke? Guys? It was a joke, right?" Gai started running after the new romantics, shouting their names and pleading for the blackmail.

"That was satisfying." Neji said as they ignored the man chasing after them.

"I can't wait for the day to come when we get to use these pictures again!" TenTen sighed contently.

"I want to see the look on Gai-Sensei's face when he finds out we made copies!" Sakura added.

"You two sure like the idea of making MegaBrows squirm." Naruto observed.

"W-Well, he did t-try to force us into a r-relationship." Hinata reminded.

"But we all ended up together anyway." Sasuke countered.

"Oh my gosh, Sasuke contributed to the conversation!" Sakura gasped in mock surprise.

"Shut up!" he snapped back. Sakura stuck out her tongue at him.

"Hey, why don't we all go out for some ramen?" Naruto suggested.

"Is that all you ever eat?" TenTen inquired.

"Yes." Hinata answered with a little chuckle.

"Ramen actually sounds good right now." Neji stated. Sasuke didn't look pleased.

"I'll order extra tomatoes for you next time I go shopping!" Sakura bribed, knowing full well Sasuke couldn't resist.

"Ramen it is!" Naruto cheered.

"It'll be like one big happy date!" TenTen put in, earning a group moan.

"Remember what happened last time we all went on a big happy date?" Neji frowned.

"Yeah, we all got attacked by Sasuke's fangirls over a piece of his stupid shirt, and all of Konoha thought that I was gay with him!" Naruto growled at the memory.

"Don't remind me." Sasuke didn't like to remember that either.

"I-I'm glad you two d-didn't really turn out g-gay…" Hinata said shyly.

"Between you and me, if I had to be gay it sure as heck wouldn't be with teme over there." Naruto muttered in her ear.

"What was that baka?" Sasuke hissed, knowing full well what was said.

"I think you're both idiots." Neji murmured. TenTen poked him in the side.

"Be nice." she told him, smiling as he gave her a quick kiss on the forehead. Naruto and Sasuke continued their bickering on the way to Ichiraku's, only ceasing when Sakura threatened to punch them both. It appeared this was something they were going to have to get used too, because what started out as

"…I love you…I think." evolved to kisses, hand holding, and tomato frenzies. Gai may have been stuck with the raw end of the stick, but the village hidden in the leaves now had three happy couples and six stronger friendships in its mist.

The rest, they say, is history.

A/N: I think the ending might have been crap. I just wasn't sure how to end it. And I'm kinda afraid of the reviews, because I'm sure nobody wanted this fan fiction to come to a finish. But the ride's been fun, and I really did love writing this! It is, by far, the most reviewed/alerted fic I've ever written. I guess I'll have to say it's my best, based off those stats. Thanks a kazillion to you, the reader, for all the love and support I got! I love seeing familiar names as people review every chapter. Remember, I've written plenty of other SasuSaku and some HinaNaru and NejiTen. Until next time, readers, bye bye now!