Hi everyone

I am back, Uni is still killing me but soon it will be done for this year.

Hope you like this one, it's another angsty one!!!

As usual the characters belong to the wonderful J. K. Rowling, I am just playing in her world.

Sirius xoxo

What everyone else could see!

Ron Weasley and Caroline Jenson had been dating for two years. They met when she came into his store to buy some Quidditch supplies for her younger brothers, and after a few lunches then some dates, the two have been inseparable since.

Ron, Harry and Hermione had moved into a flat that Harry had purchased after they left school. It was a nice three bedroom flat on the top floor of the building. It was big enough for the three of them to have a room each but after Ron and Caroline became serious, the flat was getting a bit tight for four, so they moved into their own place.

Hermione and Caroline got on well but you wouldn't say they were the best of friends. Hermione only had one best friend, Harry. Not Ron, just Harry. Ron and Hermione started dating when they were in school, but when it fell apart, things were never quite the same for Hermione.

Hermione was really glad when Caroline came along as she felt the pressure was off. Even though Ron had not shown any romantic interest in her since their disastrous attempt at a relationship, Mrs Weasley would not be swayed. To her, the world would be perfect when Ron and Hermione married and Ginny and Harry married. One big happy Weasley family.

Not likely.

Hermione was sure that Ginny still had a flame for Harry but Harry never acted on it. She was presently living with Neville Longbottom and they seemed really suited together.

Hermione was not dating anyone, actually she had not dated anyone since Ron and she liked it that way. Harry was also not dating anyone but his reasons were more personal.

On many occasions he had sought Hermione's advice about dating. He was always concerned that woman were only after a piece of the fame that came with dating the famous Harry Potter. So to avoid this, Hermione always escorted Harry to functions that were needed. They were very comfortable with each other and it was only natural.

It was Ginny's turn to host the dinner at her and Neville's home and Ron and Caroline had arrived early to help out.

Caroline and Ginny were in the kitchen preparing pre dinner snacks when Caroline brought up a common subject.

"Hey Gin, why don't Harry and Hermione actually admit they are dating?"

Caroline walked over to place the dips and chips out on the table in front of Ron while Neville was getting some drinks when he turned around to answer her question.

"There not actually dating you know?" Ginny looked at Neville and rolled her eyes.

"Honey, they may as well be, they live together, they do everything together and have you seen them around each other?"

Ron was shovelling biscuits into his mouth and when Neville brought his drink back he washed it down as he looked at Ginny with a questioning look.

"What do you mean Gin?" Caroline jumped in to give her evidence.

"Oh Ron, for heavens sake, they are always touching each other, like intimately." Caroline took a sip of her wine but Ron shook his head. He knew what they meant and they were all overreacting.

"Listen Caroline, it's not like that with those two. They are always touching each other and fixing each other, bloody annoying actually when you live with it, but it is normal for them. You're putting too much into this." Ron laughed it off but noticed no one was laughing with him.

"Oh come on, Nev, you know Hermione, she is a bloody mother, she pampers everyone and fusses all the time?"

"Listen mate, it's just that she never did that when you two were going out together, she never fussed over you like that, it is possible that they love each other and they don't realise it." Neville took another sip and pulled Ginny onto his lap.

"Of course they bloody love each other, they always have, but it's not like THAT kind of love." Ron shook his head and decided he had better change the subject. Once these three got going with this subject it always got out of hand and plus Harry and Hermione would be there any minute.

"So Nev, how's Hogwarts treating you, any kids in your class that are as bad as we were?" Neville laughed and knew there was no point in continuing with the subject at hand, so he and Ron had a good chat about their former school.

Neville was the Professor for herbology when Professor Sprout retired. Neville was her first choice for a replacement and he loved his job immensely. He had really come out of his shell and as funny as it sounds, he was actually very close to Professor Snape at work.

Ginny worked with Ron in the Quidditch shop and she thoroughly enjoyed it. She also ran Quidditch classes for children and that took up most of her afternoons and some days. This worked in well as Neville always worked late so she wasn't home alone for very long.

Caroline was actually out of a job when she met Ron, but once he introduced her to the twins, she was hired immediately. She was trained in book keeping and the twins loved that she would join in with their pranks and didn't take life so seriously, as well as keeping their books in great order.

The conversation of Hogwarts was well under way when there was a knock on the door and Ginny jumped up to answer it. When she opened the door she found Harry and Hermione laughing and Hermione jumping around. Harry was standing behind her and was tickling her mercilessly. She couldn't stand up straight and was threatening to drop the box of cakes she had purchased for dessert.

"Harry Potter, if I drop these cakes, you better watch out?" Hermione was wiggling around trying to get out of his embrace.

Harry leant forward and whispered in her ear,

"Why, watcha gonna do Granger, read me to death?" Hermione stomped her foot down but Harry knew what she was doing and moved out of the way quickly.

"Ahem... if you two don't mind?" Ginny was still standing at the doorway with her arms folded, waiting for them to compose themselves and come inside.

"Sorry, Gin, Potter is being a prat, as usual." Hermione walked in and kissed Ginny on the cheek and Harry followed, also kissing Ginny's cheek.

The hellos were echoing through the small unit and Ginny walked out of the kitchen with some drinks. Ron and Caroline were stretched out on the lounge and Neville and Ginny were sitting on each others lap which left one single chair. Harry plonked down and patted his lap for Hermione to sit down and she didn't hesitate.

There were a few eye signals that passed between Neville, Ginny and Caroline but Harry and Hermione didn't notice.

The conversation was light and fun and the three couples had a few laughs at the expense of some of the students in Neville's class.

Dinner was delicious but it was the show that Harry and Hermione were putting on that had the others intrigued. Harry had his arm around the back of Hermione's chair and was playing with her hair through the entree. Then during the main meal, Hermione scooted her chair closer to Harry to tell him something in his ear and stayed close to him. Finally at dessert, when Hermione was playing with his fingers while he talked about work at the Ministry, Caroline couldn't stand it any longer.

"You know what Hermione, you and Harry sure act like a couple, is there something you should be telling us?" Ron rolled his eyes and lightly kicked her under the table. She didn't react as she had her eyes trained on Hermione and Harry waiting to see what they would say.

"Here we go again Harry." Hermione laughed it off and so did Harry. He tried to change the subject but Caroline wouldn't be swayed and what was worse, she seemed to have Ginny on side too.

"Come on guys, you have to admit, you are very..... comfortable.. with each other." Ginny quickly took a sip of her drink and avoided her brother's stare.

Hermione looked at everyone expecting to see the joke evident on their faces, but she was mistaken. They were serious, very serious. Harry also looked at them shocked.

"What's going on you guys?" Harry was looking around the table and didn't fail to notice that Ron wouldn't make eye contact.

"Ron?" Ron could not ignore the direct questioning and jumped to his mates defence.

"Harry, I told them, but no, they wouldn't listen. I said you guys are always touchy, feely and lovey dovey...."

"What Ronald, we are not?" Hermione sat back in her chair and folded her arms across her chest in a defensive mode. Harry pulled his hand back and laid it in his own lap.

"No, no Mione, I don't mean anything like that, but it's just that these guys don't understand the intimacy you two have..."

"What intimacy Ron?" Harry was becoming annoyed and poor Ron was coping it.

"Well Harry, I think you two are just too blind to see what's right in front of you, just because you have my stupid brother convinced, doesn't mean we believe you." Harry stared at Ginny and realised that she had everyone else on side.

"OK, what exactly do we do that is supposed to mean that we are intimate?" Hermione used her fingers to make air quotations when she said 'intimate'.

The girls started on her and were relentless in their quest. Harry and Hermione didn't stand a chance against the arsenal of evidence they had. Hermione tried to jump in to her and Harry's defence but it wasn't working.

They continued grilling Harry after they saw Hermione was done and he was getting more annoyed by the minute.

Harry was getting flustered and unfortunately, blurted out the first thing that crossed his mind.

"It's not possible guys as I have a girlfriend."

Ok so what do you think??

Review if you like, Sirius xoxo