Girl disappearing

Storyteller: Isla de Muerta

Genre: Romance/General/Angst/Drama

Rating: T just for sure

Disclaimer: Only the ones you don't recognize are mine. All mistakes are mine. Every similarities to anything or anyone between earth and heaven are accidental.

Summary: When the second anniversary of Lene's death arrives, Michael begins to see hallucinations. Or are they hallucinations after all?

Chapter I: 7 am

"7 am

So it begins again

1-0 ( zip ) favoring familiar silhouettes "

"Good morning pal," Michael greeted not talkatively KITT, when he entered to the garage.

"Good morning Michael. You're up early. Is everything alright?" KITT immediately sensed Michael's mood.

"No, not really. Don't you remember what day it is?" Michael sounded bit harsher than he meant to.

"Of course I remember Michael. How could I forget?" KITT was hurt.

"I'm sorry pal. Of course you do remember. It's just so sore matter for me still. Even after two years, I'm waiting for her to swoosh in and make me laugh," Michael apologized.

"I forgive you Michael. Are we going to the cemetery?" the car inquired.

"Yes and after that to the city. I need to be there at 6.30 am," Michael explained.

It took Michael half an hour to run the errand he'd came to the city for. At 7 am, he was back where KITT was waiting for him. Just when he was climbing to the driver's seat, Michael caught a glimpse of somehow familiar silhouette. He stopped to where he was and frowned.

"What is it Michael? Is everything OK? You look little pale," KITT asked when Michael just stood outside.

"Huh? Did you said something pal?" Michael said.

"I asked if everything is OK because you look like you've seen a ghost," KITT repeated.

"No, nothing. Everything is fine. I just thought I saw someone," Michael answered absentminded.

Back at the mansion, Michael passed Bonnie like a sleepwalker, not even noticing her "good morning" to him.

"What's with Michael, KITT?" Bonnie asked from the car.

"I really don't know Bonnie. He was distracted and unusual quiet for the whole ride back. He said that he thought seen someone at city but he didn't told who he thought he saw," KITT replied.

"That made him act like he did?" Bonnie wondered.

"Yes, I think so. He became very pale and his pulse rose," KITT explained, "I wonder who he thought he saw," he continued.

"I don't know KITT but whoever it was made a big effect to Michael. I haven't seen him like this after Lene's death," Bonnie noted while she was tuning KITT's Power System.

At that night, at his bedroom, Michael was flipping his photo album. There was a picture of Lene posing very sexy on KITT's hood. There was a picture of Lene, stretching her hand and she had a pigeon sitting on it. And then there was Michael's favorite picture where Lene was walking along the beach, at the waterline, alone, when the sun was setting. It was only a silhouette of Lene, she had summer dress on and bare feet. Her head was bowed, she had been sad on that day.

"I should've been there on the day you were killed," Michael whispered to the picture, touching it gently. Suddenly he heard a tap on his window. He walked to the window, opened it but saw nothing. Only the wind rustled the bushes. Michael closed the window again.

At the garage, KITT detected something moving at the mansion's area but couldn't find out what was it.