Mickey: I know it's been a good 6 month's Since we've updated TAK or TDK, but WE ARE BACK. That's right, we're back and better than ever. New characters, new episodes, new crew, and... a new game. This is Total Action Kingdom gone wild. We're pulling out all stops to bring you the greatest fanfic game show ever made. We tallied the votse from the polls on to find out who you wanted back on the show. This is a true battle of the Gladiators. This TOTAL... DISNEY... KINGDOM!

Mickey: Yup, that's right. Kingdom Hearts Characters will battle the Disney characters from Kingdom Hearts. Now before we introduce the returning players, let's look at the new season. Now remever all of those annoying grammer errors... not anymore, we're doing this on Word first to get rid of thos errors. Number two: The confession booth will appear more and it will be less complicated... Whenever a player is in the stall, they'll be in italics. Like I am now. Now I bet you really got attached to the originales.

Mickey: We're only having 18 competitors this time. There will be 9 Square-Enix charcters, 9 Disney Characters, 1 winner. First on the Square team... Sora.

(Sora arrives by boat) Sora: Great to be back a third time, Mic. I' really getting used to this.

Mickey: Good, good. Now the first Disney player... Hercules!

(Hercules is kissing his muscles on the boat) Hercules: Aweseome, I'm gonna kick some real butt this year. I mean, look at these muscles.

Mickey: Uhh yeah. Now the reason I brought you two out first is because you're the two captain. Sora, take this red Square flag, and Herc take this blue Disney flag. The 8 following Sora are Leon, Roxas, Cloud, Riku, Aqua, Kairi, Aerith, and......... Namine.

(The Square team runs over to Sora and the celebrate)

Mickey: Great, now the Disney team consists of..... Aladdin, Jack Skellington, Beast, Mulan, Tron, Tarzan, Donald and...... Goofy.

(The Disney team gathers and celebrates)

Mickey: Fantastic, now let's get move on. This time we'll be bunking at the ever-popular Disney Land. The contestants will have to do Disney-based challenges. Now you can't say I'll like the Squares better cause I've seen them more or that I like the Disney team better cause I'm from the same company as them, I don't really like any of them.

Mickey: What are they playing for, you ask? Well since last season was never really "finished". They're playing for the 999,999 munny that no one won last time. This season marks a break in the forth-wall this way, it uses an element totally made-up to bring two large industries together, like in the industrial revolution.

Mickey: Who will win? What will the new season be like? And will we see Riku topless again? Find out on the new season of TOTAL... DISNEY... KINGDOM!