Okie doke. I love spies. I love Burn Notice. And I love Alex Rider. So here we go. (If any of you guys read my other stories, they're not abandoned, not in the least bit. I just need some... a lot more time to figure out where I want to go with them.)

Alex Rider noticed everything immediately. The substitute teacher that asked to see him right as he walked into the classroom late. Substitutes didn't care when students were late. That was his first mistake. The amateurish way the man kept checking for the gun hidden within his blazer. The reassuring smile. The man was out of his element. A teacher does not smile when he has to reprimand a student or take time out of his lesson plan. His organization had told him to be wary of this target, he was a kid, but had the skills and reaction time of a fully grown man. Foolishly, he had his guard down thinking the boy would never see it coming in his own school.

He took a few steps back and away from the door, far enough so his classmates wouldn't see anything through the window and right at the security camera blindspot. Alex didn't wait for the man to strike or even to confirm his suspicions, the feel of immediate danger was to strong to just ignore or put off. He attacked immediately, striking at the man's throat. The assassin choked and gasped, his hands grasping his throat… no longer within reach of the gun. Alex followed up with a kick to his gut and grabbed the gun and aimed it towards him as he doubled over in pain. The man dropped to the ground, out cold.

Still reeling from the fact that whoever had sent this man knew where he went to school, Alex tried to think clearly. Should he call the police? Wait for them to get here, then explain… explain what? That he was a teenage spy working for MI6? He had gone through the same thing too many times to expect anyone to believe him.

Looking around for anyone in the hallway that may have seen him and finding nothing, he tucked the gun into the waistband of his jeans. He'd need it to defend himself, even if he didn't plan on shooting anyone, it looked deadly enough. His classmates wouldn't have noticed anything, still raucously rejoicing over not having a teacher. He decided the best plan would be to go to headquarters and find Blunt. Even if the head of MI6 wouldn't present him with any options he'd like, at least he's have an idea of what the hell was going on.

As he ran out the main doors, he wondered who was responsible for this. Scorpia was too careful to send someone this easy to beat. Scorpia's agents did not fail. Perhaps this was a warning to watch his back? None of it made sense.

He pushed through the doors of the Royal and General Bank and walked straight to the woman in the back, deciding that it would draw the least attention to himself. Did his logic even make sense? He didn't know, he was still doubting his decision to leave his classmates back in school. There could be more assassins, killing every boy until they found him. He should have pulled the fire alarm when he had the chance.

"I need to speak with Alan Blunt." He said to the secretary urgently. This was Miss Treat. There was no way she wouldn't recognize him. He really didn't want to go through the whole song and dance of 'Kid, this is a bank. You must have quite the imagination' again.

"I'm sorry, we don't have an Alan Blunt here," she said honestly. "Are you sure you're not looking for—"

"NO, I am NOT looking for anyone other than Alan Blunt who I know DAMN well works here." He yelled in frustration, not believing his ears.

"Sir, if you don't quiet down, I will be forced to phone the police," she threatened quietly.

Alex leaned on the counter, racking his brain for the code phrase he had been given months ago in case this ever happened again. He hadn't committed it to memory as he had been reassured he would never need to use it.

"Uh… the scorpion is loose in building. You should call an exterminator…?" If that wasn't it, he was screwed. Miss Treat picked up her phone and dialed. "Hello? Alex Rider is here…" She paused and listened, her face betraying nothing. "Okay. I'll let him know," she said, hanging up the phone.

"Well? Can I see him now? This is a matter of life and—" Alex began.

"Alex Rider, you've been burned."

Here's the thing, I like the idea of this story very much, but I also like it as a one-shot. Alex free of MI6 forever, right? But things can't possibly be that easy. So leave a review telling me what you think and if you'd like to read more.