Prompt: I want to need you

Deep down inside, all girls want to meet their prince charming. They want to be saved by their white knight, his muscles bulging in gleaming armor. A man with a dashing smile that sparkles in the sun. A man with a headful of thick hair and pectoral muscles that threaten to tear his shirt to shreds each time he flexes.

Every girl wants a hero who saves her from impending disaster at the very last instant. Every girl wants that.


Of course they do. Who wouldn't want to be held by Mr. Tall Dark and Handsome? Even though it feels like your spleen is about to burst if he squeezes any harder. Who wouldn't want to be the damsel in distress, thrown to safety by an actual superhero? Even though he threw me into a pile of garbage. What if those bags hadn't been there? Would I have splattered on the pavement? Did he actually aim there or was it just dumb luck? Did he actually think that far ahead that fast? Does he actually think at all?

Stop it Penny, you know he thinks! He's a super hero after all! A card carrying member of the Good League of Super Goodies. Get it together, girl. First off, he saved your life. And then he actually asks you to be his girlfriend. What is there to complain about?

There are plenty of women (and even a few guys) who would do anything to be in your shoes. They would die to be you. Or kill, like that anonymous threat you got in the mail. Did that girl realize she put an address label on the envelope? What kind of name is Groupie One anyway?

Focus, Penny, focus. This is a very special, very romantic night for you. Hammer has gone all out in setting up this date for you. He took you out to that fancy restaurant with an impossible name to pronounce that's suppose to be booked months in advance. And he didn't even make you go dutch this time! And now he's giving you a tour of the Hammer Lair. Not many people have seen that. It's a privilege. An honor to see his private abode.

I don't even know his name. His real name. Unless Captain Hammer is his real name, is that what his birth certificate says? Does that mean Hammer is his last name? I wonder what his father's name was then. Colonel? Private?

I'm worried you don't have your priorities straight. You. Are. Dating. A. Superhero.

So? What good are superheroes anyway? I mean honestly. They fight super villains, but that doesn't affect the rest of us. I could care less that Bad Horse blew up a glue factory last week. He was probably saving some of his friends from becoming the bond for some kid's arts and crafts project.

You are thinking about glue when you've got Captain Hammer kissing you?

Ugh, onion breath. Wait, when did we wind up in his bedroom? Oh my gosh, he has leopard print sheets. Oh, those red velvet curtains are just too much. All the money he spent on this ridiculous room could have fed 50 people at the shelter.

Hello, earth to Penny! He already got the mayor to sign over that building to the shelter! He's helping you out, you should be grateful.

Too fast, too fast. He's moving too fast. I didn't want to do this with him, not tonight. Maybe not ever.

You owe him.

Well, I guess he isn't so bad.

He's helping the homeless.

He's not normally my type, but he is rather handsome. Shallow, muscular, but he has a good heart. That's what really matters.

He wants you. What else do you have to complain about?

I just want..